
Last year I attended the second Social Media Marketing for Law Firms Summit in New York City. Much of the focus was on blogging. No surprise there since pioneering blogger and CEO of LexBlog, Kevin O’Keefe, moderated the panel which offered lots of great insight and advice on law firm blogging. At this year’s summit leading law firms shared the lessons learned about how they use social media and content marketing to highlight expertise, build new business and expand relationships with existing clients. This included: how to get buy-in at the firm, establishing a strategy, the return on investment (ROI), and managing the channels. Here are the highlights, and keep in that it’s not a one-size-fits-all strategy.

How to work with lawyers at the firm who don’t get social media

Show them the firm’s clients on social media and conversations they’re NOT having with them

Offer training

Understand the generational divide and handle partners and associates differently

Show what competition is doing

At the very least, start with LinkedIn – personal profiles of every attorney + firm page and groups

How to get lawyers on board after they get it

Just take the lawyers’ firm bio and profile and put it on linkedIn

Assign lawyers as partner advocates

Repurpose content

Write during downtime – like while commuting

Partner within and outside the firm on content – lessens burden and nurtures relationships

How to get baby boomer lawyers at the firm (the decision makers) to engage on social media

Avoid using branding and marketing terms. Remember that many began practicing at a time when marketing was distasteful

Acknowledge the “lawyer personality” – resistant to change, don’t need help, I know my clients and they don’t care

Be ready for common objections: Only do what competition is doing; why would I stick my neck out? What if someone questions my content online? Am I offering legal advice?

Every step forward is a battle – one step at a time

Fold in traditional marketing activities – client alerts, press interviews, rankings, website bios, specialized events, LinkedIn

It’s a sales pitch

Don’t draw conclusion, let them talk – articulate their challenges/issues

Don’t offer the kind of examples just yet that will make them feel discouraged

Help them to arrive at their own conclusion

Meet challenges head on: distasteful, don’t see ROI, etc.

Start with their world (topic, peers)

Close the sale: would you be open to trying? – Start with analyzing clients on LinkedIn


Explain the benefits in terms of existing content

Show that it is THE professional social media destination

Show how you control who sees what

Show what you find interesting and relevant

Check out native metrics

#BDI1 @ddrab "The biggest risk in marketing is not knowing what is being said about you." #socialmedia

— AriKaplan (@AriKaplan) May 5, 2015

Fall out from NOT having a social media presence

Companies no longer control their brand. Firms need to participate in discussions and guide it – online, including on social media

Not being known what is being said about you. Social is where the conversation is taking place

What does a large law firm like DLA Piper’s global social media effort look like?

15 Twitter accounts

10 Facebook accounts

LinkedIn Groups and Pages

Instagram accounts

Zing (Germany)



Results of social media and blogging for individual lawyers and law firms

Gained meaningful connections

Led to speaking engagements

Led to press interviews

Led to feature articles

Got clients directly

ROI is not just tied to revenue – press and thought leadership are returns as well #BDI1 pic.twitter.com/lv3d0SHfcz

— Shannon Ramlochan (@sramloch) May 5, 2015

Measuring Law Firm Social Media ROI

Easy to measure – reach and engagement

Hard to measure – leads, sales, brand awareness

Social share of voice

Take holistic approach, not month to month or quarter to quarter. And remember that not everything that’s important shows up in the box score.

“Analytics and data are not enough. Take corresponding action!”

Social Media Tools (There’s a bottomless well of social media tools. Here are four that were highlighted)

Google Analytics


Simply Measured

Curata CMP

Adopt a long term view of Social Media

Business development and sales cycle of legal moves at a different pace than digital and social media

Consider content as a valuable asset – it’s not just a piece of marketing. It’s a building block

What makes a great ball player or artist? A body of work. View content and social similarly

How to create and promote content

Synthesize information

Connect the dots

Provide a thought provoking exercise

Be patient and consistent

Send out every blog post by email and social media

Syndicate your content (e.g. Mondaq, Lexology, JD Supra)

Law firms: Have something to say on social media

Choose your content carefully and strategically

Identify rock star lawyers and give them a voice

Don’t just post about awards, put out original content around the industry and topics you service

Ask: what’s the story?

Everybody is different. One size or strategy doesn’t fit all. Find your voice

Business development / Content marketing strategy

Find your niche

Know your audience and tailor messaging for each

Be authentic and memorable

Look outside the industry for inspiration

Repurpose content

Use analytics to drive content

Create robust social media profiles and promote content and engage there

How to Integrate social media into your marketing & business development strategy

What can you offer your clients? Use social media to accomplish that

The days of the 80-page client memo are gone. Edit down and repurpose

Success depends on steady stream of value-added content in core areas you want to be known

Four things re content: define audience, align business strategy, determine content producers, measure and adapt

Use images – helps your content stand out (show vs tell)

Create a content editorial calendar

Provide thought leadership

Repurpose lawyer activities, speaking engagements and content

Post important content more than once (shoot for seven) with different messages and pics over the course of a month

Video marketing


Use Pinterest to share data and content

Use your signature block as a branding tool

Find out who’s liking your content

Get your lawyers to promote content

Streamline processes and manage expectations

Be aware of hidden people (people who read but don’t engage – they could be general counsel or your next client)

Start with internal communication to drive external

Cross reference lawyers’ contacts – integrate connections

Encourage lawyers to target certain people to send client alerts

Track news activity around contacts

Discover what works and what didn’t with analytics

Invest in training

Should lawyers have personal blogs or firm-branded?

Both work fine – it depends on practice, people practice, location

Consider micro sites and blogs

No one size fits all

When I write something, I like to be the first person out there on it. – @judy_selby of @BakerHostetler > primacy works for blogging #BDI1

— Kevin O'Keefe (@kevinokeefe) May 5, 2015

What to do about problem tweets?

General Counsel’s office is your best friend

Establish filters

Don’t police lawyers’ personal accounts

Handled differently based on firm size

Have a social media policy

Have an active listening campaign – just as important as putting content out

Education is key

Building trust via E-Marketing

Brand is how we project trustworthiness

Beware of legislation around permission based marketing

Build trust by delivering value – Relevant content is king

Relevant is driven by “opt-in” strategies

Opt-in strategies require closed loop systems

Always keep fine tuning / monitor – measure – adjust

This is a lot to digest. And there’s more! Check out the #BDI1 hashtag for additional insight and for awesome Twitter folks to follow.

The post Social Media Lessons for Law Firms From Law Firms appeared first on Legal Productivity.

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