Factors That Cause, Remove and Prevent Arterial Plaque
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is responsible for the most mortality worldwide and accounted for about 31.9% of all deaths in 2010 in the United States alone [1]. The total direct and indirect costs from CVD in 2010 were estimated at $315.4 billion [1]. Although morbidity and mortality from CVD has decreased in the last two decades, at least in the western world, it is expected that this will reverse in the future because of a global increase in diabetes and obesity along with an alarming rise in CVD in developing countries in part due to acquisition of a westernized lifestyle.[1]
Why Doctors Don’t Check Homocysteine?
Many mainstream doctors still accept classic lipid-related risk factors for heart attack and stroke (e.g., high LDL and triglycerides and low HDL) as the gold standard upon which to base treatment. They continue to ignore the fact that in many cases, high blood levels of homocysteine also predict risk of vascular disease and stroke, especially in the elderly.
Dr. Kilmer McCully first described the connection between homocysteine and atherosclerosis in 1969. His theory met with a rocky reception among members of the Harvard University Medical School faculty where he taught and conducted research. McCully’s revolutionary theory cast doubt on the widely accepted “lipid theory” of heart disease favored by his peers.
Mainstream doctors in the 1970s ignored McCully’s groundbreaking research just as many continue to do today. LDL levels (particularly elevated levels of oxidized LDL) remain an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease, yet more than half of all heart attack victims have blood cholesterol levels in the normal range.
The pharmaceutical industry encourages doctors to prescribe highly profitable lipid-lowering drugs to prevent heart attack or stroke in their at-risk patients; there’s simply no monetary incentive for selling non-patentable dietary supplements that perform as well as prescription drugs in lowering homocysteine levels. There’s also little chance that drug sales reps will tell doctors that a bioactive form of folic acid called 5-MTHF (5-methyltetrahydrofolate) is now available as a non-prescription dietary supplement.
Many physicians remain unaware that elevated homocysteine levels can lead to depression, osteoporosis, headaches, and macular degeneration.8,9 Yet these and other health problems may be alleviated by lowering homocysteine blood levels.
Homocysteine, Stroke, and Folate
Stroke is the third largest cause of death in the US, ranking behind cardiovascular disease and all forms of cancer.
In 1998, the US and Canadian governments introduced a policy of folic acid fortification of enriched grain products.26 In 2006, researchers evaluated trends in stroke-related mortality before and after mandatory folic acid fortification in both countries and, as a comparison, during the same period in England and Wales, where fortification was not required.27 They found that average blood folate concentrations increased and homocysteine concentrations decreased in the United States after fortification. In addition, between 1998 and 2002, there was an accelerated decline in stroke mortality in the US with 12,900 fewer stroke deaths per year compared with the established trend seen between 1990 and 1997. Similar data were also seen in Canada, where there were 2,800 fewer stroke deaths per year between 1998 and 2002, while the decline in stroke mortality in England and Wales did not change significantly during this time period.
Researchers concluded that folic acid supplementation could effectively reduce the risk of stroke in primary prevention. The findings add to the growing body of evidence that supports the theory that folic acid effectively reduces stroke death by reducing homocysteine levels in the blood.[2]
What You Need To Know About A Bioactive Form of Folic Acid
Elevated levels of homocysteine in the blood have been linked with a wide range of health disorders including heart disease, stroke, macular degeneration, migraine, dementia, cancer, and osteoporosis.
Numerous factors such as prescription drug use, smoking, alcohol, advancing age, and obesity contribute to elevated homocysteine levels.
B vitamins such as folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6 help the body maintain homocysteine levels within a healthy range.
Up to half of Americans carry a genetic variation that is linked with elevated homocysteine levels. This genetic variation impairs the ability to metabolize synthetic folic acid to its active form.
The active form of folic acid, called 5-methyltetrahydrofolate or 5-MTHF, is now available as a dietary supplement. 5-MTHF elevates plasma folate levels 700% better than synthetic folic acid while effectively lowering homocysteine levels.
Together with other complementary nutrients like vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and betaine or TMG, 5-MTHF promises advanced protection against homocysteine-related disorders.
