
DAVID L WELLS posted a discussion

IMPACT MINISTRIES: Dr. Jim Richards ministry article:

Dear Friends, Because of the urgent timeliness of this crucial content and the imminent need for you to digest this information, there will be no World Changer CD for this month. In fact, this letter will be turned into a mini booklet to be sent to everyone on our mailing list and thousands of other pastors and believers. This is certainly the longest World Changers letter I have written, but I feel the information in it is essential for this day and this hour! The believers in this nation need to stand up and make decisions based on God’s wisdom or we will no longer have the freedoms we now enjoy! Proverbs set forth the principle that wisdom builds a house and foolishness destroys it. A fool is one who will not learn by instruction. Our politicians have not learned by instruction and it seems the Church has not learned by instruction. But even more frightening, we have not learned by consequences. We continue to make the same mistakes over and over again. The reason for this short-sightedness is multiple: a weak church devoid of application of spiritual truth, a corrupt government, special interest groups that only want their agenda fulfilled regardless of the damage done to the rest of the country, complete ignorance of our Constitution, partisan politics, and massive propaganda by the media. More than any other single factor in the destruction of America is we, as a Church and as a nation, have fallen prey to the oldest seduction on this planet. We have become codependent. True codependence is when a an individual, because of their feelings of lack and inadequacy, look outside of themselves to meet needs that only God Himself can meet in their own heart! We have been systematically programmed to become a codependent nation. We are looking to the government to meet needs that it cannot meet. We want the government to make us safe, prosperous, educated, healthy, and happy. We are not a welfare nation because of the people who are on welfare! We are a welfare nation because we look to the government to meet a need that can only be met through a meaningful relationship with Jesus! The Party Spirit and Partisan Politics In the Book of Galatians under the works of the flesh the Apostle Paul warned against the works of the flesh. In that list of destructive behaviors was a “party spirit.” This is a person who goes along with their party, their group, their culture, i.e., Democrat or Republican, Baptist or Methodist, Catholic or Charismatic. He then warns about the destruction of sowing to the flesh. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. (Gal 6:7-8) When we vote along party lines with no knowledge of the individuals we are involved in a work of the flesh, i.e., a “party spirit.” If we ignore God’s wisdom on this the end will be corruption and destruction. We Are the Government’s Advisors Our government needs wise advisors. They are surrounded by lobbyists, special interest groups, and other corrupt politicians. They live in a logic that is so far removed from main stream America that they have no clue what we want or what makes the country work. We must be their counselors by voting intelligently. Because we have the right and responsibility to vote we are as the advisors to the king, or in our case the government. One of the factors that made King David so effective during his time of reign is found in the wisdom of the men around him. 1 Chronicles 12:32 says they had… understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do. We can restore this wisdom and logic to our government. Our country has reached the place it is today because lies have replaced the truth. Those who could make a difference have become complacent and irresponsible in our right and responsibility to manage our freedom! We have trusted others in areas we should never have given our trust. Republican, Democrat, or Believer This letter is not about Democrats and Republicans, it is about being a believer committed to the Lordship of Jesus. This means we make all of our life decisions based on the Word of God, not our personal preferences. The demoralization of our country and the world has been a failure of the Church collectively, but the failure of our government has been the failure of believers individually. We have surrendered our power to the radicals, those who hate our country, hate our freedoms, and hate our God! We have totally ignored the reality that “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” We have given our enemies absolute power by our lack of intelligent choice and personal action. God warned the children of Israel what would happen if they had a king: taxes, oppression, drafting into the army, servitude, and social abuse. But the people wanted this because they were not willing to trust God for themselves. We have given our choices over to professional politicians who have as their highest goal to stay in power. We have trusted the untrustworthy with our life, our faith, and our freedom and now all of these are soon to be taken away from us. Like any truth that has the power to set you free, there will be plenty of opportunity to get offended, whether Republican or Democrat. But I am pleading with Christians everywhere to give up their blind political alliances and vote based on the Word of God and based on the track record of those who ask for our trust! And be sure of this, their speeches are no indicator of their track record. Their voting record is the only thing we can be sure of. If you do not know the voting record of a leader you are in the dark. If you are a Democrat you may get offended because at the moment the largest threat is from the extremists who hide under the cloak of the Democratic Party.When Republicans are in power we have to watch for the wolves that mask themselves under the Republican Party cloak. But whether you are a Democrat or Republican, if you are a disciple of the Lord Jesus you will get educated! And just because at the moment Republicans pose the least threat, don’t get too excited, Jesus wasn’t a Republican. We Are a Republic, Not a DemocracyI was listening to a talk show the other day when a caller made a comment that shook me to my core. The radio show was taking questions and comments about what it means to have freedom. The caller said, “We are a democratic nation; therefore, freedom is what the majority of people want.” I can't tell you how many ways this statement is socially, politically, and morally incorrect. It was then I was reminded it is ignorance by members of both parties that make up the ultimate corruption of our nation. There is ignorance of our history, of our political process, why and how our nation is organized the way it is.Be sure of this, our nation was organized to facilitate the optimal environment for freedom for all men. Addressing issues about politics is like preaching the gospel of peace. It really doesn't matter what is true, people have given themselves to a culture of irrational ideas and personal opinions independent of biblical truth, proven facts, or historic accuracy. While claiming to be believers people will hold to their cultural ideas, according to Jesus, even when it violates the Word of God! Our political views are a combination of our culture, our education, and our ego. I see that people are with their politics much like they are with their Christianity. Very few Christians can go to the Bible and see where the Word of God supports their beliefs. They just believe what they want to believe, wish it were true, and act puzzled when it doesn’t work. Likewise, very few citizens can go to the Constitution and explain how it supports what they believe. They act amazed when they violate the wisdom of God’s Word, a Constitution that was crafted to give freedom, and wonder why we are losing our freedom. Then what’s even more bizarre is we violate both and are dumbfounded when things get worse.This is not an issue of Republican or Democrat! This is an issue of being