
Hi Honeys
Back again for today's Blogtember post.  We're almost at the end! I look forward to Blogtember so much and it always feels like it's barely started before it's over again.  Thank you so much to Bailey Jean for planning, organizing and hosting this wonderful link up each year for us all.

It's such fun and I know I can't be the only one who looks forward to September each year because "it's nearly Blogtember!" :) Thank you Bailey for all you do x

Today's prompt The top five pictures that illustrate your year so far.

A year (so far) in photos then honeys, OK, grab a coffee, and maybe a cookie, and meet me back here in a few minutes :)

1. How a fear of  getting my hands all icky led to a fun morning on BBC Radio..
I can't bear icky hands! Seriously honeys. I can't even. I've just had to stop typing and rub my hands together because even the thought of having anything other than skin on my hands freaks me out so much!  Just eeeewww!!

Because of this.... eccentricity (OK I'm odd!) of mine I've spent most of my life (it feels like) finding ways to avoid having anything even remotely icky anywhere even remotely near my hands.  Like I said, just eeeewwww times infinity! Latex gloves are my friend when cleaning (and sometimes when cooking! handle raw chicken or other meaty stuff? er no!)

So, dear ones, now that we've established that I'm nuttier than the biggest jar of peanuts at a catering suppliers... or, like I said... a little eccentric :)

Well in early June of last year I posted a method I've used for years now of opening my favourite stock cube without getting the ickiness factor and then something weird happened! I received a tweet and then an email and then chatted via a phone call with a lovely lady at the BBC who asked if I'd be willing to appear on the Breakfast show to talk about my post!

Long story short honeys I had the most fun morning, got to chat with some really lovely people, including the lovely Anne Diamond who was just as sweet and friendly as she's always seemed. I've adored her since she was a member of the TVam team in the 1980s so this was a special treat.

All that fun, excitement and some very happy memories, just because of a humble stock cube and because I don't like getting OXO mittens :)

2. Mum's Roses...

On Mother's Day this year honeys we went shopping to buy a very special rose shrub.  It was for my beloved Mother in law. We spent so long choosing just the right shrub and then brought it home and I watered it all week before, the following Sunday, we planted it alongside the gorgeous rose bush we'd planted in memory of my dear Gramma.

I miss Mum so much it hurts honeys.  It's an actual, physical pain. Mum, and my dear Gramma, were the two most important, most inspirational women in my life. I loved them both with every bit of my heart and I'll miss them until we're together again.

Can I be so bold as to offer some advice dear ones?  Whatever else you do today, no matter how busy you are, why not lift the phone and tell your Mum, if you're blessed to still have her, that you love her.  I promise you, from very painful experience that some day you'll wish more than anything that you could tell her just once more.  I would happily give the rest of my time for the chance to hug Mum and Gramma just once more and tell them how much I love and miss them.  If you're lucky enough to still have your Mum it will mean the world to her and you'll thank yourself too someday that you did x

3. The Picture Perfect Project

All this year, on the second Thursday of each month, I've been taking part in a wonderful link up called The Picture Perfect Project.  This fun link up challenges bloggers to improve their photography skills by taking more photographs.

I've been charting a year in the life of our garden and it's been such fun and is a fabulous record to look back on.

4. Our First Ever Trip To The Ideal Home Show

I am obsessed with interior design honeys.  I spent literally hours pouring over magazines and websites staring at perfect, gorgeous, dream homes so you can imagine how excited I was this year when Hubby suggested we go to the Ideal Home Show.

I've always wanted to go but it's always seemed like such a hassle. The travel, since it's a distance away and we don't own a car so that's a problem right there, as well as my mobility problems.

This exhibition is huge honeys, massive and there is so much to see.  We went, it was fabulous fun and I loved every minute of it but oh my did the arthritis make me pay for our little outing.  I took lots and lots of photos while we were there so that I could share it with you and you can see my posts here:
Ideal Home Show Part One, including some lovely Glasgow landmarks
The Ideal Home Show Part Two - including a garden shed in the shape of a Hobbit hut and the most adorable Tiki hut &
Unseen Gems From The Ideal Home Show - lots of gorgeous items that didn't fit into the first two posts :)

5. The Continuing Work On Our Home
Among this years projects in our still far too cluttered, far too dis-organized home have been the large storage cupboard at the back door being stripped out, painted and re-purposed.  The inner door of that cupboard was also given a major (and very useful) face lift.

Of course having finished that cupboard, we then went back and gave it another make-over! So much easier without all of the clutter we'd previously thrown out! We added some useful cubbies :)

The little entry way, or mudroom, just inside our front door was also painted, organized and now makes me smile each time I see it :)

The latest project though was all Hubbys and he did such a fantastic job! I can hardly bear to look at the weather beaten, storm damaged before pic :/

He's not quite finished yet, he only had a few days annual leave from work, but has most of it done so I'm sure it won't take him long to finish it on the weekend.

So, there we have it honeys. My year so far in photos :) I can't wait to see what everyone else has posted today! Till next time dear ones, smile lots and hug even more,  huggles xx

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