This thread is only presented for those that are curious and are not satisfied with the corrupted or abridged and censored history that is normally presented. If you beleive in any kind of heretical claptrap about burning in hell just move right along.
If you are any kind of religious zealot or strict adherent to your own personal ecclesiastical mythmongers, this thread is not for you. This is a historical thread in which believers in divine revelation and historical assasination(esp. RC) of the Druids are not welcome. If you wish to present alternative thesis in non-argumentative form that is welcome. If you wish to refute the work and book, then I suggest that you go read the entire book first. I am not saying that the following is wholly or partly correct or endorsement, but some may want to see a view outside the distorting lens of the mainsrteam religious censorship.
As found in Appendix I of
A young Queen Elizabeth with the High Druid during a ceremony. Modern Druidism is nothing more than Atonism. It's a far cry from the original form known in ancient times.
Our Thesis
The Ten Commandments of the Druids were almost identical with those given by God to Moses - Richard Kelley Hoskins
We began work on The Irish Origins of Civilization in 2005 and published both volumes of the book in November 2007. Our researches into Ireland's role in world history commenced in 1981, after a preliminary study of ancient Irish mythology. As of this date few of our theories and assertions have been accepted by modern-day writers and researchers. Nor have they been deeply contemplated and correctly tackled by revisionists. Nevertheless, we are now in an age when the ideas we present are likely to be corroborated. Recent archaeological discoveries help to radically change what has hitherto been accepted about the history of the West. The lies and fallacies concealing the facts about our past are daily being compromised.
In our text we assert the following controversial points which must be deeply considered by every unbiased historian and researcher:
The elements of modern civilizations originated in prediluvian times, long before the official dates given for the advent of sophisticated human artifice. After the destruction of Atlantis and other prehistoric civilizations (approximately 13,500 years ago), surviving cultural elements were transported to Britain and Scandinavia.
The preservers and disseminators of prediluvian knowledge were the priesthood known as the Druids. This word means Servant or Keeper of Truth. However, the Druids were a worldwide priesthood and were not confined to Western Europe. In Egypt they were known as Amenists. The cosmologies and pantheons of India, Egypt, Italy, Greece and other countries, were not autochthonous. They originated in Britain and Scandinavia. (Norway was once joined to Scotland via a great land bridge.)
Ireland not Egypt was the post-diluvian cradle of the elements of civilization. It is from Britain and Scandinavia that these elements spread throughout the world. This controversial fact is persistently denied because it inevitably gives rise to speculation about Atlantis, the Age of Catastrophe and antiquity of advanced pre-Adamic humans. Revelations on these subjects devastate fundamental tenets of modern-day science and religion. Additionally, the facts about the widespread influence of British Druidism is largely unknown because of the wholesale destruction of the Druids and the prolonged and deliberate suppression and mutilation of their social traditions and religious leitmotifs.
There were primordial connections between Britain and Egypt. Long before the first official dynasties (over 4,000 years ago), Western Arya migrated to the Middle and Far East establishing new civilizations and enriching existing ones. Their remains have been discovered in Upper Egypt and locations farther east. They were the original architects of the Giza Pyramids and many sacred temples along the Nile. They brought with them the worship of Amen Ra, Osiris, Horus and Isis (the Nordic Is). While in the East the Arya referred to their ancestral Western habitats as "lands of the dead," due to the colossal devastation that occurred there.
The many prehistoric and historic emigrations to the British Isles (of Iberians, Celts, Gaels, and so on) were for the most part returns. During the so-called "Age of Catastrophe," titanic cataclysms (following on from those that destroyed Atlantis) displaced the original inhabitants of Britain forced to flee to the Continent across land bridges now lost beneath the waves.
The Druids were Aryans. This word has been deliberately misinterpreted to signify members of a race. However, the term truly refers to a spiritual caste. It is also the true name of Ireland, correctly rendered Ariland or "Land of the Arya." The term can be correctly rendered Eri, signifying the earth goddess of the ancient Druids. Etymologically, ari and eri are found as roots in terms and names such as area, terra, Tara, Mary, Hera, Benares, Armenia, Aramaic, and aristocracy, etc.
