The Robert Scott Bell Show October 22, 2014
Wednesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 7-9PM EDT: Dr. Brian Hooker, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and attorney James Moody just announced that they sent a complaint to Dr. Harold Jaffe, Associate Director for Science at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as Dr. Don Wright, Acting Director of the Office of Research Integrity at the Department of Health and Human Services, claiming research misconduct in the 2004 paper, “Age at First Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination in Children with Autism and School-Matched Control Subjects: A Population-Based Study in Metropolitan Atlanta,” which was subsequently published in the journal, Pediatrics. We’ll talk with Dr. Wakefield and Dr. Hooker about what the complaint means to the CDC, an organization that desperately wants to pretend that there is no problem. Colorado independent gubernatorial candidate Mike Dunafon joins RSB and Super Don to discuss the economic and health benefits of cannabis! Is the state of Colorado ready to follow the lead of Minnesota during the Ventura years and put an Independent into the governor’s office? RSB and Ty Bollinger go Outside the Box and talk with Dr. Lee Cowden about the emotional freedom techniques that he’s using to help his patients recover from diseases, including cancer! Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at
It’s time for Ty Bollinger and Outside the Box Wednesday as TMB and RSB talk about a real infectious disease that is 1.5 million people each year, and it’s not Ebola. Can you say tuberculosis? How about the Dallas nurse’s dog? It tested negative for Ebola! Truth? You’ll find a lot of it by watching The Truth About Cancer series that begins right after the broadcast at 9PM EDT this evening, Episode 10! How do you protect yourself from dangerous Wi-Fi signals? A UK woman went to extraordinary lengths! Have you seen side effects of FDA approved drugs recently? Government waste includes what? Swedish massages for rabbits and monkey gambling lessons! Could this be a new side effect? We’ll also talk with Dr. Lee Cowden about emotional freedom techniques to overcome cancer. Have you gotten your Carnivora yet? Special thanks to Better Way Health for making Outside the Box possible! And remember the superfood of superfoods: Zija Moringa. Click here to get some and work with Ty and his team! Get ready for Ty and RSB as they go way Outside the Box! Ty’s websites include and The new book by TMB and RSB is available now! Get ready to Unlock the Power to Heal! And remember to sign up for The Truth About Cancer series going on all this week!
For the African-American males, this was the increased risk of autism by earlier administration of the MMR vaccine:
– MMR vaccination after 36 months – 1.0 risk of autism. (The rate of autism at that time.)
– MMR vaccination prior to 36 months – 3.36 fold increase in the risk of autism.
For the “isolated autism” group (normally developing children), this was the increased risk of autism by earlier administration of the MMR vaccine:
MMR vaccination after 36 months – 1.00 risk of autism.
MMR vaccination prior to 36 months - 3.86 fold increase in the risk of autism.
Please help award-winning Autism Media Channel make this story into a documentary. You can read the entire complaint and accompanying documents HERE.
Question/Comments of the Day: 1) Hi Robert, I missed your recent talk at Marlene’s Market and Deli on Gut Dysbiosis. Both my husband and I are going to follow your suggestion to heal our tummy’s… but the Silver Hydrosol, Aloe Vera juice, and probiotic amount to take and when was not listed in the article of Sound Outlook. Should we just take it as we see fit, follow the dosage recommendations on the bottle or do you suggest a more effective way? We are so elated to learn these directions of healing. Thank you for your help and keep up the tremendous work! ~ Leah Johnson
2) I used to go to a wonderful Naturopath in Colorado but because of new laws she had to close her doors. She was the first Naturopath that got to the root of my problems. She hooked us up to some Bio____ computer thing (I cannot remember what it was called) which helped her diagnose what was going on internally. But most Naturopath’s seem to use the “doctor” system of just listening to your symptoms and then “guessing” what is wrong. We are up here in SE Montana and there is a sweet teenager in our tiny community that is baffling all the doctors. She has mini seizures frequently but they follow no pattern at all. Yesterday she was taken to the ER because she suffered 2 Grand Mauls. They figured out that it was because of a full blown UTI causing the seizures. I have felt all along since this is not epilepsy that there must be something else in her system causing these mini seizures. But I have no idea who I should suggest she go to. There are Naturopaths all around us…Billings, MT; Buffalo, Wyoming; Blackhawk, SD…but I don’t want to send them to someone who is going to guess, because they have never used a Naturopath before and they need to go to someone who will be able to get right down to the root of the problem. I am reading your Unlock the Power to Heal book and thought maybe you would have some suggestions for me to give them?!! Thanks! Christine Appleman
What else is in the news?
The Hooker/Wakefield/Moody Complaint – “The Hammer Falls!”
“The Ebola hoax: questions and answers” by Jon Rappoport
EBOLA VIRUS EPIDEMIC: Planned In Advance; Release Of Aerosolized Virus And Deaths Would Frighten Americans To Demand Use Of Unproven Vaccines And Drugs
Tuberculosis killed 1.5 million people in 2013 –
Dallas nurse’s dog tests negative for Ebola | Fox News
Vote all you want. The secret government won’t change. – Ideas – The Boston Globe
Veterans of the Burn Pits Lungs full of toxic fumes follow soldiers home, even as the VA drags its feet.
Robert Scott Bell on The Jerry Doyle Show: The Truth Behind “Energy Drinks”
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Previous episodes of the Robert Scott Bell Show:
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Got hemp? CBD rich hemp oil! Call 866-273-8502 (enter coupon code SHW48) for 20% off introductory price!
What does RSB drink? Visit Robert’s Water to find out or call Paul at 1-800-337-7017!
Choose To Be Healthy for all of your whole food supplements, including GTF, Chromium, Selenium and Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics! 1-866-424-1077.
What keeps RSB and TMB strong through the stress of travel and colder winter months? Beta-1,3D Glucan from Better Way Health! Call them at 1-800-746-7640.
Family Wellness kit, including remedies for vaccine injury! Call 1-800-543-3245. Available now for only $89.99 (price includes free shipping) for RSB Show listeners:
What’s the only kind of silver I take? Sovereign Silver. It’s now available in the Natural News Store! Have you tried the First Aid Gel yet? No more Neosporin, ever!