an American citizen. This is about the gross ignorance that has plagued our country, especially for the last 60 years. And I hope to address a few important issues that will help us as citizens and believers understand how we should approach political issues.A New Level of Christian ResponsibilityWe have political freedoms that were unheard of in the Bible; therefore, many of our political freedoms today are not directly addressed in the Scripture. But the one thing that is addressed throughout the entire Bible, especially in all of the parables of Jesus, is: the ability to experience freedom is in direct proportion to our willingness to accept personal responsibility! The concept of personal responsibility is woven through nearly every parable that Jesus told, and every New Testament Epistle. Therefore, in a country that gives us the opportunity to vote and express our choices, one of our greatest, highest calls is personal responsibility. To give up personal responsibility and expect a good outcome for our life is idealistic, naïve, and ungodly!We not only have the responsibility to vote we have the responsibility to vote with political intelligence and spiritual congruency with the Word of God. As American citizens this means that we should vote first and foremost in ways that facilitate the opportunity for spiritual freedom and godly values. This means we cannot violate the Word of God in our political positions. Secondly, as citizens of the United States we should always vote in ways that uphold the Constitution of the United States. (I recommend Hillsdale College free Constitution 101 course.) Understanding a RepublicThe first thing we must understand is this: our country is not a democracy; it is a republic! A republic is governed by a Constitution, not by the majority vote. We do have a democratic process for electing officials and passing laws; however, as a republic we cannot pass laws that violate the Constitution, nor should we allow any politician to hold office or pass laws that violate the Constitution. Our Constitution was written to provide us with freedom as citizens. In fact, the Constitution was not written to govern the people. The Constitution was written to govern the government. The Constitution was written to make it clear that government could not infringe upon our rights and freedoms. It was written to protect the citizens from the government.There is a movement in both parties called “Progressive.” That is a positive sounding term, after all, who would want to be archaic or out of date as the name “Progressive” implies? The Progressives feel we should update our Constitution to make it more relevant with the times. People ignorantly buy into this concept only because they do not understand the purpose of the Constitution and the freedom it provides. I recently heard a politician say our founders could not have known about the internet and the types of laws we must pass. We nod our heads to this logic because it is obviously true. But logic is in the fact that the Constitution is not about governing the people, it is about governing the government. Our founders didn’t need to understand the internet; they only needed to understand human nature and its endless desire to rule over others. So the Constitution, which cannot address the internet, does say no matter what comes you cannot pass laws that violate the freedoms of the people.Our founding fathers understood the oppression of tyrannical kings and dictatorial rulers. They had seen, first hand, what happens when all the power belongs to the state. They realized that if the government had too much power it would always abuse it and it would always enslave its citizens. Therefore, the idea of limited government was woven throughout our Constitution as the only way to ensure that our nation would remain free. That is why no law should ever be passed that violates the Constitution, no matter how humane, seemingly fair, or reasonable it may be. Be assured of this, any government official that does not honor the Constitution is, in fact, seeking to take away your personal freedoms. There would be no other reason for violating the Constitution.Our founding fathers also recognized the flaws of democracy and realized that is would not ensure freedom. They understood that democracy basically means the “mob” rules. People are too easily manipulated by misinformation, military intimidation, strong emotions, and personal agendas to be able to maintain freedom when the majority rules. I was recently privy to a land deal where a government was negotiating with a group of people over the rights to a valuable piece of real estate. If the people had been in the know they could have funded their goals for a lifetime. Instead, one of their leaders negotiated the deal behind closed doors. The people were all offered a few thousand dollars each to give the land over to the government. It was a group of people ruled by majority vote. Because they were poor people with limited knowledge of the actual facts they sold the future of their children for a few thousand dollars. This is typical in a “democracy.” The majority are easily manipulated.When the mob rules the faction that is the best organized or most powerful will win.The fact of the matter is, the majority never really rules, the majority is simply manipulated by those who seek power. We are seeing the destruction of “majority rule” right now in the Middle East. What has been called the Arab Spring is nothing more than the overthrowing of the Middle East by the people who have the propaganda machine in place, the political resources, financing, and the military power to force their will on the people. The people in Egypt felt they were going to have the opportunity for true freedom. Now they are lamenting the fact that an extremist Islamic group is taking control of the country. The mob, in their desperation and misinformation, simply swapped one tyranny for another that will ultimately be more brutal.In the United States we have been systematically given misinformation about our founding fathers. Regardless of the propaganda, the values of our founders and free enterprise have maintained our freedom. Free enterprise, like any system, is not a perfect system. It is not always humane. But there is a reason free enterprise is crucial for our individual liberties. When it is all said and done, free enterprise keeps the money in the hands of the people. Some people who do not understand economy talk about the corruption of the small percentage of people in America who control the wealth. What they fail to see is this: if the government gets control of the money the wealth will be controlled by an even smaller group of people. The thing that is unique about this group of people is the fact that the government does not make any money for the people, they only take money from the people. The more money they get, the bigger they grow. The more they grow, the more money it takes to sustain them, which means there is no end to the taxes.Even when greedy men control the money their desire to make more money causes them to create more jobs. They may get an unfair share of the money but at least they do not consume all the money and create nothing in response. Greed is wrong; but so is oppressive government, so are social programs that produce generations of people with no confidence or dignity. Free enterprise was written into the fabric of our nations because financial freedom is essential for personal freedom. Our country has always had the largest middle class in the world and it is the middle class that keeps a country working, productive, and free.The Enemy of AmericaThe challenges of America are unique in all of history. Only the nation of Israel has faced a similar opposition. The world hates us for many reasons. Since WWII we have departed from our biblical ideas that made us great; therefore, our influence in the world has become more ungodly on all planes. So the world hates us for our unjust involvement in the nations of the