
The Robert Scott Bell Show October 22, 2013

Tuesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: RSB talks sustainable farming with Shannon Hayes, PhD, and nutritional healing with Stephen Heuer.  What if antibiotics run out of steam? What would you do? Scientists at the NIH are going back to WWII to pull out an old antibiotic that can kill your kidneys. Oi vey. What about children diagnosed with autism? Do they really have multiple drug deficiencies? How about some more discussion of elimination patterns? We must, for all the 10 year olds out there (and their parents, too) – there’s more science on pooping and peeing that cannot be ignored! Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments!

What is new on the GMO front? A new online “mini-summit” is right around the corner with Jeffrey Smith and John Robbins. I’ll be there and I hope you will be, too! Click here and sign up for this critically important seminar.

Stephen Heuer, Nutripath

What is the science behind micronized, non-denatured whey protein? Stephen Heuer returns to support the recovery for genetically damaged cells. How is this damage occurring? Radiation, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, additives, preservatives flavorings, antibiotics, vaccines, GMOs, heavy metals and more! In order to survive and ultimately thrive, we must regenerate faster than we degenerate. How is this accomplished? Stephen will put perspective on the healing journey that many of us are on while on planet earth. No matter your constitution, you do not suffer from drug deficiencies. Real healing is often about going back to the basics, learning about what you really need and removing that which you do not. In addition to healing on all levels, how can non-denatured One World Whey protein help the body to regain and maintain muscle growth, detoxify and regenerate? What is the one large factor that controls the rate of Glutathione production in the body?

Known Healing Benefits of Whey

Fresh liquid whey’s therapeutic success boosts an impressive track record; helping people with liver insufficiency, hepatitis, gallstones, kidney infections, kidney stones, edema, intestinal fermentation, flatulence, constipation, indigestion, bloating, rheumatism, arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart attacks. Whey is also very effective against excess weight, acne, eczema, and for improving general health and well-being.

Whey Is the Premier Source of Muscle Building Branch Chain Amino Acids

Whole raw milk is a tremendous health food for many. But for some, the casein portion of the milk protein is incompletely digested and this causes mucus production and may contribute to constipation. The whey portion is more easily digested. Studies show whey protein powder will empty the stomach quicker and raise blood amino acid levels better than casein protein powder. Whey also has higher levels of valine, leucine, and isoleucine, also known as the branched chain amino acids (BCAA) that feed and build muscle tissue. Approximately one third of muscle tissue is composed of branched chain amino acids. The body requires higher amounts of branched chain amino acids during and following exercise, as they are taken up directly by the skeletal muscles, versus first being metabolized through the liver, like other amino acids. Low BCAA levels contribute to fatigue, and they should be replaced in one-hour or less following exercise or participation in a competitive event. [1]

With frequent repeated ingestion of whey protein powder it is possible to keep a sustained optimal blood amino acid level, resulting in optimal protein synthesis throughout the whole body for prolonged periods of time.

Dramatic symptom improvement occurs for children with Autism when then reduce brain inflammation. Antioxidants in high concentrations are able to reduce brain inflammation and consequently improve the cognitive abilities for children with Autism. One World Whey is perhaps the strongest food and supplement you can give your child, to raise Glutathione. Glutathione is one of nature’s strongest ways to reduce inflammation. We had two vaccine-damaged children improve markedly from using One World Whey. One was 4-year-old boy with ASD. After 2.5 months on OWW, he was speaking normally to his mother for the first time. [1] http://www.wheyoflife.org/faq.cfm#16, Nov 2nd 2010Call 1-866-939-2355 and let your voice be heard!

Shannon Hayes, PhD

What of food integrity? Shannon Hayes, PhD joins RSB on the air today to restore it! She works with three generations of her family raising grassfed meats on Sap Bush Hollow Farm in upstate New York, and is the author of The Grassfed Gourmet, The Farmer and the Grill, Radical Homemakers and, most recently, Long Way on a Little: An Earth Lover’s Companion for Enjoying Meat, Pinching Pennies and Living Deliciously. She holds a PhD in sustainable agriculture and community development from Cornell University. Hayes blogs for Yes! Magazine and at www.shannonhayes.info. She will also be speaking at the Weston A. Price Foundation’s Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts Conference in Atlanta November 8-10, 2013.

Question of the Day: My brother and his family stayed at our house last weekend. They have 2 children, a daughter who is 5 and a son who is 2 1/2 years old. Their son is not potty trained and refuses to use the potty and my sister-in-law told me that he has chronic loose stools. His 5 year old sister used to be chronically constipated, but has “grown out of it”. I said that he must have something wrong like a food allergy or is lactose intolerant. I asked her if they have done any testing and she said that her Pediatrician told her that she didn’t think it was a problem (like their daughter’s chronic constipation) and that “at least he is going”. I told her that she should find a doctor that is willing to resolve the problem because having loose stools all the time is not normal. Any advice is appreciated, Robert. Thank you! ~ Joan

RSB is going to Seattle! Tell your friends! LIVE at Vitamin Life, 15830 Redmond Way, Redmond, WA 98052 Phone: (425) 869-7000, Wednesday Evening, Nov. 6th, 7:00pm

Join RSB at Curing the Incurable: Holistic Therapies for Chronic Disease, November 8-10, 2013. The conference will be held at the Sheraton Downtown Atlanta Hotel located at 165 Courtland Street, NE, Atlanta, GA  30303.