The best supplement I’ve found to address Folate, B-6, B-12 and Betaine or Trimethylglycine is called Homocysteine Factors.
Before the 1920’s there was little to no cardiovascular disease. Only from the 1920’s forward do we see an ever-increasing degree of death from heart attacks. Prior to this time people ate eggs, butter, lard, meats with the fat on it and had no heart attacks. So what factors about industrialization has caused cardiovascular disease?
Heated and Homogenized milk is one factor. Evidence suggests that merely heating milk contributes to arterial plaque. Based upon studies done by Dr. Kurt Oster when the milk is homogenized the fat molecules make an enzyme in milk called xanthine oxidase or XO for short, absorbable to our blood stream. Once the XO is in the blood stream the normal lining of the arteries called endothelium glycocalyx can be dissolved and replaced with XO. This then causes the plaque to build up on the arteries. If you look at the Masai tribe in Africa, they drink raw milk in large quantities and suffer no arterial disease. [3]
Chlorine is a powerful oxidizing agent. It can oxidize the LDL Cholesterol making it subject to creating plaque. Or it can oxidize the arterial lining creating the lesion and inflammation that pave the way for plaque. Young men in their early 20’s in the Korean War who died and were autopsied showed advanced hardening of the arteries. The men in the war drank water from swamps that were highly chlorinated. Roosters fed chlorinated water developed plaque and died within 3 months. Chlorinated water became widespread in 1912 shortly before cardiovascular disease became common. Water sanitation would be more healthfully achieved with ozonation or ultraviolet light. Better yet allowing people to build every home or office to have a water catchment system. Having our own water catchment will for many people eliminate the need for relying on a reservoir.
Polyunsaturated vegetable oils were promoted from the 1950’s forward as the supposed superior alternative to saturated fats. Yet ever since these polyunsaturated vegetable oils were introduced we have only seen an increase in cardiovascular disease not a decrease. When vegetable oils are processed with hexane gas and high heat, the oils are oxidized and become a disease promoting free radical oil. Studies show that heated corn oil was more atherogenic than unheated.[4] When oxygen combines with the open spaces on the carbon chain of unsaturated seed oil, then the reaction creates lipid peroxide. Lipid peroxides in turn damage the cell walls of the body. This cell damage can cause a chain reaction of more free radicals and ends up killing the cell and neighboring cells. When this occurs on the lining of the arteries it creates damage to the endothelium glycocalyx and inflammation. This is the impregnation point, this is the spot where white blood cells, cholesterol, fibrin and foam cells all begin to form, creating the plaque. So under this free radical generated method of causing arterial plaque it appears that lowering cholesterol with allopathic drugs are not addressing the cause of the disease. Oxidized LDL Cholesterol is one of the causes of free radical damage to the arterial lining. However inhibiting the cholesterol production of your liver with Statin drugs is still not addressing the cause. There are 900 studies showing the side effects of Statin drugs.
Muscle problems, polyneuropathy (nerve damage in the hands and feet), and rhabdomyolysis (a serious degenerative muscle tissue condition)
Immune Depression
Pancreas or Liver dysfunction, including a potential increase in liver enzymes
Sexual dysfunction
Memory loss- this due to the fact the cholesterol is required for the brain to function and well as cell wall flexibility
Would you not rather address the cause of Coronary Artery Disease?
Lipid peroxidation is not only a cause of arterial plaque but also damages many other body parts. Lipid peroxidation has been implicated in disease states such as atherosclerosis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Retinopathy of Prematurity,
Borderline Personality Disorder, asthma, Parkinson’s disease, kidney damage, preeclampsia and others.[5]
Simply heating foods produces Advanced Glycation End products abbreviated as AGE’s. It has been shown in people with diabetes that when they eat foods that are cooked less and at lower temperatures that this decreased the amount of circulating oxidized LDL cholesterol by 74% and decreased the amount of C reactive protein by 41%, when compared with a high AGE diet. Consumption of a low AGE diet also improved insulin sensitivity in healthy volunteers. [6]
In another study done on mice it was shown that those fed the highest concentrations of AGE’s in their diet had the greatest degree of plaque in the arteries. [7]
AGE’s are produced in response to cooking. The less cooking and the lower the temperature the less AGE’s. Boiling, steaming or poaching produce lower amounts of AGEs than dry heat cooking. Dry heat cooked meats and animal fats produce the most AGE’s, in contrast, carbohydrate rich foods such as vegetables fruits, whole grains and milk contain relatively few AGEs, even after cooking.[8] This would mean that an all-raw diet is free of AGE’s and therefore the healthiest.