world, but that is not the real hatred of America,The true hatred of America is a spiritual issue that has to do with our values, our freedoms, and the godly foundation from which they were derived. We are not the most righteous nation in the world, but we are a nation that was built on GOD-GIVEN-FREEDOM, not government-given freedom. The nations that hate us are those that embrace an anti-God, anti-Christ world. They must destroy America for their godless domination of the world to succeed! While we have been led by many godless men with corrupt agendas our Constitution still kept us “between the ditches.” But more than that, our Constitution has kept us on enough biblically-based ground to prove these are the only truths that can produce this level of freedom, prosperity, and happiness. The enemy of God and the enemy of man wants to destroy any mention of God from the face of the Earth. From the Garden of Eden to the killing of Abel to the Tower of Babel, Humanism has exalted man’s ideas over God’s. In the Old Testament when people were more mystic it was done through the worship of false gods. Today it is done through the promotion of the state as supreme.Down through history we have been offered the idea of a Utopian world where man could really be happy and have all his needs met. But this would always require the surrendering of our freedom to some humane leader who promised to do for man what only God Himself can do. Anyone who offers us a better world by the rule of man is a deceiver. Anyone who offers Utopia denies the biblical concepts of self-rule within a limited government. It denies the basic nature of man.In our generation this Utopian promise has come through Communism and its subsequent ideological groups.People think that the fall of the USSR brought an end to Communism and their dream of world domination. Those people didn’t give up their ideas; they simply put on a different suit of clothes and called themselves by a new name. But their philosophies live on in the hearts of every individual that desires to see a godless world ruled by an elite group who know what is best for mankind. This is the rejecting of faith in God and replacing it with trust in the state.Throughout history every country has had its unique nemesis.Because America is more about an idea than a territory our arch enemy is not someone who wants our land as much as it is a demonically inspired philosophy that hates our God-based values. Communism and its subsequent derivatives is the arch enemy of the American idea! Communism, extreme Socialism, and Progressivism in its various forms are the primary enemies of America and enemies of God. This, by no means, absolves or ignores extreme right wing idealism of its demonically-inspired idea of America. The extreme right seeks to exploit our freedoms to fulfill their own personal agenda. The extreme left seeks to exploit use of our freedoms to destroy us. This does not mean every person who is part of these movements is personally against God or America. Jesus warned of those who would kill and persecute His followers and honestly believe they are doing God a service.Useful IdiotsLenin used a terminology called “useful idiots.” According to Wikipedia:” In political jargon, useful idiot is a pejorative term used to describe people perceived as propagandists for a cause whose goals they do not understand, who are used cynically by the leaders of the cause.” On the right and on the left there are extremists who would use people to fulfill their corrupt political, social, spiritual, and financial agendas at any cost. As you move a little closer to center there are devotees to the party that buy in to the idealism but do not fully embrace the corruption. But the majority of members of both parties are useful idiots: people who don’t know the facts, don’t believe the truth, don’t know the Constitution, and certainly don’t know the Word of God - but blindly follow their party. Their daddy was a Democrat so they are a Democrat. My granddaddy was a Republican so I’m a Republican. They don’t know the deeper more maniacal agendas of the true movers and shakers. Most people, whether Republican or Democrat, are blind pawns refusing to admit the darkness that consumes the world.During the McCarthy era there were, no doubt, many blunders on the part of those who saw the rise of Communism in our nation and its ultimate threat to our freedom. However, the greatest triumph of McCarthyism was the fact that the liberal press was able to make anyone who warned against the threat of Communism to our way of life immediately labeled an insane conspiracy freak! Sadly, McCarthy and his followers were on track about their warnings however extreme they may have been in their approach. Thus, Communism and its ideals now had a free pass to infiltrate America at the most subtle levels: education, justice, economics, and eventually politics.Anyone who would bother to read Communist writings from the 50’s knows there has been a systematic plan to overthrow the world primarily through misinformation and chaos. Our universities came under strong Communist influence in the 50’s and 60’s. After McCarthy, educators, professors, and entire schools of higher learning came under the influence of Communist and Socialist thought. No one dared point out the obvious: if these educators were shaping the greatest minds of the country, what would our country be in just a few generations?By now the extreme left has taken such control of the educational process that it is rare to find a school teacher that hasn't been influenced in extreme leftist ideals. And those teachers who embrace constitutional, biblical, or spiritual values are strongly censored to limit their ability to teach the truth. American history has been rewritten to change the mindset of millions of vulnerable students. All of this became systemic with the birth of the Department of Education (more government). The thing people on the right need to realize is despite its drag on the economy, its violation of states’ rights, i.e., the Constitution, its insidious goals for our children, neither Reagan nor either of the Bush presidents did anything about it.The ideas of extreme leftist influencers found their way into mainstream America in the wake of the 60’s corruption. As the left often says, “you never let a crisis go to waste.” Vietnam was an immoral war that provided the perfect backdrop for revolution against the system. Both parties were so corrupt that trust for all government as a whole was all but gone. Chaos (which is never of God) is always one of the primary tools of those who wish to mobilize the “useful idiots.” In chaos the attacking group creates a “straw man.” The straw man is an imaginary enemy that comes from creating a fallacy concerning the opposition’s position. For example, right now the left may ask, “Do you want Obamacare or do you want to abandon the elderly?” The straw man is created by misrepresenting the facts of the Republican Party. No one wants to abandon the elderly, but if the question is asked in a deceptive manner it makes those who do not research the facts think these are the two options. They have created an enemy that doesn’t exist. But useful idiots in both parties argue points that no one is actually discussing! When the actual facts can never be discussed because of the defense against the straw man strategy, there is obviously chaos.The Corruption of our Judicial System The greatest chaos in America today is the breakdown of our judicial system. Among the many goals the Communists stated they would pursue in order to destroy America was the breakdown of our judicial system. In their written goals they stated that they would so corrupt our judicial system, create so many contradictory laws, and so frustrate the nation that people would give up hope of ever receiving fair treatment in court. The frustration would force people to revolt as the only option to receive fair treatment.Chaos: The Environment of EvilAnother goal that the Communists stated and