
Extreme Importance of Vitamin D & Sun Exposure

We attain vitamin D from exposure to sunlight, diet and supplements. Vitamin D deficiency is common in children and adults.

In utero and during childhood, vitamin D deficiency may cause growth retardation, skeletal deformities and increase risk of hip fractures later in life.

In adults, vitamin D deficiency may precipitate or exacerbate osteopenia, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, fractures, common cancers, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases and cardiovascular diseases.

Without vitamin D, only about 10-15 percent of dietary calcium and about 60 percent of phosphorus is absorbed by the body.

Studies have shown people living at higher latitudes (where the angle of the sun’s rays are unable to sufficiently produce adequate amounts of vitamin D in the skin) are more likely to develop and die of Hodgkin’s lymphoma, colon, pancreatic, prostate, ovarian, breast and other cancers.

Studies have also shown an association between low levels of vitamin D and an increased risk for Type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. (Source: Gina Digravio, Boston University)

Beware! The Dangers of Commercial Sunblock

Though the FDA monitors the ingredients in sunscreens, health watchdogs have found many of the ingredients approved by the FDA have unwanted and harmful side-effects. The Environmental Protection Agency (EWG) evaluated US-approved sunscreen chemicals for both their ability to block UV radiation and for toxicity. Following are just a few examples of what is lurking in traditional sunscreens:

A study conducted by The Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, found that many widely used sunscreen chemicals mimic the effects of estrogen and trigger developmental abnormalities in rats.

In lab tests, the chemical ingredients benzophenone-3, momosalte, 4-methyl-benzylidene camphor (4-MBC), octyl-methoxycinnamate and octyl-dimethyl-PABA, behaved like estrogen and made cancer cells grow more rapidly. 4-MBC also causes a doubling of the rate of uterine growth well before puberty.

“That was scary,” said Margaret Schlumpf, lead researcher, “because we used concentrations that are in the range allowed in sunscreens.”

Concerns over the most common chemical ingredient Benzophenone-3 (Oxybenzone) peaked when a study conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in 2008 revealed that oxybenzone readily absorbs into the body and is present in 97% of Americans tested. This chemical was detected in the urine of nearly every study participant and is shown to cause hormone disruption, cell damage, and allergic skin reactions.

A companion study published just one day earlier revealed that this chemical is linked to low birth weight in baby girls whose mothers are exposed during pregnancy. The EWG calculated that the majority of sunscreens and at least 567 other personal care products sold in the US contain this chemical. Sadly, the last safety review for oxybenzone was done in the 1970′s, and does not reflect a wealth of information developed since that time indicating increased toxicity concerns and widespread human exposure.

(Source: http://www.cnmhealth.com/2012/05/31/is-your-sunscreen-full-of-toxic-chemicals/)

Natural Sunscreen Has Power to Reverse the Visible Signs of Aging

Forget the Bottled White Stuff That’s Full of Parabens & Other Harmful Chemical Ingredients!

This Antioxidant-Rich Supplement Can Prevent Sunburns AND Keep You from Developing Excessive Wrinkles and Dark Age Spots

The scorching summer sun can certainly take a toll on your skin. While moderate, regular sun exposure (15 minutes daily) is beneficial, because it triggers the body’s natural production of essential vitamin D, overexposure often results in painful sunburns and can lead to skin cancer. Most people want to protect themselves from the sun’s harmful rays, but it’s a hassle to cake messy sunscreen on hour after hour. Not to mention, most sunscreens on the market today contain ingredients that are far more harmful to your health than the sun!

Supplementing with astaxanthin is like taking sunscreen in a pill form.

If only sunscreen came in a pill-form…

Well, it does. Research has proven many skin protective properties come from taking astaxanthin as a dietary supplement in pill form. Unlike beta-carotene, astaxanthin has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, infiltrating every part of the body, saturating the skin like a force field.

