
Riverside County Regional Park & Open–Space District (RivCoParks) officials are excited to make progress on a critical segment of the popular Santa Ana River Trail thanks to a grant and partnership with the City of Riverside. RivCoParks received a $250,000 match grant to design and construct a segment of the Santa Ana River multi-use trail between Hidden Valley and the City of Norco. This segment is a crucial connector located in the City of Riverside and it is the final piece of a complicated puzzle which will provide a continuance of the multi-use trail connecting San Bernardino County to the Pacific Ocean.

The grant was approved by the Southern California Air Quality Management District (AQMD) on December 6, 2013, and according to AQMD officials is the “first time the Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee has funded bicycle projects.”

RivCoParks general manager Scott Bangle suggests that we are seeing a significant shift on how people perceive and utilize multi-use trails. “Trails & bikeways are no longer only considered as recreational, but as a viable alternative to commute from point A to point B while improving air quality and leading to better overall health,” said Bangle.

The City of Riverside will design and construct this important segment which is located within the city boundaries.

For more information visit www.SantaAnaRiverTrail.org.

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