
Over at the Moonie Times (no link), this story was wrung out of a well-loved holy handkerchief and converted to pixels:

The producer of a new movie that criticizes Obamacare has reportedly become the latest prominent conservative slapped with an IRS audit.

Logan Clements, producer of “Sick and Sicker: ObamaCare Canadian Style,” announced via press release Tuesday that he is being audited for the first time ever. (Emphasis added.)

As the usual dolts, including Paul Tossingoff of Powerline and the Virgin Ben guzzle from the Moonie handerkerchief without question, informed individuals will note that the Dinesh D'D-bag wannabe actually released his magnum dopus in 2010, and wingnut websites were giving the video away in early 2012.  New it's not.

As for Clements' prominence, he Googles second to a U.Va. track athlete of the same name. Clements.

It's as if these Powertools want to be lied to.

Note: Due to a publisher's error, this post was prepared on 10/8, but not published until 10/9.

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