have accomplished is the infiltration of all sorts of radical groups. They don’t care about the ideas of the groups; they just want chaos and conflict. They fund and organize groups that push for extreme ideologies that destroy what has been normal American and human values. Then these groups attack the failed court systems that they, in fact, worked to destroy. Today there are groups like ACLU, Freedom From Religion, and other anti-God, anti-religion groups that do nothing more than look for opportunities to sue people, cities, states, and the federal government to take away our religious and personal freedoms. Most schools are afraid to have prayer, even though it could be done in a legal way. The cost of a lawsuit is more than the average school or municipality can bear. You can curse and do all sorts of vulgar things in public but you dare not pray or acknowledge God. You can't carry a Bible to school but you can carry pornography… as long as you call it “art.”The organizing and funding of special interest groups is one of the greatest examples of this. Leftists don’t really care what you believe in. If you are willing to be so extreme that it will cause conflict and chaos they will support it. They don’t have to believe in the values of the group, only the conflict they can engender between the groups. With every extremist group able to find funding we have irrational, non-productive citizens who have nothing better to do with their time than create chaos. The average middle-American is so busy working to pay bills and raise families they don’t have time to let their voice be heard. The people who actually support the country are silenced while those who only seek its downfall are heard. Sadly through corrupt special interest funding many of these organizations get most of their funding from bills passed by corrupt politicians seeking to buy votes from the special interest group. This is why government should not fund anything but government. No matter how sincere the beginning of a project may be, in the end it is nothing more than a means to buy votes.Since the time of the Warren court our nation has been flooded with pro-Communist, anti-American laws. Anyone can sue anyone with little or no proof and no restitution for those who are sued under false pretense. Frivolous lawsuits overwhelm our courts to such a degree that murderers, rapists, and embezzlers are free for years before their day in court. In the name of fairness criminals have more rights and protection than victims. Because of mere technicalities murderers and thieves are released over and over again to wreak havoc in our cities. The honest person who is victimized will seldom be recompensed for his or her losses. This just adds to the feelings of unfairness which makes the term “social justice” sound as if it is really talking about their sufferings.The right to defend yourself or your property, which is provided in the Constitution, has been all but taken away from us. When people do not have the right to protect their own families and their own property, that power is then given to the state. In some states if someone broke into your home and was raping your wife and you killed them you would have to be acquitted of murder. We have to prove that a burglar has the intent to harm you before we can use deadly force. Anyone who has lived on the streets knows that by the time you figure that out, you’re dead!The way the laws favor criminals means someone can break in your house, steal your goods or hack into your computer to steal your identity, destroy your credit, and force you into bankruptcy and you will probably never be compensated for your losses. When you do manage to get the criminal to trial (which could be one to two years after the offense) an overwhelmed District Attorney's office will most likely cut a deal that lets this person off with little or no punishment. If restitution is paid it is so little that it does nothing to solve your problem.Unfortunately, no one identified the ultimate harvest that would come from the seed of this logic that seemed to be all about “fairness.” I’m sure many saw it but their voice was never heard in a biased media. This was the beginning of class warfare. These unbiblical concepts of fairness which the Church swallowed “hook, line, and sinker,” this upside down concept of fairness was presenting the idea that those with the houses are the oppressors of those who don’t have houses. You see, if we didn’t have houses they would not have envy. So it’s not fair that we cause them to envy and then shoot them when they express the envy that we caused by our success.This was also the early framework for social justice. There would be two different standards of law. There would be law for those who “have,” but there would be a different law for those who “have not.” Today it is not unusual for a white collar criminal to spend more time behind bars than a child molester. All of this paved the way for class warfare: if you work and have anything you are the oppressor. Regardless of why you are poor or in crime, you are the oppressed: calling evil good and good evil.In the social arena our values have been totally destroyed and corrupted. In the name of social fairness those who work for a living and become successful are the villains. Those who live irresponsibly are the victims of an oppressive society that deserve our financial support. In fact, we should make special laws for those who are less fortunate, so we have multiple standards. Sadly, I see this spilling over into the Church. With the advent of godless, humanistic psychiatry the idea was introduced into society that individuals are not responsible for their actions. Instead, society is responsible for the wrong actions of the individual. Therefore, all the rest of society must be changed to facilitate those who do wrong. A church world that is so out of touch with God’s values supports the humanism that opposes all that Jesus taught and died for.Protection Against GovernmentOne of the great aims of the leftist agenda is the disarming of our nation. It is nearly impossible to overthrow a well-armed nation. And forget the argument about guns from that we once needed guns to hunt but since we don’t hunt for our food anymore, we don’t need guns. No! The only reason the Constitution gives us the right to bear arms is for personal protection: protection from those who would harm you and PROTECTION FROM AN OUT OF CONTROL GOVERNMENT.Those who would disarm you want to make you believe gun control is for your protection. That's why when someone breaks into a movie theater with a gun and kills 12 innocent people there is a movement to take guns away from innocent people. Why isn’t there an outcry for a speedy trial and severe punishment? Simple, we’ve bought into their argument. Do you want people to have the right to kill indiscriminately or do you want gun control? Another straw man! No one wants people to be able to kill without cause, but that’s not the two options for this debate.If people are marching in the streets for a speedy trial and an assurance that such a person will NEVER be free to repeat those same crimes we could solve the criminal problems that plague our country. If people in that theater had been exercising their right to bear arms and protect themselves there would have been a dead murderer and fewer, if any, innocent dead. But if that happened these same groups that claim such interest in human rights would have been outraged that you protected the innocent and took the life of a murderer. They are not interested in protecting anyone, they are interested in controversy and chaos; they are interested in disarming America.A disarmed public is a public that is vulnerable and needy! That’s right! From the time of the fall of man it has been obvious that you must first make a person feel lack before you can manipulate him. Consider this: if you have to call the police because someone has broken into your home, you have given up your God-given right and your Constitutional