
China exports unexpectedly fell in March: A window cleaner moves past an advertisement poster of a jewelry boutique in Beijing, China Thursday, April 10, 2014. China reported an unexpected contraction in exports in March, raising the danger of job losses as Beijing tries to overhaul its slowing economy.

Window cleaners hang from the facade of Ngee Ann city mall in Singapore - Xenophobia rears its ugly head in Singapore once more. Comments left on 'Say "No" to an overpopulated Singapore' refer to Filipinos as "f**king vermin", "scum", "shit heads of a third world country" and "undesirable underlings". Some are calling for Singaporeans to show up at the event to make trouble. One guy even called for men to "put on our number 4s with full battle order" to "surround the Pinoys".

Window Washer Critically Injured After 6-Floor Fall: A window washer has been hospitalized with critical injuries after falling six floors Thursday evening. Crews responded to the 1800 block of 7th Street NW around 6 p.m. for the accident. Police say the winow washer fell from the 9th floor of a building to the 3rd floor. An investigation is pending.

Workers abseiling from building: Falls from heights are a major cause of death and injury in Australian workplaces, according to Safe Work Australia.

Working at heights deaths: Self-regulation failing to prevent fatal building falls, unions say - Unions are calling for tougher safety regulations and enforcement to stop workers falling to their deaths at worksites, saying more people will be killed unless self-regulation is scrapped. Falls from heights are a major cause of death and injury in Australian workplaces, according to Safe Work Australia. Of the 800,000 Australians who work at heights, including tradesmen, cleaning, and maintenance workers, on average 26 of them fall to their death each year, and almost 8,000 are injured.

Working At Heights Association secretary Gordon Cadzow says regulators are not enforcing the safety standards. "It's the second largest cause of death in industry," he said. "There has to be a policeman and the policeman has to enforce the law. "Falling from height, there's no second chance. I've been close to fatalities in the past and I don't want to get close to them again." In 2011, 45-year-old West Australian builder Bernard Wills was on his first day on a new job - a high shed under construction near Esperance - when he fell through a skylight to his death. Late last year, Wills' employer was fined $65,000 for not following safety procedures. His family believes his death could have been avoided if safety standards had been strictly policed by regulators.

"The failure to do these safety measures resulted in his death and that's why he isn't here today," his sister Theresa Curley said. "I think that there's enough knowledgeable and experienced people within the whole industry, from the regulators right down, that can look at these problems with working at height risks and reduce the probability that someone who was so inexperienced would find themselves on that roof and have the opportunity to risk their life."

Lack of safety regulations likened to 'Wild West' - For those who work at heights, their lives literally depend on the ropes and anchors holding them up. There is a certification system to ensure their safety, but it is hopelessly unreliable and unregulated, with abseil anchor points often left untested. Peter Ferguson from the Australian Rope Access Association argues that people are being allowed to get away with not applying the rules. "It's pointless having regulations if they aren't policed, and the policing just simply isn't happening at the moment," he said.

Gren Hinton from Proaccess window cleaning says safety checks of equipment and structures are hit and miss. "Some of them will be tested, some of them won't be tested." "And there's no certification or accrediting body for the companies installing. You can't trust anything. It's basically the Wild West out there." Engineer Clive Austin and his team were hired to carry out maintenance on a Melbourne apartment building.  They checked the abseiling anchors and found that, while they were certified, they were woefully faulty. Mr Austin asked the building owners to replace the anchors. Instead, his company was replaced. He reported this to the regulator, which did nothing because the replacement team had not started. "We reported that to WorkSafe," Mr Austin said. "They said they wouldn't investigate because it didn't constitute a building site."

When put to Len Neist of the Victorian WorkCover authority that six workers required to do heavy maintenance on one site must surely constitute a workplace, he responded: "We have limited resources". But Mr Austin says that is not good enough. "There needs to be some sort of regulation to make sure that the anchors are safe," he said. "We want to come home."

Mr Cadzow says falls from ladders are another big risk. "When we looked at ladders, over 90 per cent inspected were not to Australian standards," he said "We've taken this data to the regulator and asked him to treat this as a serious matter. The response has been disappointing."Plumber Keith Dickman was working up a ladder on a construction site in Melbourne when he fell and died.  In 2012, the Victorian Coroner's Court found the defective ladder and unsafe work practices contributed to his death. 

