Wednesday February 3, 2016 on The Robert Scott Bell Show 7-9 PM EST
Wednesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show: Celebrating 6 years on the air, 6 days a week!
A federal hearing will occur on February 3, 2016 to address the Flint, Michigan water crisis. Hopefully it will include some stark discipline for those who ignored Flint citizens’ concerns that their water was too polluted to drink. Adding even more weight to the situation in Flint, recently-released emails show that the state was working to provide bottled water to state office building employees while ignoring the citizens. What is being done now to help those already affected?
Speaking of beverages you should not be ingesting, a new Coke-funded study hints that Diet Coke is better for controlling weight than water. What!? Surely John Q Public will not listen to such nonsense, but just in case there are any doubts, let’s talk about this. If you need further proof, here are 25 ways to use Coke – not as a beverage.
Big beverage corporations – of the beer variety to be precise, are keeping a close eye on the cannabis industry. Apparently, there is some speculation that a rise in the legalization of weed-smoking may hurt beer consumption and brewery profits in the US. If we remember college correctly, they needn’t worry, one industry seems to help the other. However, cannibus is gaining market-share in the billions, and is only expected to continue upwards.
Other billion-dollar industries to watch are of course, Big Pharma who are rumored to be on track to launch no less than 7 “blockbuster drugs” in 2016, each with earning potential over $1 Billion. Well, who needs movie releases when we can watch the dance between the government, drug manufacturers, and insurance, all at the expense of the unhealthy and under-informed public?
Can’t decide with whom to have your baby? Well, you may not have to choose! An influential panel of experts has concluded that it is ethically ok for scientists to start experiments to create babies from the genes of 3 separate people, rather than just 2.
The rapidly-spreading Zika virus has an unlikely victim — Indian car-maker Tata Motors Ltd. The car-maker said on Tuesday it had decided to rename its soon-to-be-launched hatchback Zica, short for Zippy Car, after the mosquito-borne virus was declared an international health emergency.
A Stanford psychologist explains why spacing out and goofing off is so good for you. Well, we could have told you that!
Hour 2 on RSB ~ Ty Bollinger joins us for Outside the Box Wednesday!
The Zika scare is all about the race for a new vaccine! The mainstream media, even though they acknowledge the facts that we are reporting, completely ignore them. The presence of Zika virus in those diagnosed with microcephaly is statistically insignificant, which would be a clue to reporters covering the story that it cannot be the cause. “Zika: biggest news service in America absolutely clueless” by Jon Rappoport Why is this happening? When you primary source of ad revenue comes from eh pharmaceutical industrial complex, it makes no business sense to promote stories in a way that would harm their bottom line. It’s a great business model, but only if you have no conscience.
Will Hawaii be the first state to mandate Gardasil and other vaccines without exemption? How could the Aloha state consider becoming a medical police state, especially when the science does not even support the HPV shot being a cancer vaccine? Could a cross between Santa Claus, Duck Dynasty and ZZ Top be the answer to out-of-control pathogen growth? A new study claims that beard bacteria could be the source of exciting new, powerful antibiotics. Either that, or yesterday’s lunch. We’ll see if we can shave on down to the bottom of this hairy mystery!
It’s time for another Cannabis Update. This is a heart-breaker. How could any government agency take children away from parents, including one Navy veteran simply because he uses medical cannabis to treat PTSD? We’ll discuss this government outrage from the local level all the way up to international treaties that seemingly prohibit the federal government from removing cannabis from its absurd Schedule I status. Is Obamacare really fine for kids? Or is it that the government will fine you if your kids are not adequately enrolled?
We lighten it up with a coin toss, or maybe 6 coin tosses. How did Hillary win all 6 to be declared the delegate winner in Iowa this week? Also, if you favorite team is in the Super Bowl, what can you do to prevent the Superbowl party flu?
Bio: Ty Bollinger is a happily married husband and father, Christian, CPA, health freedom advocate, health researcher, former competitive bodybuilder, talk radio host, and best-selling author.
After losing several family members to cancer (including his mother and father), Ty refused to accept the notion that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery were the most effective treatments available for cancer patients. In 2014, Ty traveled the USA and interviewed the most renowned doctors and scientists about treating cancer naturally and eventually produced the documentary mini-series (docu-series) entitled “The Quest for The Cures” and “The Quest for The Cures…Continues.” This docu-series was viewed by over 2 million people worldwide. In 2015, Ty traveled the globe to interview more doctors, scientists, and cancer survivors and produced “The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest” which aired in October 2015 and was viewed by over 5 million people worldwide. Ty and his wife, Charlene, are co-owners of their multiple health businesses and they are working together to change the world. Ty speaks frequently at seminars, expos, conferences, churches, and is a regular guest on multiple radio shows and writes for numerous magazines and websites. He has appeared numerous times on FOX News, and he co-hosts a weekly radio show (along with Robert Scott Bell) called “Outside the Box
Facebook: CancerTruth and The Truth About Cancer
Twitter: @CancerTruthNews
Check out Robert Scott Bell and Ty Bollinger on the California Jam site!
More upcoming RSB events:
The Right To Try Conference, February 5-7, 2016, Cuchara, Colorado
Vikasa Integrative Health Expo, February 6 – 7, 2016, Orlando, FL | 321-214-3899 |
IAOMT Spring Conference 2016, March 11-12, 2016, Orlando, Florida (Oral Metal Toxicology)
California Jam 2016 March 18 – 20, 2016. Costa Mesa, CA
Total Health 2016, April 8-10, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (open to public and health professionals)
Autism One 2016, May 25-28, Chicago, IL (open to public and health professionals)
2016 I-ACT Convention, June 23-25, St. Petersburg, Florida
“Homeoprophylaxis: The Evidence Based Choice.” 2016, October 7-9, St. Petersburg, Florida (focus primarily for health professionals)
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Epic Times Video Reports
What’s More Credible: Alyssa Milano’s Breasts Being Shot by Nazi’s or Wifi Pollution?
Death By Antiboitics – How to Stave Off Infection Without Killing Your Gut Flora
The Truth Behind Sugar & Salt
Proposed Internet Censorship to Hide The Truth Behind The HPV Vaccine
What Smart National Immigration Policy And Proper Cell Health Have in Common
Just in Time For Thanksgiving, Franken-GMO-Salmon!
Fats or Fiction: What Oils Should You Really be Cooking With?
Russia & France Get it: Going Organic the Path to Food Freedom
The Hepatitis Files: How Drinking Green Tea may apparently cause death
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