This super-antioxidant acts as an internal sunscreen, helping your body to fight the sun-induced free radicals in your skin, protecting you from burns and the premature signs of aging. In 2002, a study conducted in Japan showed astaxanthin improved fine lines, wrinkles and elasticity in the test subjects’ skin.5

While baking in the sun all day is never a good idea, supplementing with astaxanthin has proven to be a great alternative to the conventional chemically-laden sunscreens, with the added bonus of giving your skin a more youthful appearance.

What is Astaxanthin?

Astaxanthin belongs to the carotenoid family, which are the naturally occurring pigments in colorful foods. (Astaxanthin is what gives wild salmon and shrimp their pinkish hue.) These antioxidant-packed compounds are crucial to your health, yet most of our diets are severely lacking in the foods containing them.

Astaxanthin has been dubbed King of the Carotenoids, as some studies have shown astaxanthin to be much stronger than other carotenoids, such as beta-carotene and lutein, in its ability to scavenge free-radicals.  In fact, astaxanthin has proven to be 65 times more powerful than vitamin C and 14 times that of vitamin E, in this regard.

Comparison of Astaxanthin’s Free-Radical Scavenging Ability

Source: USNutra.com

Many carotenoids are easily obtained through a healthy diet, rich in colorful produce. However, there really isn’t an ideal way to get optimal amounts of astaxanthin from a natural source.

The two main sources of astaxanthin are unappetizing microalgae and then, of course, the wild salmon, krill and other sea-dwelling creatures that consume this algae.

While you may be a seafood lover, in order to get the health-giving benefits of astaxanthin from these natural sources, you would have to consume excessive amounts. This would mean you would also be ingesting undesirable levels of toxins, such as mercury and pcbs, etc.

Astaxanthin Provides Impressive List of Health Benefits

After a series of clinical trials, the manufacturer states BioAstin® astaxanthin may provide the following health benefits:

Skin Support: Initial trials with astaxanthin suggest that it may boost the skin’s natural antioxidant defenses against ultraviolet induced free radicals. In a human clinical evaluation, supplementation with BioAstin® astaxanthin for two weeks provided significant antioxidant protection for the skin. In cell cultures, astaxanthin provided greater protection than both beta-carotene and lutein, in part by supporting catalase and superoxide dismutase activity. Astaxanthin may also moderate the activity of polyamines generated by exposure to sunlight.

Antioxidant Support: Astaxanthin protects the phospholipid membranes of cells from oxidative damage. In a recent U.S. study, it demonstrated the ability to cross the blood brain barrier and protect the retina in animals, suggesting its potential for supporting the brain and nervous system from free radical damage. In one animal study, astaxanthin helped to maintain a healthy bacterial environment in the stomach.

Joint Support: In one double-blind placebo controlled trial, BioAstin® astaxanthin significantly supported joint comfort in human volunteers. The results of another human clinical trial suggest that BioAstin® supported knee comfort and joint function after strenuous leg exercises. Subjects in a third study using BioAstin® reported enhanced wrist nerve comfort.

Immune Support: Enhanced dietary concentrations of astaxanthin have demonstrated the ability to support healthy immunoglobulin activity and immune function. Additional studies suggest astaxanthin’s immune and cellular support potential.

Lipid and Cardiovascular Support: In another animal study, astaxanthin supported healthy lipid metabolism. Other studies are in progress to further evaluate its cardiovascular supportive properties.

Testimony – “I had started taking BioAstin® Astaxanthin shortly after getting really burned on one of the first days of summer. Being so fair skinned and sensitive, I have never been able to sit in the sun for very long without getting uncomfortably red, even with sunscreen. So I continued taking it daily as a protocol. One weekend, I went to a beach in Charleston with a plan to swim and play volleyball. Realizing about 30 minutes after arriving on the sand and in my bathing suit that I didn’t bring any sunscreen, I decided to take 5 of the 4mg astaxanthin right away. Every hour after that, I took 2 more to avoid any harsh burn. I was out there throughout the peak hours of daylight and my skin color went from a pale, freckly white to a light reddish color as usual, but without the pain. I am excited to say by the next day any of the red that was initially there had evolved into a tan. I have continued taking the astaxanthin and loving it. The best thing is that not only does it help with my skin, it just makes me feel really good overall. I know that is doing more things on a deeper level than just the surface.” – Brenna Howes, South Carolina

Can’t Go without a Sun-Kissed Tan? Check out this Natural Tanning Oil…

In addition to all its internal health benefits, coconut oil can be a very efficient, natural tanning oil, because it contains many skin-nourishing nutrients.

