
The Robert Scott Bell Show July 31, 2013 Did you miss today’s broadcast? Click here to download and listen now!

Is the ozone layer really being destroyed? Better yet, is there really such a thing as an ozone layer? Some scientists are reporting dangerous levels of UVB and UVC rays reaching the earth’s surface. How could this be happening? Ed McCabe, Mr. Oxygen, is back to counter decades of misinformation about ozone. And what do chemtrails have to do with all of this? Life on planet earth as we know it is at stake this hour. We wish we were exaggerating. Tell your friends to tune in for this one! We’ll also discuss the Ultimate 4. Why is RSB using OxyLift, Super OxyFlush and OxyEarth each day? Why does he reach for OxySulfur when the skies above are filled with chemtrails and other toxic pollutants?
Get ready for some very important details that bring the power to heal back to you! Ed has dedicated his life to this mission in order to assist all those ready for healing. He’s on The RSB Show to help overcome the public’s lack of knowledge about the proven safe oxygen/ozone solutions available to everyone. Even better, after 22+ more years of intensive international researching, visiting clinics, lecturing to huge crowds, and interviewing thousands of successful oxy-therapy users, Mr. Oxygen, has compiled it all in book and video format, resulting in the most comprehensive Oxygen Therapy book and DVD in history, The Flood Your Body with Oxygen Series. RSB Show listeners can get the 4-DVD set for free with purchase of one bottle of Oxylift! RSB interviewed Ed at the Natural Products Association SE Expo last December and you can listen to it by clicking this link: Ed McCabe’s Oxygen and More! Show notes for that appearance are here. Call 305-933-4219 and oxygenate today!

Are you ready? It time for Ty Bollinger and RSB to go Outside the Box! Did you know that HIV does not cause AIDS? What happens when you figure that out? You’ll likely be branded a denialist. Why? The CDC depends upon our ignorance of the real cause of disease. Even cervical cancer is not caused by HPV. Seriously. Could cancer be a toxicological manifestation? The result of chronic nutritional deficiencies? The medical authorities are beginning to admit that they may have gotten cancer all wrong! Better late than never. Is everything old, new again? Explain how squirrels are being found with plague in the Angeles National Forest. Not to worry, we’ve got natural remedies at the ready! In your opinion, who serves as a better family doctor? TMB and RSB argue that it may be a DC (Doctor of Chiropractic). What if you have to undergo surgery? Are herbs really dangerous or is it the drugs that should concern you? Why is the Arkansas school district arming its teachers? Good idea or dangerous? Why is Oakland banning hammers and wrenches? Maybe they should have a spoon and fork buy-back program as well. How else will they combat obesity? Did you know that drones are now approved for civilian use? RSB cheers and TMB jeers – who is right? Finally, fat does not make you fat, but fluoride does? We’ll drive-thru for some test tube meat and wash it down with some non-GMO ice cream! Get ready for Ty and RSB as they go way Outside the Box! Ty’s websites include www.CancerTruth.net and www.SurvivalHerbs.com. Would you like to “Work With your Doctor” – Ty’s new book with Dr. Michael Farley at is on sale! Also, come see Ty and RSB at the Healing Strong Conference in Atlanta September 13-15, 2013.

Question of the Day: Hi Robert, It is Lynette again from Ontario, Canada. It is wonderful to hear Super Don again (we missed you!) Thank you for doing the show 6 days a week. Even with the new time slot I have been diligently downloading the show after its been posted. I was suffering from withdrawal for the last couple of days when the downloads were giving me problems (from July 17th on).. It is all fixed now so I feel much better (and have a bit of catching up to do)

I also wanted to ask you about diabetes and autism. I recently found out 1 of my colleagues 6-year-old daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 4. She is not on medication nor insulin (yet), however her mother is keeping a very close eye on what the child eats – i.e. carb counting. Her nutritionist advised that she (the child) can eat anything she wants so as not to curb her growth (not sure about that). I know Type 1 differs from Type 2 (which my dad has) and is considered an autoimmume disease. I recall you briefly talking about it during one of last week’s show, can you elaborate a bit more? Besides taking the GTF Chromium, what would you suggest she (the mom) could do to help her daughter manage or reduce her future dependency on medication or insulin instead of watching everything she eats?

Another question I have is about autism. Is there a more subtle way of broaching the vaccine/autism link to a parent when they are totally against Jenny McCarthy? Another colleague of mine has a young son that has been diagnosed as a high functioning autistic child – in a gifted program in school, no gut issues but lack the social skills. I have pointed her to autism One’s web site, but I am sure there are more that one can do without coming across as a know-it-all. Thanks Robert! ~ Lynette H.

What would you like to hear from The Robert Scott Bell Show in 2013? Call us at 1-866-939-BELL (2355) and let your voice be heard!

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RSB’s Mom just released her new book, A Life of Many Colors. The Kindle version went to #1 in Homeopathy and #3 in Holistic category recently. Way to go Mom!

Vaccines: Armed and Dangerous – All the Things They Don’t Want You to Hear! Co-created by Jon Rappoport and RSB – Save $20 right now! http://programs.webseed.com/Vaccines_Armed_and_Dangerous.htm

Listen live here 3PM-5PM EDT: http://www.naturalnewsradio.com/ or here: http://www.talkstreamlive.com/talk_radio/robert_scott_bell.stream

In case you missed my RSB Show Sunday broadcast (7/28/13) on GCN http://www.robertscottbell.com/?p=13975  Hour 1 – Live From R. Thomas Deluxe Grill with Richard Thomas and friends & more! Hour 2 – Dr. Anna Just Buddy, Healing is more than just physical, but it’s a start & more! You can download the archive here: http://www.gcnlive.com/programs/robertScottBell/archives.php Also, here is the iTunes feed for Sunday RSB Show broadcasts.

The Robert Scott Bell Show will be LIVE at the Windhorse Theater in Eustis, Florida, Thursday, August 8 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM EDT. Hope to see you there!

Previous episodes of the Robert Scott Bell Show: http://www.naturalnewsradio.com/Archive-RobertScottBell.asp

Oxygenate and mineralize for health freedom and healing liberty! Mr. Oxygen 1-305-933-4219 RSB Show listeners can get the 4-DVD set for free with purchase of one bottle of Oxylift! Plus 20% off all products! What is my solution for chemtrails? OxySulfur!

What does RSB drink? Visit Robert’s Water to find out or call Paul at 1-800-337-7017!

RSB’s favorite Whey Protein is One World Whey! Truly nondenatured and no casein! Enhance glutathione production like no other food can! For More Information Click on the Brain Balancing and Energy Support Package link or go to sgn80.com or call 888-988-3325 or 864-895-6250.

Choose To Be Healthy for all of your whole food supplements, including GTF, Chromium, Selenium and Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics! 1-866-424-1077.

Which Rife Frequency Machine does RSB endorse? The BCX Ultra! http://www.bioelectricsforhealth.com/ 1-800-936-6240 From Kelly S: “We purchased our BCX Ultra last year from Judy and we love it! It’s a relief to have this amazing tool for healing if we should need it! Thank you for recommending it to us!”

Family Wellness kit, including remedies for vaccine injury! Call 1-800-543-3245. Available now for only $89.99 (price includes free shipping) for RSB Show listeners: http://www.kingbio.com/store/product.php?productid=16375&cat=0&page=1

What’s the only kind of silver I take? Sovereign Silver. It’s now available in the Natural News Store! Have you tried the First Aid Gel yet? No more Neosporin, ever!

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