
Horoscope, Astrology (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

CANCER Nov 14 2013

Today is an excellent day to start something new or to blaze a trail. Moonchildren are especially gifted at thinking outside the box because you have a very creative and innovative mind. if some new idea has been knocking at your door for a while now, it is time to give it its due attention. Whether this is related to an idea that will help you make progress at work, or if it’s something that you think will improve your personal life in some way, now is the time to take the first steps. Whatever you begin during the next few weeks will have enhanced possibilities for success.

Well, over the last few months I have had quite a few encouraging Horoscopes that I have to post retroactively, just as I am posting this one day retroactively. However, this one stood out, actually smacked me in the head and yelling at me, “You see?” and “Go do something!”

Alright, some back ground info so you can understand where I am coming from:

Due to some unfortunate circumstances that I cannot mention due to confidentiality, I have been on administrate leave from work, and it doesn’t look like they can make up their mind when I am supposed to come back, but they have not officially let me go, either. Since I am stuck in limbo, like this, I have decided to polish up my resumé on Monster.com and I have been actively been promoting myself, but it has been a long road (about 10 working day) with few results and not very encouraging outcomes, so far.

Add to this depression, stress, lack of sleep, and you can see why I might be a little down and lackluster in my life. So when I saw this Horoscope, it was like a wake-up call, framing timber over the head smack in the face realization that only I can pull myself out of this mess, and only I can make ME feel better.

I must do something!

So, I am going to try to post on this blog once a day, and I am also looking at setting up a more professional blog, and relegate this one to my ramblings, while all my constructive posts will go on the professionally hosted blog.

Having followed several bloggers over the years, and recently bloggers such Mike Elgan on Google+, the idea of working from anywhere, any time, as long as I have some sort of internet connection, sounds really appealing.

I don’t know if I will ever be able to make a living on this platform, this lifestyle, and I don’t know if I can ever be like Mike Elgan and the few nomadic bloggers I am currently following, but it would be nice if I could go out of town, for vacation or for work, and still be able to put in an hour and produce content, like I am doing now.

I have always been a fairly early riser, and I cannot go back to sleep once I am up and going, whereas the wife can go back to sleep effectively just about any time of the day. Like this morning, this gives me a little quiet time to contemplate my future and work on this post.

I have been living without any major, set, goal for quite some time now, and I don’t do well when my future is wishy-washy because I don’t know where to go at the next fork in the road.

So, I am trying to think of some goals I want to reach these next few months, regardless of me getting a regular job and trying to cram in some time on the blog, or if I have to work at McDonalds or Home Depot for a few months until I can earn a living from this new lifestyle I am trying out, but this “new idea has been knocking on my door” for a while now. Now is the time for me to take those first baby steps; and hopefully, as the above Horoscope claims, whatever I “begin during the next few weeks will have enhanced possibilities for success.”

Alright, so then I fired up the next Horoscope app on my phone, and I got this:

Daily ChineseScopes for Sheep – November 14, 2013

Concern yourself with your future retirement, and process your mail that is piling up. You’ll be brimming with imagination and creativeness, and you will be in a position to hatch out very original projects. An increase of your material gains through pure luck should not be ruled out. Your health will be good to your liking. In your home, try to impose discipline, otherwise you’ll be the first to regret your free-and-easy attitude.

Alright, so the only way I can take this, is that by me starting this new blogging lifestyle, that it will pay off in the future when I am ready to retire. Of course, I am thinking, the way the local, regional, and global economy is going, retirement as we currently know it is pretty much a historical artifact. I am more thinking along the lines of retiring from actively pushing my ideas and projects as I get old enough to not want to do such things, but I don’t think I will ever retire from wanting to grow things in my garden, or to retire from blogging or at least sharing my thoughts here and there on whatever medium is current at the time.

As for my “imagination and creativeness,” that is something that is always with me, but turning some of these ideas into a reality project, that is a different matter. That is why I am going to try to blog several times a week to see if I can do it. If so, I will try to make a living at it.

So, I fire up the third & fourth app, and I get:

You face an unusual situation. Things could get pretty ugly today if you allow conflict to evolve. Try to ensure that you’re keeping the peace as much as you can, especially at work, though pretty much everywhere you go. Don’t worry things will turn out fine.

You feel rather agitated and under stress today. You probably had a restless night and were not able to get enough sleep. This will only be a problem at work only if you need to be part of a team and are supposed to be taking a leading role. If so, do not hesitate to assign responsibility to somebody else. It’s more import that the outcome is successful rather than how it’s achieved.

Wow, this one didn’t make sense to me until after I tried to go shopping at WalMart. I got there, and the MurphyUSA station had gasoline at decent prices, so I topped off the tank, then went to find a parking spot. I almost got hit twice by people backing out without looking. That should have been an omen!

So I get inside, and some of the food items I needed from the produce department were not the best of quality, but after some picking through the produce, I found some usable items. I go get some breakfast cereal, milk, butter, Vitamin C supplements to help me boost my immune system while I am fighting inflamed lungs, then try to find some plain Keebler Sandies, but all they have are the pecan style ones my wife doesn’t like. I’m getting ticket off by now. I give up and try to go check out and almost get run over by a overzealous shopper at the front cross aisle. Yowser!

