
If you have arrived here means that you are looking as a series of ideas to help you decorate a master bedroom , well, say you’ve reached the right place because then we will advise you of the best possible way.I always say that our house has to be the place to relax and feel comfortable, because we all deserve a break from the daily grind everyone to wear with your lifestyle. Thus, the interior design should address increasingly offer all the elements necessary to convert our house into our home, synonymous words whose meaning changed greatly since the house is only the structure and the “warmth of home” is that perfect set of fixtures resulting in you good vibes and best comfort.

The vast majority of us around we go to coconut than we should, especially in the organization of a simple room though sometimes required, since space is not always that we like and you have to organize everything properly .

Firstly if you want to decorate a room can use a dark tone, for example in a double room, which although it is always important to space, this time it will not be much. When people visit our house is usually set in the master bedroom is an intimate venue decorated like the home owners. Use closet space , which is filled with essential items for the time of year where we are. The furniture in the rooms always create confusion, so it is best that you do not eat too much head and put 1 or 2 large closets and smaller remaining.

The furniture does not have to go together , but the feeling will go to ruin organization, used 2 bedside tables on each side of the bed, do not put furniture in places of transit. Use small details such as photo frames, TV, pictures, curtains that will match the color of the walls, etc.

Regarding the colors, use neutral tones, not too dark or too light, and the colors dark usually reduce the feeling of spaciousness and that is something that in no way want. Bedroom design is probably the most important space in any interior design of the house. Bedroom design can have a contemporary, traditional, ultra modern styling, Asian etc., depending on the inside of the house and the requirements of the person. All important aspects such as soil color, tint lighting to minor aspects like the texture of the walls and veneer patterns can make or break the room decor.

Interior designers are especially attentive to detail and quality of the bedroom designs . The general trend is to use the same shade of color for the wall paint, ceiling and floor. If style bedroom design is a dark brown theme then the walls will be dark brown veneer dark and black soil. If you have a clear color theme furniture white lacquer coated, white lights and repainted white glass will be ideal. The room design can also have a futuristic style with a stainless steel covered bed and furniture borders, exotic fluorescent lighting, bright carpet of color and a funky ceiling.

Tackling areas of our home where we spend long hours, as often happens in the classroom, is fine, but not must worry less about other rooms as the bedroom , because although we use it little more than sleeping, should also offer all physical rest, optical and mental need to become a perfect rest. Those feelings are what I perceive when contemplating today photograph illustrating this post, where the combination of light blue with white bone this bedroom makes a perfect place to relax, banishing this mixture almost monochromatic exclusive use of a room for baby. There are several factors that make it an adult bedroom and charming, despite keeping the walls white except that decorates the bed, which is perfectly painted, imitating soft sky, in a very subtle and nothing childlike .

These factors are the furniture , fabrics and ceiling. The furniture, off-white, and perfectly styled, the fabrics, in soft velvet blanket and the beautiful upholstered armchairs hinting, and the ceiling beams keeps air, wood color, so to break the effect very saturated color paint would cause. The result: a perfect place for your rest.

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