My first Payment PROOF from ACX - Ad Click Xpress -It is actually Amazing Cool program according to me , low investment high returns !!
Date: 14.09.15 17:42 PM
To PayProcessor Account = Uxxxxxxx
Amount: 5.76
Currency: USD
Batch: 101962784
Memo: API Payment. Ad Click Xpress
Withdraw 4451909-160720.
Payment ID: 160720
ACX is 100% legitimate program that gives you 1 ad pack free in both media and ad system worth 5$ and 10$ each to start with. ACX also pays you for posting about your daily withdrawals.
What Kind of Program is ACX?
It's not an HYIP, but it pays High Daily Sales Commissions... and it doesn't
crash like an HYIP.
It's not an MLM, but you get paid big bucks when you Sponsor a New Referral...
but recruiting is NOT required like MLM Programs.
It's NOT a Pyramid Scheme, because they are illegal. ACX Members buy Ad Packs
that pay back a Daily Sales Commissions when Members provide value by "viewing" other Members' websites and advertising. Definitely NOT an illegal pyramid.
Attached Images
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