
MCA101T: Problem Solving Techniques Using C

Unit – I Introduction to Programming Concepts

Software, Classification of Software, Modular Programming, Structured Programming, Algorithms and Flowcharts, Writing algorithms and drawing flowcharts for simple exercises. Overview of C Language: History of C, Character set, C tokens, Identifiers, Keywords, structure of C program, executing a C program. Constants, variables, data types, declaration of variables, declaration of storage classes, assigning values to variables defining symbolic constants, declaring a variable as constant, declaring a variable as volatile, overflow and underflow of data, Operators in C, Hierarchy of Operators, Expressions, Type Conversions and Library Functions.

Unit – II -Managing Input and Output Operations

The scanf() & printf() functions for input and output operations, reading a character, writing a character, (the getchar() & putchar() functions) , the address operator(&), formatted input and output using format specifiers, Writing simple complete C programs. Control Statements: Decision making with if statement, simple if statement, the if..else statement, nesting of if..else statements, the else..if ladder, the switch statement, the ?: operator, the goto statement, the break statement, programming examples. Loop Control Structures: The while statement, the do..while statement, the for statement, nested loops, jumps in loops, the continue statement, programming examples.

Unit– III- Functions

Function Definition, prototyping, types of functions, passing arguments to functions, Nested Functions, Recursive functions. Arrays: Declaring and Initializing, One Dimensional Arrays, Two Dimensional Arrays, Multi Dimensional Arrays – Passing arrays to functions. Strings: Declaring and Initializing strings, Operations on strings, Arrays of strings, passing strings to functions. Storage Classes – Automatic, External, Static and Register Variables.

Unit – IV- Structures and Unions

Defining a structure, declaring structure variables, accessing structure members, structure initialization, copying and comparing structure variables, operations on individual members, array of structures, structures within structures, structures and functions, Unions, size of structures, bit fields, programming examples. Pointers: Understanding pointers, accessing the address space of a variable, declaring and initialization pointer variables, accessing a variable through its pointer, chain of pointers, pointer expressions, pointers and arrays, pointer and character strings, array of pointers, pointer as function arguments, functions returning pointers, pointers to functions, pointers and structures, programming examples

Unit – V- File Management in C

Defining and opening a file, closing a file, input/output operations on files, error handling during I/O operations, random access files, command line arguments, programming examples. Dynamic Memory Allocation: Dynamic memory allocation, allocating a block of memory: malloc, allocating multiple blocks of memory: calloc, releasing the used space: Free, altering the size of a block: realloc, programming examples. The Preprocessor: Introduction, macro substitution, files inclusion, compiler control directives, ANSI additions, programming exercises.

MCA102T: Accounting And Financial Management

Unit – I- Accounting

Principles, concepts and conventions, double entry system of accounting, Introduction to basic books of accounts of sole proprietary concern, closing of books of accounts and preparation of trial balance. Final Accounts: Trading, Profit and Loss accounts and Balance Sheet of sole proprietary concern (Without adjustments).

Unit – II- Company accounts

Features of company, types of companies advantages of companies, types of shares and debentures. Preparation of Final accounts of companies.(simple problems only)

Unit – III- Financial Management

Meaning, scope and role, A brief study of functional areas of financial management. Introduction to Various FM Tools: Financial statement analysis. Common size and comparative statement analysis of income and balance sheets

Unit- IV

Ratio Analysis, Fund flow statement & Cash flow statement.

Unit – V- Introduction to Cost Accounting

Nature, Importance & Basic Principles. Brief Introduction to methods of Costing & Elements of Cost, Unit Costing.

MCA103T: Digital Electronics And Microprocessor

Unit – I- Introduction to Number Systems

Positional and non-positional, Base/ Radix. Decimal number system, Binary number system, Octal Number System and Hexadecimal Number System, Conversion from one System to another System. Binary addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 1’s and 2’s complement – 2’s complement subtraction. Binary codes: BCD numbers, 8421 code, 2421 code- examples and applications. Gray codeConversions- Gray to binary and Binary to Gray, application of gray code. Excess – 3 code – Self complementing property and applications. Boolean algebra: – Laws and Theorems. AND, OR, NOT Laws, Commutative law, Associative law, Distributive law, Duality theorem. Demorgan’s theorems – Statements, proof using truth tables; Simplification of Boolean expressions using Boolean laws. Definition of product term, sum term, min term ,max term, SOP, standard SOP, POS and Standard POS. Conversion of Boolean expression to Standard SOP and Standard POS forms.