right to protect yourself and your family. You now feel powerless to protect your family. With a rise in crime that follows disarming citizens you are now afraid. You need government! Voila! You now understand the ultimate goal behind disarming citizens: keeping you afraid and vulnerable and creating the idea that you need government to protect you!Regardless of how you feel about the right to own a personal weapon, you should remember it is nearly impossible to overthrow a country where the citizens are armed. I am deeply convinced that if the laws gave the citizens more of a right to defend themselves against criminals and provided proper training, and, yes, did thorough background checks, crime in our country would be the lowest of any place in the world. The right to defend yourself and to protect your family and your property is a biblical, God-given right. In fact, statistics show that in the cities that have the strictest gun laws crime is the highest. Statistics also show that the more we give in to these unbiblical, ungodly ideas the more crime and destruction abound in our nation. The harsh laws of the Bible were not as much about punishing the offender as they were about protecting the innocent.After Hurricane Katrina the police went into areas of New Orleans disarming citizens. The story that you will never hear is that criminals followed the police robbing the people who had surrendered their weapons. Because it is impossible for law enforcement to protect everyone, businesses were looted, homes and individuals were robbed. But, thank God, no criminals were shot! Keep in mind, police can only be called after the crime is committed. They are not, nor will they ever be, incredibly effective at preventing crime. Contrast that story with a time when Huntsville, AL was riddled with tornadoes and there was no power for days. There were a few robberies and the local officials publically reminded the people that we were a stand-your-ground state. Criminals were put on notice, “If you break into a home you will be shot and the residents are well within their rights to do so.” Amazingly, break-ins came to a mystifying halt!Switzerland, which is known as a nation of peace, requires adults to own guns and be trained in gun laws; yet, they have the lowest amount of gun crime in the world! During WWII Hitler desperately needed the gold held in the banks of Switzerland. He commissioned research to determine the probability of successfully invading Switzerland. The fact that the citizens were so well armed was one of the major deterrents that kept Hitler from invading and sacking Switzerland. As usual, the extremists ignore the facts and make up their own rules according to their own “carnal logic.”Due to a complete lack of awareness of the Constitution the entire country is going into captivity. Due to ignorance on the part of Christians concerning our responsibility and a lack of commitment to the Word of God there is no standard for our country; there are no absolutes! We have been lulled into the social fairness doctrine with no regard for its complete incongruence with the Word of God or the Constitution. We, the Church, are so ignorant and uncommitted to Jesus as Lord that we set aside His Word for the philosophies of men. The Communists insisted upon their need for “useful idiots.” The most effective of all the useful idiots according to their philosophies are college students. They have never worked in the real world; they have never started businesses. All they know is the lying idealism of extremely leftist teachers who oppose God’s Word as the only truth upon to build individual life and society.Spend More Than You Make to Get AheadTo add to the unproven, unworkable theories of Socialistic influence is the bizarre concept of Keynesian economics. This form of economic theory was developed in a very leftist, Socialist school that seemed more committed to the idealism of Socialism than to actual workable economics. Advocates of Keynesian economics argue that private sector decisions sometimes lead to inefficient, macro-economic outcomes which require active policy responses by the public sector, particularly monetary policy actions by the central bank and fiscal policy actions by the government to stabilize output over the business cycle. (Wikipedia) They are taught a form of economics that has been proven, has never worked anywhere in the world. Moreover, they have been proven again and again to fail. It violates God’s Word concerning debt and tells us we can spend our way out of debt, the government can control a false economy, and the Central Bank can create a false low of the economy instead of allowing the economy to reset itself through its natural cycles. In the Old Testament God taught that every 49 years all debt had to be forgiven and all land had to return to its original owners, i.e., the economy had to reset or it would eventually work its way into the hands of the few! In their youthful idealism and zeal college students, like the hippies of the 60’s, buy into these wonderful-sounding philosophies. They seem to address the injustices of the establishment and present a logical resolution to the inequity of wealth displacement. With nothing more than a dream they are ready to rebel against the establishment for something that only a “useful idiot” would believe.The Word of God is very clear that irresponsible people will be poor and there is nothing you can do to resolve it. The Humanist that exalts man’s ideas over the time-proven wisdom of God believes man can abandon God and create a Utopian world where all men live equal. Anyone who offers the hope of a Utopian Society is delusional beyond any scope of reality, or they are a deceiver playing on the fears and moral corruption of man. All men who hope to have abundance apart from hard work are quick to acquiesce to the Utopian dream.Those who are ignorant of the Bible look to the Book of Acts and point out that the early Church attempted Communism. All the people sold their goods and brought the profit to the apostles to use to spread the gospel and establish a fair standard of living for all believers. Unfortunately, they fail to acknowledge several viable aspects of interpreting their behavior. First and foremost, there is no mention of them being led of God into this form of government. Second, no other church group in the world followed this model… ever! Last, but not least, as a result of their idealistic choices that violated God’s wisdom they became the poorest of the early churches. All the other churches had to send financial aid to the church at Jerusalem. It didn’t work for the church, regardless of their sincere intentions and the integrity of the leaders. It wasn’t long, by the way, until there was dissension among the ranks because the Jewish leaders were neglecting the needs of the non-Jewish believers. No matter how godly the people, when anyone manages other people’s money, it never goes well!Kill the People - Know the AnswersPart of the Communist plan to overthrow a country is to eliminate those who have known freedom and free enterprise. This is pretty much anyone over 30. If you’re old enough you’ll remember this slogan was touted by the hippies caught up in the revolution of the 60s. “Don’t trust anyone over 30!” There’s a reason they don’t want people over thirty. We are the ones who know how to build an economy. We remember what freedom was like. Our values are more biblically-based. Right now the extreme left, who openly associate with this current administration, say they will have to exterminate tens of millions of people to accomplish their goals, and they feel just in doing so. After all, people who murder millions of babies every year will have no problem euthanizing the elderly or eliminating those who dissent. Trust me; these millions of people will be the elder, spiritual leaders, political leaders, and eventually anyone who does not endorse the party line (the social agenda). It only takes a quick overview of recent history to see that