
Perry Belcher, Ryan Deiss: 2 of 5 - Traffic Conversion Seminar 2014

Perry Belcher, Ryan Deiss: 2 of 5 - Traffic Conversion Seminar 2014

English + [8 MP4] + 6.99 GB

Kevin Harrington: Chairman of As Seen On TV, Inc. (Yes, the guy from the Shark Tank!)

Frank Kern: Highest Paid Direct Response Internet Marketing Consultant & Copywriter On Planet Earth

Tim Ash: CEO of SiteTuners

Neil Patel: Co-Founder of Crazy Egg, Hello Bar and KISSmetrics.

Justin Rondeau: Chief Evangelist at WhichTestWon

Tim Hayden: "The Authority" On Monetizing Mobile

Jake Larsen: YouTube Marketing Ambassador

Dave VanHoose - Public Speaking

Big names include Neil Patel, Ezra Firestone, James Schramko, Laura Betterley, Carl White, Tim Ash as well as business gurus Kevin Harrington and Kevin O'Leary.

Digital Marketer presents T&C Summit 2014 (Traffic & Conversion Summit) LIVE from San Diego in partnership Ryan Deiss, Perry Belcher, and special guests Kevin Harrinngton, Kevin O'Leary, Neil Patel, Roland Frasier, Richard Lindner, Kamal Ravikant, Justin Rondeau, Tim Ash, Jake Larsen, and Tim Hayden, Gulliver "Thor" Giles.

Day Two

Session 6 - Undercover List Building

"How to get thousands of "spot-on" targeted people to happily add themselves to your mailing list - without YOU having to give away the farm"

"Conversion Models Explained" Understanding that there are two basic conversion models helps. Knowing the one people use most produces an average of 10X the result of the other.

"Red Hot Lead Magnets" Want to convert 5X as many opt-ins? A hot lead magnet is the answer. This one change will easily double most businesses overnight.

"Selling The Opt-In" 5 Simple bullets that sell your prospects on becoming customers, plus our proven & tested TEMPLATE to go along with it.

"Sandwich Pages" This little known tactic from the dating market crushes over free, ebooks, videos or mini-courses and only takes 5 minutes to create.

"Sniping Leads From Google" You can GAME Google for leads, even though people say Google hates salesletters and squeeze pages we have proven both are WRONG!

"Blogging for Opt-ins" I get tons of opt-ins from my blogs and you can't hardly find the form. Less is more when it comes to blogs?but it has to be done just right.

"NLP Arrows" We have proven in several of our niche markets that subtle arrows that you may not even see with the human eye effect opt-in rats by up to 50%. We'll show you how to use them and give you our graphics TEMPLATES to rip-off for your own.

"The Cartoon Squeeze" We didn't want this test to work, but it did, a lot! A simple 5-step cartoon and my voice on the phone DOUBLED my opt-in rate over a real live video. Use our CHECKLIST for this for fast results.

"The Deiss Squeezer" This one I'll admit is sneaky, so sneaky in fact Frank Kern, John Reese & Jeff Walker promptly knocked me off (with permission of course) and beat EVERY control they had for opt-in conversions. You get this TEMPLATE too.

"Free Standing Report Sites" Creating landing pages designed 100% to give away a lead magnet got me 22,373 new leads on my last launch with just two mails. [DESIGN TEMPLATE INCLUDED]

"Opt-In Action Triggers" Opt in borders, placement, form fields & action button can sway an offer by 50% easy

Session 7 - Crafting Offers That Crush

"How to turn lookers into starving buyers by creating ridiculous offers that kill your competitors and have JV partners begging to promote your stuff"

"Competition Crushing" How to dismantle your competition piece by piece, keep their best and scrap the rest to create the ultimate offer in any niche

"Buyer Profiling" Use our profiling checklist to hone down to EXACTLY who your customer is, and where they live on and off line. [Checklist Included]

"Peeling The Onion" Our psychological model of determining buyers true motivations. It's easy, fast and you'll be shocked with the answer 80% of the time.

"Captain Hook" Most marketers miss the hook?and they fail. In my opinion this is the SINGLE BIGGEST FACTOR in an offer's success or failure. We'll show you how we develop ours and even help you to uncover yours in a class exercise. (WARNING: This Session Is Rated: Aaargghhhh!!!!)

"Throat-Grabbing Headlines" If they don't read it they can't buy it. That's why the greatest headline writers in the world make HUGE salaries. I'll show you how to "borrow" their best ZINGERS to suck your readers in like a mobile home in a tornado.