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The Mole and Jersey Show Season 2 Episode 2 - This show just keeps on getting better & better!!

Victoria Police tougher on crime than grime as cleaning budget cut: Victoria Police has been forced to cut back on cleaning at police stations as it grapples with ''a difficult time of fiscal restraint''. A leaked email to staff from western region Assistant Commissioner Jack Blayney said cleaning services would be reduced at police stations and other Victoria Police buildings to slash costs. ''You will also be aware that we are moving through a difficult time of fiscal restraint. We are not the only organisation that needs to reduce costs,'' the email said. Mr Blayney said the force was investigating other ways to reduce spending and he would monitor the new cleaning regime - which may be an interim measure. A police spokeswoman said there would be no change to the cleaning of police cells, locker rooms, kitchens, bathrooms and toilets. ''However, general cleaning, including vacuuming, dusting, and internal window cleaning, has been reduced on average to three times a week.'' She said the cleaning cuts were expected to save Victoria Police about $1 million a year.

Window cleaner’s epic 48-mile Norfolk Coast Path run for Crohn’s and Colitis charity: Karl Warnes, from Castle Acre, ran almost 50 miles along the Norfolk coast path to raise money for in aid of Crohn's and Colitis UK. He was supported by his brother Craig Warnes and cousin Robin Clarke, who completed the journey on cycles. Karl Warnes, from Castle Acre near Swaffham, said he had never previously run more than 14 miles before taking on the epic 48-mile route from Hunstanton to Cromer on Good Friday. He completed the gruelling challenge in 9hrs 25mins, battling against wind, rain and difficult coastal terrain underfoot, including sand, loose shingle and muddy footpaths. The 24-year-old was backed by his brother Craig Warnes, also from Castle Acre, and cousin Robin Clarke, from Great Dunham, who both also completed the journey on bicycles, carrying much-needed supplies of water and energy snacks. The run has so far raised more than £800 for Crohn’s and Colitis UK – a charity founded to offer support and research into the bowel conditions which can devastate lives and have no known cure.

Mr Warnes’ 21-year-old girlfriend Rebecca Mack has suffered with Crohn’s for seven years. “It is important, because my girlfriend has Crohn’s so I wanted to raise awareness really,” he said. “I have only done about 14 miles before. I play football every other week and I go the gym, but I’ve only done proper training for a long run since Christmas. It has been whenever I have had time to run in the mornings or at the weekends. “I was hoping to do it in under 10 hours, so I’m very happy. Some of it was a pebble beach and the weather was pretty bad at times as well, which does not help. There was a lot of wind and heavy rain, that was the worst part.

One-Armed Biker Leads as Paulistas Take to Cycling: David Sousa was left for dead. At dawn on March 10, 2013, a car slammed into him while he was cycling on Sao Paulo’s main road. Only after finding Sousa’s severed right arm in his car did the hit-and-run driver stop. That’s when prosecutors say he tossed the appendage into one of the sewage-choked waterways that criss-cross the biggest city in South America. In fact, the 22-year-old Sousa survived. And after fellow cyclists took to Avenida Paulista, the scene of the injury, behind a standard of a plastic arm holding a fistful of flowers, Sousa became the face of a nascent biking movement. “Sometimes I wish I had a gas mask,” Sousa said during a recent ride in which a speeding car forced him into a storm drain. A few blocks later, another almost hit him while it was backing out of a driveway. Since getting back on his bike, rigged so he controls both front and back brakes with his left hand, Sousa has been knocked off twice by cars in collisions.
He hopes the case against the driver, whose lawyers dispute prosecutors’ allegation that he was under the influence of alcohol and that he was at fault in last year’s accident, brings compensation to help pay for business classes he began after losing his job as a window washer. The arm was never found after a six-day search by firemen. Sousa tried public transport to get to school from his home in eastern Sao Paulo, a region that has been largely engulfed by sprawling slums, known as favelas, but he can’t stand the long waits and overcrowding. “The bike facilitates my mobility,” said Sousa, who is riding a new BMW sent to him by an anonymous businessman who read about his accident in the newspapers. “On my bike, I can do what I want when I want.”

