
July 13th, 2016, 7-9PM EDT

Wednesday on the Robert Scott Bell Show:

Just days after the Democratic Party endorsed the rescheduling of cannabis and a “reasoned pathway to future legalization” of marijuana, delegates with the Republican Party voted against a more conservative platform that would have endorsed medical marijuana.  The debate was “vigorous,” and the first vote was somewhat close, according to The Huffington Post, which reported:

“But a number of delegates rose in opposition to the measure. A member from Utah claimed scientists have a “long way to go with research” on marijuana and argued that studies, which she did not provide, showed a link between it and mental health issues.”

Interesting that on marijuana, they are concerned about years of scientific proof of safety, which there is actually, yet when it comes to vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs, there is no need for such rigors and long-term evidence. Can anyone say stigma and prejudice and they don’t know who to make money on it yet? Maybe if all the pot farmers got together and created a super pak that funded Hillary….

Many Americans store leftover antibiotic drugs in their homes and say that if they got sick, they would take the antibiotics without going to their doctor first, a new study finds. The findings are troubling, experts say, in part because when people self-diagnose and treat themselves, they often end up taking antibiotics when they don’t need to, which may further the spread of antibiotic resistance, the researchers said.

Special guest: Marlene Siegal the Pasco Vet!

Dog owners and veterinary associations in the United Kingdom have been warning of a rash of dangerous and even lethal side effects from a popular vaccine designed to protect dogs from a rare and mild illness.

In a humorous take on the vaccine debate, check this out: “Local residents are wondering who to contact to report a sudden emergence of awareness in the risks of vaccination after a proposal emerged to the Allegheny Board of Health to consider writing a proposal to make HPV vaccination of 11- and 12-year olds mandatory for all who want to attend public school. People who suffer from this condition, called “Vaccine Risk Awareness”, or VRA, report various symptoms including thinking for themselves, taking responsibility for their own health care decisions, and for those of their children…” the article goes on to list the facts about the dangers of vaccines that these free-thinking individuals have learned.


Hi Robert, I recently moved into a new house that is on an acreage. During the first week, there was a terrible smell coming from my neighbor’s property. He lives uphill from me and there is about an acre between us. The smell was so strong that we had to close all the doors and windows. I found out later that my neighbor was spraying Malathion on his fruit trees to deter a bear from eating the fruit. My physical reaction to the smell was a headache, congestion, dry itchy eyes and difficulty swallowing. These symptoms went away after a night’s sleep. The neighbor said he will stop spraying and will put up an electrical fence. Are there any natural ways to deter a bear? And, is there anything I should do now to protect my health from the Malathion spraying?

Regards from Paradise, California,
Nana Kerry


I am not as old as you. Ok, honestly, I think we are about the same age. LOL Anyways, I am not wearing glasses yet, but I do have in my eyes, what some people call floaters, that sometimes gets in my way of vision. Do you know what causes those? Is there anything I can do to get rid of them?
Thanks for all you do and for you and Super Don for making me laugh!

Mike in Louisville

Ps tell Don it’s pronounced Lou-a-vul. LOL

Yea – some great  and obvious news! Researchers have come to the conclusion that gardening is actually beneficial to your health. In fact, it has been found that pulling weeds and smelling roses can actually lower blood pressure, help you feel happier, and increase brain activity. Because of the overwhelming body of evidence, it has been dubbed “horticulture therapy,” which is used in a variety of settings to help people cope with their emotions and illnesses. Most notably, it’s being used in hospitals, schools, and even in prisons.

Hour 2 – Ouside the Box with Ty Bollinger!

The producer of “The Truth About Cancer” talks about the cancer climate in America, and what the public doesn’t know…

The absurdity of Hillary Clinton’s guilt has reached a new level. Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz quizzed Lorretta Lynch on the legality of a series of acts that former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been accused of doing. But each time, Lynch stonewalled and refused to weigh in on whether the given act was legal or illegal.

People who drink lots of soda or other sugary beverages may have a higher risk of developing rare cancers in the gallbladder and bile ducts around the liver, a Swedish study suggests. Little is known about the causes of biliary tract and gallbladder tumors, but emerging evidence suggests obesity as well as elevated blood sugar levels that are a hallmark of diabetes may increase the risk of these malignancies.