The language of the Arya is now referred to as Aramaic and Hebrew. However, these languages have been fraudulently put before us by duplicitous linguists and other so-called "experts." They are not "Semitic" and were not invented by early Jews or Canaanites. On the contrary, the twenty two letters of the Hebrew alphabet are based on the ancient Irish or Aryan alphabet. Specifically, the so-called "Hebrew" alphabet was the sacred alphabet of the adepts ensconced in Britain and Egypt. It was the non-hieroglyphic "hieratic" script of hierophants, the sacerdotal alphabet of the Ibaru who were not the ancestors of modern religious Jews. On the contrary, they were the original Judites, Judges and Wise Ones; the architects of high civilizations eventually brought low by desecrators who appropriated, corrupted and misrepresented their sacred leitmotifs. According to researcher Tony Bushby, the shapes of the twenty two "Hebrew" letters were based on the serpentine shadows cast by sunlight passing through the now lost crystalline capstone on top of the Great Pyramid of Giza. These "letters" were assigned to the twenty two cards of the Tarot which originated in Ireland, and the twenty two "paths" on the Kabalistic "Tree of Life." (Let us not doubt that the concept of a sacred tree was known to Western adepts - British, Nordic and European - millennia before the rise of Judaism and Christianity.)
Terms and names such as Israel, Israelite, Jew, Judite, Yahud, Jehovah, Adonai, Aton, Amen, Elohim, Christ, Jesus, Messiah, Joshua, Isaac, David, Solomon, Moses, Hiram, and so on, were originally Druidic or Aryan appellations. Some of these terms were titles denoting senior members of Druidic colleges. These terms were plagiarized and deliberately mistranslated and misassigned to obscure the facts about the origins of religion.
Judeo-Christianity is an adulterated form of Druidism and Amenism. The vast majority of tenets, doctrines, terms and symbols of modern religion are the result of deliberate plagiarism. They are based on ancient Aryan theology and astro-theology. Practically every deed and word we see and hear from members of the orthodox branches of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, is designed to conceal these controversial facts.
The adulterated form of Druidism and Amenism may be referred to as Atonism. Atonism is the foremost basis for the monotheistic elements found in Judeo-Christian theology. That modern experts foam at the mouth denying this fact does not make it less true. The truth is that Christianity was not conceived by egalitarian Jews or Essenes, Mandeans, Stoics, Therapeuts or Alexandrian Gnostics, as many misinformed researchers and authors assert. Most of these oriental sects were branches of ancient Atonism. The same can be said of Mithraism and Talmudism. The Jewish Jehovah - also referred to as Adonai - is none other than Aton, god of light.
The emperors who codified and established Christianity were members of Solar Cults that were outer cells of a more secretive Atonist lodge. Senior members of the Claudian, Piso and Flavian dynasties of Rome worked closely with wealthy and powerful Sadducees and Pharisees to establish the Christian religion. This Atonist quorum feared the rise of other religions with egalitarian tenets and "Druidic" elements. To suppress rivals and strengthen imperial dominion, they funded duplicitous scribes and compilers (such as Paul and Marcion) to create Christianity, basing their "Jesus Christ" on many ancient solar heroes and deities. The sidereal motifs found throughout the Scriptures prove this beyond all doubt. Nevertheless, the god of the Bible - Jehovah - was not the god of the Jews, as most academic historians falsely allege. He was the god of Solar Cult priests and pharaohs, themselves descended from the Hyksos nobility cryptically referred to in the Old Testament as "Israelites." (This term derives from Isa, god of the Western Arya and their descendents, and Amen Ra, god of the ancient Egyptian kings.)