Traders are challenging shoppers to spend a fiver at local retailers to give their high street a boost. Supporters of the Totally Locally Cheadle scheme say if people spent just £5 a week at independent shops it would be worth an extra £2.9 million to the town's economy. The campaign was launched at the town's St George's Market on Saturday, following the success of Totally Locally in Leek. Marc Briand, who is co-ordinating the schemes in both towns, hopes Totally Locally will achieve similar results in Cheadle. "Research has shown that if you spend £10 at a supermarket it's worth about £20 to the local economy. But if you spend it at a local retailer that value rises to £50, because that business will use other local businesses, such as accounts, suppliers and window cleaners." A 'Fiver Fest' will take place in Cheadle on Saturday, May 10, coinciding with the next farmers' market. The event will see local retailers offering special £5 offers to help promote the campaign's message.

Watch This Window Washing Video, If You Dare … Chicago - WARNING: If you get dizzy standing on a chair, you might not like this video. However, if you are interested in what it feels like to wash high-rise windows, this video is totally for you. Armed with a brush and wiper blade, window washer Michael Kelly strapped a video camera to his helmet and posted to YouTube about 20 minutes of stomach-churning video as he slowly slid down a building in the Financial District at 175 W. Jackson on Monday. The view is fantastic, although disconcerting at times–especially if you get skittish at higher altitude. Using a suction cup as a grip, Kelly deftly moves from side to side around stone and brick pillars to attack his target. For the most part, the only sounds you here are the thudding of the suction cup and the sloshing of cleaning solution. It seems Mr. Kelly has done this a few times before. Sitting in a small seat and guided by a sturdy rope, Kelly quickly applies soapy water and swipes is wiper blade a few times and then bounces and slides along the side of the building, sometimes floating away from the building and looking down at the street below.

Pure Window Cleaning Reach and Wash on St Michael's Mount: It's a tough and challenging job when the annual spring clean for St Michael's Mount's windows comes along. Penzance-based Pure Window Cleaning Reach and Wash has had the task of cleaning the numerous windows every spring for the past three years. It is a job which takes three operators the whole day. The cleaning poles have to extend 25ft more than their usual length to reach up to some of the windows which are 60ft high. Owner Ian Strick said: "There are many factors that have to be considered when the annual clean comes along. "Tide times and wind speed have to be considered and because Saturday is the only day that the Mount isn't open to the public, it is the only day that we can clean them." Reach and Wash is a family-run business, established for 20 years and, added Mr Strick, it has three operating guidelines: remaining safe, staying green, and ensuring the privacy of the customer. He says that as the company uses a carbon fibre extendable pole, no ladders are needed to reach windows and so the safety of the cleaner and privacy of the customer are guaranteed. Reach and Wash stay green by the removal of chemicals; the filters used in the purification of their water are from natural sources and recyclable and due to the use of pure water, no detergent residue is left behind and the windows look cleaner immediately.

Name your price to do that job on new ‘Jobbers’ website: Window cleaning, garage sorting, boat cleaning ... the list of jobs on people’s to-do list is usually long, and there’s never time to do it. These are also times of unemployment and underemployment — and with the culture of entrepreneurship strong in Bermuda, Stafford Lowe has founded a new venture to bring jobs and job seekers together. It’s called Jobber.bm. Mr Lowe said: “Jobber.bm is a new ‘job auction’ website designed to connect the people who are struggling with their to-do lists of jobs with the heroes in their local communities who are able to help them out. “The website operates a bidding system where a job ‘poster’ can advertise the task they need help with and the maximum price that they’re willing to pay, and ‘jobbers’ can then put forward a bid to try to win the job. The poster remains completely anonymous to everyone except the jobber the poster ends up choosing for the job.”

Just one month old, the website has taken off beyond Mr Lowe wildest expectations with almost 200 people signing up for it, and several jobs completed. “And we have five to 10 new jobbers signing up every day,” he said. “If the poster doesn’t like any of the bids they have received, they can just let the job auction expire and re-post it again later.” Those people who have signed up will receive e-mail alerts whenever a job in an area they have expressed interest is posted, so they can bid right away. He said: “While jobbers are encouraged to bid aggressively, posters are often very discerning about reading both the jobbers’ personal statements and the specific reasons they put forward in their bid for why they should be chosen. “It’s not really about which jobber is willing to do the job for the least amount of money, but more about finding the best person available to help at a price that’s fair.”

