
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

According to recent statistics, approximately 75% of the world's population are extroverts but within the spiritual genre, the numbers are reversed, so why are spiritual people generally introverts?

I took an informal poll on personality types by asking spiritual people to participate in taking the Myers-Briggs Personality Test, which is a series of questions that tells you your personality type. As it turned out, over 90% Why Are Spiritual People Generally Introverts? | In5D.comof the participants are introverts which makes sense, because introverts tend to look within for answers.

Take the Test! What Are YOUR Briggs Myers Personality Test Letters? (opens in a new window)

For the record, my personality type in an INFP. (Introvert, iNtuitive, Feelings, Perception) Post your results and comments below!

Society tends to mislabel introverts as being antisocial or reclusive, but this isn't true. As introverts, we tend to speak with like-minded people versus anyone or everyone. Sometimes, we choose not to speak at all. That doesn't mean we are not interested in what is being said... it means that we would much rather listen than talk.

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