over a billion people have died in the attempts of rational sounding humanistic Communist, Socialists, and other forms of Humanists acting on behalf of the poor worker to establish their idea of a Utopian Society.Finally, it will be the goal of the extreme left to eradicate Christianity and ultimately all religion, except the religion of the state. You cannot overthrow a country that has God-based values of human dignity, especially if that country possesses the ability to protect itself. I don’t care if they are Democrat or Republican, every time you support the passing of a law that violates the Word of God you are moving one more step away from God. As a pastor involved in the Christian school battle of the 70’s I faced arrest. During the course of the conflict a state official said to me, “Only the State has the right to teach. We only let you Christians teach the Bible on Sunday out of the goodness of our heart. But we could take that away from you any time we choose!” These are not words spoken in Russia or China. This was spoken in the United States of America. Not many years later a man in my church was discharged from a military career because he would not pledge a higher loyalty to the Army than he gave to Jesus. The average believer (who could actually turn the tide) is lulled into a slumber, made to feel he is powerless to make a difference!Is Jesus Lord of Your Politics?God's people have the only solutions but we don't trust in God or His Word enough to stand up for the only social and political solutions that have ever worked in all of history. No doubt it is the result of not applying the Word of God to their own life. If, after all, we have not made it the center of our lives we have no confidence in its ability to provide stability in a troubled world. For the Church to stand up and change the world we must allow the change to start in us first.Socialism has never worked anywhere in the world. Communism has never worked anywhere in the world. None of its watered down derivatives have ever worked. And any part of the world that has cast away God’s values has always ultimately failed. It is time for the Church to open its eyes and be responsible. We don’t need to be legalistic, religious, or mean-spirited. We need to first live our lives committed to the Lordship of Jesus and the Word of God. Then we need to vote ONLY FOR THOSE WHOSE VOTING RECORD SUPPORTS THE WORD OF GOD. When we don’t feel we have a choice we must choose the one who is least damaging to our biblical values and our constitutional freedoms. And we do need to be knowledgeable of our national roots enough to realize it was, in fact, these values that made our country great.I am neither a pro-Republican nor pro-Democrat. I am a believer. Jesus is my Lord. The Bible is the wisdom of God. It is the standard we must use to maintain freedom in every arena of life. Regardless of your political affiliation, if you are old enough to remember life under President Jimmy Carter, you can remember the highest inflation of your lifetime, interest rates that were completely out of control, gas rationing, and a floundering economy. Regardless of what you think about Ronald Reagan, his policies created an economic recovery that lasted until the Clinton-Bush era. While I was not particularly fond of Bill Clinton, at least under his administration with the influence of a strong Republican Congress we experienced some positive economic recovery. Sadly, we can't say the same thing about what happened in our nation morally or politically during that period of time. George Bush not only violated the principle of a conservative government, but as far as I’m concerned, he and Obama could have been on the same ticket for all the similar damage they did to our country. He violated one of the most essential rules of freedom, he made government bigger, and big government is always bad government… bad economically, bad for individual freedom, and bad for true social justice.George Bush added to our national debt. He, not Obama, did the first bailout and he led us into a war that could not be won. President Obama criticizes the economic mess he inherited from George Bush as his reason for not getting us on the road to financial recovery and then another uses a bailout, which didn’t work under Bush, to get us out of debt. He drives us more in debt with his policies, not the Bush policies, and expands government. He is, in fact, following a recipe designed to fundamentally change America… if by change you mean bankrupt our economy. There is so little difference in their presidencies effect on the country it is laughable!They All LieThe Democrats vainly celebrate Clinton and the Republicans refuse to admit that Bush sold us out, thus, we miss so many of the facts. It was during the Clinton administration that the housing bubble was created. The economy was made to look good by forcing the housing industry to make bad loans. While we could factually vilify Clinton I have to ask, “Why didn’t Bush make the changes when he was in office that could have stopped the coming collapse?” I don’t know the real reasons, but I know that most presidents would rather let the economy go bad, as long as it doesn’t happen when they are in office, as long as it doesn’t hurt their party’s ability to be reelected! Like so many Republicans he talked a conservative game, but really did nothing significant to implement sound fiscal policy or to overturn destructive policies. But the average American is so ignorant of the facts they, too, just want their party to look good.Every president in my adult life has known Social Security was going broke, yet neither party did anything to protect it! Entitlement programs are passed by both parties to make it look like a particular party cares about the people. The very administration and Congress that passes these programs knows full well there is no possible way to fund them. But they play with the numbers, give us completely irrelevant facts and falsified projects, and convince us that it can be done. They promise what they know they cannot deliver to buy the votes of a particular demographic and then hope it all falls apart when their opposing party is in office.Today we're looking at the future of our country, acting as if there is some big mystery about why we have the problems we have. But there's really no mystery to it. We have departed from the Constitution; therefore, we have no political freedom. We are abandoning free enterprise - the thing that made our country the richest in the world with a strong middle class. We have abandoned simple biblical principles for managing finances and think that there is no reaping what we have sown; therefore, we are broke. We have departed from the values of God which were the backbone of our moral fiber and the wisdom of our judicial system. Even with a good Constitution, freedom cannot be maintained apart from biblical morals, godly values, and strong character.The Lesser of EvilsThe next time you vote, like me, you may feel like you're choosing between the lesser of two evils. But even choosing between the lesser of two evils does not give us as believers the right to do nothing, nor does it justify voting for someone who has openly and publicly for many years made it clear that he is anti-American, pro-Marxist, pro-Muslim, anti-constitutional and, by his own words, “committed to destroying America's economy as a way to create fairness for the rest of the world.” Yes, I am talking about our President, Barack Obama. I have prayed for him and I encourage all of you to pray for him and to support him as President, even though we do not embrace his values. However, with an election coming we have a responsibility as believers to make the decisions that will protect our freedoms or we will soon have no freedoms. He has already told Russia he will have more flexibility to do what he wants after the election. His extreme leftist plans are already written. He has committed and shown his support to the Muslims ahead of Israel and