
November 23, 2016 7-9pm est

Wednesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show: The day before Turkey Day!

Will you pardon a pun-filled pardon? President Barack Obama dished out some final Thanksgiving puns Wednesday as he performed the ceremonial White House task of pardoning turkeys. Obama was joined at the Rose Garden ceremony by his two young nephews, Austin and Aaron Robinson, as opposed to his two daughters, Sasha and Malia, whom, he said, “just couldn’t take my jokes anymore — they were fed up.” He then spoke about turning from “polls to poultry” in carrying out the tradition.

On to more important news – Comments Of The Day!

I am writing as the husband of a cancer patient, hoping that an important lesson that my wife and I learned may be of value to others.

My wife Cathy 53, had a history of cancer. Her mother died of breast cancer at the age of 42, and my wife had colo-rectal cancer at the age of 49. Fortunately, surgery alone was able to take care of the one tumor, sparing her the effects of chemotherapy and radiation.

In December of 2014, Cathy noticed that her legs were aching and tiring quickly; my mother, 81 at the time, could last longer when shopping. Cathy was not overweight and used a Nordic Track exerciser regularly. Soon she noticed that her left leg was swelling slightly. We immediately went to the doctor and a CAT scan was performed, but nothing turned up. Other tests also revealed nothing, and the conclusion was drawn that the swelling was lymphedema caused by old scar tissue from the abdominal surgery she had 16 years ago! We found that hard to believe and got numerous more tests and opinions, only to come back to the same place.

The lymphedema spread to her abdomen and other leg, causing swelling there as well. Finally, about a year later, a CAT Scan finally revealed a tumor, and a biopsy determined that it was malignant. Further testing revealed she was in Stage III.

At about the same time, we learned through reading a book on cancer treatments, that there is a blood test called AMAS (Anti-Malignan Antibody in Serum), that will reveal the presence of cancer in the body, sometimes as much as 24 months PRIOR to clinical evaluation (such as a CAT scan), with great accuracy. We were never advised to have this blood test performed, and found that many doctors, including oncologists, do not know of the test. We believe that had we known about this test earlier, we would have had a much earlier diagnosis, making the disease much easier to treat. she has done chemotherapy twice (Taxol and Carboplatinum) but the cancer was not gone until we heard about the cannabis oil and its effective usage in treatment of cancer and we contacted the London cancer centre for procurement of the THC cannabis oil and started using the oil for treatment as directed by the cannabis physician.

After 3 months of usage of this THC cannabis oil my wife’s cancer was completely cured and gone. This oil medication brought joy and happiness to the family again.

Question Of The Day – QOTD!

Hi Robert!

I recently purchased PLUS CBD oil extra strength for migraine relief. How much should I take? I took 24 sprays and found no relief. Should I take more? I have started coffee enemas for detoxification and the silver aloe protocol. I am sure that my migraines are caused by constipation and unable to detox. I’m hoping the silver aloe protocol will help with this. I am taking magnesium oxide which helps with BMs. It’s the only way I got everyday. I am also drinking more water. They are less frequent for sure. Anyway, I wanted to get something to help me when I do get the migraines as I hate taking triptan drugs, more specifically zomig. That is the only drug that will get rid of a full blown migraine. If I don’t take it I will have a debilitating migraine for days. I have used essential oils and migraine specific homeopathic medicine but it doesn’t help. Any other suggestions? How will I know when the silver aloe protocol has worked? Any other supplement suggestions? I take a b complex, folinic acid, methyl-gaurd plus (I am heterozygous MTHFR), and metagenics multi. I recently started taking selenium after listening to you. Thank you for your amazing show. I am a new listener and wish I would have heard about you years ago.

One More!

Hi Robert and Super Don,

I’m flabbergasted at all the fear mongering and accusations and nastiness that has been propagated by people in the media and the “bought and paid for” and ignorant people who follow those same media. Almost every single one of those comments are logical fallacies and the one we are seeing more since the election are the racist, bigoted, homophobic, etc name calling.

