Your principal profession is that of a lawyer. What made you decide to take this type of journey? What did you have to do to get the free time from your job? Were you able to fund the trip based on savings or did you continue to work while traveling?
I’ve always loved traveling. I backpacked through Europe after college and was amazed at the world outside America. I had no idea of game back then, and had a girlfriend, so I didn’t so much as kiss a girl in the 5 weeks I was traveling.
Fast forward to 2010. I was in a 4 year relationship and decided to head with my buddy on a trip to Europe, which included Poland and Russia. Talk about being shellshocked. I went from my all American girlfriend from the Midwest to these Eastern European girls. In Poland I met a very cute 22 year old blonde who I ended up going back to her place and messing around (but no bang). I was smiling for days afterwards. And of course, I got my first taste of Russia via St. Pete and Moscow…and I was absolutely blown away. I mean to the point of disbelief.
That led to my eventual lifestyle change and deciding I want to shape it in a way that allows me to travel as much as I can. As to this specific trip, we went to Kiev the year before and realized our Russia trip in 2010 was not an aberration – Kiev was also fantastic and I was similarly blown away at the Ukraine quality. That said, we still have never experienced anything that came close to the visual perfection that was one nightclub we visited in Moscow in 2010, where we were surrounded by literally hundreds of models no older than 24. The number of girls lower than an 8 I could count on one hand that night.
So we wanted to answer this question. What’s better, Russia or Ukraine? Was Moscow that good or was it just our first taste of EE women that left an indelible, yet slightly inflated impression on us. Could anything beat Kiev’s tall, thin and fashionable parade of young girls on a daily basis? And thus our decision to head out for the summer to find out.
But back to my lifestyle change. I worked for a firm for four years before quitting to start my own law practice. My partner hates traveling, so he is almost always in town. I worked hard to build a client base that trusts me, and with lawyers if you get what your clients want they are not likely to leave you, no matter what. There are some really stupid lawyers out there, and if not dumb, then untrustworthy ones that will overcharge their clients. I told my clients where I’m going, I told them I will take care of anything that comes up, and made sure nothing momentous was going on during these three months. They agreed, and off I went.
I did still work when I was gone. Usually during the day for several hours. And given the time difference I had to put in an hour here and there at nights too, even having to cut a date short one night.
FSU women have a reputation for taking time to get into bed, usually requiring at least two dates (at least for me). Are you happy to be back in America where girls can be banged in much quicker time or were you able to bang quickly in the FSU as well? Was there any moment in the FSU, maybe upon facing some difficulty, that you missed American women?
I know the first part of the question is likely rhetorical but I still want to address it. It did not take me very long at all to realize American girls are not a source of happiness or satisfaction. Despite their ease to bang or their hypersexuality often times leading to things like bisexuality or the aforementioned easy sex, it’s just not worth it. All the unnecessary hoops you have to jump through to satisfy their delusional ideal of a man is absurd. I have yet to go on a date yet since returning, but I’m dreading it. The idea of listening to an American girl go on about how much of an asshole her boss is when she does nothing at work, or how her and her friends went on a bunch of online dates to see who can rack up the highest bill (true story) makes me want to off myself.
To be honest, at no point did I miss America. After five or six nights in Novosibirsk in a god awful town without banging I still didn’t miss America. In Moscow after nine nights of not getting close to a bang I still did not miss America.
Ironically in Moscow, the very first girl I approached spoke perfect English. Why? She was from Philadelphia. She was cute, but I was so turned off at that moment that I ended up becoming kind of mean until she left. She was actually into me, but there is a reason I’m in Russia and not Pennsylvania.
With respect to banging quickly in the FSU, as I mentioned earlier 8 of my 14 bangs were the same night. So this belief that girls in the FSU are more conservative, non-slutty, and so on while maybe true to some extent I did not find it to be a blanket rule. But then I thought, is it really true? Could it be those that make these generalizations are the ones talking to girls on the metro, at the coffee shop, at the bookstore? Independent of country, girls who frequent these areas, as opposed to where I go such as loud drunken night clubs, are of course going to be more conservative. And in no way am I discrediting that method, and is something I’m actually trying to incorporate more myself, but ending up with quick sex rarely happens at a cafe eating tiramisu.