Christianity.This administration has accumulated more debt than any president in history. He embraces the leftist theories that destroy countries. The voices that speak in his ear are openly Communist, anti-American, and anti-God. Bush’s policies may have contributed to our current financial mess, but those policies started under Jimmy Carter and were expanded under Clinton and Bush. But Obama’s fiscal policies are the final effort to totally destroy America. We cannot spend, borrow, or counterfeit our way out of debt. Any fool that believes the unsound financial practices being employed has closed their eyes so they would not have to own the truth about their party, or they have bought into the Keynesian philosophies. We cannot tax our way out of debt. The statistics prove it. The greatest single threat to national security may well be national debt. If our country continues to go into debt our fate should be obvious. The Bible is very clear that the borrower is servant to the lender. It doesn’t matter if you borrow for a good cause or not, it is still reckless and morally wrong to borrow what you cannot pay. The Bible is very clear about the role that finances play in our ability to maintain freedom. Even Abraham was able to maintain freedom for himself and his family because of his wealth. He was able to have a personal army that was trained well enough to overthrow the kings who had taken Lot and others into captivity.The left has a humanistic, unbiblical view of the world. The extreme right has their own corrupt, power-hungry idea of how the world should work under American influence. Their error is easy to spot. A warmonger is hard to hide. But the extreme left sound like peacemakers, yet they are actually fools with an agenda. They really believe that if they could eradicate all religion from the world there would actually be peace. This is an anti-God notion that has existed since the tower of Babel and will pave the way for the anti-Christ to rise to power. The moderate Democrat doesn’t embrace this view any more than the moderate Republican wants to go to war, but those in the middle, along with the idealistic college students, have become the useful idiots that support the diabolical agenda of the extremists.The right would not just have us to be the greatest world power; they would have us to use that power to force our agendas. The left embraces the idea of a world of peace when no one has power. It is a sweet, idealistic notion that if we give up the ability to protect ourselves all the hostile nations of the world will do the same. But at best it is idealism with a touch of delusional insanity. According to one historian one of the most common causes for the fall of a civilized nation is once we get comfortable we convince ourselves that the rest of the world values what we value.Lyndon Johnson: The Great White HypeIn the 1960’s Lyndon Johnson who, according to accurate history, was an extreme racist became president and in the name of racial equality did more to create a welfare state than any president in our nation. He didn’t do it because he loved blacks or social justice; he did it to purchase the votes of both blacks and whites that would become slaves to the welfare state. Before you have an extreme reaction, please know that welfare is a biblical concept if it is handled in a biblical way. The biblical form of welfare is that work is provided for the person who is able to work. Resources are only “given” to those who are incapable of working. But American welfare is not designed to give a hand out of problems it is designed to give a hand out that makes one dependent on the system.Studies show that if any group of people live in poverty for three generations it is virtually impossible for future generations to break free of that poverty. We understand now, by cellular biology and by the Word of God, that once three generations do or believe anything the fourth generation comes into the world hardwired to embrace those behaviors or beliefs. That's why the Bible says that iniquity is visited upon the third and fourth generations. That isn't God making it happen, that is mankind making it happen because of continuing in the same failures of previous generations. So while I am a strong believer in welfare, I am completely opposed to anything that would make people captive to welfare. Welfare - money without responsibility - makes people feel powerless. It makes them slave to their provider. Eventually when they lose belief in themselves they will surrender their dignity for a handout! When that happens they will always vote to get what they do not believe to be able to get for themselves, even if it means utter destruction for the entire country.The extreme left has always known that if enough people were dependent upon the government for their livelihood they would control the votes of those people. So here we are 50 years after these programs were initiated and we find that half of the people in America don't pay a penny in taxes and over 40% receive some type of welfare. In this current mindset of class warfare, those very people who don't pay a penny in taxes and are receiving resources feel that they have the right to ask even more from those who actually pay for everything they have. The logic is pure insanity. As Margaret Thatcher once said, “The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money to spend.” The sad thing is the goal has never been to help; the real goal has been to create need. Governments can only control people who feel powerless. They need a codependent citizenship. The violent Communism overthrow of the past finally realized it is better to seduce people into giving their freedoms than it is to try to take them. That makes it more profitable to those who are in power!Those who have become dependent to welfare are like addicts, looking to their needs. They have no concern for what it does to the country as a whole. For some it is their legitimate need for survival that blinds them. For others it is a greed that equals that of the riches Capitalist, they just want what they want and they don’t really want to work to get it. You see, the one question that no one is really asking is, “How can we ever pay for this?” Whether it is right or wrong to give so much to these non-working people is not the big question. The big question is who will pay for it if we continue? Right or wrong, our current policies will bankrupt the country. There are not enough rich people in the country to pay for our entitlement programs no matter how much they are taxed!Studies have been done that show if the government were to take every single penny that was created by every single business in America we could still not sustain the debt that is being created by social programs. The new social programs, while claiming to do so much for the elderly, will actually fulfill a long-term Communist agenda and that is to rid society of the elderly who have the knowledge of freedom and free enterprise. Whether you believe it or not, some doctors are already being trained by HHS to manage their practices in such a way that the elderly will no longer receive healthcare treatment; they will only receive comfort care… and the type of treatment they receive will not be determined by doctors, but bureaucrats. While taking healthcare away from the elderly who have paid into the system all their lives, Medicaid will give greater benefits to the younger, more pliable welfare people who have not paid into the system. So the elderly who have paid taxes their entire life will pay with their life for those who can be bought by the government that have not paid into the system.Regardless of where you stand on either of these issues we know that our country cannot sustain the current debt load of Medicare and Medicaid. Those systems, along with Social Security, will be completely bankrupt within just a few years. So why are we doing it? Simple! There is no lack of knowledge as to what is occurring, the goal is: break our economy and reduce us