The so-called but misnamed "Jewish" co-conspirators who directed the operations of the Roman Caesars and Emperors, were Atonists. Specifically, they were leaders of the Order of Melchizedek (or Akhenaton). They were Pharisees and Sadducees of high rank, and keepers of the so-called "Oral Tradition" allegedly delivered to their ancestors at Mount Sinai. This quorum of sorcerers were also known as the Gaonim. In order to conceal their identity they began using the term Freemason meaning "Sons of the Sun." The capitalized letter "G" found on Masonic iconography refers to this super-secret Luciferian cabal. The lower case serpentine - g - signifies the Serpent Brotherhood or Dragon Court to which Atonists and Gaonim belong.
The Gaonim have nothing in common with modern religious "Jews." Terms and appellations of this kind do not refer to the kind of sects or beliefs we might at first imagine. They refer to a caste of sorcerers descended from the corrupt Solar Cults (or Luciferians) of antiquity. Members of the British royal family are Judites, even though they belong to the Protestant religion. The Pope and his bishops and cardinals are likewise Judites, even though they belong to the Catholic religion. The word Tudor derives from Juda or Judah, as do the terms judge, tutor, and Teuton. These facts are known to members of Masonic Orders and other Judaic-Atonist enclaves. To them religious affiliations mean little and are merely a form of camouflage which serves to dupe the world's uninformed masses.
The founder of Atonism was Pharaoh Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV). He is cryptically referenced in Jewish history under the pseudonyms Moses, Zadok and Melchizedek. He was not an enlightener, as ninety eight percent of the world's writers and historians apparently imagine. On the contrary, he was a megalomaniac who ravaged Egypt and violently destroyed its many marvels. He was finally ousted from power and expelled from the country. As researcher Ralph Ellis has shown, the rise of Akhenaton's monotheistic beliefs and warped brand of Solar Theology coincided with an important astrological phenomenon, namely the precessional transition of the sun out of the sign of Taurus into Aries. (For more on this see Volume Two.)
Akhenaton's Atonists were members of the Hyksos nobility or so-called "Shepherd Kings." However, in our opinion these controversial kings were of Scythian (or Gaelic) ancestry. In other words they were from the West. During and after the Age of Catastrophe, their ancestors (the pure Arya) fled from Britain to Northern and Eastern Europe, and from there further Eastward toward Syria, Palestine, China, Japan, Pakistan and India. Although the Scythians of later ages were originally affiliated with the Megalithic Arya, some of their number became spiritually and morally corrupt. Today, a few mainstream historians and archeologists hesitatingly accept that Western "Celts" (as they are erroneously called) had settlements in the Middle and Far East. This is because these migrations were relatively late, historically speaking. They date from approximately 600 years BC onward. Modern academics dare not accept or acknowledge earlier Megalithic migrations from the West to the East. As we said, this idea leads to a plethora of vexatious questions that "experts" habitually and contemptuously ignore.
Modern-day revisionists Ralph Ellis, Moustafa Gadalla and Ahmed Osman - following on from Comyns Beaumont and other maverick geniuses - conclude that the so-called "Israelites" and "Judites" of the Old Testament were none other than the Hyksos-Atonists first expelled from Egypt at the beginning of the eighteenth dynasty, and again later during the reign of Akhenaton. On this point we are in full agreement. We further assert that the Hyksos-Atonists were originally Scythians from the West. We also assert that Akhenaton's first wife Nefertiti and her daughter Meritaten were Scythians.
The exiled Scythian-Hyksos-Atonist-Israelites did not disappear from the world and did not spend any time in "Captivity." They were a super-wealthy Pharaonic dynasty with powerful connections throughout the world. After the fall of Akhenaton their descendents eventually migrated to their ancestral homes in the West in order to establish a new empire. From Britain they exercised control over their many lieutenants in Athens, Rome, Tanis, Alexandria, Judea, and elsewhere. The British Empire is unquestionably the Atonist Empire upon which the sun (Aton) never sets. (The Union Jack is in fact a symbol of the Union of Jacob.) The Empire's founders and maintainers have unleashed untold mayhem for centuries and have caused unfathomable suffering throughout the world. Our work is dedicated to the exposure of these psychopathic plutocrats and the ruin of their antihuman industry. Until this Lodge is correctly identified and destroyed, common or garden political activity and civic reform will prove ineffectual.
