
Sorry Iamwhomiam, this is not the end.

Iamwhomiam, try this maybe.

climate change concern creates a meme among the general population that says ‘our leaders’ have great concern for future generations.

This meme happens to counter and cover for several of the duplicitous needs of power.
First off, it provides a facile reason for calling another person ‘pro-polluter’.
It’s also an excellent antidote to deep politics in general, well because the club of Rome clearly has the best interests at heart for humanity in general.
Was there ever any MSM coverage of the total chemical decimation of Fallujah?
How bout Fukushima? Any news? Corexit? What about the state dept big wigs being sales agents for Monsanto?
Do people who ‘care’ about future generations salt a sizable portion of this world with depleted uranium?

So, this is put to the lie when we see the variety and extent to which power will resort to in order to maintain itself.

Part of that image maintenance involves throwing all kinds of money at various ‘good’ causes. And I’m not being facetious, as quite a lot of the money does seem to do good work.

Yet as Rockefeller, and many megalomaniacs before and after him have found, one can define the agenda if one has a good enough hook.

Rockefellers hook was ‘modern medicine’. Yes, the practice of medicine at the time deserved a fair bit of criticism and there was need for better standards, but what we have at this point is a VERY polluting system, to both individuals at all levels and to the larger environment. We have grown to rely on many long-chain molecules to provide ‘cures’ and to control and design our surroundings.

This was not a ‘necessary’ occurrence; we could live much of even modern life without, or with better formulations and control of the toxic materials.

We are not in control of our situation because as a general population we are passively unaware of the larger forces that shape our psyches.

Our psyches are built around coercion. One might control its effects in ones personal life, but in the big world, it’s fucking everywhere and is indeed quite sickening for both the individual and the entire system. Coercion is the death blood and soul of Thantos.

CO2 is not making the system sick, coercion backed by a vertical authority distribution system is the element that could crash the system.

Think about it, common sense says the system would ‘work’ better if more people had critical thinking abilities, yet a vertical authority distribution system demands that ones thoughts be inhibited so as to show preference the ‘authority’ or mental fashion of the moment.

Now you are welcome to argue with points I make but it is not at all ‘critical thinking’ to mock what is said or to deflect by avoidance, derision or other tricks, so that you do not address the basic assertion that climate change concern (among its sponsors) is a fig leaf that effectively covers some very sordid examples of anatomy.

The preceding sentence references a video posted by a member suggesting that I lacked the critical thinking skills of a two year old.
This sort of thing may discourage other weak willed people from considering the perspective I present, but it’s really quite silly and some folk around here are really quite old enough by now to have grown up more than what it sometimes appears.

After which you posted:
Just wanted to pop-in to let you know I've read your comment, appreciate your sharing it and look forward to sharing my response later, when time allows.

Since then, no response. Which is fine if you so choose.

In regard to your most recent post, the idea being presented in my post was that there is clear precedence for scientism and progressive politics combining to produce some fairly dour results.

So, I made an assertion and backed it up with solid and common knowledge.

This is quite distinct from the cut and paste style where no perspective or comments are included with the polished propaganda.

sounder wrote...

"climate change concern creates a meme among the general population that says ‘our leaders’ have great concern for future generations."

jingofever wrote...
How does that happen when our leaders haven't done and don't intend to do shit about climate change? The only "meme" I'm picking up is that they care about the short term profits of corporations over everything else.

Awhile back someone posted about (an unsourced and possibly spurious) 190 million dollars that has been dedicated to ‘climate denial’. My thought was; gee that’s not much. So I googled Rockefeller- climate change and find that that one foundation alone gave 850 some million in one year to set up the Kyoto meetings.

So are these folk ‘good’ guys, or do they expect to find value for their money in being able to ‘own’ the science community in a way similar to their ownership of our medical community.

The medical community example shows the clear march of scientism in that the drug model excludes alternative avenues of research.

Statistics: Posted by Sounder — Thu Sep 26, 2013 5:59 am

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