At the age of 42, most boxers — with the exception of George Foreman and Evander Holyfield — are reminiscing about their careers. Jerry Schwickrath of West Deer, a 1989 Fox Chapel Area High School graduate, was just beginning his. Last month, the now-43-year-old claimed a Golden Gloves championship in the Masters Division (ages 35 and up) at Three Lakes Golf Course in Penn Hills. What makes the accomplishment even more impressive was that the win was his first official bout.
“About a year ago, a friend of mine who's a boxing trainer invited me down to the gym, and I guess they liked what they saw,” Schwickrath said. “They convinced me to enter the Golden Gloves, so I began training.” Part of the training involved competing in the Tough Mudder competition that was held in August in Ohio. “It's a 12-mile obstacle course in mud, basically,” he said. “They have many events, and they're pretty grueling. You have to run five miles in 40 minutes, and there are a lot of hills. You have to jump in ice water, run in fire and a lot of other tough obstacles. That got me in pretty good shape.” Schwickrath, who didn't compete in any sports in high school, also credits his job with keeping him in shape. “I own a window-cleaning business, and I've got over 2,000 customers,” he said. “There's a lot of climbing involved with some of the places I clean, and it's the main reason I've kept in shape.”

Bomb squad called in as unexploded WW2 hand grenade found in Crosland Moor garden shed: Window cleaner Tim Rees told how he saw the activity while on his rounds. He said: “I saw the vehicles and thought the worst that it was a crime scene and then I found out they had found a hand grenade. “They had sealed off the area and at first people didn’t know what had happened. “I’ve heard the couple who found it have only just bought the house from an elderly couple who had died. “They were clearing out the house and garden when they came across it.” Army bomb disposal experts were called to the scene. The device was made safe and the army left earlier this afternoon.

UK small businesses still struggling to stay afloat: Micro-businesses across the UK, whether window cleaners, self-employed hairdressers or taxi drivers, are simply struggling to make ends meet and find the funds needed to grow their businesses. A recent Amigo Loans study revealed a fifth (21 per cent) have no idea how they will grow the business in the future, and a further 15 per cent say growth just simply isn’t possible for them right now.

Quotes of the Day - Linda Robson: "People used to ask me what my husband did, and I truthfully said that he was a window cleaner. But I was told that wasn't posh enough. Now I tell them that he is a glazing hygienist" - Birds Of A Feather actress Linda Robson.

The Shetland branch of “Women for Independence” saw an encouraging turn out at its launch on Thursday night at Lerwick’s Isleburgh Community Centre. A gathering of around 25 (including two men) engaged in a wide ranging discussion about matters relating to the future of an independent Scotland over a selection of home bakes and hot drinks. As the evening progressed, the existence of several more special interest groups came to light, including Window Cleaners for Independence, Hairdressers for Independence and North Yorkshire for Scottish Independence.

Brooklyn may have a collective case of Winter Weather PTSD: The winter of 2013-14 will go down in the books as one of the worst in a generation. There were over 15 snowstorms, consistently cold days, bitter winds, and commensurate numbers of people injured from falls, sprains, and car accidents. The first storm started on November 12 2013 and the last storm, a "light snow event" took place on February 18, 2014. Winter went on for three months, going on three years, it seemed. A local window washing business, a mom and pop, says customers are delaying their spring wash. Some people are still walking around in winter coats despite 50 degree weather. You'd think we lived in Maine.  It's like everyone has a touch of weather-related PTSD. New York's an indoor/outdoor city, with a lot of office workers and also a lot of people who go to not just jobs but school, classes, events, cultural venues and to eat out and see friends.  And everybody's got a lousy story from this winter.

Glass, by Alex Christofi: Westland commented: “Glass is a brilliant debut from a hugely talented young writer. A completely winning story of a young man finding his way in the world, it features window-cleaning, skyscrapers, a cathedral, first love, last love, family bereavement, a closet fascist, and a German intellectual. And the most endearing lead character I’ve ever come across. Gunter Glass stole my heart, and is guaranteed to steal yours.”