Sucrose and Fructose: Rabbits and monkeys fed a high sucrose diet developed coronary and aortic atherosclerosis. In humans the excess consumption of refined sucrose and fructose may increase serum levels of triglycerides, insulin, and uric acid; a rise in blood pressure; an increase in platelet stickiness and a decrease in HDL-cholesterol. Fructose consumption has also been reported to have an adverse effect on certain cardiovascular risk factors, including increasing triglyceride and uric acid levels and promoting insulin resistance. Since people in America in general have increased their consumption of sugar on average 5 fold higher than people before cardiovascular disease was on the stage, it is obvious that white sugar sucrose and fructose are likely contributors to cardiovascular disease.
Dietary Cholesterol and saturated fat: Studies in animals have shown that feeding pure cholesterol does not cause atherosclerosis, whereas oxidized cholesterol is highly atherogenic. What is oxidized cholesterol? LDL cholesterol serves the positive and essential role of carrying unsaturated fatty acids to the cells of the body. Every cell of the body needs omega 6 and 3 seed oil fatty acids. They are supposed to become part of the cell wall. Once they are a part of the cell wall, they act as the attractor of oxygen and are the doorway through which oxygen enters the cells. When you consume seed oils that are pressed below 100 degrees Fahrenheit, stored in dark bottles and kept under refrigeration, then you are consuming a healthy fat that will act to form part of your cell walls and give your cells the ability to breath. However when you consume a seed oil that has been extracted with high heat, hexane gas and had it’s plant pigments and antioxidants removed and it has been bleached and deodorized, then you are consuming an already oxidized seed oil that will act as a free radical and contribute to arterial plaque.
It is the LDL cholesterol that will carry either the oxidized or un-oxidized seed oils in your diet throughout your body. If Unoxidized then LDL cholesterol is a messenger of health, if oxidized then LDL cholesterol is a messenger of free radical damage and the arterial plaque and brain damage that this causes. It is important to note that omega 9 from olive, peanut or sesame oils is not needed by the cell walls for oxygen utilization and therefore is inferior to the role that omega 6 and 3 play in your body, regarding oxygen utilization. Therefore for optimal oxygen utilization I recommend you emphasize the omega 6 and 3 fatty acids over the omega 9 fatty acids. Since omega 6 oils are abundant in our diets already, it is most important to obtain omega 3 oils through supplementation. This would mean that consuming something like Flax Oil or a clean fish oil product. Fish oil has the advantage of already being in the usable state for the brain and for prevention blood cells from sticking to each other, making blood flow better. Therefore taking EPA/DHA that has been distilled to be free of heavy metals would be excellent.
All polyunsaturated seed oils like corn, canola, sunflower, almond, walnut etc. that are high heat, or chemically or gas extracted are oxidized and operate as free radical oils. Optimal extraction temperatures should be kept below 100 degrees and done in a light protected environment and stored in nitrogen-flushed bottles. More recently some oils are extracted via a CO2 process that appears to be another viable oil extraction process that protects the valuable properties of seed oils. Most all-polyunsaturated oils sold on both traditional and health food store shelves are oxidized and not recommended for consumption. The only oils I buy are processed at the lowest temperatures, stored in dark bottles and kept under refrigeration. The newest extractions and storage in miron glass are oils that are protected from oxidation by the bottle itself and do not require refrigeration.
