
The other day I took some logs from the Apache webserver that runs the Rittman Mead website, and analysed them using Hadoop CDH5, Apache Hive and Impala to get some basic metrics on number of hits per month, where the hits came from and so on. Hive and Impala are great for analysing data sitting on HDFS on a Hadoop cluster, but like SQL compared to PL/SQL or C++, everything you do is declarative and set-based whereas sometimes, you want to build up your dataset using a dataflow-type approach, particularly if you’ve come from a programming vs. a data warehousing background.

If you’ve been looking at Hadoop for a while, you’ll probably therefore know there’s another basic high-level-language approach to querying Hadoop data to accompany Hive, and it’s called “Pig”. Pig, like Hive, is an Apache project and provides an engine for creating and executing data flows, in parallel, on Hadoop. Like Hive, jobs you create in Pig eventually translate into MapReduce jobs (with the advantages and disadvantages that this brings), and has concepts that are similar – but just that little bit different – to relational flows such as filters, joins and sorts.

It’s often called a “procedural” language (as opposed to Hive’s declarative language), but really it’s not – it’s a “data flow language” that has you specifically set out the data flow as the main part of a Pig program, rather than it being a by-product of the if/then/elses and control structures of a procedural language. For people like me that comes from an Oracle data warehousing background, in most cases we’d feel more comfortable using Hive’s set-based transformations to do our data loading and transformation on Hadoop, but in some cases – particularly when you’re querying data interactively, building up a data pipeline and working with nested data sets – it can be more appropriate.

Connecting to the Pig Console, and Pig Execution Options

Iteratively examining and analysing data from webserver log files is a great example of where Pig could be useful, as you naturally hone-down and pivot the data as you’re looking at it, and in-effect you’re looking to create a data pipeline from the raw logs through to whatever summary tables or files you’re looking to create. So let’s go back to the same input log files I used in the previous post on Hive and Impala, and this time bring them into Pig. 

Within CDH (Cloudera Distribution including Hadoop) you can run Pig scripts either interactively from the Pig command-line shell, called “Grunt”, or you can submit them as workflow jobs using the Hue web interface and the Oozie workflow scheduler; the advantage when you’re starting to working with the interactive Grunt shell is that you can run your commands one-by-one and examine the metadata structures that you create along the way, so let’s use that approach first and move onto batch scheduling later on.

I’ll start by SSH’ing into one of the CDH4.6 nodes and starting the Grunt shell:

Even from within the Grunt shell, there’s two ways I can then run Pig. The default way is to have Grunt run your Pig commands as you’d expect, converting them in the end to MapReduce jobs which then run on your Hadoop cluster. Or, you can run in “local mode”, which again uses MapReduce but only runs on the machine you’re logged in to and only single-threaded, but can often be faster for when you’re just playing around with a local dataset and you want to see results fast (you can turn on local mode by adding an ‘-x local’ flag when starting Grunt). In my example, I’m going to run Grunt in regular MapReduce mode though anyway.

Loading and Parsing the Weblog Files

I then define my first pig relation, analogous to a relational table and technically, a named Pig “bag”, like this:

Compared to the Pig table DDL script in the previous article example I posted, we declare the incoming dataset much more programmatically – the first row of the script creates a relation called “raw_logs”, analogous to a table in Hive, and declares it as having a single column (“line:array”) that maps onto a directory of files in HDFS (“/user/root/logs”). You can ask Pig (through the Pig command-line client, which I’m using now) to list-out the structure of this relation using the “describe” command:

In this form the logs aren’t too useful though as each row contains all the data we want, as a single field. To take a look at what we’re working with currently, let’s create another relation that limits down the dataset to just five rows, and use the DUMP command to display the relation’s data on the screen:

What I’ve omitted for clarity in the above output is the MapReduce console output – what you’ll see if you run this in MapReduce mode is the process starting up, and then running, to retrieve 5 rows effectively at random from the whole set of log files, process them through the Map > Shuffle > Reduce process and then return them to the Grunt shell.

What would be really good though, of course, is if we could split these single log row columns into multiple ones, one for each part of the log entry. In the Hive example I posted the other day, I did this through a Hive “SerDe” that used a regular expression to split the file, and I can do something similar in Pig; Pig has a function called REGEX_EXTRACT_ALL that takes a regular expression and creates a column for each part of the expression, and so I can use it in conjunction with another relational operator, GENERATE FLATTEN, to take the first set of data, run it through the regular expression and come out with another set of data that’s been split as I want it:

GENERATE in Pig tells it to create (or “project”( some columns out of an incoming dataset; FLATTEN eliminates any nesting the resulting output (we’ll see more of FLATTEN and nesting in a moment). Notice how the DESCRIBE command afterwards now shows individual columns for the log elements, rather than just one single “line:chararray” column.

Using Pig to Interactively Filter the Dataset

So now we’ve got a more useful set of rows and columns in the Pig relation, and like an Oracle table, unless we do something to order them later, they’re effectively held in random order. Something we can do now is filter the dataset, for example creating another relation containing just those log entries where the request 404’d, and the further filter that dataset to those 404’d requests that were made by users using IE6:

So how many of our website users are on IE6 and getting page not available errors? To find out, I create another relation that groups the entries up in a single row, and then generates a count of those rows that were aggregated:

and I can do a similar thing all of the 404’s:

You can see these Pig scripts running in CDH’s Cloudera Manager web application, with the screenshot below showing one of them at the point where 92% of the Mapper parts have completed, waiting to hand-off to the Reducers; the console output in Grunt will show you the status too, the output of which I removed from the above two statements for clarity.

Grouping, Subsetting and Aggregating Data using Pig

How we generate counts and other aggregates is interesting in Pig. Pig has a relational operator called GROUP as we’ve seen before, and when you GROUP a relation by a column, or a group of columns, it creates a new relation that contains two columns; one called “group” that has the same datatype as whatever you grouped on (or a “tuple” made up of multiple columns, if you grouped-on more than one column), and a second column that’s named after whatever you grouped, i.e. the original relation. To take an example, if we grouped the logs_base relation on status code, you’d see the following if you then describe the resulting relation:

What’s interesting though about a pig GROUP, and conceptually different to SQL (and therefore Hive)’s GROUP BY, is that this second column is actually in Pig terms a “bag”, a bag of rows (or “tuples”) that are unaltered compared to the original relation, i.e. they’ve not been aggregated up by the grouping, but are still in their same detail-level. So Pig gives you, apart from its step-by-step data flow method of working with data, this ability to group data whilst still preserving the detail of the individual grouped rows, leaving any summation or other aggregation step to something you do afterwards. So for example, if I wanted to see how many 200s, 404’s and so on my log file dataset contained in total, I then tell Pig to iterate through these bags, project out the columns I’m interested in (in this case, just the status) and also perform aggregation over the grouping buckets specified in the GROUP relational operator:

So in that example, we told Pig to list out all of the groupings (i.e. the distinct list of status codes), and then run a count of rows against each of those groupings, giving us the output we’re interested in. We could, however, not aggregate those rows at this point though and instead treat each “bucket” formed by the grouping as a sub-selection, allowing us to, for example, investigate in more detail when and why the 301 errors – “Moved Permanently” – were caused. Let’s use that now to find out what the top 10 requests were that led to HTTP 301 errors, starting by creating another relation that just contains the ‘301’ group:

Looking at the structure of the relation this has created though, you can see that the rows we’ve grouped are all contained within a single tuple called “logs_base”, and to do anything interesting with that data we’ll need to flatten it, which takes that tuple and un-nests it:

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