Opening the doors: When completing her MA in Fine Arts, Grayson made a huge painting of someone washing windows as seen from the other side of the window - "like the painter is trapped behind the canvas". The popularity of this piece encouraged her to create another - seeing a figure through a shower door. She then had the idea of a collaborative effort where several artists all start from the same concept of using a door. She made a list of people who she thought produced interesting work and approached them. Doors Unhinged was born. 

Brighton motorists fined more than £3.5 million last year: City parking wardens issued fines worth more than £3.5 million last year. Motorists in Brighton and Hove were given 103,219 tickets for flouting parking regulations – boosting council coffers by at least £3.6 million if each ticket was paid within two weeks at £35.  Thirteen tickets were also waived because they were given to window cleaners. A spokeswoman for Brighton and Hove City Council said: “Window cleaners who are using equipment from a vehicle to carry out their work may apply to the council for a parking permit. “On seeing the badge the civil enforcement officer will check that window cleaning is in progress and if not a penalty charge notice (PCN) may be issued

It's a bird! it's a plane! No - it's somewhere in between. Melbourne researchers are developing drones that will detect and glide on natural air currents to conserve energy - something birds have been doing for millennia. In the right conditions, the drones could glide between buildings and skyscrapers for hours on end, barely expending any battery power, project leader Dr Reece Clothier of RMIT University says. He and his colleagues are working on specialised sensors that will enable autonomous drones to detect surrounding wind patterns in real time. The drones could use the information to navigate towards favourable updrafts, while also avoiding damaging eddies and turbulent air. "It's replicating what birds do," he says. "They know where these updrafts are, they fly to them and they hold their position."

The idea struck Dr Clothier and his research team as they watched birds surfing the updrafts between skyscrapers in Melbourne's CBD. "We thought, 'wouldn't it be great to develop an unmanned aircraft that could do exactly what those birds are doing?'" A prototype drone unveiled on Monday is named Kestrel - a homage to the falcons that hover on headwinds and then swoop swiftly on their prey. It's early days, but Dr Clothier says the technology could one day be integral. "Unmanned aircraft are likely to see a lot of applications that require them to fly in built-up areas," he says - from policing and inspecting buildings to surveillance and even window-washing. The research is focused on fixed-wing drones, but Dr Clothier says there's no reason it couldn't be extended to drones powered by rotors. The project is just the latest to look to nature for inspiration.

Finally – finally! – spring has arrived. The flowers are blooming, the trees are turning green again and – hey, how did those baseboards get so dusty? Amid all the joys of spring comes something not quite so inviting: spring cleaning. Done right, it can breathe new life into your home and free your spirit from the weight of clutter, soap scum and dog hair. “Spring is new beginnings,” said Beth Dannenhauer, owner of the Maid in Heaven cleaning service in Charlotte. “It kind of transcends into the house: ‘Let’s just give this a good cleaning.’ It’s good for the soul.” And, she points out, it’s also good for the body. Accumulated dust mites, airborne allergens and dust particles can make us sick, especially in today’s nearly air-tight homes.

“Healthwise,” said Dannenhauer, “it’s very important to get that house clean, get it disinfected, do those chores that you maybe don’t do but once a year.” But while most of us feel at least a tiny twinge of that spring-cleaning bug this time of year, not everyone actually rolls up sleeves and gets it done. We like the idea of a tidier, healthier home, but we don’t really like scrubbing baseboards. Geralin Thomas, owner of Metropolitan Organizing in Cary, says there are ways to make all those deep-cleaning chores feel less like, well, chores. “Sometimes it’s easier to do things in a group, surround yourself with people who are motivated and will keep you motivated,” she said. If your family members don’t quite meet that standard, enlist some friends or neighbors and create a traveling band of spring cleaners. One person’s house gets the deep clean one weekend, then it’s on to another group member’s house the next. Bring some snacks, play some music and be sure to indulge in a reward when it’s all done, maybe a night out or a glass of wine, Thomas said.