Food sources of cholesterol like butter, beef or pork fat, egg yolks are all fine if they are not oxidized. To the degree they are oxidized is the degree to which they may be atherogenic. Since they are saturated fats mostly, then the degree of oxidation is minimal compared to unsaturated seed oils. Therefore the historical usage of lard, butter, eggs, bacon in the diet of our ancestors did not appear to cause arterial plaque in any significant amount, as there virtually no reported heart attacks in bygone days. The quality of the animal fats will also vary according to the animals diet. It is optimal to consume only animal foods and fats that have been pasture raised. That is to say they ate grass as a mainstay in their diet and they did not receive hormones or antibiotics. However for animal fat to be the most beneficial to your body it too must be consumed raw. The only animal fats that are enjoyable to consume and good for most people are raw cream, butter and egg yolks. All others are from flesh foods and are not palatable unless they are cooked and salted.
Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide: The nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke damage the endothelium, which sets the stage for the build up of plaque. [9]
Root Canals: Based on the work of Weston A. Price DDS. He found that the root canals are a cause of cardiovascular disease. His research showed that once a tooth is dead that bacteria in the mouth enter into the microtubules of the tooth and begin to do their job of attempting to digest and decompose this dead tooth tissue. These bacteria produce very strong and very toxic acids and enzymes to try to digest and remove this dead tissue from the body. Small amounts of these toxins enter into the circulatory system and cause damage throughout the body. One result is arterial plaque. It is also indicated as a causative factor in cancer and other diseases. He did studies on rabbits, showing that if he put the root canaled tooth from a man who died of a heart attack, underneath the skin of a rabbit that the rabbit would die of a heart attack within a few months. For more information on this see “Root Canal Cover Up” By George Meinig DDS.
There are approximately 3 million microtubules per tooth so there is plenty of room for an ongoing infection to occur in one tooth. Holistic Health care professionals like Dr. Thomas Rau MD will only work to assist a person to heal from cancer when they have first removed these root canals and also all mercury fillings.
Once removed you can let your jawbone heal up and then have zirconium implants put in for a false tooth to be put upon. Zirconium is the newest development in implants. It is used in Europe and is preferred over Titanium and there are no metal oxides that can come off of it and therefore much healthier for the body. Also zirconium is a ceramic that can handle the stress of chewing on food better than Titanium, which is more subject to fracture. However some people do fine with Titanium, so this is an individual matter that your Holistic Dentist should be able to help you determine which is best.
So Now That We Know Some Of The Causes Of Arterial Plaque, What Are Some Ways To Support The Body To Remove This Plaque?
Increasing Nitric Oxide levels in the body will serve to remove existing plaque in the arteries. I have seen before and after photos of the arteries of lab rabbits, that had plaque and after supplementation to increase Nitric Oxide, the arteries were clear of plaque. To make Nitric Oxide the body uses the amino acid Arginine. However taking Arginine only increases Nitric Oxide for a short time. The most effective means of increasing Nitric Oxide is not with Arginine, but with a combination of Citrulline, Cranberry and Grape seed extracts. In a product called Nitric Oxide Ultra you find these key ingredients. Nitric Oxide Ultra (capsules) offers a blend of Cranberry and grape seed extracts and citrulline to support healthy blood flow by targeting nitric oxide production and flow-mediated dilation.
The formula centers on CranLoad™, a novel fruit blend developed as part of an extensive research program with the Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods (INAF) and Université Laval in Quebec, Canada. CranLoad™ delivers a unique cranberry and grape seed blend that has been the subject of several trials. Cranberries and grapes are particularly generous sources of proanthocyanidins and other polyphenols. In addition to being antioxidants, these compounds offer specific vascular support mechanisms that are associated with enhanced endothelial function. Research indicates that CranLoad™ provides statistically significant support for healthy flow-mediated dilation (FMD), an effect similar to arginine administration. FMD reflects blood vessel dilation mediated by nitric oxide synthase (NOS), an enzyme that generates the endogenous vasodilator, nitric oxide. In one study, the peak increase in brachial artery diameter following CranLoad™ supplementation was 2.8% at 60 minutes. A similar physiological effect has been demonstrated with arginine. Citrulline is included to support nitric oxide production in the blood vessel endothelium and other tissues. Research indicates that citrulline increases plasma arginine in a dose dependent manner and to a greater degree than arginine supplementation.