Protects Skin while Sun-Bathing: When used as a tanning oil, the stable saturated fats found in coconut oil reduce ultra-violet radiation damage to a great extent by acting as a protective layer on the skin, allowing you to slowly develop a tan instead of burning.

Moisturizes & Conditions: Coconut oil reduces the drying effects of the scorching sun, helping to keep your skin soft and supple. It can be applied directly to the skin, just as any lotion.

Reduces Fine Lines & Wrinkles:Penetrates skin and strengthens connective tissues, restoring your youthful appearance.

Be sure to check your labels before you buy, because…

Most Coconut Oil is Refined, Bleached and Deodorized

Chemical Processing Destroys Nutrients: Once the meat of the coconut has dried and shriveled, it is easily removed from the shell and the oil is pressed out. Many companies use chemical solvents in their extraction processes. Once this crude oil is produced and the solvent “reclaimed,” lye is added to the oil. This step in the refining process drops out free fatty acids, some of the vitamin E, as well as other nutrients and components.

The oil is then put through a bleaching process, which turns the brown rancid color to a nice, white, clear color. This process eliminates more vitamin E and even more of the other nutrients.

Lastly, the coconut oil is deodorized by bubbling gas through the oil at high temperatures while pulling the vapors off with a vacuum. This eliminates the bad taste and smell of the crude oil from which it was derived. In the end, what is left is a tasteless, odorless, coconut oil with only fatty acid chains remaining, “seasoned” with traces of solvents and residues from the refining process.

Stay Away from Copra! Most of the coconut oil sold in America is made from copra, which is the dried meat of the coconut. Copra is left out in the open to dry. Mold may grow on it, flies may land on it and the meat turns brown and rancid while it dries.

Superior Processing Creates the Healthiest Coconut Oil

Our Virgin Coconut Oil is made from organic, fresh coconuts and processed without chemicals or high heat, using a cold-process method of extraction. The resulting oil is pure, natural, organic, unrefined and extremely stable.

One in Five Americans Will Develop Skin Cancer.1

Many Cancerous Areas are Missed, Even by Dermatologists.

Don’t Wait, Wonder, & Worry. Now You Can Successfully Treat Suspicious Skin Abnormalities Safely & Inexpensively in Your Own Home.

Read on to learn how an all-natural, herbal skin cream has been used to successfully remove more than 100,000 abnormal skin lesions-with greater accuracy than any dermatologist - for less than the cost of one doctor visit.

Skin cancer is the most common of all cancers. More than 3.5 million skin cancers in over two million people are diagnosed annually.2 Each year, there are more new cases of skin cancer than breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer combined.3   Grim statistics, indeed.

Treatment costs aren’t cheap either. The total direct cost associated with the treatment for non-melanoma skin cancer goes well over the billion dollar mark annually.4

Conventional treatments include going under the knife, radiation and chemotherapy. These standard protocols can cost you thousands of dollars and cause further harm to your health.

If these methods don’t sound appealing and you have questionable moles or areas on your skin, breathe easy. There is a safe way to remove skin abnormalities. It’s a natural, effective, inexpensive and proven alternative.

A Natural…and Welcomed Alternative to the Knife

P.D.Q Herbal Skin Cream is an all-natural, alternative method of helping the body to rid itself of serious skin lesions or altered cells, with no invasive surgery or procedures. It is a topical, herbal lubricant that gradually dissolves abnormal skin cells within 24 hours, without harming any surrounding healthy tissue.

After applying P.D.Q. Herbal Skin Cream, it becomes evident how many potential “baby” abnormalities could be missed outside of the main, obvious area.