The coming of the Atonists was recorded by Irish and Scottish annalists. The records refer to the invaders as Milesians, after their leader King Mil (known to the Scots as Gathelos or Gaythelos, which is probably were we derive the term "Gael," meaning "stranger.") Officially, the Milesians are believed to have crossed over to Ireland from Spain around 600 BC. However, we believe these dates have been deliberately falsified. The Atonist invasion probably occurred nearly one thousand years before the official dates given. The falsification occurred because historians have been directed to date the Gaelic invasion of Ireland, suppression of the Druids, and creation of Christianity to the period following the rise of Rome (700 BC), not before. As we said, the ancestors of the Milesians (the Scythians) were originally Irish. They had been displaced to Europe and the Middle East after experiencing the havoc of the Age of Catastrophe.
Eradicating the Druids proved to be a difficult task for the Milesian-Atonists. They eventually called on their agents in Rome and elsewhere to lend a hand. In our opinion, the imperialist activities of Alexander the Great, Julius and Augustus Caesar, and other Greek and Roman tyrants, were mercenary actions funded and directed by high-ranking Atonists ensconced in Britain. This same British-based cabal also financed the establishment of the Christian Church in Byzantium (Constantinople) and finally in Rome. Christianity was and is hybridized Druidism. It has usurped the place of the unadulterated school once known and respected throughout the world. Furthermore, Irish Culdean (or Atonist) monks - in charge of cannibalizing Druidic traditions - became tutors of the Templar nobility of Britain and Europe. (Merovingian kings Merovee II and Dagobert II received their early education in Ireland.) The Culdeans, together with their Templar and Cistercian scions, were "preservers" of cannibalized Druidic traditions. This is the second reason why pagan elements are to be found in the doctrines and iconography of Christianity. It is the reason for the rivalries that eventually erupted between hardliner Papists and "Gnostic" types such the so-called Celtic Church of Ireland, and between Papists and Knights Templar.
Members of the British, French, German and Swiss Merovingian dynasties were, and still are, Atonists. Powerful secret societies such as the Order de Sion, Knights Templar, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, and so on, are funded and operated by elite royals (and other elusive entities, such as the Roman Circle or College of Cardinals), who are either biologically or ideologically related to the Hyksos-Atonist-Judites of antiquity. Members of these groups are "Luciferians" or "Princes of Light."
The modern-day architecture of control and so-called "New World Order" is the brainchild of Atonist imperialists whose existence we expose throughout our work. The majority of the symbols permeating the corporate and religious world denotes this Atonist Cult of Luciferians. Their "New World Order" is a architecture of control designed to replace the "Old World Order" lost to them in ages past. This cult of sorcerers - the Gaonim or Exilarchs (the Princes and Brothers of Light, or of Aton) - exercise control over human beings politically and theologically. The religions they have spawned serve to control man's emotions and pacify his rebellious spirit, while their political orgs offer him a semblance of superiority and power. Tantalized with chimeras of positive social change and technical progress, and blinded by the "light of Aton," man remains psychologically arrested. Consequently, he presents no threat whatsoever to Establishment figures who habitually treat him as a disposable pawn on their geopolitical board game.
The modern-day architects of control are not scions of some indefinable "mystery religion," as many Christian conspiracy buffs allege. They are initiates of secret fraternities created by the same Black Lodge responsible for the establishment of the Christian Church. Therefore, Christians who seek to expose the workings of secret societies are largely ignorant of vital facts concerning their own allegiances. They are handicapped by not knowing that the very religions to which they belong were established and financed by the same Atonists who fund and direct the secret societies. The Atonists have cunningly divided society in order to pit one faction against another. While the "opposames" witlessly ride their seesaws, the Atonist presence remains concealed. Nevertheless, the Judaism, Protestantism, Catholicism, Zionism, Islam and Masonry known today are "brands" manufactured by the Atonist "corporation" or Black Lodge. Therefore, only those free from political and religious bias can successfully combat the nefarious intelligence that has preyed over mankind for so many ages.