Unit – II- Karnaugh maps

Definition of Karnaugh map, K- map for 2, 3 and 4 variables. Conversion of truth tables into k-map, grouping of cells, redundant groups and don’t care conditions. Karnaugh map technique to solve 3 variable and 4 variable expressions. Simplification of 3 and 4 variable Boolean expression using K-maps. AND Gate, OR Gate, NOT Gate, Page 8 of 25 NAND Gate and NOR Gate – Definition, Symbol, Expression, Truth Table. Combinational logic circuits: Definition, applications. Half Adder: Symbol, Logic circuits using XOR and basic gates, Truth table. Full Adder: Symbol, Logic circuits using XOR and basic gates, Truth table.

Unit – III- Sequential circuit design

Latches, SR Flip Flops, concept of edge triggering, D- flip flop, JK- flip flop, Master slave flip flop, T- flipflop, Registers, shift Registers, asynchronous and synchronous counters, Mod 10 – counter. Introduction to Microprocessor: Introduction, Applications, Basic block diagram, speed, word size, memory capacity, classification of Microprocessors (mention of different microprocessors). 8086Architecture and programming: 8086 Architecture and programming model, registers, flags, memory segmentation, pin description, odd & even bank of memory, Bus buffering, latching, timing diagrams, wait state, MIN/MAX modes of operation.

Unit – IV

Addressing modes: Immediate addressing, register addressing, memory addressing, indexed addressing with displacement, I/O port addressing. 8086 Instructions: Instruction template for 8086 instructions, code generation using template. Data Transfer Instruction: Move date to register/memory from register/memory/immediate data, data transfer between a segment register and register/memory, PUSH and POP, exchange, data transfer with I/O ports.

Unit – V

Data Conversion instructions: XLAT, LEA, LDS, LES, LAHF and SAHF instructions. Arithmetic Instructions: Add, subtract, negate, compare, CBW, CWD, multiply and divide instructions. Logical Instructions: AND, OR, EX-OR, Test, NOT, ROTATE and shift instructions. Process Control Instructions: Instructions to set/reset flags, halt, wait, lock, prefix and escape to co-processor instructions. String Instructions: CMPS, MOVS, LODS, STOS, and SCAS instructions. Branch Instructions: JMP, conditional jump, LOOP, LOOPE, LOOPNE, JCXZ, CALL, RET. Assembly language programming: Assembly language programming examples, subroutines and macros, examples. Interrupts of 8086: Hardware interrupt, software interrupt and exception, priority of interrupts

MCA104T: Discrete Mathematics

Unit – I- Set Theory

Sets and Subsets, Set Operations and the Laws of Set Theory, Counting and Venn Diagrams, Cartesian Products and Relations, Functions–One-to-One, Onto Functions, Function Composition and Inverse Functions; Properties of Relations, Computer Recognition – Zero-One Matrices and Directed Graphs, Partial Orders – Hasse Diagrams, Equivalence Relations and Partitions.

Unit – II- Fundamentals of Logic

Proposition, Logical Connectives and Truth Tables, Logic Equivalence – The Laws of Logic, Logical Implication – Rules of Inference; The Use of Quantifiers, Quantifiers, Definitions and the Proofs of Theorems

Unit – III- Mathematical Induction and Recursion

Sequences and summations, Mathematical Induction, The Well Ordering Principle, Recursive Definitions, Structural Induction, Recursive algorithms. Counting: Basics of counting, Pigeonhole Principle, Permutation and Combinations, Binomial coefficients.

Unit – IV- Discrete Probability

Introduction, Probability Theory, Expected value and Variance. Advanced Counting Techniques: Recurrence relations and its solutions, Generating Page 9 of 25 functions, Inclusion – Exclusion and its applications Relations: Introduction, n-ary relations and applications, Representing relations, Closures of Relations, Equivalence Relations, Partial Orderings

Unit – V- Graphs

Introduction, Representing Graphs & Graph Isomorphism, Connectivity, Euler and Hamilton Paths, Shortest path problems, Planar Graphs, Graph colouring. Trees: Introduction, Applications of Trees, Tree Traversal, Spanning Trees, Minimum Spanning Trees.

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