Safe for All Skin Types: No reports of allergic/adverse reactions.

Works Only on Affected Areas: Will not harm healthy tissue/cells

Excellent Results on Suspicious Skin Lesions: 15,000 success stories prove its effectiveness!

Extremely Affordable!

How this Amazing Skin Cream Works

Upon application, P.D.Q. Herbal Skin Cream immediately goes to work, softening the affected abnormal tissue. (Such as might be found in lesions, strange moles and sores that do not heal.) Your immune system (comprised of white blood cells, lymphocytes, T-cells and macrophages) then uses this window of opportunity to attack any suspicious cells, through a process called apoptosis. This method of killing old or diseased cells can remove 30 to 50 billion cells each day.

With only two doses (one drop the first day, another 24 hours later), a red bump or a white blister usually appears, if there is abnormal or dangerous tissue present before application. As a part of the natural healing process, scabbing will occur within the next two to three days. The scab(s) will heal, leaving little or no scarring.  A second application is necessary to insure all the abnormal cells have been killed.

After applying P.D.Q. Herbal Skin Cream, it becomes shockingly evident how many potential “baby” abnormalities could be missed by a dermatologist outside of the main, most obvious area of concern.

Beware of Other Skin Creams Containing Dangerous Ingredients!

There have been reported horror stories regarding the use of other creams. NEVER use any product containing blood root. It can be extremely dangerous! P.D.Q. Herbal Skin Cream Does NOT contain blood root.

Since 2004, more than 15,000 success stories have been reported from extremely satisfied users of P.D.Q. Herbal Skin Cream. Each bottle contains over 40 applications. The current price listing is $90.00, with each application costing less than $2.25. This miraculous product has a shelf-life of over four years, so you can quickly and conveniently treat yourself at any time, from the comfort of your own home.

Satisfied Customers Thrilled with Results from Using P.D.Q. Herbal Skin Cream

“I have used this product for six years now and it works. I have treated well over 50 suspicious spots on my face, neck and shoulders. It will sting at first, form a white scab, which will fall off after about 4 or 5 days, and new pink skin will appear. It may create a scar, but so will Mohs* surgery. It has the ability to seek out only the diseased skin and not harm the healthy skin. It is well worth the money.”- Denise DeCarolis *(Mohs is a surgical procedure that treats skin cancer through a technique that removes the cancer in stages, one tissue layer at a time.)

“Yes folks this stuff really works beyond expectations. I have used it now for about 3 years and the results are amazing. I have a long history of skin cancer of all types including Melanoma, Squamous cell and Basal cell.”-Sandy Reece, California

“PDQ Skin Cream is very effective. I have been using it on and off for many years. This single product has saved me hundreds…if not thousands of dollars! Thanks PDQ!”- Satisfied Customer, South Carolina

A price cannot be placed on peace of mind. But, you now have an affordable, safe alternative to the unreliable conventional methods. However, it is well known that prevention is truly the best medicine, so we have found a natural way for you to protect your skin from the sun’s damaging UV rays.


1 Robinson, JK. Sun exposure, sun protection, and vitamin D. JAMA 2005; 294:1541-43.

2. Rogers, HW, Weinstock, MA, Harris, AR, et al. Incidence estimate of nonmelanoma skin cancer in the United States, 2006. Arch Dermatol 2010; 146(3):283-287.

3. American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts & Figures 2010.http://www.cancer.org/research/cancerfactsfigures/cancerfactsfigures/cancer-facts-and-figures-2010  Accessed July 30, 2012.

4. Bickers DR, Lim HW, Margolis D et al. The burden of skin diseases: 2004 a joint project of the American Academy of Dermatology Association and the Society for Investigative Dermatology. J Amer Acad Dermatol 2006; 55(3):490-500.

5. Yamashita, E. (2002). “Cosmetic Benefit of Dietary Supplements Containing Astaxanthin and Tocotrienol on Human Skin.” Food Style. 21 6:112-17

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