Servants of Aton
There is some evidence that one of the Flavian emperors may have converted to Judaism even as Constantine later converted to Christianity - Richard A. Gabriel (Jesus the Egyptian)
One day soon the world will finally realize that high civilizations existed in the North-Western hemisphere prior to the tenth millennia BC, and that the knowledge man has gained in recent ages is but a paltry recapitulation of prediluvian wisdom. Unbiased and open-minded "experts" within the academies of the world may soon agree that the elements of civilization germinated in Western lands, and that there were, in remote ages, relationships between Western and Eastern nations. They may finally acknowledge the facts about the true origins of Judaism and Christianity and shed light on the sinister Atonist cabal that has long directed the operations of the Western world's religions and governments. We can but hope.
For many generations, the Hyksos-Scythian-Atonist chiefs and their descendants have worked their sorcery from behind more familiar sects and cults. These include:
The Aaronites
The Levites (or Judites)
The Zadokites (Sons of Zadok or elite Sadducees)
The Gaonim (or Princes of Light)
The Zionists (or Sionists)
College of Cardinals (and related societies such as the Knights of Malta, Opus Dei & Knights of Columbus, etc)
The Knights Templar
The Freemasons
The Rosicrucians
Order of St. Michael and St. George
Order of the Garter
We believe that members of eastern enclaves were not the only men in cahoots with the Atonists. Members of elite families in western lands, such as Vespasian, Titus, Claudius, Poppaea, Constantine, Theodosius and Justinian were we believe also seduced by their power. Several members of the Flavian dynasty of Rome, for example, rose to power because of their allegiance with the descendants of Akhenaton. The actions of these men were directed and funded by a powerful Atonist quorum whose existence has been largely unknown until recent times.
Emperor Titus was the son of Emperor Vespasian (7-79AD) of the Flavian dynasty. According to certain records (in the works of Tacitus, Suetonius, and Josephus), Vespasian was associated with elite Jews, such as procurator Tiberius Julius Alexander and Alexandrian priest Basilides. According to a few researchers, Vespasian and his Eastern allies created the religion that would eventually become Christianity. As the arch-conspirators funded the creation of their new religion, they saw to it that rival cults and sects were undermined and exterminated. Vespasian’s successor, his son Titus (79-81 AD), ransacked Judea, slaughtered one million people or more, and had the sacred treasures of the Temple of Jerusalem transported under guard to Rome. We believe the Flavians were merely servants of “Atonist” elites who considered certain powerful sects in Alexandria and Judea a threat to their hegemony. They feared the advent of a “Gnostic” type religion that would incorporate Druidic and Amenist theological elements. Fearing diminution of their power, they directed their Roman and Roman-Jewish lackeys to fund “Paul” and other scribes. These scribes were to plagiarize and cannibalize ancient doctrines so that a new empire-galvanizing religion could be concocted. As we show in the following chapters, the Roman oligarchs worked closely with the shadowy elite Sadducees of Judea to suppress revolt and expand theocratic and imperial power. These groups were directed by the highest-ranking Atonists in Britain - Michael Tsarion (Irish Origins of Civilization, Vol. II)
The Sadducee high priest, appointed by the Romans, was assassinated by the Zealots, and a major terrorist campaign was launched against other Sadducees who had aligned themselves with Rome - Baigent and Leigh (The Messianic Legacy)
There is no room for doubt that the presence of many learned men from Egypt who maintained close contact with the emperors (e.g., Chaeromon of Naucratis or Dionysus of Alexandria…) contributed to the popularity of the Egyptian cults at the Imperial court – Dr. Margarita Tacheva (Eastern Cults in Moesia Inferior and Thracia)
