
AMERICAN GUESSER's event was featured

David Barton will be speaking at Fellowship Reformed Church at Fellowship Reformed Church,

March 9, 2013 from 7pm to 9pm

David Barton will be speaking at Fellowship Reformed Church, 6610 36th Ave., Hudsonville, MI 49426 on Saturday, March 9 at 7:00pm. This is a free event. A love offering will be taken. David Barton is the President and founder of WallBuilders, a national pro-family organization that presents America's forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious and constitutional heritage. David Barton's focus is that our nation was clearly founded upon God and the Word of God. Separation of church and state was meant to protect the church from being taken over by the state-but was never meant to shelter the state from the church. Present day interpretation of seapartion of church and state is a misuse of its original intent. David will walk us throught the founding of our nation upon Biblical truths and introduce us to the founding fathers in a way that will open our eyes to how devoted they were to prayer, worship, Christian values and the Bible.MORE INFOSee More

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