The Robert Scott Bell Show September 2, 2014 Listen LIVE here, here or here.
Tuesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 7-9PM EDT: Did you ever think that you would see that day that a researcher at the CDC would apologize to Dr. Andrew Wakefield? Celia Farber joins us from The Truth Barrier to discuss this astonishing turn of events as we reveal correspondence by text between #CDCwhistleblower William Thompson and Dr. Wakefield! What messages? “I apologize again for the price you paid for my dishonesty…” and “I do believe your husbands career was unjustly damaged and this study would have supported his scientific opinion. Hopefully I can help repair it.” How will the media spin such direct messages acknowledging wrongdoing within the CDC? What are the differences between conventional medical doctors and naturopaths? Is there a Federal bias against non-medical nutritional counseling? Did you hear about the Older Americans Care Act? Nutritionists need not apply. RSB also welcomes Deborah Malka MD, PhD, a practitioner of Integrative Holistic medicine, to discuss the clinical applications of the cannabis plant. She is speaking at “Marijuana For Medical Professionals” September 9-11 in Denver – Colorado’s First CME Certified Conference on Cannabis Medicine! Need bone growth? We’ll also talk with Stephen Heuer about regenerating skeletal integrity? Do you know about Synergy1? We have Questions of the Day about Erectile Dysfunction and gastrointestinal distress as well. Time permitting; we’ll wrap things up with a double header Moment of Duh surrounding nutrition for heart health and the benefits of tea drinkers! Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at
Deborah Malka MD, PhD is a practitioner of Integrative Holistic medicine, and has been supportive of patient
empowerment and alternative medicine throughout her career. Prior to clinical practice, Malka completed her PhD in Molecular Genetics, and studied both natural and traditional medicine. She then practiced as a primary care physician, directing a holistic medical clinic in Aptos, California for 15 years. For the past 7 years she has specialized in cannabis medical consulting serving over 20,000 patients to date. During this time she served as the medical director of MedCann, Inc., a group of cannabis evaluation clinics throughout California with up to 30 clinics and 300,000 patients.
Did you know that there is a big event scheduled for Ft. Lauderdale on Sunday, September 14, 2014? RSB, Liam, Paul Barattiero and Paul Nison will be there to Unlock Your Power to Heal! Seating is limited, so sign up now! SOLD OUT!
Question/Comments of the Day: 1) I love your show and continually am able to help others because of your discussions. I am a nutritionist working with a client and her husband . He apparently has a very common (in the US at least) problem with ED (erectile dysfunction). He has been working with a doctor and not getting any improvement. He’s taking Cialis without total success – did you know they are $35 a pill??!! At this rate, they cannot afford any more pills.
What recommendations do you have for a middle-aged man to build up his hormones to function by himself? I have him on a good nutritional plan, but I know you and your other wonderful health professionals can help more than mainstream doctors. Apparently this is a growing problem in the US.
Keep up the good work, Robert et al. I have a friend with uterine cancer and because of everything I learned on your show, I have urged her to take cannabis oil. I have sent her all of the information, links to You Tube, etc. and she is convinced. The even better thing is she is hearing about this from other people. So the word is getting out!! ~ Sondra
2) Hello Robert. My nephew has been recently diagnosed with a primary chronic neurological Intestinal pseudoobstruction. His Medical doctors have said there’s nothing left for them to try and it’s in Gods hands.
My nephew is 12 months and will, from this point on have a TPN as he cannot move anything through his bowels. After testing, they said he lacked nerves in his intestines. A TPN line cannot sustain life for long and has many complications. I am studying to become a naturopath but do not have the knowledge yet to help. Is there anything to help generate nerve growth? Doctors say he’s not absorbing anything via his intestines yet he’s growing and looks healthy. He’s also been diagnosed with a severe bacterial infection He’s been heavily medicated for the last 10 months and his gut has been explored repeatedly. Any ideas or maybe a direction you can point me toward? Thank you so much. ~ Ronda
What else is in the news?