Claudius was also positively disposed toward Egyptian religion, and Nero…had an Egyptian teacher, Chaeromon, who saw to the dissemination of Egyptian knowledge at Rome…Vespasian dedicated a large statue of the Nile to Rome…Together with his son Titus, he spent the night before their triumph over Judea (71 AD) in the temple of the Roman Isis…Titus is probably the anonymous “pharaoh” depicted in front of the Apis bull in the catacombs of Kom el-Shuqafa in Alexandria – Erik Hornung (The Secret Lore of Egypt)
Emperor Vespasian took possession of all Jewish religious artifacts that had previously been safely stored in the Temple, including the precious Torah, and stored them in the Capitoline Jove in Rome. He then proclaimed the entire Jewish territory the Roman Emperor’s persona property. And had his decision officially ratified by the Senate…Josephus recorded that Vespasian personally kept the Torah, revealing that it had at sometime been recovered from Rabbi Jesus Cunobeline and replaced in the Temple…the great Temple of Jerusalem was no longer, and the Jews had been disposed of their land, their treasure and the physical substance of their religion – Tony Bushby (The Bible Fraud)
The Romans...harbored no hostility toward the Jews whom they though more ethical and religiously observant than the Greeks. The Romans knew that Judaism was a religion of great antiquity and respected this. Jews had a reputation as ethical people among the Romans and were granted full religious liberty. Many Romans became "God-fearers," that is practitioners of Judaism observing all precepts except circumcision...There is some evidence that one of the Flavian emperors may have converted to Judaism even as Constantine later converted to Christianity - Richard A. Gabriel (Jesus the Egyptian)
He is brought in chains to Rome, but against tradition, and because of their legal title to the Emperorship, he is greeted and freed of all charges. He and his family live splendidly in Rome, in the Palace of the British, given them by the Emperor - Tony Bushby (The Bible Fraud, on British King Caradoc's treatment after his capture)
As far as we can judge with hindsight, the goal of the strategy was the complete substitution of the ruling class of the Roman Empire with the descendants of the priestly family that had survived the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. This was achieved in less that three centuries, by which time all the ancient religions had been eliminated and substituted with Christianity, and the primitive Roman nobility had been virtually annihilated and replaced by members of the family of priestly origin that had accumulated all the power and wealth of the Empire - Flavio Barbiero (The Secret Society of Moses)
The Arch of Titus in Rome was erected to commemorate the sacking of Jerusalem by Roman forces in AD 70. The Holy of Holies was violated and the Menorah and Scrolls of the Torah were pillaged and transported to Rome. Emperor Titus ordered the slaughter of over one million people in Judea. To this day, religious Jews refuse to walk beneath the Arch. The relocation of the sacred symbols of ancient Judaism denotes the physical relocation of the Judites or Atonists from the Middle East to Europe.
The supreme head of the Mithraic organization was called the pater partum, or pope, and he resided in Rome in the Vatican grotto - Flavio Barbiero (The Secret Society of Moses)
The pagans “believe that the Christian God is the Sun, because it is a well-known fact that we pray turning toward the rising Sun, and that on the Sun’s day we give ourselves to jubilation" - (Church Father Tertullian, Ad Nationes)
Image of Irish monks venerating the sun
Emperor Constantine and the sun. The Merovingian psychopathic king Clovis was entitled “the light of the sun, already high in its path.”