Nuts. In hypocholesterolemic men and women, substituting monounsaturated fat (mono-unsaturated fats are Olive, Peanut and Sesame oils) with walnuts in a Mediterranean diet improved endothelial function. In observational studies, nut consumption was associated with a reduced risk of both heart disease-related mortality and nonfatal myocardial infarction. Since the oils in walnuts are a good source of plant based Omega 6 and 3 fats this makes sense. Any good seed oil with 6 and 3 fatty acids would serve the role nuts had in this study. It is important to distinguish that oils in nuts will be the most effective when soaked for 8 hour to eliminate the phytic acid and trypsin inhibitors and or unheated. After soaking you can salt them and dry them in a dehydrator, this would make them more digestible and palatable.
Preventing inflammation or healing inflammation along the lining of the arteries is a huge aspect of preventing or reversing arterial plaque. To heal the inflamed lining of the artery means you must be able to create proteins. To create proteins you must make the cells absorb amino acids. To absorb amino acids requires that you open up the cell walls for this to happen. The gatekeepers that open up the cell walls are growth factors. Taking Synergy One helps to raise the levels of the body’s primary growth factor, called IGF-1. By raising your IGF-1 levels you are aiding the body’s ability to prevent, reduce or eliminate inflammation. You are also aiding the body’s ability to heal the lining of the artery where a lesion may already have occurred thus helping to prevent plaque. Additionally since IGF-1 helps burn fat out of the body, it may be possible to aid in removing the fatty deposits along the lining of the artery, by raising growth hormone levels.
ArterosilHP is a dietary supplement proven to help heal the endothelial glycocalyx. Loss of glycocalyx lining has been implicated in atherosclerosis, diabetes, sepsis, and trauma.
The endothelial glycocalyx is a think gel-like layer that coats the entire luminal side of vascular endothelium. It is a meshwork mainly of glycoproteins, proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycan’s at a thickness of one micron; the average diameter of a strand of hair is 100 microns.
Extensive research has revealed the importance of glycocalyx-mediated endothelial function in vascular and microvascular health.
For example, the endothelial glycocalyx:
Provides a physical barrier against inadvertent adhesion of platelets and leukocytes to the vascular wall.
Regulates coagulation as many of the mediators of coagulation pathway are buried inside the glycocalyx under normal physiological conditions.
Most interestingly, the glycocalyx is found to be the mechano senor of shear force inside blood vessels. It appears that the response of lining of the artery from blood flow stress is to produce nitric oxide.
Damage to the Endothelial Glycocalyx
The endothelial glycocalyx is a delicate structure and can be damaged from previously mentioned agents. It has been demonstrated in lab animals that oxidized LDL cholesterol damages the glycocalyx and results in cholesterol and white blood cells adhering to the lining of the arteries.
Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) is another condition that has been firmly identified to cause damage to the glycocalyx. Individuals with high blood sugar and diabetics are known to have less glycocalyx.
Other Pathologies Associated with Impaired Endothelial Glycocalyx:
Coronary heart disease
Kidney Diseases
Lacunar stroke (a small blood vessel to the brain becoming blocked)
Severe trauma
ArterosilHP: A new Glycocalyx Supplement:
ArterosilHP started when a medical doctor in the US searched for a natural alternative to heparin for his heart patients some 20 years ago. That journey led him to a rare green seaweed, monostroma nitidum, in East Asia.
The Active Ingredient: Rhamnan Sulfate
Monostroma nitidum is rich in rhamnan sulfate, a negatively charged polysaccharide that has been shown to possess anticoagulant and antithrombotic activities. Rhamnan sulfate has a similar chemical structure to heparin sulfate found abundantly in healthy human endothelial glycocalyx.
We tested this on lab animals that had their arteries damaged by enzymes and showed rhamnan sulfate reversed the white blood cells adherence to endothelium.
Other researchers also reported that rhamnan sulfate enhances the endothelial glycocalyx and decreases the LDL permeability of human artery endothelial cells.
A Japanese study demonstrated that daily supplementation of crude rhamnan sulfate extract for 6 weeks significantly lowered total and LDL cholesterol in borderline and mild hypercholesterolemia human subjects.