Super Don was talking about the logical fallacies a while back but I think it’s time that we revisit those. I have an idea for a new segment for Super Don to help educate the public on what these logical fallacies are and how to win arguments against them and wake people up at the same time. He can make it a daily educational segment on the different types of logical fallacies and when you spot one in the news, tell us what the logical fallacy is and how we can win the argument. It would help people understand with very specific examples.

There seems to be over 100 of them but I don’t know a good, non-biased source to describe them. I’ve seen sources for the list and it’s obvious that the person writing the logical fallacy description is biased. What do you think?


The most obvious reason to boost your gratitude is that it’s closely tied to increased feelings of happiness. The studies backing that up are not surprising. What’s remarkable is that scientists who have located thoughts of gratitude in the brain found that not only do they produce feelings of pleasure, they stimulate areas regulating stress. This makes intuitive sense. Be more aware of what you feel is good in your life, and you will feel good. Also, if you’re sufficiently grateful, you’re less likely to compare yourself to others, which is often the enemy of happiness.

Hour 2 ~ Ty Bollinger helps us get Outside The Box

(Natural News)  Sure, you’ve heard of nasal vaccines, like for Polio, but have you heard of the needle-free vaccine that’s sprayed down on you from the sky? Remember the mass aerial spraying over Miami during the great Zika hoax recently? If you’re worried about chemtrails and the mosquito truck spraying poison all over your neighborhood and your kids out playing in the yard, get ready for the most insane, involuntary, unauthorized, unconstitutional, unethical, unsafe, untested and immoral form of forced medication ever unleashed on a nation. And you thought fluoridated water was bad!

Gardasil has been the subject of controversy for many years now. In fact, it has even been regarded as one of the most dangerous vaccines on the market today. Perhaps what is most alarming about this treacherous vaccine, however, is the fact that its manufacturer, Merck & Co, now wants to begin marketing their product to infants – and trials on babies have already begun.

A Los Angeles law firm is taking on biotech giant Monsanto on behalf of those who have developed illnesses after being exposed to the company’s glyphosate-based herbicide, Roundup.  Glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in history, has been linked to cancer and other serious illnesses. The law firm Baum Hedlund Aristei & Goldman is currently representing around 140 people, all of whom are suffering from non-Hodgkin lymphoma caused by glyphosate exposure.

A glittering array of media stars and network executives made pilgrimage on Monday to the 25th floor of Trump Tower to meet with the president-elect. They all agreed that the discussions would be “off the record”: meaning they would conceal from their viewers what they discussed. Shortly after the meeting ended, several of the stars violated the agreement they made, running to the New York Post and David Remnick of the New Yorker to whine about Trump’s mean behavior. “The participants all shook Trump’s hand at the start of the session and congratulated him,” Remnick reported, “but things went south from there.” It’s difficult to identify the shabbiest and sorriest aspect of this spectacle, but let’s nonetheless try, as it sheds important light on our nation’s beloved media corps and their posture heading into a Trump presidency….

Remember friends, the power to heal is ALWAYS yours!

Did you miss it?  You can spend Thanksgiving Weekend  getting caught up, and sharing the good news with your loved ones.

The Truth About Cancer Summit was chock full of the smartest speakers in their fields sharing everything from nutrition to how to detox, and what to avoid in your every day life to help you and your loved once prevent, and deal with, cancer.

Great News!  There is access to the recording, and we’re here to help.

Click Here to learn more!

More upcoming RSB events:

Unlock Your Power to Heal with RSB at The Health Basket, 2PM EST Saturday, December 17, 2016.

The Integrative Lifestyle Forum, with Mandala Integrative Medicine, January 7, 2017, Davenport, Iowa.

Best Answer for Cancer: “New Frontiers of Integrative Oncology: Targeted, Metabolic, Energetic, and Immunological Therapies,” April 27-29, 2017, San Diego, California. Public Forum Answers for Cancer Summit here.

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