
Sunday, June 19th, 2016 – 1-3pm EDT

Sunday on The Robert Scott Bell Show: Happy Father’s Day!

RSB is in NYC!  Guest hosting with him today is the gorgeous health aficionado, Carol Alt!

If you are a millennial man and looking for happiness, you might want to think about becoming a dad. Just in time for Father’s Day comes a new report in which millennial fathers claimed significantly higher levels of satisfaction with their work and home lives than single men.

Harmful chemicals are everywhere, but what does that mean for your body?  Everything from our plastic water bottles and cosmetics to our non-stick frying pans contains chemicals that accumulate in our bodies. But it is unclear what effects these chemicals might have on human health and well-being.

Well, if it works, why not? According to a study from researchers affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania and Carnegie Mellon University and published in the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, corporate employees ordering lunch through a specially designed website opted for lower-calorie foods when options were labeled with traffic-light symbols or numeric calorie labels. Traffic-light labels show a green light next to low-calorie food options, a yellow light next to mid-calorie options and a red light next to high-calorie options.  Hmm, it seems like you could simplify the process by just putting, “this will make you fat” next to menu items.  The biggest problem with this though is that it throws the emphasis back on calories rather than organic, high-quality, and balanced nutrients.  Help educate your friends and support organic restaurants any time you can!  It’s incredibly hard for them to compete, they need our help!

Bill Gates endorses genetically modified mosquitoes to combat malaria.  A handful of scientists have already created mosquitoes that are either infertile or resistant to the malaria parasite using CRISPR, a genetic cut-and-paste tool that allows researchers to precisely edit DNA.

Father’s Day: 5 things you didn’t know you didn’t know about the holiday – and may not need to know…but it’s fun anyway!

Hour 2 ~

Big Pharma suffers another major blow as study debunks high cholesterol myths, admitting statins are totally worthless.

Let the nations rejoice!  If you are like Super Don and Captain Morgen, who enjoy a cup of Joe, or 3…you’ll be happy to know that the World Health Organization released its long-anticipated report on coffee, and its findings bode well for your health.  In reviewing the most recent scientific evidence over the past 25 years since its last analysis on the matter, the WHO concluded that coffee should no longer be considered a carcinogen and that it may actually have positive effects for your body when it comes to two types of cancers — liver and uterine cancers.

Hi Robert thanks for what you do – we are seeking help from wherever we can get it in regards to Parental rights for children with cancer. Please read the letter below by one of our support group – any help you can give in getting this out to the world would be so appreciated:

I am writing with regard to parental rights and medical treatment options for children.

I am a friend of the family of a 6-year old Perth boy undergoing court ordered chemotherapy, and what I have learned while witnessing this debacle is truly disturbing.

If you or I are diagnosed with brain cancer, we get to choose our treatment options. If our child gets diagnosed, we don’t.
So really the issue is one of parental rights, but in this case, one becomes the other. If the treatment options were sound, then there wouldn’t be an issue with consent.

Unfortunately, for paediatric brain cancer, chemotherapy comes up with a resounding FAIL!
The attached document contains scientific, evidence-based and peer reviewed studies on the dismal failure of chemotherapeutic drugs for paediatric brain cancer. No exception.
These trials have been going on for decades, causing nothing but death and decimation of precious little lives in the most horrible way imaginable.
Story after story of personal loss and tragedy are coming forward.
There is no conclusive evidence that this toxic treatment results in any semblance of a cure – none at all. Even the consent forms refer to the treatment as a trial. If they’re still ‘trialling’, then obviously they haven’t yet found something that works.
How on earth could this be in any child’s “best interests”.
The public outrage isn’t enough. This child has already had 2 devastating weeks in hospital, and has now just started his second round of toxicity being pumped through his depleted little body.
His hair fell out within the first few days, his teeth are starting to fall out. He has bruises on his arms where he has had to be forcibly restrained. Sometimes he has been bound by sheets to restrain him.
Something has to be done – immediately!

Hey cat ladies!  A Colorado company is looking to help cat owners enjoy the experience of sharing a glass of wine with their pets.  The non-alcoholic, beet-based cat wine was developed specifically for cats by Denver-based Apollo Peak.

RE-Launch! Ty Bollinger has up-dated and is re-releasing his much applauded docu-series, The Truth About Cancer.  Stay tuned for how you can gain access, and share it with those you love.  Too much epic information to not get informed!

More upcoming RSB events:

2016 I-ACT Convention, June 23-25, St. Petersburg, Florida

Constitution Class with Michael Badnarik, Lakeside Inn, Mount Dora, Florida, July 9, 2016 (outdoor shooting range July 10)

Immune System Reboot with RSB at Whitaker’s Farm Market, Bellville, Ohio, 6PM EDT, July 22, 2016

International Association for Near Death Studies (IANDS), July 28-31, 2016, Orlando, Florida

National Health Freedom Congress, St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota, July 31 – August 2, 2016

American Naturopathic Medical Association, August 26-28, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada

“Homeoprophylaxis: The Evidence Based Choice.” 2016, October 7-9, St. Petersburg, Florida (focus primarily for health professionals)

TTAC Natural Health Symposium, October 14-16, 2016, Dallas, Texas, registration TBA

Constitutional expert Michael Badnarik! Click here to listen to the mp3!

He’ll be joining RSB in July in Mr. Dora Florida where he’s teaching a witty, hard-hitting, Texas-style class on the constitution, what it means for every American, and how to further protect those rights with shooting safety and accuracy training. We’d love to see you there!  Check out all the details here: http://www.robertscottbell.com/special%20events/

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Previous episodes of the Robert Scott Bell Show: Natural News Archive

Aloe Vera Gel 3-Pack Special Includes FREE Youth-Derm® – thanks Stockton Aloe1, Inc.!

How does 15% off on EVERY CBD PRODUCT SOUND? Right now for just RSB Show listeners. Call CV Sciences at 855-758-7223 or 855-PLUS CBD. Use code RSB15 to get 15% off any products!

What keeps RSB and TMB strong through the stress of travel and colder winter months? Better Way Health Beta 1.3-D Glucan! Call them at 1-800-746-7640.

Amazing, whey protein that gives you 5 hour energy without stimulation. Take advantage of  One World Whey! 1-888-988-3325! Check out these Amazing Zero Oxidation Seed Oils, that gives your cells the ability to breath and create energy.

Immune modulation from the botanical world? Of course. What do RSB and TMB and family use? Carnivora, of course! Call 1-866-836-8735.

What does RSB drink? Visit Robert’s Water to find out more! ECHO 9 hydrogen-enriched water is even better! Call 1-800-337-7017! For a limited time only, Paul is opening pre-orders for the ECHO 9 unit at the same price as the ECHO 7, yet it produces an astounding 35% more molecular hydrogen (H2)! Plus you still get an additional RSB Show discount! Call now!

Choose To Be Healthy for all of your whole food supplements, including GTF, Chromium, Selenium and Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics! 1-866-424-1077.

Oceans Alive Phytoplankton is a unique super-nutrient from the ocean that provides the body with an increase in residual energy that builds up significantly when it is ingested on a daily basis.

Family Wellness kit, including remedies for vaccine injury! Call 1-800-543-3245. Available now for only $89.99 (price includes free shipping) for RSB Show listeners: Click here!

What’s the only kind of silver I take? Sovereign Silver. It’s now available in the Natural News Store! Have you tried the First Aid Gel yet? No more Neosporin, ever!

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