Another study also from Japan showed that oral consumption of extract of rhamnan sulfate to carbohydrate loaded rats significantly reduced their blood glucose level compared to control animals.
At the beginning of the study, the subjects experienced a compromised glycocalyx at 1.5 hour after consumption of a high fat sugar meal. After 4 weeks on ArterosilHP, the same subject showed an improved glycocalyx at 1.5 hours after the high fat high sugar meal. In both visits, the glycocalyx recovered back close to normal 8 hours after the meal.
Clinical Study of ArterosilHP:
After 4 weeks on ArterosilHP the drop of reactive hyperemia index for the same subjects 1.5 hours after the high fat sugar meal was significantly reduced. These results clearly demonstrate that ArterosilHP supplementation alleviates the damage of endothelial glycocalyx and the loss of endothelial function caused by a high fat high sugar meal in healthy human subject.
Safety Assessment:
Testing for the rate at which the blood clots were done. Taking ArterosilHP did not negatively alter blood-clotting times, blood clotting continued to function within normal ranges.
Vitamin C: In order for the body to produce the new lining to the arteries that is needed to aid in healing from arterial plaque, vitamin C is a necessary factor. Vitamin C is needed to create the connective tissue of the body. Vitamin C can aid the body in producing the connective tissue that lines the arteries. Vitamin C along with copper and the amino acids Proline and lysine are needed to make these connective tissues. Mineral Magic provides the trace amounts of copper, zinc and selenium. One World Whey provides the amino acids Proline and lysine. The product we offer and recommend for your vitamin C needs is Baobab Fruit Powder. Baobab Fruit powder is rich in a food derived vitamin C and flavonoids, both are need to heal connective tissue that would part of the artery walls.
Since the primary starting point of arterial plaque can be inflammation along the lining of the artery, it would extremely conducive to reversing arterial plaque to increase reduce or eliminate the inflammation in your body. Glutathione is the body’s primary means of preventing or reducing inflammation and is responsible for 60% of your phase two liver detoxification. By increasing the production of glutathione along the lining of the arterial walls you are in effect supporting the elimination of inflammation.
Since every cell of the body is supposed to optimally produce 10% of its protein content as glutathione then taking One World Whey may be one of the most effective ways to reduce arterial and whole body inflammation. One World Whey provides the proper protein matrix needed to stabilize blood sugar and help put you into a positive nitrogen balance, both of which are requirements for the sulfur amino acid found in high amounts in One World Whey, to combine with glutamic acid and glycine inside the cell to create Glutathione. Non-denatured whey protein is nature’s richest source of Cystine, which is needed to increase glutathione production. Based upon client reports over 4 years One World Whey is a powerful aid to stopping inflammation and the pain it is causing.
Regulating sugar uptake into the cells with key minerals will play an important role in stabilizing insulin levels. As you keep insulin in optimal ranges you are protecting your body from creating arterial plaque. It is well known the diabetics are prone to arterial plaque. This is due to the excessively high levels of insulin that appears to be a causative factor in arterial plaque formation. To aid the body in its ability to absorb sugar into the cells we offer Metabolic Xtra.
Metabolic Xtra:
Enhances the expression and function of insulin receptors with the atural plant alkaloid berberine.
In a randomized, placebo-controlled trial involving 116 subjects, berberine provided statistically significant support for glucose, lipid and triglyceride metabolism.
Promotes healthy AMPK and SIRT1 protein levels to support cellular metabolism and glucose homeostasis with resveratrol.
In a recent randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled 4-week study, resveratrol supported healthy insulin signaling and antioxidant defenses.
Modulates cell signaling for healthy insulin function with patent-pending Zychrome™ chromium dinicocysteinate.
In a randomized, placebo-controlled trial, Zychrome™ supported healthy glucose metabolism and offered statistically significant support for antioxidant defenses as measured by TNFα.
Supports healthy receptor function and glucose metabolism with alpha Lipoic acid.
