
Hi! I’m Susana and I Write Romance Novels!

Well, to be honest, I’ve had one romance short story published, although I have several projects in progress. In many ways, I’m still more of a reader than a writer. But hey, that one short story has changed my life.

As a former middle school teacher, I wouldn’t have dared admit such a thing when I was teaching. Some people—particularly academics—look down on the romance genre, and I wasn’t about to give my adolescent students any ammunition either. I wasn’t going to tell my parents; I come from a family that is ultra-conservative and we were already estranged at that point.

To make a long story short, the news got out. Since I’m no longer teaching, there was no need to keep it secret from my former colleagues; they can like it or lump it, as far as I’m concerned (and I’ve found many who like it!). But what really gratified me was the way my family (for the most part) embraced the news of my new career. Not only that, but the honest conversation that came about as a result has led to a healing of sorts in our family relationships. Yeah, there are certain topics that we have to avoid when we’re together, but there are many, many more that we can discuss. For the first time in my life, I feel respected and appreciated for the person I am. I can’t begin to tell you how wonderful that is.

Secrets can be extremely damaging to relationships. Of course, you have to be ready to accept that not everyone will be supportive when you reveal your secret. They have that choice. But you may find—as I did—that many will accept the real you. Why should you have to hide the person that you are simply because of a handful of judgmental people?

I can’t tell you how wonderful my life has been since I decided to “come out” as a romance author.

My mother made me a Regency gown and pelisse that I wore at book signings and other events at the Romantic Times Convention in Kansas City. I’ve never had so much fun!

I passed out Treasuring Theresa swag at a teachers’ conference—with tons of college professors in attendance—and found many more romance readers than I ever expected. Next year I’m planning to wear my Regency gown!

On the first day of my recent trip to Scotland, I introduced myself as a romance writer, and found many new supportive friends. Will they decide to read Treasuring Theresa? Maybe. But I don’t really care about that. It was so great to be able to be myself! Ironically, the one tour member who constantly teased me about it also gave me his business card and asked if I could write him into my next story. After I quit laughing about it, I thought, well, why not? A writer always needs new characters, after all.

So…I’m Susana and I love romance novels—reading, writing and talking about them. If you do too, let’s be friends. Friend me on Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/

susana.ellis.5 ) and if you enjoy historical romance, you might be interested in liking our History Lovers Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/


And if you don’t like romance novels, that’s okay too!

What do you think would happen if more people were open about themselves and didn’t have to pretend to be someone else? What things do you feel you have to keep hidden about yourself and why?


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At the betrothal ball of the man she had expected to marry herself, Lady Theresa latches on to Damian Ashby, hoping to divert attention from her own humiliating situation. Of course, she’s not seriously interested because he’s a useless London fribble, in her opinion. He is not favorably impressed with her either.

Still, she’s the daughter of an earl, and he’s the heir to her father’s title and estate, so they are destined to spend more time in each other’s company…sooner rather than later. And who knew that the two of them would develop an unlikely attraction to one another?

But can a London swell and a country lady ever make their diverse lives and interests work together?

To read an excerpt, please visit http://www.susanaellis.com/uploads/TT_excerpt2.pdf.

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A former teacher, Susana is finally living her dream of being a full-time writer. She loves all genres of romance, but historical—Regency in particular—is her favorite. There’s just something about dashing heroes and spunky heroines waltzing in ballrooms and driving through Hyde Park that appeals to her imagination.

In real life, Susana is a lifelong resident of northwest Ohio, although she has lived in Ecuador and studied in Spain, France and Mexico. More recently, she was able to travel around England and visit many of the places she’s read about for years, and it was awesome! She is a member of the Maumee Valley and Beau Monde chapters of Romance Writers of America.

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