"12-Step Sales Copy Structure" This template makes anyone a B+ copywriter in just a day with a few exercises. I'll prove it in class?HINT: It's modeled from sexual relationships? [TEMPLATE INCLUDED] took 8 years to develop

"Easing The Buying Process" 3 Streamlining methods that make spending money with you easier and watch your sales skyrocket. Our example handouts will make this a breeze.

"Decoy Pricing" The biggest variable after the headline in conversions is price. Our new decoy pricing model makes your offers more irresistible while getting you top dollar for your products. Follow our tested [GUIDELINE FORMULA] for best results

"Conveying Your Message in Video" Salesmanship in print can be conveyed EVEN BETTER in video. Follow our simple 5-point guide and your videos should do the heavy lifting in your sales pages.

Session 8 - Psychic Sales Design

"Design elements of your website can make as much as an 800% difference in your readability, sales conversions and lead generation - With our best tweaks, tricks and tested elements you will crush it"

"Strategic Graphics Placements" One graphic should be placed to the left of your text and all others to the right for highest conversions. Do you know which one?

"Colors that Sell and Colors That Repel" Colors of backgrounds, buttons, borders all make a difference in conversions. We have tested each element extensively and you get ALL the results.

"Readability Tests" If they can't read it they can't buy it. New simple font change can increase readership to everything you create by 50-70%. And more readers equals more buyers.

"Doodles & Attention-Getters" Buyers usually scan?they don't read. If you understand this you can use doodles and attention-getters to direct the eye of your buyers along a path that ends with them entering their credit cards into your order forms.

"Video Includes" Where you place video on the page is different on sales pages and opt in pages and even different still for upsells. We will explain all the rules complete with test data.

"Johnson Boxes, Highlighters, Bolding, Dropcaps" Ever wondered when? to Johnson box content, when to highlight? What should be bold, italics, underlined etc? Now with our copywriting "CHEAT SHEET" you'll never wonder again. Plus, your copy will move like a rocket.

"Virtual Product Images" Nobody really sells products online?they sell pictures of products. We'll talk about why product shots matter, and why you can almost NEVER get the image you need using a camera.

"BRAND NEW: The Trust Box" People want to know who they are dealing with. This radical act of transparency has gained the trust of many buyers on our websites. Plus, the video element will amaze you.

"Ugly Duckling Buy Boxes" Where do I buy? Believe it or not, this is probably one of your customer's biggest questions. Make your buy area LEAP off the page WITHOUT scaring your customers away and you win. We'll show you how?

Session 9 - The Triple X Method

"Upsells, downsells, cross sells, and click button upgrades can make you TEN TIMES as much money as your core sales do - Marketers who don't use these actions are amateurs. Don't be a chuckle-head?you can do this!"

"Checkbox Ad-On Sales" Simple checkbox add ons can pay ALL of your overhead every month. This is a simple change to make no matter how non-technical you are.

"Single Click Upsells" The BIGGEST news in the "A" list Internet marketing world. Understanding how to put the upsells in place will be critical to your SURVIVAL in the future. Who else is going to show you this?

"Physical Copy Upsells" 40% conversions on an upsell? Yes! If you sell digital information you NEED this upsell, but if you over do it you'll screw it up for sure?we'll show you the right way.

"The Bucket Offer" If apples cost $1 wouldn't a basket-full for $2 be a slam-dunk sale? That's the bucket offer, our second best converting upsell. (HINT: It works because people can easily do the math in their heads.)

"Slack Adjusters" Big ticket upsells and downsells can totally change a slow day into a major victory. We are currently offering $1000 upsells on $27 product sites with a 4% conversion rate. Do the math on that.

"Instant JV Backend Promotions" Don't have a high-ticket backend product? Promote someone else's and start raking in cash on the back end of your sales. We'll show you where to find the highest converting offers and make the JV deals to assure the highest payout.

"Webinar Trials" Webinar registrants buy BEFORE the webinar. I can show you how to make big money before your webinars even air. This is simple?but VERY easy to screw up.

"The Un-Coaching Model" High ticket coaching makes tons of money but usually is a giant time suck. We have perfected a coaching model that our students love but requires only 4 hours a month to maintain no matter how many students you have. We'll show you how to set one up in your own business?

Session 10 - The Followup Machine

"How to make money from every customer you ever acquire. FACT: Most of the growth in any business comes from the customers they already have. Discover?"

"Email Trickery" Email is changing. Deliverability, HTML, VIDEO?here you'll learn what we do and what's working now. Increased open rates, click-throughs and conversions = $$$

"Hybrid Affiliate Offers" Pre-affiliate videos, mini-review sites and rolling affiliate launches are just a few of the affiliate promotion tricks up our sleeves.