So I stand in the self-checkout lane, and bless her heart, this disabled lady on her scooter slowly unloaded her basket onto the conveyer, and after scanning the first item the checkout machine breaks! Everyone has to move over to the other one functioning self-checkout lane or a regular cashier lane, while an associate helped her get loaded back up to go to the customer service checkout… SIGH!

So I now wait with 6 more people in front of me, and this damn checkout machine acts up as well! I am so pissed by now, that I push my cart down an aisle and walk out. I went to Crest instead – no problems, great produce, shoppers are friendly, lots of register open, and I found everything I needed.

I REALLY needed to keep it together at Wally World… I will avoid that place if I can from now on… and I need more sleep!

For the next app, I find:

Thursday, November 14, 2013 (Cancer – First Decanate) Solve problems 

You’re exceptionally sharp and seem to have the right instincts for good decision making. With a confident approach to difficult problems, the chances are you solve them, or at least find a way to live with them. Get these problem-solving strategies down on paper as clearly structured notes are extremely helpful later, when everything doesn’t seem so clear.

That last idea, getting things down on paper, as they say, in my case, post about it here on my blog, is what I decided to do. My short term memory has been horrible lately, add to this my hearing in my right ear especially is down to less than 50% and the left to about 75% of normal, especially with background noise, and it’s a mixed bag of trying to remember and get anything accomplished with all the stress and emotions thrown in. Just another reason to blog as much as possible, this blog can also act as my journal. And better than paper, I can search it – LOL

The next app I fired up told me:

Increased physical courage and a strong sense of adventure combine to make this a very interesting time. You need to do something innovative, daring, unusual, liberating, exciting, and challenging. You are inclined to act on some of the wilder impulses and desires you feel from time to time. If you have an inventive streak, you could make a startling discovery or breakthrough now.

Deciding to get back to blogging, and do it on an almost daily basis, should prove to be “something innovative, daring, unusual, liberating, exciting, and challenging.” The wild “impulses and desires you feel from time to time” stem from the fact that in many ways I am a home body, home maker, my western and Chinese general horoscope confirm this, but at the same time I am also intrigued by traveling the world, seeing new cultures, finding interesting food and people… new natural environments to enjoy… those are all things I also would like to do.

So starting to blog on a more regular, consistent basis, is different, “innovative, daring, unusual, liberating, exciting, and challenging.“

Let me explore these words a little more:

Different – I have never done anything like blogging to earn a living. This is about as different compared to working for some flavor of the government as a wage slave as a fly going diving in the ocean.

Innovative – I will have to reinvent myself, I am not one to voluntarily go out and get on a soap box, and talk to strangers about whatever I want. Speaking to a crowd makes me very uneasy. But thanks to this medium, I can just say what I want, when I want, how I want, without getting into the emotional turmoil of being confronted by someone that hates what I have to say – you can just move on and not read my blog as far as I am concerned. For that matter, when I am done writing this post, I will update my about page and put a disclaimer on it stating the above.

Daring – This endeavor is a little daring, it’s almost like my family is already daring me to do this and fail, without so much a saying a word. I realize this is my subconsciousness doubting I can do this, so I need to keep working on it, I need to keep pushing myself to proceed and dare myself to do this. It should make me a stronger, better person.

Unusual – In many ways, this is unusual for me, to put myself out there, on a pedestal, an emperor without clothes, emperor of my own fantasy, this new lifestyle I am trying to create for myself. Will I succeed?

Liberating – Ah, Liberty, some people call it freedom, but those are two words resonating similarly with people while they mean different things. I will do more research on this subject, but let’s just say that the reason by doing, what I am doing here on this blog starting today, is liberating because of how WikiPedia puts it: “Classical liberal conceptions of liberty typically consist of the freedom of individuals from outside compulsion or coercion, also known as negative liberty. This conception of liberty, which coincides with the libertarian point-of-view, suggests that people should, must, and ought to behave according to their own free will, and take responsibility for their actions, while in contrast, Social liberal conceptions of (positive liberty) liberty place an emphasis upon social structure and agency and is therefore directed toward ensuring egalitarianism. In feudal societies, a “liberty” was an area of allodial land where the rights of the ruler or monarch were waived.” With that said, it feels scary, but also liberating to take the first baby steps to take charge of my life, to do what I think is right for ME, and by extension, my immediate family.

Exciting – I am definitely excited about doing this! Why, because it is new, for all the above reasons. The possibility that I may end up able to travel while making a living at the same time is exciting. Making a living while visiting exotic new locations, or even old world places of interest, like Rome, Italy, Nürnberg, Germany, or Nepal and Norway, getting to see these places is very exciting. Meeting people and eating local food in these locations is exciting. What else can I say?

Challenging – this is going to be the most difficult part. The challenge of getting to where I want to be will be a big challenge, maybe the biggest one I have taken so far in my life. It was a big challenge when I left home, in Germany, leaving my parents and sister behind, and joining the United States Air Force. Different society, different culture, different food, different customs, those were all challenges I had to overcome. None of them were easy, really. I still feel challenged by some of them, today.

So, having started the day with all of these thoughts, I figured, but not use this as my entry point to starting my blogging effort, helping me get to where I want to be in the future, whether it takes me 6 months or 6 years to get where I want to be, I will try this. I have listen to Jack Spirko and is Survival Podcast since almost the beginning, watching him grow his rant podcast into a business. If he can do it, so can I. I am not Jack, I can”t do what he does, but I can do my own thing, and now is the time to do it!

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