The Druids
Druid colleges existed in many regions due to the guardian role of the Celtic race all across Europa. Druids, or Hibernian Gnostics as they might be called, were known to be fluent in several languages - John Lamb Lash (Not in His Image)
The high priests of Ireland - the original Arya or Aryans - were commonly known as "Druids." In Volume One we analyzed this word and discussed the beliefs and relevance of this ancient priesthood. We showed just how many insidious falsehoods have been deliberately disseminated about their origin and beliefs. Fortunately, the truth about this mysterious pre-Celtic priesthood is slowly coming to light:
The true Celts were a tall, fair race, warlike and masterful...who spread their dominion both by conquest and by peaceful infiltration over Mid-Europe, Gaul, Spain, and the British Isles. They did not exterminate the original prehistoric inhabitants of these regions...but they imposed on them their language, their arts, and their tradition, taking, no doubt, a good deal from them in return, especially in the important matter of religion. Among these races the true Celts formed an aristocratic class - T. W. Rolleston (Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race, 1911)
Although the term Druid is local, their religion was of deep root, and a distant origin. It was of equal antiquity with those of the Persian Magi, the Chaldeans of Assyria, and the Brahmins of Hindustan. It resembled them so closely in its sublime precepts, in its consoling promises, as to leave no doubt that these nations, living so widely apart, were all of the same stock and the same religion-that of Noah, and the children of men before the flood - W. Windwood Reade (Veil of Isis)
For, without the Druids, the Kings may neither do nor consult anything; so that in reality they are the Druids who reign – John Chrysostom (fifth century Christian Bishop of Constantinople) is they who command, and kings on thrones of gold, dwelling in splendid palaces, are but their ministers, and the servants of their thought - Dion Chrysostom (Greek Philosopher, on the Druids)
The Druids are men of penetrating and subtle spirit, and acquired the highest renown by their speculations, which were at once subtle and profound. Both Caesar and Mela plainly intimate that they were conversant with most sublime speculations in geometry and in measuring the magnitude of the earth - Ammianus Marscellus (Historian 350 AD)
...the Druids or Derwydd...were the sublime and intellectual philosophers who directed the machineries of the state and the priesthood, and presided over the dark mysteries of the consecrated groves - W. Windwood Reade (The Veil of Isis)
...follow me to a corner of the world where, at least for many ages religion was preserved in its pristine purity, and whose priests...were received as martyrs in heaven before they had learned to be knaves upon earth. It was an isolated spot unknown to the world in the earlier ages of vice. It is now a kingdom renowned for its power and for its luxuries from hemisphere to hemisphere. It was encircled by the blue waters of the German and Atlantic Seas, and abounded in the choicest gifts of nature. It was called The White Island from those cliffs which still frown so coldly upon Gaul, and The Land of Green Hills from its verdant mountains. Come with me to its shores, and I will show you its priests in their white robes, and its warriors in the blue paint of war, and its virgins with their long and glossy yellow hair. But first I will lead you back into the past, and relate to you why this land was called Albion, and why Britain - ibid
Ages of Catastrophe
At the end of the Pleistocene about 10,000 years ago, there was an extinction event that decimated the large terrestrial mammalian herbivores and carnivores of North America, South America and Australia. In North America alone, more than thirty two genera of mammals became extinct…The cause of this extinction is debatable - R. W. Graham (Evolution of New Ecosystems at the End of the Pleistocene)
The world is unaware of the existence of prediluvian civilizations for the simple reason that they no longer exist. As the majority of myths and legends tell us, the continents that housed them were destroyed in a violent cataclysm. And this premise is now scientifically confirmable. Evidence exists to show that between 10,000 and 13,500 years BC our planet was wrecked by a natural cataclysm of unimaginable proportions. The devastating catastrophe was recorded by numerous tribes and nations, and is mentioned in the earliest Irish legends. Due to its disruptive geospheric effects, the earth suffered subsequent upheavals. Significant disasters (tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes) shook the world at 8,000, 6,000, and 3,000 years BC. The Mycenaean Drought, eruption of Thera in the Aegean, Storegga Tsunami of Scandinavia, rise of aridity throughout the Sahara region of North Africa, rise of the waters of the Mediterranean, dwindling of the vast Saraswati River in the Indus Valley in Pakistan, and prolonged Bronze Age famine of Britain are just a few of the super-catastrophes known to have occurred at different periods after the original global "Age of Catastrophe." Legends from all over the world, which tell of the fall of the prehistoric continents Atlantis and Lemuria, record a real and exceptionally traumatizing episode in humankind's history. We dealt with the great catastrophe and subsequent trauma to consciousness in Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation.