"Flipping The Affiliate's Switch" Our #1 source of new affiliates are customers. This can be a delicate transition but you will never find a better affiliate than an uber-satisfied customer. I'll show you how?

"Membership Uprising" This simple strategy can take a reasonable number of your email subscribers to paying members, and paying members to VIP level members every month on auto-pilot. Really slick and man does it ever work!

"Rolling Launches" This is a BIGGIE! Imagine a product launch in your business going off every single week. This requires software [INCLUDED] and just a little planning (we have three every week). You're gonna love this?

Session 11 - SEO Brain Sucks!

"This will be a heavily moderated multi-speaker PANEL talking about what's working TODAY in SEO, both black hat and white hat. Yes, I said black hat, I didn't say you have to use it, but it's good to know what's going on. You will leave with some information ONLY inner circle SEO'ers have, including?"

"Link Buying the RIGHT way" Yes, you can BUY your way to the top of the search engines if you are in a big hurry. It's real easy to make unforgivable mistakes here. Pay attention!

"Automation Nation" Hear which SEO Automation tools will get you on top and which ones will get you sand-boxed from real SEO experts that use these tools every single day.

"Press Release Secrets" How would you like 1000 "Instant Links" from authority news sites for just a few bucks? This is a GREAT way to get some instant authority to your site.

"The PDF Project" The best kept secret in Article SEO. This little trick can get you on top of Google for almost any niche term, sometimes in as little as 24 hours. PDF Files have a HUGE shelf life that can get you clicks and opt-ins for years.

"Back Link Boosting" Getting links is simply not enough, the real SEO pros know that by boosting the quality of the links coming in to you, your position will increase 10 FOLD!

Session 12 - Video Selling Machines

YouTube has changed marketing forever. In a recent study, leads that came in after watching "explainer" videos were worth 300% more than those from other sources. In this session you'll discover?

"Friend Flood" - How to build THOUSANDS of YouTube fans, waiting for your next video to release so they can watch it, rate it and comment on it? all the way to the top of YouTube and then Google? YES, videos dominate page one Google

"Hidden Text Secrets" - There are three hidden text areas inside EVERY video that most people don't know exist, that KILL 99% of video marketing success, now you'll know (and you'll rule YouTube from this day forward).

"The 52 Cent Slingshot" - Full disclosure: This method will cost you 52 cents, but it will also rank your YouTube video on page one of Google in 48 hours or less for almost any 3-4 word term - this method generates INSTANT free buyer traffic in any niche market.

"YouTube to Cart" - Kids, don't try this at home. This is one of the trickiest, but most crazy profitable tests we have EVER done. This is guaranteed to FLIP you out!

"OpenBox Affiliate Sales" - YouTube is without doubt the most overlooked affiliate marketing tool on earth and this one simple video proves that point with proof in dollars and cents. Make one video, forget it and just profit $200-$500 a month

Session 13 - Partnering With Amazon

Amazon is the largest buyer search engine in the world? With more than 275,000,000 credit cards on file partnering with "big brother" can change the face of your business forever. In this session you'll learn?

"Free Google Ads from AMAZON" - Yes, Amazon will buy ads for your products on Google, but you have to know the one hidden button that makes this happen. Of course, we'll share this with you.

"Let's get physical" - Discover 3 websites where you can buy over 1,000,000 physical products at wholesale that you can then sell retail on "Trust Partner" sites for 300% markup? without ever touching the products.

"Google Strong Arm" - This one really turns me on! Discover how trust partners like Amazon, Ebay, Etsy and Fiverr will help you to SEO your products in Google. With this 5 minute lesson you can rank on page one for Google for most items in just days (sometimes in a few hours or less)? using this little-known tactic.

"ePub" - The advent of Kindle, iPad and JIT publishers like Create Space have opened up BILLIONS of devices. Each acts like a cash register to bring you cash buyers and qualified leads on autopilot. Plus, you get to be famous (even if you never write a word).

"Fiverr Fortunes" - Have you used Fiverr? Ever thought of selling there? Paying customers only cost $1 a piece, with just a little massaging, they can be worth THOUSANDS each! We'll explain how and show examples.

"Serial Domains" - This one is for AFFILIATES! One simple domain trick that can turn a $12 domain into $12,000 a year in affiliate revenue with ZERO financial risk. Just 3 quick steps. You'll get them all. BTW: This ONLY works with trust partners.

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