No idea what prompted me to do this built but...
Honey Kisaragi AKA: Hurricane Honey AKA. Flash Honey AKA. Fancy Honey AKA. Misty Honey AKA. Idol Honey AKA. Warrior of Love: Cutie Honey
Power Level 8 (120 point)
Strength 4 Stamina 4 Agility 2 Dexterity 2
Fighting 6 Intellect -1 Awareness 0 Presence 5
Attractive 2, Move-by-action, Takedown, Favored Foe (Panther Claw), Skill Mastery (Deception), Improvised Weapon 1, Throwing Mastery 1
Acrobatics 4 (+6), Athletics 4 (+6), Close Combat (Unarmed) 7 (+13), Deception 13 (+18)
Element Manipulation Device (Removable, -2 quirk: requires touching neck choker and shouting Honey Flash, Actual Total 18 PP )
• Instant Mastery Variable 2 [ 14 PP ]
• (linked) Creating objects from trace elements in air Create 6 (E: Precise, Permanent, Proportional, Subtle, Precise, Innate, Limited to objects worn/held when created) [ 10 PP ]
• (not linked) Honey Beam Illusion 1 (E:Limited to bright light, burst area 3, quirk requires shouting of Honey Beam, limited to 1 round) [ 1 PP ]
Honey Jump ( 2 PP )
• Honey Jump Leaping 2 [2 PP]
Late Dr. Kisaragi's inventions ( Removable, Actual Total 4 PP )*
• Boots Wall Walking 2 [4 PP]
• Earrings Ultrahearing (E: Distant, move activation) [1 PP]
Dodge (12) Base 2
Parry: (12) Base 6
Fortitude: (8) Base 6
Toughness: (6) Base 6
Will: (8) Base 0
Motivation: Revenge: After Panther Claw kills her father/creator (and later on a few other people). Honey straight up vows to kill (!) every one of them.
Motivation: Protect the Element Manipulation Device: Panther Claw, a crime ring dedicated to stealing jewelry, wants the Element Manipulation Device (surprisingly not for the cliche "take over the world", but to make jewels with it seemingly unaware this will make them worthless) and regularly threatens people to force Honey to give it to them, unaware it is actually inside Honey till late in the series. The heart choker Honey wears is a removable switch, but the actual device is inside Honey. For this reason Honey avoids use of the device in front of any witness she isn't going to kill soon afterwards
Relationship: Hayami Family: Photographer Seiji Hayami accidentally walked in on Honey's first battle with Panther Claw and has general awareness of her struggle meaning he's often Panther Claw's hostage (see above), his father Danbei (a very old fashioned Ninja) and younger brother Junpei (student) are quickly involved as well, and all 3 are madly in love with Honey. Danbei and Seiji's competence in combat varies wildly (even within the same episode!) while Junpei is pretty much always a load.
Relationship: Love or hate: any named character who isn't madly in love with Honey (a stats which includes several women) seems hate her immensely
Prejudice/Secret: Android (Allegedly): Honey is supposedly an android, which she doesn't think people will accept. Not that there's anything to even remotely suggest this beyond her father's video will, as Honey is still vulnerable to suffocation and poison and needs cold weather clothes for an adventure in the arctic.
St. Chapel School: Honey attends a boarding school with staff that doesn't want her leaving all the time, forcing her to come up with various escape plans to go out murdering Panther Claw agents.
ABILITIES [ 46 pp ] + SKILLS [ 16 pp ] + ADVANTAGES [ 8 pp ] + POWERS [ 24 pp ] + DEFENSES [ 26 pp ] 120 PP TOTAL
Star of 1973 manga/anime series キューティーハニー/Cutie Honey and a bunch of spinoffs/sequels (this version is based off the first anime), supposed android Honey is an early shonen aimed magical girl and a surprisingly kill happy one at that.
Build is relatively straightforward: Honey's androidness is never used so she has a constitution score. One thing to make clear is that Honey Beam is an AE of only the create effect, not the variable, in its power
Honey uses her capped deception and ability to create costumes and props to mislead opponents and get rid of all goons (and sometimes learn about any plans they have this episode beyond "make Honey tell us where the device is") before attracting the attention of the episode's boss panther
Common variable setups
Hurricane Honey
Driving 12 [6]
Skill Mastery Vehicles [1]
Ultimate Effort Vehicles
Athletics 4 [2]
Idol Honey
Expertise: Music 12 [6]
Facinate [1]
Skill Mastery: Music [1]
Ultimate Effort: Music [1]
Setup [1]
Cutie Honey
Honey Boomerang (ranged multiattack damage 1, easily removable) [3]
Sword (strength based damage 2, improved critical easily removable) [1]*
6 points of combat advantages
*I'm aware the rules don't actually say you can combine the costs of multiple pieces of (easily) removable powers like this, but if you can't it makes any character with a bunch of low cost gadgets pointless