
Brent Scowcroft


AMERICA’S National Security Adviser during the Gulf War warned President Bush yesterday that invading Iraq would cause an “explosion” in the Middle East and consign the United States to defeat in its War on Terror.



Brent Scowcroft, national security adviser to President George H.W. Bush, was highly critical of the current president's handling of foreign policy in an interview published this week, saying that the current President Bush is "mesmerized" by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, that Iraq is a "failing venture" and that the administration's unilateralist approach has harmed relations between Europe and the United States.....

"Sharon just has him wrapped around his little finger," Scowcroft told the Financial Times. "I think the president is mesmerized." He added: "When there is a suicide attack [followed by a reprisal] Sharon calls the president and says, 'I'm on the front line of terrorism,' and the president says, 'Yes, you are . . . ' He [Sharon] has been nothing but trouble."......



Don’t Attack Saddam

by Brent Scowcroft


Republican for most of his life,Brent Scowcroft endorses Hillary Clinton

General Wesley Clark

Refers to the transition from the FP realist to the FP neocons as a foreign policy coup.

Republican for most of his life,Wesley Clark endorses Hillary Clinton

Dick Cheney endorses Donald Trump

Donald Rumsfeld endorses Donald Trump 'known unknown'

Sheldon Addelson endorses Donald Trump

Michael Flynn is used to portray Trump campaign as non-interventionist and sensible.

This is done by portraying he was opposed to the operations in Syria, when pressed on his real issue with Syria is that 'we didn't act soon enough'.


Mehdi Hasan: Just on what you're saying, just to clarify here, you're saying today – today my understanding is you’re saying we should have backed the rebels. You’re saying in government, you agreed with this analysis …

Michael Flynn: [INTERRUPTING] We should have done more earlier on in this effort, you know, than we did. We really – we sort of kicked that can -

Mehdi Hasan: [INTERRUPTING] But in 2012, but in 2012 which was -

Michael Flynn: [TALKING OVER] – we kicked that can, Mehdi.


Refers to Iraq as a failure because of it was a boon for terrorist, but was an individual who was responsible for training investigators that assaulted many innocents helping the boon for terrorist.


Mehdi Hasan: [TALKING OVER] Well, let's talk about, let's talk about standards. You were a senior official in the Joint Special Operations Command at that time: JSOC, which is the kind of elite, top secret unit, responsible for the killing of Osama Bin Laden, among other things. You’ve been described as the father of the modern JSOC, and you mentioned Camp Bucca and Camp Cropper, and you mentioned standards. You didn't mention Camp Nama in Iraq, which was nicknamed, "Nasty Ass Military Area" and where according to a New York Times investigation, US interrogators, "Beat the prisoners with rifle butts, spat in their faces and used them for target practice in a game of paintball", where the motto was “No blood, no foul” meaning interrogators couldn’t be prosecuted if they "visibly", if a detainee didn't "visibly bleed". Are you telling me a) those are standards you’re proud of, and b) that didn’t help in the rise of ISIL?

Michael Flynn: No. I mean, obviously no. I mean, those are not standards that – they’re not standards that I will ever be proud of, and my role, my personal role, when you say the father of whatever, what I was asked to do, this was post-Abu Ghraib, so I was responsible for training interrogators -

Mehdi Hasan: [INTERRUPTING] Who then went and abused these Iraqis.

Michael Flynn: - Who then, who then went in. I mean, I – so we, we saw what was happening but that's not the training that we were giving these people. When we saw what was happening inside of – the whole Abu Ghraib scandal, my role, and it was July of 2004, I was asked to come in and basically fix that problem. We shut that place down as fast as I could.


and was responsible for the drone programme.


Mehdi Hasan: You say, "the region needs to come to the table", and yet you talk about the kind of failures of the military side. I’m asking about the role you played. You were JSOC, which did this quote, unquote, "Shadow war"....

...Mehdi Hasan: [TALKING OVER] But then you did renditions. You did drone strikes. You did night raids.

Michael Flynn: [TALKING OVER] That's – that's not my – that was not my responsibility and I hate to say that but -

Mehdi Hasan: [INTERRUPTING] JSOC wasn't responsible for drone strikes, really?

Michael Flynn: Well, for drone strikes, yeah.

Mehdi Hasan: Which have been hugely counter-productive on the counter-terrorist front. Many analysts have argued they’ve created a -

Michael Flynn: [TALKING OVER] Yeah, but the rendition thing is a different issue.

Mehdi Hasan: [TALKING OVER] But the drone strikes, many would argue -

Michael Flynn: [TALKING OVER] That's another show for you.

Mehdi Hasan: Well, maybe another show, but the drone strikes for example, many have argued, they create more terrorists than they kill. The night raids in Afghanistan, many have argued they create more terrorists than they get.

Michael Flynn: [TALKING OVER] Yeah, I – I don’t disagree, I don't disagree with that. I think that that's – that's conflict. When you invest in conflict – when you drop a bomb -

Mehdi Hasan: [INTERRUPTING] But with respect, General, that's your failure, then isn't it?

Michael Flynn: When you drop a bomb from a drone, you're investing, you are gonna cause more damage than you're gonna cause good. And I think that -

He repeats the Israel mantra that Iran is going to build nuclear weapons and needs to be stopped


Mehdi Hasan: Well, James Clapper, who's the Director of National Intelligence, told Congress in February,

"We do not know whether Iran will eventually decide to build nuclear weapons." What do you know that the director of national intelligence doesn’t know?

Michael Flynn: [INTERRUPTING] Yeah, of course we don't – what I look at is I look at, what are – what have been the behaviours? What have been the statements? And what is the intent? And I try to read into that intent, I try to read into those things, when -

Mehdi Hasan: [INTERRUPTING] With respect, that’s what we heard about Saddam Hussein and we know how that worked out, General.

Michael Flynn: [TALKING OVER] And – and this gets back to – this gets back to understanding – that's right. This gets back to understanding what it is that we are facing.

Mehdi Hasan: [INTERRUPTING] Hold on, you're saying -

Michael Flynn: [TALKING OVER] I believe Iran is going to have a nuclear weapon.

Mehdi Hasan: And yet your reasoning for that, which you just outlined for us, is exactly the reasoning offered by Dick Cheney and co in 2003 in relation to Saddam and Iraq.

Michael Flynn: [TALKING OVER] Yeah, that was a mistake. Total -

Mehdi Hasan: [TALKING OVER] And yet you’re making the same mistake again.

Michael Flynn: No, I don't think so. I think that – yeah -

Mehdi Hasan: [TALKING OVER] You're repeating the same rhetoric.

Michael Flynn: Saddam had, he had chemical weapons. He had capability. He definitely had 'em. What the, you know, the poor intelligence that, that was displayed at that time -

Mehdi Hasan: [INTERRUPTING] But also poor thinking. It was an assumption.

Michael Flynn: - a very, lack of imagination. Total lack of imagination.

Mehdi Hasan: [INTERRUPTING] And yet you're making the same assumptions today. You're saying, "I believe that they’re gonna build a weapon but I don’t have any evidence for that, but I believe it".

Supports increased cooperation between CIA, FBI, and DoD along with special operations.

Lifelong democrat Matt Flynn endorses Donald Trump.

Newt Gingrich supports covert ops to overthrow Iran.

Newt Gingrich endorses Donald Trump

Worth noting here that Iran was the 7th country planned for overthrow listed by General Wesley Clark, in part of the foreign policy coup, going from 'realist' to 'neocons'.

More neocon/realist endorsements to add? Thoughts?

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