to a second world nation. That will be fair to the rest of the world! If Obama believes what his radical father taught and has openly stated - if he means what he has said his entire life, there is no other explanation. There is no plan to recover the economy. There is no budget. There is nothing that makes sense to a sane person who can add and subtract. There is only a world where the VERY, VERY RICH control and profit from all that happens. The population will be reduced to a mass of fearful, codependent people who exist for the will of the state!Social Justice: Leading Sheep to the SlaughterStudies have also shown that if we were to get just our illegal immigration under control we could wipe out our entire national debt. While the great minds of the world have an incredibly difficult time immigrating into the United States, an illegal alien can come here, live on welfare, and get an education we pay for by simply walking across the border. The great achievers are leaving America to work in other countries because we are no longer a country that supports innovation, success, and development. Over regulation is destroying free enterprise. Inventors and investors are looking to other countries to escape our impending downfall. An illegal can go to the hospital and get free treatment, but a tax paying citizen often cannot. While it seems incredibly humane to provide care for these people, this will bankrupt our nation. Even worse, this will bring a new generation of anti-Americans into our country dependent upon a welfare state, whose vote will be bought with the dollars of the working class. The working middle class is financing the revolution that is destroying our freedom!Then there is the battle for healthcare. Personally, I think we could solve healthcare fairly easily if we were not enslaved by the drug companies. The FDA is a corrupt system that puts drugs on the market that poison our people, have deadly side-effects; yet, they have systematically opposed proven natural treatments. Every person who has developed natural cures that really work has been destroyed financially, harassed, imprisoned, or died prematurely. There is big money in keeping people sick and on drugs. If we put our healthcare in the hands of government that is financed by big pharma we will have sickness and disease on the scale of the book of Revelation. In fact, the global plagues of the End may well be manmade!I have talked with many physicians and they all say the same thing. Government’s involvement has already made it nearly impossible for the family practitioner to exist. Paperwork, insurance forms, delayed payments, and Medicare and Medicaid’s fixed payments cause doctors to lose money. Obamacare will drive thousands of doctors out of practice. It will put treatment in the hands of bureaucrats, not doctors. Alternative medicine will probably be outlawed all together. We will watch our elderly die, only receiving comfort. It seems that the goal of the Health Care Bill was to do just what it is doing: give government complete control of the healthcare system, thereby indirectly giving government control over who lives and who dies. And before you get all crazy on me, read it for yourself. The things I am saying come from portions of the bill I have read and from personal conversations with physicians.Social justice and similar misleading slogans have been the cry of extreme leftists for decades. More people have been murdered and imprisoned by the false promise of freedom than for any other reason… not for religious wars, as we have been told! Planned Parenthood, which is an organization that claims to be fighting for human rights and the dignity of women, is one of the most hypocritical of organizations. Planned Parenthood was started to eliminate the children of minorities. If our country follows the present trend we will move from abortion on demand to abortion required. Very soon the government that we have trusted to protect us and make us free will not only kill babies without discretion but will soon kill the elderly, then the unproductive, then the enemies of the state.Let’s Demand Laws That Make SenseThe idea of bigger government is common to both parties. They both have their reasons, but big government always equals oppression. If our government wasn’t taking so much money out of our economy we wouldn’t even be having a debate about raising taxes. Anyone who has been honest about government for the last 20 years should know that from Carter to Obama there has been a successful push toward bigger government. Each party may have different agendas for expansion but be sure of this; bigger government is always the road to tyranny, higher taxes, poverty, and loss of freedom, regardless of the party. Some Republicans think it is our role to be the policemen of the world, to set up governments and build nations. Democrats seem to think it is our role to create social justice and advance human rights. No! The only role our government should have is protecting the freedoms of its citizens.The government, whether Republican or Democrat, that keeps telling us why they need more power to protect us, is lying. They need more power to control us. Even if we change all the laws we will still have corrupt, maniacal, narcissists seeking power. It isn’t Rocket Science. Power hungry people seek positions of power. Creating more laws doesn’t change anything for the better, it just reduces our freedoms. History proves the wisdom of an ancient proverb: “too many laws corrupt the people.” Our founders felt that laws should be simple, easy to understand, and few. So why are the laws so complicated and so beyond the scope of simple, straight-forward language? You guessed it. Make the laws complicated and they are beyond the reach of the average man. We then need government to enforce them properly and explain them to us!Government in America can do nothing without our money and without our vote. Why do you want to give your money to people you don’t even know, people who lie to you, cheat on their spouses, spend your money on alcohol binging “business trips,” and make the worst business decisions in the world? Everything about history says that government is the most inefficient business operation in the world. And, like all businesses, the bigger they get, the farther removed they are from the real needs of real people, and the more inefficient they become. Government is government whether Republican or Democrat. This is not about party; it is about people - their lust for power and their secret agendas. We should all be opposed to bigger government whether Republican or Democrat.We should oppose our involvement in other countries whether to establish democracy or to establish military alliances. If countries want to be our ally let it happen because they embrace our values and our way of life. Massive funding to other governments does not make them our ally. When Communism was dead it was American funding that made it possible for it to survive and expand in Europe. Alliances around values can be trusted, nothing else is true. Why aren’t we spending money securing our national borders before attempting nation building, establishing democracy, or social justice in other countries? We should not be giving aid to other countries while people in our country starve. If we can’t or won’t solve the problems in our own country what qualifies us to be the advisor to the nations?Turning our country into a thriving, safe, financially strong nation would require little more than applying common sense. We should not pay people to do “nothing.” People on welfare need the dignity of earning their own money. People who cannot provide for themselves should be taken care of and treated with dignity, not just enough of a handout to get by! A welfare recipient should be trained and developed to be a productive part of society instead of coerced into the political games of power hungry politicians. No one should be hailed as a reformer

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