February 16th, 7-9pm EST
Thursday on the Robert Scott Bell Show: Sacred Fire of Liberty burns bright with Cheryl Chumley, Jonathan Emord, and Norm Singleton!Former members of America’s intelligence came forward and spoke to the Daily Caller about the recent resignation of Michael Flynn, saying the whole matter had all the showings a “hit job” from the left. In fact, said retired Col. James Williamson, who served 32 years in the Special Forces, during which he worked tightly with the intelligence community, Flynn’s resignation was just the next step in a long-running campaign.
Inside the Republican party in Congress, there’s a deepening split over Obamacare. After much campaign talk about repealing the law in the first days of the Trump administration, some moderate Republicans are now wary of rapidly gutting the program without an alternative in place. Conservatives, meanwhile, are demanding an immediate roll-back before political momentum collapses.
Brushing aside questions about his advisers’ connections to Russia, President Trump told retail executives Wednesday that he’s concentrating on cutting taxes and regulations to create more jobs for the middle class and stronger business growth.
Mr. Pence was also in the meeting with the retailers. Mr. Trump told the heads of companies such as the Gap, Target, Best Buy and J.C. Penney that his “massive tax plan” will be submitted “in the not-too-distant future.” The abrupt Obama administration pre-election pullout from Iraq in 2011, along with the administration’s failed reset with Russia and the Iran deal, created a three-headed hydra in the Middle East. What makes the Middle East monster deadly is the interplay between the Iranian terrorist regime and its surrogates Hezbollah and the Assad regime; Russian president Vladimir Putin’s deployment of bombers into Syria and Iraq after a 40-year Russian hiatus in the region; and the medieval be-headers of the Islamic State.
Seven Days in March? Democrats, intelligence community trying to undermine and maybe impeach Trump??
Hour 2 ~ Let’s get healthy!
Pass the Prozac? Many Americans are stressed about the future of the country, and politics and terrorism are key reasons why, a new survey finds. “The stress we’re seeing around political issues is deeply concerning, because it’s hard for Americans to get away from it,” said Katherine Nordal. She’s executive director for professional practice at the American Psychological Association, which conducted the poll.
A recent series of focus groups conducted by researchers at the University of Adelaide is now demonstrating two things clearly: first, that Big Ag is growing increasingly desperate in its attempts to convince average consumers to continue purchasing their toxic products and remain unaware of any potential dangers. Second, that the unhealthy obsession with academia under the misapplied name of science is more akin to a religion than anything involving critical thought.
Flu vaccine is 48% effective this season, CDC says.
The New York Times reports on a new study finding that the greatest risk to infants of being infected with the bacteria that causes whooping cough, or pertussis, now comes from their older siblings. The Times explains that this is “probably a result of waning immunity among children and adolescents who had received the DTaP vaccine.” Indeed, waning immunity is a serious problem with the DTaP combination vaccine (which contains diptheria, tetanus, and pertussis antigens). One recent study published in Pediatrics concluded, “Tdap protection wanes within 2 to 4 years. Lack of long-term protection after vaccination is likely contributing to increases in pertussis among adolescents.”
Remember Friends, the Power to Heal is Yours!Upcoming Events:
February 19, 2017
The RSB Show will broadcast LIVE from a special HOMESTEAD TOUR & ORGANIC BRUNCH. Spend your afternoon, in HOWEY-IN-THE-HILLS, on our family property with two young homesteaders, passionate about growing food & excited to empower you to do the same. Learn about the various techniques & practices used during the first year building our farm. After the tour, stay to enjoy home-grown, delicious, organic food. Our goal is to share information for a better quality of life and establish a meaningful connection with our community.
Click Here to RSVP by Feb. 15th so the food can be prepared for you!
Check out Robert’s video on Fibromyalgia and this opportunity HERE!
More upcoming RSB events:
Best Answer for Cancer: “New Frontiers of Integrative Oncology: Targeted, Metabolic, Energetic, and Immunological Therapies,” April 27-29, 2017, San Diego, California. Public Forum Answers for Cancer Summit here.
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