If you find yourself grumbling, instead of whistling while you work, keep in mind all the benefits a clean house offers the mind and body. “It’s very much like exercising,” Thomas said. “A lot of times you have to talk yourself into it, and then while you’re sweating it out it’s no fun. But the minute you’re done, you think, ‘I feel so much better! I’m glad I did it.’ ” Starting a spring-cleaning project can be overwhelming – so much grime, so little time. So we asked some experts, including Dannenhauer and Thomas, for their top five tasks and tips to inspire you to take out the mop and get moving. By the numbers - The American Cleaning Institute polled 1,777 adults about their spring-cleaning habits. Here are some highlights from that 2013 poll, which has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points: Washing windows: 80% 

Waiting game at the Anglo trial - The jury in the trial of three Anglo Irish Bank executives were tasked one week ago today with deciding whether to bring the first convictions against Irish bankers under specific laws. Waiting around for a verdict is tedious, but people watching and observing the everyday goings on – such as the mundanity of window washing, where three men scaled down the side of the building, swinging from side to side with wipers and suds, caught most people’s eye. TV3′s Brian O’ Donovan went outside to capture the scene as taking images is prohibited inside the Criminal Courts of Justice.

Living Smart: Don't let dirty windows obscure your view of nature in full spring glory. Whether you do the job yourself or hire an experienced pro, few home investments are as immediately satisfying as clean, sparkling windows. Here are expert DIY tips that my research team gathered from top-rated window cleaners:

Start with the right supplies. If your windows are standard glass, not leaded or stained, and they aren't tinted, you should be able to safely use commonly available window-cleaning products. But you can always just clean with hot, soapy water and rinse with water and a small amount of vinegar to improve shine. Or, you can try these options: Combine a cup of rubbing alcohol, a cup of water and a tablespoon of vinegar. For glass that's cloudy, try straight ammonia. (Don't combine vinegar and ammonia, as they cancel each other out.) Good wipe-down materials include paper or microfiber cloths and newspapers. Avoid plain, cotton towels, which will leave behind lint.

For cleaning hard-to-reach outside windows, consider an extendable tool with a telescoping handle that has a soft scrubber on one side and a squeegee on the other. Spray the scrubber with cleaning solution, clean the window and squeegee to remove the cleaner. To more easily see streaks that will require a second shot of elbow grease, wipe the inside of glass in a different direction than the outside. For instance, go side-to-side on the inside and up and down on the back. Here's a tip if you find that your lower windows, or siding, have dark stains. Your mulch may be to blame. Cheap mulch may be infested with a fungus that, when mature, shoots black spores that stick to glass and siding and are hard to remove completely. If you have problems with this, consider switching to higher quality mulch.

Ideally, it's best to clean windows twice a year. That may be reason enough to hire out the work, but there are other reasons to consider professionals, including the dangers inherent in working on a ladder. In addition, expert window cleaners have the right supplies to more readily remove paint, glue and other material from glass. They also have experience in cleaning other window components and areas, including screens and sills. They can also identify and deal with window problems, such as screen patterns etched on glass, sashes painted shut, screens that don't fit right, clogged channels, non-working or damaged window weights in older windows, wood rot and insect infestations. A pro may also be your best bet if you have specialty windows, including leaded glass, stained glass and tinted glass. Before you hire a window cleaner, do a little research, since anybody can claim to be an expert in this area. Make sure the company has positive reviews on a trusted site, is appropriately licensed and insured, has proven experience, and is willing to provide a free estimate.

Patient Lenox Barden, 5, gives a high five to Iron Man through a window on the fourth floor of WakeMed Children's hospital. Three window washers dressed as superheroes rappeled down the side of the building Wednesday, April 16, 2014 in Raleigh to bring a little fun and excitement to patients and staff. This was the second year that Batman, Iron Man and Spiderman have “dropped in” at the hospital.