News highlights: Ebola exploding, UK medical police state, truth about CDC scientific fraud and more –
Sticking A Finger In The Eye Of Settled Science: Cutting Fat From Diet May Not Be Best Way to Lose Weight
Diet Research, Stuck in the Stone Age | David Katz, M.D.
Alzheimer’s Disease: Marijuana a Possible Treatment? : News : Headlines & Global News
Conventional doctors vs. naturopaths – 3 distinct differences between them – Nutritionists Excluded in New Federal Bill | The Alliance for Natural Health USA
New Ebola Cases Unrelated To West African Outbreak
CDC director raises Ebola alarm –
Fruit intake reduces risk of heart disease | Business Standard News
Tea drinkers may have better general health, study says – Yahoo News
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What would you like to hear from The Robert Scott Bell Show in 2014? Call us at 1-866-939-BELL (2355) and let your voice be heard!
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If you are not able to attend the Sacred Fire of Liberty Gala on September 5 and 6, we are pleased to advise that it is being web cast live. The Gala is being filmed and web cast live on September 5 and 6 on the web site. Three hundred attendees are joining us for this festive celebration on the occasion of Emord & Associates’ 20th anniversary. The gala takes place on the scenic shores of the Chesapeake Bay in Cambridge, Maryland. The site for the event is the Hyatt Regency Resort, Spa, and Marina. Hollywood actor Terrence McNally is the emcee. Speakers include Fox News Chief National Correspondent Jim Angle (Keynote); Former Treasurer of the United States and Fox News Contributor Bay Buchanan; former Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia, Chief of Staff to Senator George Allen, and Fox News contributor Kate Obenshain; New York Times best-selling author and radio host Tammy Bruce; Washington Times journalist Cheryl K. Chumley; Campaign for Liberty Vice President for Policy Norman Singleton; and Health Claims Censored author Bert Schwitters. Entertainers include Gospel music great Alma Randolph; famed opera tenor Mark Harris; the colonial fife and drum corps; George Mason University’s brass quintet and string ensemble; and Fresh Air Music Entertainment’s Motown Revue. The program honors leaders in nutrition, medical science, integrative medicine, health product innovation, and other fields conducive to the exercise of freedom of informed choice. The Gala is dedicated to America’s first President and Commander in Chief George Washington.
To watch the event live, go to on September 5 at 5:45PM Eastern and again on September 6 at 6:00PM Eastern. The presentation by keynote speaker Jim Angle is available only for those attending the live ceremony, but all other presentations and entertainment will be web cast live via this link.
RSB’s Mom’s new book, A Life of Many Colors is available! The Kindle version went to #1 in Homeopathy and #3 in Holistic category recently. Way to go Mom!
Listen live here 7PM-9PM EDT: or here:
Previous episodes of the Robert Scott Bell Show:
We are excited to introduce you to Inflamagone, Super Earth Energy and Digestive Detox! Call (208) 580-4424 for Dr. Nuzum’s Vitality for Life!
Take advantage of this incredible deal on One World Whey! While supplies last – only $20 per one pound container! 1-888-328-8840!
Do you feel the call to help others who are not getting well with the help of modern medicine? Consider becoming a natural health provider! From nutrition to naturopathy – you can do it all at Trinity School of Natural Health! RSB approved! Call 1-800-428-0408.
Got hemp? CBD rich hemp oil! Call 866-273-8502 (enter coupon code SHW48) for 20% off introductory price!
What does RSB drink? Visit Robert’s Water to find out or call Paul at 1-800-337-7017!
Choose To Be Healthy for all of your whole food supplements, including GTF, Chromium, Selenium and Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics! 1-866-424-1077.
What keeps RSB and TMB strong through the stress of travel and colder winter months? Beta-1,3D Glucan from Better Way Health! Call them at 1-800-746-7640.
Family Wellness kit, including remedies for vaccine injury! Call 1-800-543-3245. Available now for only $89.99 (price includes free shipping) for RSB Show listeners:
What’s the only kind of silver I take? Sovereign Silver. It’s now available in the Natural News Store! Have you tried the First Aid Gel yet? No more Neosporin, ever!