Tell us about your strategy at learning Russian. Did you have any favorite resources? How important is it for a man to learn Russian before going to FSU? Do you think you got bangs because of it that you wouldn’t have otherwise?
When we left Kiev in 2012 we knew we had to come back. So my buddy and I enrolled in a night class for a semester at a local community college. This helped us build a foundation, and learn to read and write. We also supplemented with Pimsleur which I enjoyed a lot, and that bolstered our conversational skills. It was hard, but extremely beneficial.
I had success in Kiev without Russian in 2012, but I think knowledge of Russian helps a lot. First off, it opens up doors that otherwise would be closed. Four of my bangs were girls who spoke zero English. While my Russian is nowhere near conversational, I could get through some basic conversation and the girls loved my effort.
One girl that I banged the same night — I was speaking to her at the bar and she asked my name. I grabbed a tissue and pen, and wrote in cursive “my name is ___.” Her eyes almost popped out of her head as she was beyond impressed, saying I’m the first foreigner who knew how to write in cursive. She came back with me later that night. While I don’t believe the sole act of writing in cursive made her decide to drop panty, I’m sure it didn’t hurt. Also, my favorite girl of the trip, that I would have taken time off for as I mentioned above, only spoke Russian. And I had to endure an entire date in Russian with no translator, something I would not have been able to do the year prior.
If there was one moment on this trip that told you the FSU was worth coming back to, what would it be? Besides the women, were there any other benefits the FSU offered over America? How about drawbacks?
There were honestly a lot of moments that rise to that level. The fact that my semi-girlfriend from the last Kiev trip showed up at the airport to greet me with a cake she baked, and in a dress and heels was rather heartwarming. Or the 18 year old girl gushing when she found out I was over 30, exclaiming how she “loves older men!” Or in Moscow the girl I just banged telling me how it’s hard for her to have a boyfriend because there are so many pretty girls in Moscow that guys don’t have to commit.
But the one that stands out in this trip was in Odessa, the first day we arrived. After getting settled in, my buddy went to just grab some cold cuts for lunch and my girl came in the kitchen and literally said “move, a woman is here” and proceeded to cook a 3 course lunch from scrap while her friend cleaned all the dishes. We just sat there and drank beers. Then later in the day they cleaned the entire apartment before we started our evening and put on dresses even though we were just staying in. Please show me one instance of two American girls doing this, much less 21 year olds.
Now aside from the women, one thing I liked about the FSU was the directness of the people there. Maybe it’s because I am coming from LA, but they were very genuine. If they didn’t want to talk to you, they didn’t. If they were interested in you, then you knew it right away. If they were helping you they actually cared about providing you some assistance. I prefer this type of interaction.
There are of course drawbacks too. I had to deal with some corrupt cops in Ukraine on more than one occasion. We had two guys follow us out of a club and yell at us in Russian for over 10 minutes until they finally gave up and went away. Some of the stuff I buy at the grocery store I have no idea what it is. I can’t find coconut oil or apple cider vinegar. Your clothes usually feel like cardboard after washing given no dryer. Service can sometimes suck at restaurants and bars. If a Russian guy comes and interrupts your conversation with a girl, and she’s into him, it’s kind of hard to get in there and figure out what’s going on (happened a few times). But for being in the former Soviet Union, it could be worse.
What do you think is the optimum look and game for a man to have for success in the FSU? Would you say my swarthier appearance hurts my success rate compared to your fairer complexion?
Tall and white. Note that this is optimum and not necessary by any means. Tall because these girls are freaking tall in the FSU. Add to it they usually wear huge heels so to the extent you can avoid them towering over you, being tall is an advantage. White because let’s face it there is racism out there. Kiev is the most openly racist city I’ve ever been to. And some places will face control you just based on race.
