
The Robert Scott Bell Show January 9, 2014 Did you miss today’s broadcast? Click here to download and listen now! 

Thursday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: What’s the latest about state efforts to Nullify the NSA’s unconstitutional dragnet spying on all Americans? Shahid Buttar returns from the Bill of Rights Defense Committee to share some of the good news! Is the H1N1 really more deadly than other influenza outbreaks? Get ready to uncover more Swine lies about the real cause of death in most every claimed flu mortality statistic. We’ll also discuss more strategies in restoring gastrointestinal integrity and avoiding unnecessary surgical interventions associated with colitis and Crohn’s. Liam Scheff is in today to provide more Fukushima updates. Do we dare take on libertarian thought-forms regarding GMO labeling? We dare. What about the

Liam & RSB

meningitis vaccine demanded by parents of UC Santa Barbara students? It has not arrived. Are the students still alive? Plus, how many pesticides are you eating each day? Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments! Listen in at www.NaturalNewsRadio.com.

Should we demand GMO labeling? Or is that giving government more power to regulate? Is libertarianism too high an ideal? Is it actually unrealistic in a tribe of 320 million? Liam Scheff is back and about to un-libertarian the RSB audience. Oh no! How could this be? By explaining that .. well… we’re a tribal species, and while we’re ‘non-joiners’ as a species, we’re also tribal, and that non-joiner stuff tends to work at the level of 150 people. But in agricultural hierarchies,…well, you’ll get it after you hear it…

Shahid Buttar returns from the Bill of Rights Defense Committee with updates on the efforts to Nullify the unconstitutional NSA dragnet spying on all Americans. Why are forces on the left and right, like George Soros and Mark Levin, using the same talking points in attempts to discredit a genuine grassroots effort to re-establish the 4th Amendment? All the while, we see groups the non-elite political spectrum, like BORDC and the Tenth Amendment Center coming together in defense of liberty and privacy! What’s going on around here? Shahid will help us see through the agendas of political elites, whether they are Republican or Democrat, so that we exert appropriate energies in an efficient manner in defense of our rights! Look at what he said on a recent interview on RT: “California is asserting a constitutional position, while Washington DC is asserting a Chinese or Soviet position.”

Upcoming January RSB events:

Wednesday, January 15, 2014, Long Island, NY with Ty Bollinger and RSB at the Unity Church of Healing Light in Huntington Station, NY in Suffolk County, Long Island at 7PM EST!

Also, MASSAPEQUA here we come … Broadcasting Live at Organic Corner Jan. 15th, 2014, 3-5PM with Ty Bollinger and Liana Werner-Gray!!!

Friday night is healthy date night is you attend RSB’s free lecture at The Wind Horse Theater in Eustis, Florida January 17, 2014.

What else is in the news?

Healthy Texas Mom Dies of Flu at 29 – ABC News

How much pesticide does the average American consume in a day? There is a cumulative effect from eating bug and weed killer daily.

Health Ranger announces discovery of Metals Capturing Capacity for foods, botanicals, herbs and dietary supplements

 A Growing Taste for U.S. Fast Food in India – NYTimes.com India has long had a reputation as being unfriendly to foreign businesses, but when it comes to fast food, international chains are being warmly welcomed by a young, upwardly mobile population.

Star Trek-style tricorder that scans for signs of disease built by scientists | Mail Online

Students in California are still waiting for Novartis’ Bexsero to arrive – FierceVaccines The meningitis B outbreak at the University of California, Santa Barbara, has slowed for now, with no new cases on the campus since November. However, authorities still view the bacteria as a threat and are trying to get clearance to use Novartis’ ($NVS)

How should states fight the NSA? Turn off the water, say some 

New California Legislation Seeks to Thwart NSA Spying

You can help get the Robert Scott Bell Show carried on your local talk stations! Just call the station and request they carry the show. Ask them to contact GCN by calling 877-996-4327 ext. 123 and asking for “John” who manages the affiliate broadcast relationships. John can get any local AM or FM radio station connected with the global feed so that they can carry the show.

What would you like to hear from The Robert Scott Bell Show in 2014? Call us at 1-866-939-BELL (2355) and let your voice be heard!

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RSB’s Mom just released her new book, A Life of Many Colors. The Kindle version went to #1 in Homeopathy and #3 in Holistic category recently. Way to go Mom!

Vaccines: Armed and Dangerous – All the Things They Don’t Want You to Hear! Co-created by Jon Rappoport and RSB – Save $20 right now! http://programs.webseed.com/Vaccines_Armed_and_Dangerous.htm

Listen live here 3PM-5PM EDT: http://www.naturalnewsradio.com/ or here: http://www.talkstreamlive.com/talk_radio/robert_scott_bell.stream

Previous episodes of the Robert Scott Bell Show: http://www.naturalnewsradio.com/Archive-RobertScottBell.asp

Do you feel the call to help others who are not getting well with the help of modern medicine? Consider becoming a natural health provider! From nutrition to naturopathy – you can do it all at Trinity School of Natural Health! RSB approved! Call 1-800-428-0408.

Got hemp? Call 866-273-8502 (enter coupon code BELL 30) for 30% off! www.HempMedspx.com

What does RSB drink? Visit Robert’s Water to find out or call Paul at 1-800-337-7017!

Choose To Be Healthy for all of your whole food supplements, including GTF, Chromium, Selenium and Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics! 1-866-424-1077.

Which Rife Frequency Machine does RSB endorse? The BCX Ultra! http://www.bioelectricsforhealth.com/ 1-800-936-6240 From Kelly S: “We purchased our BCX Ultra last year from Judy and we love it! It’s a relief to have this amazing tool for healing if we should need it! Thank you for recommending it to us!”

RSB’s favorite Whey Protein is One World Whey! Truly nondenatured and no casein! Enhance glutathione production like no other food can! Get 15% off the One World Whey when you use coupon code “Southern Whey”. This is good until Feb 18th, 2014. Call 888-988-3325 or 864-895-6250.

What keeps RSB and TMB strong through the stress of travel and colder winter months? Beta-1,3D Glucan from Better Way Health! Call them at 1-800-746-7640.

Family Wellness kit, including remedies for vaccine injury! Call 1-800-543-3245. Available now for only $89.99 (price includes free shipping) for RSB Show listeners: http://www.kingbio.com/store/product.php?productid=16375&cat=0&page=1

What’s the only kind of silver I take? Sovereign Silver. It’s now available in the Natural News Store! Have you tried the First Aid Gel yet? No more Neosporin, ever!

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