The Robert Scott Bell Show will be LIVE at the Windhorse Theater in Eustis, Florida, Friday, November 22 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM EDT. Hope to see you there!

Dr. Buttar and Liam Scheff in the same place at the same time? Yes! AONH Annual Natural Health Care Conference, Nov 7-9, 2013, Douglasville, Georgia. Join this fascinating group of natural health care professionals, and those who are seriously interested in natural health care, for an intensive 3-day conference.  The program will be centered on the latest advances in natural health care as well as the battle to keep it available to all who choose to utilize it!  Register Today: 202-505-AONH (2664) or info@aonh.org Price: $350 per person, discount of $100 off your admission available for ELITE members of the AONH.

What else is in the news? Hey! This is the news!

From Mike Adams: A lot of so-called “scientific” thinking is filled with huge logic gaps and striking contradictions. Yet many “scientists” insist they cannot be argued with, as if they are uniquely gifted with divine truth requiring no validation and accepting no dissent. That’s the philosophy of a religion, not a science! Today, I thoroughly debunk the faith-based belief system of many modern-day scientists who foolishly believe that only *their* beliefs are “facts” while everyone else suffers from sheer delusion…

Eco-stupid? Portland water authority dumps millions of gallons of water after man pees in reservoir…

Foul-smelling fruit sparks Plymouth city centre evacuation

NIH turns to older, dangerous antibiotics to fight deadly superbug outbreak – We’re running out of options

Kids with autism often get multiple meds at once | Fox News Many kids with autism are prescribed mood-altering drugs, sometimes several at once for long periods of time, according to a new study.

You can help get the Robert Scott Bell Show carried on your local talk stations! Just call the station and request they carry the show. Ask them to contact GCN by calling 877-996-4327 ext. 123 and asking for “John” who manages the affiliate broadcast relationships. John can get any local AM or FM radio station connected with the global feed so that they can carry the show.

What would you like to hear from The Robert Scott Bell Show in 2013? Call us at 1-866-939-BELL (2355) and let your voice be heard!

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RSB’s Mom just released her new book, A Life of Many Colors. The Kindle version went to #1 in Homeopathy and #3 in Holistic category recently. Way to go Mom!

Vaccines: Armed and Dangerous – All the Things They Don’t Want You to Hear! Co-created by Jon Rappoport and RSB – Save $20 right now! http://programs.webseed.com/Vaccines_Armed_and_Dangerous.htm

Listen live here 3PM-5PM EDT: http://www.naturalnewsradio.com/ or here: http://www.talkstreamlive.com/talk_radio/robert_scott_bell.stream

Previous episodes of the Robert Scott Bell Show: http://www.naturalnewsradio.com/Archive-RobertScottBell.asp

Do you feel the call to help others who are not getting well with the help of modern medicine? Consider becoming a natural health provider! From nutrition to naturopathy – you can do it all at Trinity School of Natural Health! RSB approved! Call 1-800-428-0408.

Oxygenate and mineralize for health freedom and healing liberty! Mr. Oxygen 1-305-933-4219 RSB Show listeners can get the 4-DVD set for free with purchase of one bottle of Oxylift! Plus 20% off all products! What is my solution for chemtrails? OxySulfur!

What does RSB drink? Visit Robert’s Water to find out or call Paul at 1-800-337-7017!

RSB’s favorite Whey Protein is One World Whey! Truly nondenatured and no casein! Enhance glutathione production like no other food can! For More Information Click on the Brain Balancing and Energy Support Package link or go to sgn80.com or call 888-988-3325 or 864-895-6250.

How can you make you dietary supplements 50 times more efficient? You can learn more about Asea and redox signaling molecules at www.rdxnatural.com, or call 800-284-8045 for more information. There is a risk free 30 day money back guarantee with Asea.

Choose To Be Healthy for all of your whole food supplements, including GTF, Chromium, Selenium and Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics! 1-866-424-1077.

Which Rife Frequency Machine does RSB endorse? The BCX Ultra! http://www.bioelectricsforhealth.com/ 1-800-936-6240 From Kelly S: “We purchased our BCX Ultra last year from Judy and we love it! It’s a relief to have this amazing tool for healing if we should need it! Thank you for recommending it to us!”

Family Wellness kit, including remedies for vaccine injury! Call 1-800-543-3245. Available now for only $89.99 (price includes free shipping) for RSB Show listeners: http://www.kingbio.com/store/product.php?productid=16375&cat=0&page=1

What’s the only kind of silver I take? Sovereign Silver. It’s now available in the Natural News Store! Have you tried the First Aid Gel yet? No more Neosporin, ever!

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