Even with Tony Blair long labeled a war criminal by critics in the U.K. and many of the findings widely anticipated, those looking for surprises in the report weren’t disappointed: Lurking amid the various volumes was the suggestion that an unnamed source with supposedly “phenomenal access” to Iraq’s chemical weapons program had, in fact, been taking elements from the plot of Michael Bay’s 1996 action-thriller The Rock and feeding them to British intelligence as fact.

Eating selenium-rich foods including shellfish, nuts and onions decreases the risk of liver cancer, say scientists.

No one knows why more adults are getting what is normally considered a kids’ disease. A Peloton Cycle spinning instructor and social-media maven, was 32 when she started to feel overwhelmingly thirsty all the time. She made a doctor’s appointment, and was floored when blood-work results came in a few days later: She had Type 1 diabetes.

“I was shocked,” she tells The Post. “It was something I wasn’t very familiar with at all. And I’m very healthy, so it certainly came as a surprise.”  Diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the body stops producing insulin, which means it can’t break down sugar to use as energy. Up until the last decade, it was referred to as juvenile-onset diabetes — but it’s increasingly afflicting adults, according to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Constitutional expert Michael Badnarik! Click here to listen to the mp3!

He’ll be joining RSB in August in Mt. Dora Florida where he’s teaching a witty, hard-hitting, Texas-style class on the constitution, what it means for every American, and how to further protect those rights with shooting safety and accuracy training. We’d love to see you there!  Check out all the details here: http://www.robertscottbell.com/special-events/

You Are Formally Invited to the Decade’s Most Important and Exclusive Health Event via our friend Ty Bollinger!

So what are you doing October 14 through 16? Care to turn those days into three of the most powerful, meaningful, and transformative days of your entire life? (Or have you got better plans lol?) Because on October 14-16, 2016, my team and I here at The Truth About Cancer (TTAC) have arranged for not one, not five, but over 40 of today’s most renowned and brilliant natural health luminaries to share their most health- and life-changing insights live and in person in a small-venue setting with YOU.

More upcoming RSB events:

Immune System Reboot with RSB at Whitaker’s Farm Market, Bellville, Ohio, 6PM EDT, July 22, 2016

International Association for Near Death Studies (IANDS), July 28-31, 2016, Orlando, Florida

National Health Freedom Congress, St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota, July 31 – August 2, 2016

Constitution Class with Michael Badnarik, Lakeside Inn, Mount Dora, Florida, August 13, 2016 (outdoor shooting range August 14)

American Naturopathic Medical Association, August 26-28, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada

Cancer Prevention Convention, September 1,  Ann Arbor Michigan

“Homeoprophylaxis: The Evidence Based Choice.” 2016, October 7-9, St. Petersburg, Florida (focus primarily for health professionals)

TTAC Natural Health Symposium, October 14-16, 2016, Dallas, Texas, registration TBA

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Aloe Vera Gel 3-Pack Special Includes FREE Youth-Derm® – thanks Stockton Aloe1, Inc.!

How does 15% off on EVERY CBD PRODUCT SOUND? Right now for just RSB Show listeners. Call CV Sciences at 855-758-7223 or 855-PLUS CBD. Use code RSB15 to get 15% off any products!

What keeps RSB and TMB strong through the stress of travel and colder winter months? Better Way Health Beta 1.3-D Glucan! Call them at 1-800-746-7640.

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Immune modulation from the botanical world? Of course. What do RSB and TMB and family use? Carnivora, of course! Call 1-866-836-8735.

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Choose To Be Healthy for all of your whole food supplements, including GTF, Chromium, Selenium and Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics! 1-866-424-1077.

Oceans Alive Phytoplankton is a unique super-nutrient from the ocean that provides the body with an increase in residual energy that builds up significantly when it is ingested on a daily basis.

Family Wellness kit, including remedies for vaccine injury! Call 1-800-543-3245. Available now for only

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What’s the only kind of silver I take? Sovereign Silver. It’s now available in the Natural News Store! Have you tried the First Aid Gel yet? No more Neosporin, ever!

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