Superheroes visit WakeMed Children's hospital patients: WakeMed Children’s Hospital patients and their family members, along with hospital staff, had a surprise visit from three superheroes who dropped in outside the fourth floor lobby window on Wednesday. Mild-mannered window washers from Scottie’s Building Services donned Batman Superman and Iron Man costumes to become superheroes for a day, fighting grime and cheering up young patients at the Raleigh hospital. Pediatric patients that felt well enough (and their families) gathered in the Children's Hospital lobby to see the superheroes up close, exchange high-fives through the glass and take photographs. The superheroes also made special window drops for kids that could not leave their rooms. This was the second year that the hospital hosted the heroes.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Superheroes washed windows at Charlotte's Hemby Children's Hospital Tuesday, delighting kids and their parents. “I hope they're careful and they don't fall off the ladder or something,” said 9-year-old Mae Rainey as Superman, Batman, Spiderman and the Hulk came into her room. Nah, these guys are superheroes. “They usually save the day or something like that. Were they saving your day?” – MB “No, I didn't have any trouble.” – MR They're not the only heroes you'll find here. Mychael Kitriss, 9, has spent the last month in the hospital fighting leukemia. “I’ve never been to a hospital before and I didn’t know what was going to happen,” she said. It’s been hard for mom Lisa to watch. “There were a few days that she just didn’t think she was going to pull through it and I just kept telling her to fight like a girl.” She's getting her strength back, though nothing like her favorite superhero - the Hulk. “Every time he gets mad he had to go buy a new shirt. They’re just cool and they save other people and that’s really cool.” But Mom has a different take on the whole superhero thing. “She looks at those superheroes at being so much better. They do all these wonderful things and she has no idea how strong she’s been, and that she’s the ultimate superhero in all of this.” She's got the strength, now all she needs is the cape.

Metropolitan Window Cleaning’s Blake Dawson and Matthew Drape transformed themselves into Spider-Man and Batman to abseil down walls. Lachlan Fry, 5, in hospital for an infected broken arm, was already in Batman tracksuit pants and T-shirt, and couldn’t resist the chance to get a photo with the superheroes before going home for Easter. “He loves the hospital. It’s like a little hotel for kids,” said mum Kym. “They go to so much effort to make it not a scary place.”

Their superpowers? Boosting spirits at children's hospital: The superhero window washers made their first appearance at Lurie last year after Phil Kujawa, 46, the foreman of the crew, saw a news report about a similar event in another city. He mentioned the idea to his bosses at Chicago-based Corporate Cleaning and quickly got the green light. Then, Kujawa had the little issue of getting his crew to don the capes and tights. “At first, they were like, ‘I am not wearing that,’” Kujawa recalled. He emphasized how much it would mean to the kids, and eventually won over his crew. Each window washer, Kujawa said, was carefully selected for his experience and skill. (Because of the several architectural details on the building, Lurie Children’s is not an easy building to clean, he said.) What’s more, each man had to look like a hero.
Roberto Duran, 32, with a chiseled jaw and clean-cut good looks, would make a perfect Captain America, his bosses thought. Gerardo Vaca, 36, with a short, athletic build, seemed more a Spider-Man type. And Pedro Castro, 45 with a bushy mustache, was chosen to become Batman “as a little bit of a joke,” Kujawa said with a laugh. “We wanted to see what he would look like in a costume.” Now, he said, his team revels in the chance to assume the super identities. The heroes clean the windows, of course. But the real mission is to bring a bit of happiness to the kids.

At Lurie, officials built a whole day of events around the superheroes’ appearance. They call it “Superhero Day,” and send an advance alert to the staff asking everyone to don capes and masks. Though staff likely know what that super alert means, the arrival of the caped window-washers, via ropes from the roof, is kept secret from patients and families until the last moment. Video here.

£26k window cleaning bill for Leicester City Council - Leicester City Council spends £26,484 to have the windows of its buildings cleaned twice a year. Information about the council's contract with Ace Cleaning Company has been published following a Freedom of Information request by a member of the public. The council says it has 182 buildings – from offices to leisure centre, shops houses and residential homes – covered by its window cleaning contract, which will be up for tender in late 2016.

Police in Fermanagh have been helping householders to show doorstep criminals the door through a new scheme to keep rogue traders at bay. Using the new 'No Cold Calling Zone...no uninvited traders' window stickers, developed in association with Trading Standards, cold callers can now be warned away and a contact number provided to report those who ignore the sticker's warning to Trading Standards. The stickers have been distributed throughout Northern Ireland in recent months. While it should be noted that not all cold callers are rogue traders, the project has been developed by police to put a stop to those unofficial traders who may over-charge an unsuspecting and often elderly householder for poor quality work or work that is never completed at all.

The stickers give a householder the opportunity to warn cold callers that they are not wanted at their door, that ignoring that warning could constitute a breach of Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading regulations and that further action may be taken by Trading Standards. The project is not designed to apply to established callers such as a milk delivery or window-cleaners. Inspector Roy Robinson said: "Most callers at your door will be genuine but someone could be trying to gain access to look around your property or charge you far too much for shoddy or non-existent work.

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