
Quantitative determination of water in granites by infrared analysis

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1) A. Volborth

Dual grinding and x-ray analysis of all major oxides in rocks to obtain true composition.

Applied Spectroscopy 19 (1965), 1.

2) M. Quatinetz, R.J. Schafer and C. Smeal

The production of submicron metal powders by ball milling with grinding aids

Trans. Metall. Soc. A.I.M.E. 221 (1961),1105.

3) A. Szegvari

Preparation of colloidal dispersions by fine grinding.

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4) F.P. Bowden & D.Tabor

The friction and lubrication of solids

Clarendon Press, Oxford, (1950)

5) J.D. Stephens & M.W. Tuddenham

Infrared analysis of minerals

American Laboratory, November 1971, 8-13.

6) T. G. Burton

Changes in the state of solids due to milling processes

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7) J.C. Jamieson & J. R. Goldsmith

Some reactions produced in carbonates by grinding

American Mineralogist 45 (1960), 818.

8) A.S Fialkov

Amorphous state of natural graphite powders

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9) D. Lewis & E.J. Wheeler

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10) R.L. Gordon & G.W. Harris

Effects of particles size on quantitative determination of quartz by xray diffraction Nature 175 (1955), 1135.

11) (a) J.B. Nelson

An x-ray diffractometer for photographic and counter recording

Paper delivered at the Crystallography Group Conference of the Institute of

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(b) N.H. Hartshorne & G.D Woodward

Mesomorphism in the system disodium chromoglycate -water

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12) J.W.Aucott & M. Marshall

Quantitative determination of water in granites by infrared analysis

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13) R. E. Stephens & M. K. Carron

Simple field test for distinguishing minerals by abrasion pH

American Mineralogist 33 (1948), 31.

Learn more on [http://www.mccrone.co.uk/ x-ray diffraction] or [http://www.mccrone.co.uk/ micronising].

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