In a 3-year study of middle-aged and elderly men, the risk of developing ischemic (diminished blood supply) heart disease was significantly higher by 70% in those with serum selenium concentration in the lowest third of the group, compared with those with the higher selenium (trace amounts in mineral magic) concentrations. In addition, the mean plasma selenium concentration was significantly lower in patients with coronary atherosclerosis than in controls. Since no mineral works to the exclusion of other minerals, just taking selenium did not improve cardiovascular health in those given selenium. Taking Mineral Magic would provide trace amounts of Selenium in conjunction with all other elements.
Zinc (trace amounts in mineral magic): has antioxidant activity and helps stabilize cell membranes. There is experimental evidence that zinc can inhibit the development of atherosclerosis by enhancing tissue integrity and protecting vascular endothelium from injury induced by lipids or inflammatory cytokines.
Copper (trace amounts in mineral magic): Animals fed copper deficient diets developed electrocardiographic abnormalities, myocardial necrosis (death), and sudden death due to heart failure. Because significant amounts of copper are lost in the refining and processing of grains and other food, some diets may contain suboptimal amounts of this mineral. It would be reasonable, therefore, to include a moderate amount of copper.[10]
Vitamin K2 has been shown to activate the production of Matrix GLA protein. Matrix GLA protein has been shown to remove calcium deposited in the atrial wall, thus helping to reverse hardening of the arteries. This hardening has calcification as a causal factor. Removing calcium from the arteries will thus soften the tissue and help it to normal. Matrix GLA protein is also what activates the bone cells production of osteocalcin. Essentially vitamin K2 helps bones create normal bone density. For addressing your Vitamin K2 needs we offer Synergy K, from Pure Encapsulations.
Ron Poelstra is a customer of ours who had a 70% occluded carotid artery diagnosis at one time. He consulted with me and adhered too much of the advice I gave him. Synergy One was one of the supplements he took and in 12 months his arteries were 100% clear again.
A Diet That Is Anti Inflammatory is essential to improving cardiovascular disease and overall health:
Since diet preferences vary so much from how you were raised and what your feel satisfied with, it is hard to make a one size fits all recommendation on diet. Raw foods are rich in electrons and therefore are anti-inflammatory. Therefore a largely raw food diet is superior for the health of most people. However most people are not motivated to make such a change to their diets, so what can you so to compensate?
Adding a powerful antioxidant to the diet would be one way to reduce some or a lot of the inflammation in your body. The most powerful antioxidant in nature is Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD). One of nature’s richest sources of SOD is wheat or barley grass juice powder. Barley Max is an excellent tasting one that we carry and use.
Inflammatory causing foods:
Refined white sugar
Cooked vegetable oils
Refined foods
Overly cooked proteins
Oxidized animal fats
Pasteurized Homogenized Milk (a contributor to damaged arteries).
Products designed to support the body’s removal of arterial plaque:
First Priority:
Nitric Oxide Ultra: 2-3c -2x per day away from milk products
ArterosilHP: 1cap 2x per day
Synergy One: 3 sprays a.m. and p.m.
One World Whey: 1scoop 1-2x per day
Homocysteine Factors: 1cap -2x per day
EPA/DHA: 1c- 2x per day with meals
Mineral Magic: ½-1 tsp. in a.m. with water or consumed throughout day in drinking
Second Priority:
Metabolic Xtra (needed if dealing with diabetic issues): 1-3caps daily with meals
Baobab Fruit Powder: 1tsp 2x per day. (Not needed if fresh vegetable juices are consumed)
Synergy K: 1 cap 2-3x per day deepening on body size. (Needed if calcification or hardening of the arteries exists).
Barley Max: 1 tsp. 2x per day.
All Supplements can be found at sgn80.com or call 888-988-3325.
[1] http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359610115000325
[2] http://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2009/8/is-homocysteine-making-you-sick/page-01
[3] The Milk Book p. 105
[4] Nutritional Medicine, Dr. Gaby p. 252
[5] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10459507
[6] Nutritional Medicine, Dr. Gaby p. 252
[7] Nutritional Medicine, Dr. Gaby
[8] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3704564/
[9] http://quitsmoking.about.com/od/heartdisease/a/atherosclerosis.htm
[10] Nutritional Medicine, Dr. Gaby