But just because you have a potential uphill battle doesn’t render it impossible. My buddy is darker skinned and 5’9 and he still banged 6 girls on this trip. Mostly good quality, I may add. Just adjust and proceed. He was quicker to bring out he’s from America, speak English when walking up to the face control doors, persist a minute or two longer if girls were giving him the cold shoulder in case it stemmed from a preconceived notion he was Turkish. So if you happen to look like a Persian Ben Affleck from Argo, for example, don’t stress.
I found Russia to be a bit less racist. Or maybe they just weren’t as open about it as the Ukrainians are. Regardless it is just a hurdle and not a road block.
Any thoughts on how your impression of America has changed after the trip?
Many thoughts. The most important of which is how “unnecessary” America is. As a country it has brainwashed everyone into thinking comforts are necessities. They aren’t. I don’t need 200 cable tv channels. I don’t need tap water available when I go to a restaurant. I don’t need a BMW convertible. I don’t need a kale and pine nut salad with candied walnuts. I don’t even need a dryer. But we are ingrained from a young age that all these things are necessary for a happy and productive life when they absolutely are not.
And it’s really amazing when you see how wonderful feminine girls can be and how much pleasure YOU bring them by just being their masculine compliment. Not to mention how much happier you are as a male. It is our nature to be the providers, why fight this. I want to make money and buy a girl dinner if I invite her out on a date. She wants to cook me food and clean the dishes. Everyone is better off, happier and abiding by the natural order of things. Yet America thinks this is wrong. You begin to realize the absurdity of feminism and almost feel sorry for American girls and society in general.
And the girls, which I touched upon earlier, are just completely living in a dream world which unfortunately gets validated daily by a sea of thirsty men. Last week was my first night out in LA upon returning from my trip. I headed out with a like-minded friend and at one point in the night he starts talking to this ok girl, bangable but not anything special. Her friend is standing there, looking bored out of her mind. Mind you, this friend is a 5 at best but I have to be a good wing so I begrudgingly go talk to her in order to occupy her long enough so my friend can make some traction. After two minutes of her giving me one word answers and acting as if I had just urinated on her ugly flats, she grabs her friend and leaves.
So now I will pose a question to you, the readers and whoever else. And I’m not trying to pat myself on the back but just being real: take an early 30s man, reasonably attractive that dresses well. He knows four languages in varying degrees, is educated and has a successful career. You put him in one country, where girls punish him for treating them to a dinner and where a bitchy frumpy 5 won’t even give him two minutes of her self-perceived precious time. You put the exact same guy in another country, and while he of course doesn’t have every single girl throwing themselves at him, he has multiple options of attractive, feminine girls that are actually a pleasure to be with trying to date him because they know his value. Which country is the bizarro world here?
What do you want to do next?
Go back to Moscow on a semi-permanent basis. But that is not easy and I don’t want to half-ass it. After the trip, I sat down and determined what one needs to succeed at the high levels there in Moscow… money and a good grasp of the language. Moscow is expensive, so you need money. And many of the higher tiered girls there don’t speak Russian. While I got by with my basic Russian and did have some success with non-English speakers, I specifically recall a few instances where girls were open to me but could not communicate. I want to minimize, if not eliminate, this situation from arising again. So I’m going to take the next twelve to eighteen months and focus on money and studying Russian.
I’m also toying with the idea of putting together something in writing on my three months out there. I enjoy writing, and the few small packets of stories I’ve sent to friends has been well received. To say it was an unbelievable (and crazy) trip would be an understatement and to be able to compile the stories, pictures and thoughts into a single tangible item would be cool. Until then, continue writing for ROK and – of course – work towards my return to Moscow.
You can read Law Dogger’s articles on ROK and follow him on Twitter.
P.S. My newest book is called 30 Bangs. It's about 30 of my bangs. Click here to learn more about the book.