I was in San Fransisco recently and I walked in to this pirate shop.
Yes, a pirate shop.
Why is this awesome? Because of Dave Eggers. Have you read anything by Dave Eggers? I recommend beginning with his first book A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. How can you not love a book with that title? It’s an amazing book, and he’s followed it with one great book after another, including my favorite What Is The What.
Which would all be great, but Dave Eggers, as far as I can tell, is not messing around. He started a writing program for helping kids become better writers and teachers to inspire their students to write called
826 Valencia
but from what I understand to use this particular building for their work the building had to have some sort of business in the front.
Hence the pirate shop.
One more example of the countless innovative, inspiring, compelling, world changing things people are doing every single day all around us.