The Flood, to the world generally a vague and nebulous tradition, really conceals the most appalling visitation and its ravages in the British Isles and Scandinavian lands may be retraced to more considerable extent by the effects of what geologists term the “Drift” Age. It was no mere ice drift. It was sudden and terribly swift and violent - Comyns Beaumont
Old World Disorder
Concerning the Sphinx...Another inscription shows that it was consecrated to the god Ra Atum, or the "Sun in the West," thereby connecting it with the "lands toward the setting sun," with "the place of the dead," and with the country of their ancestors' origin - Edward F. Malkowski (Before the Pharaohs)
In The Irish Origins of Civilization we covered the aftermath of global cataclysm and showed that nature's fury was particularly devastating to Britain and Scandinavia. These land were so smitten they were referred to as "Lands of the Dead." So horrific was the onslaught that Western elders were, along with the aboriginal inhabitants of Britain and Scandinavia, forced to vacate their homelands for new territories in Europe and Asia. Wherever the elders traveled they were received as veritable gods. They and their people have been referred to by most historians as "Celts." They are, however, properly distinguished by the following more accurate titles:
Aryans (Arya, Aryo, Ari, etc)
Goths (Gots, Guts, Gets, etc)
Gaels, Iberians and Scythians were descendants of these illustrious Megalithic ancestors. The Druids were members of the world's forgotten Stellar, Solar and Lunar Cults, and there was not a savant of antiquity who did not know of the existence and significance of these Western elders:
...a caste incorporating all the learned professions. The caste not only consisted of those who had a religious function but also comprised philosophers, judges, teachers, historians, poets, musicians, physicians, astronomers, prophets and political advisers or counselors – Peter Berresford Ellis (The Druids)
The elder race excelled in sciences such as geometry, astronomy and navigation, and also in metasciences such as astrology and geomancy. In European and Asian history the original Megalithic elders appear as the following:
Shemsu Hor (Disciples of Horus)
Phoenicians (Arcadians)
Sumerians (Sum Ari)
Chaldeans (The Magi)
Cabiri (or Kab Ari)
Simply substitute Irish or Scots-Irish for "Phoenician" and the webs of deception spun by mythmongers melt leaving the truth about world history to brightly shine forth.
As we explain in the introduction of Volume One, we do not regard the term "Celtic" as an accurate description either of the Megalithic Irish or of their European descendants. Recent scientific research strongly supports our contention that the term was merely the concoction of propagandists and mythmongers. As one perceptive commentator said, the Irish were Celticized. We find ourselves in complete agreement with this statement and cannot forget that the inaccurate "history" of the early Irish was concocted by their destroyers and colonizers:
What makes it difficult, however, to measure the extent of this influence, as well as the mythico-religious significance of the monuments themselves, is the fact that the liturgy and mythology which constituted their frame of reference are almost wholly missing. The druids did not commit their teaching to writing, and consequently the whole of their sacred literature perished with the eventual extinction of their language – Otto Hermann (The Celts)
After Christians had spent years destroying books and libraries, St. John Chrysostom, the pre-eminent Greek Father of the Church, proudly declared, “Every trace of the old philosophy and literature of the ancient world has vanished from the face of the earth” – Helen Ellerbe (The Dark Side of Christian History)
The two invasions of Ireland by King Henry were bloody and ruthless culminating in the complete and utter dismantling of Tara to bare Earth and the final destruction of almost all remaining non-Christian Irish texts -
None of the Celtic source literature is by druids...In Ireland, the amount of poetic/druidic material in substantial...the bulk of the source material is unpublished, and still untranslated – R. J. Stewart (Celtic Bards, Celtic Druids)
The earliest Christian missionaries found the native religion extinct, and themselves took the name of Culdees from inhabiting the Druids' empty cells – Prof Todd (Quoted in Bonwick's Irish Druids And Old Irish Religions)
<And much more at the link at top.>