
The Robert Scott Bell Show May 19, 2014

Monday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: RSB sneak previews a few little-known cancer secrets that will be fully revealed in the upcoming truth about cancer summit. What are some of the simplest things that you can do to prevent cancer? How much can you reduce your pesticides in a little as one week? What about microbial threats? MRSA infections are on the rise and there are many botanical and mineral options more effective than the waning chemical antibiotics. From silver to oil of oregano, what other plant-based medicinals might save us from antibiotic resistant bacteria? Can you say cannabidiol? Yes, CBD to the rescue! CBD’s neuroprotective benefits may also extend to CJD as well. Liam Scheff, author of Official Stories, returns to discuss the gooey religious centers of modern medical science (and most of the other sciences, too). Ten years after he broke the story of the AIDS drug scandal at the ICC in NYC, have the HIVologists learned anything about the evil errors of their ways? Dr. Rashid Buttar is here for some more Advanced Medicine, too! Germs in the gut impacting health may be old news to holistically inclined doctors, but a new study finds that germs in the gut may affect autism! We know that smoking may not be the healthiest thing in the world to do, but is it really less dangerous than an unhealthy diet? Who’s doing the defining? Did you hear about the study from Poland revealing no real benefit to vaccination? How are they going to explain away the neurological damage? RSB will answer more listener questions about silver as well! Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at www.NaturalNewsRadio.com.

This is the week! Autism One is here! It’s time for Advanced Medicine Monday! Dr. Rashid Buttar and RSB discuss some more of what we will be doing in Chicago this week. Did you know that your gut ecology could impact the manifestation of autism? What a novel concept, considering that intestinal bacteria are responsible for much of the brain’s needed chemical make up. It is not hard to find doctors who will agree that smoking is detrimental to health, but what about poor diets? Could that be even worse? And what about that Polish study claiming no benefit to the vaccine schedule there? They even acknowledge the neurological detriment to those who are victims of vaccination.

Dr. Rashid Buttar

This is not a joke. We’ll also provide some more sneak previews into the upcoming Autism One conference in Chicago May 2014. Dr. Buttar just confirmed his appearance at The Healing Revolution Summit July 18-20, 2014 in Asheville, NC. How can you get an Advanced Medicine Seminar in your city? Just get 49 of your friends together and contact info@drbuttar.com to learn the details. What kind of milk should you drink if you drink milk? More information will be pouring into this new A2A2 web site. Remember to pick up the international best seller “9 Steps To Keep the Doctor Away!” http://www.the9steps.com/ (if you buy the book, you can get a DVD for an incredible discount!) Facts on Toxicity. Call Dr. Buttar’s clinic if you would like to learn more (704) 895-WELL (9355). Archives can be found at www.MedicalRewind.com/. For any health care providers who wish to set up their own private association, contact info@drbuttar.com and let him know of your interest. Because you are a listener to The RSB Show, your price to do so is greatly reduced! Remember, The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away (if you buy the book, you can get a DVD for free!) and Facts on Toxicity. Check out the new website in preparation for Autism One: Autism Defined!

Question/Comments of the Day: hey Robert, I met you in Denver, totally thrilled that I did. I finished your book before I even got on the plane back to California. I appreciate your wisdom and resilience through your journey. You’re a true Jedi warrior for the light! I had a question, what are your thoughts on potential toxicity of colloidal silver. I purchased a quality generator online and a nebulizer from Silverlungs.com. I want to make sure I don’t turn blue! Would love to hear your thoughts on that. I’ve only used sovereign silver in the past, feeling like I can make a good solution fresh, at a fraction of the cost. Looking forward to hearing more of your shows, thanks a quadrillion! ~Austin E.

What else is in the news?

Wisconsin Girl Dies Waiting For Implementation Of Marijuana Extract Legislation | The Weed Blog

Painkillers May Help Lessen Recurring Urinary Infections, Study

New study: Eating an organic diet for only one week can reduce pesticide levels by 90% – NaturalNews.com The study reaffirms the findings of a 2006 study on children which found that organic diets greatly lowered children’s levels of organophosphorus pesticides.

Germs in the Gut May Affect Autism, Studies Find – NBC News.com They found that children with autism have a very different make-up when it comes to gut germs, compared to children without autism. More importantly, chemicals produced by these bacteria may affect the brain, they told a meeting of the American Society…

Marijuana Kills MRSA and Inhibits Prions That Cause Neurodegenerative Disease; Still Recognized by Feds As a Dangerous Drug

Unhealthy diets greater threat to health than tobacco, says UN expert | Fox News In a statement issued on the opening of the annual summit of the World Health Organisation (WHO), Belgian professor Olivier de Schutter called for efforts to launch negotiations on a global pact to tackle the obesity epidemic.

Polish study says vaccines have no historical benefits, continue to cause neurological damage – NaturalNews.com

Robert Scott Bell to reveal little-known cancer secrets in upcoming cancer summit – NaturalNews.com

US House To Vote On Budget Amendment To Defund Medical Marijuana Raids | The Weed Blog Representatives Rohrabacher and Farr will be introducing an amendment to this measure to prevent any of the department’s funding from being used to interfere with medical marijuana programs in states that have approved them.

You can help get the Robert Scott Bell Show carried on your local talk stations! Just call the station and request they carry the show. Ask them to contact GCN by calling 877-996-4327 ext. 123 and asking for “John” who manages the affiliate broadcast relationships. John can get any local AM or FM radio station connected with the global feed so that they can carry the show.

What would you like to hear from The Robert Scott Bell Show in 2014? Call us at 1-866-939-BELL (2355) and let your voice be heard!

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RSB’s Mom’s new book, A Life of Many Colors is available! The Kindle version went to #1 in Homeopathy and #3 in Holistic category recently. Way to go Mom!

Vaccines: Armed and Dangerous – All the Things They Don’t Want You to Hear! Co-created by Jon Rappoport and RSB – Save $20 right now! http://programs.webseed.com/Vaccines_Armed_and_Dangerous.htm

Listen live here 3PM-5PM EDT: http://www.naturalnewsradio.com/ or here: http://www.talkstreamlive.com/talk_radio/robert_scott_bell.stream

Previous episodes of the Robert Scott Bell Show: http://www.naturalnewsradio.com/Archive-RobertScottBell.asp

Do you feel the call to help others who are not getting well with the help of modern medicine? Consider becoming a natural health provider! From nutrition to naturopathy – you can do it all at Trinity School of Natural Health! RSB approved! Call 1-800-428-0408.

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What does RSB drink? Visit Robert’s Water to find out or call Paul at 1-800-337-7017!

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How to modulate immunity and get healthy no matter what the challenge? Think Carnivora! If you have been waiting for the perfect time to buy, NOW is the time!

What keeps RSB and TMB strong through the stress of travel and colder winter months? Beta-1,3D Glucan from Better Way Health! Call them at 1-800-746-7640.

Family Wellness kit, including remedies for vaccine injury! Call 1-800-543-3245. Available now for only $89.99 (price includes free shipping) for RSB Show listeners: http://www.kingbio.com/store/product.php?productid=16375&cat=0&page=1

What’s the only kind of silver I take? Sovereign Silver. It’s now available in the Natural News Store! Have you tried the First Aid Gel yet? No more Neosporin, ever!

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