
Guillermo Jimenez ‏@tracesofreality: Hollywood, the CIA and You. Predictive programming is real. Listen to Secker explain:
| Full ep on @sibeledmonds' BFP

@CBSNews: Russian, NORAD forces unite for "hijack" exercise

A photo made Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2013, over the Bering Strait near Alaska shows a Russian Federation Air Force SU-27 during a simulation of a hijacking of a passenger plane.

MinM » Tue Jul 09, 2013 9:56 am wrote:

MinM » Fri Apr 12, 2013 2:52 pm wrote:

@CovertHistory: Hijacking Airplanes With An Android Phone


Seventhsonjr wrote:

inoculate, inoculating, inoculated
1. To communicate a disease by inoculation.
2. To bud; to insert, or graft, as the bud of a tree or plant in another tree or plant.
3. To insert a foreign bud into; as, to inoculate a tree.
4. To communicate a disease to (a person) by inserting infectious matter in the skin or flesh; such as, to inoculate a person with the virus of smallpox, rabies, etc.
5. To introduce into the mind; used especially of harmful ideas or principles.
6. To imbue; such as, to inoculate someone with treason or infidelity.
7. Etymology: from Latin inoculatus, past participle of inoculare "to ingraft"; in-, "in, on" + oculare "to furnish with eyes", from oculus, "an eye"; also, "a bud".
1. Taking a vaccine as a precaution against contracting a disease.
2. Introduction of material (usually a vaccine) into the tissues.
3. A mode of entry of bacteria into the body.
4. The act or an instance of inoculating, especially the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.
5. Informal, a preemptive advertising tactic in which one party attempts to foresee and neutralize potentially damaging criticism from another party by being the first to confront troublesome issues.

http://www.wordinfo.info/words/index/in ... 2&letter=O

This classic Rovian technique has been used (and especially was effective in the discrediting of ongoing CT's especially in The "X Files" with respect to the secret government of fascists manipualting things and is currrent today with "Heroes") repeatedly to discredit any idea that our government and the BFEE especially is tied into the Nazi/Fascist Fourth Reich/New World Order.

In the episode the Twin Towers are the target. The purpose is to enable the secret fascists in government/military/intel to blame the act on "terrorists" and bring about a suspension of liberties etc. in a scenario which completely ridicules the "Lone Gunmen" as credible. It appeals to folks like me who believe in conspiracies of the BFEE/Nazis but is in such a ridiculous scenario that the very idea discredits the idea for the masses (not that it worked, really, given folks' opinions of 9-1 today on the facts).

Rove's most famous effort in this regard prior to 9-11 was, not uncoincidentally, a plot to inoculate the public against the idea that Bush was a cokehead who had been busted in Texas and had to do community service. That story was fed to the late James Hatfield (but with false facts) who already had a shakey reputation as an excon convicted of, I believe, conspiracy to commit murder. The false fatc made the whole story and Hatgfield totally discreditted (even though it was true. Hatfield was brought to the boonies by Rove and two others in the Bush white house and fed the facts and then fed false facts about the judge involved in the sentencing . St. Martin Press cancelled the book and 60 minutes ran a hit piece on Hatfield when they had planned to blow thew whole story open prior to the 2000 election (which might have buried Bush).

Hatfield was almost destoryed by this. The story was discreditted because the messenger was unreliable (not because the actual core facts were untrue).

The tactic may also have been used using Hatfield as a sucker for a leaked story (and he said as much) Hatfield wrote in July 2001 about Osama planning a "james Bond-like aerial attack" on American targets (including Bush) with remote controlled planes laden with explosives which Hatfield suggested was a fake CIA leak designed to boost Bush's sagging poll numbers in the summer of 2001.

Two weeks later cops showed up at Hatfield's home. Seized his computer and seized him as well as taking him away and confiscating other documents from his home. The next day he was found dead in a hotel room after writing 5 suicide notes (including one the the cop who let him "go" so he could kill himself with drugs and booze). I thinkhe was given a "Rommels choice" and he did it to save his wife and infant daughter from execution (kill yourself or we slaughter your entire family).

A quick google using "James Hatfield", Bush and Osama will bring you to the online jlournal article about the attacks which Hatfield learned about from intel sources in Europe and wrote about on July 3 2001. Dead two weeks later. Suicided.

Dan Rather (who himself was a useful tool when he was the only reporter who got to see and report on the original Zapruder film with the frames reversed to show JFK's head blowing backwards after the first shot (frames reversed) became another famous victim of inoculatioin when his report on Bush and the National Guard awol story was "verified" with doctored documents which discreditted Rather and the whole story (bad typewriter!!! - unlike Nixon and the typewriter he had in the alger hiss case proving that Hiss was a spy (not), the BFEE is not to original but they are effective). Rather may have fallen on his sword (he is filthy rich already) to help his mentors from the JFK days and pump up his "liberal" creds LOL)

The NSA fed stories to the X Files and also to the Lone Gunman. This story is allegedly original and relatively a no brainer given all the circumstances. The series was cancelled after one season. Nobody watched it - it sucked pretty bad - and the three wise men were snuffed in a valiant effort to stop a mass bioattack which might have killed off millions (another inoculation - this time a fairly lone nut - what they now call "a lone wolf" terrorist - a scientist I believe).

9-11 was an inside job with a handful of ops who could handle the remote flying into all the targets. It may be that EMP (like with wellstone) was used to take down the flight in Pennsy because the passengers DID revolt and if they had gotten into the cockpit the fact that it was a remote flight (and not the hapless patsy Saudi strip club goers flying the plane) would have been clear (as it becomes clear in the lone gunman episode).

All the dumbass saudis thought they had to do was get into the cockpit and fly to wherever they were told to once they killed to pilots and loked the cockpit. They probably had no fucking idea what was happening when the planes began to fly themselves. That is why all they needed was boxcutters. That way the blame would fall on them and no one (except those with Cheney's clearance) even had to know who was flying the planes.


Keep your eye out for it. It is one of the most brilliant black psyops ever invented.


IanEye » Wed Oct 28, 2009 7:37 pm wrote:

MinM » Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:43 pm wrote:

Friday, September 28, 2012
As a Last Resort

Just how far does Hollywood go in its predictive programming? The latest is ABC's "Last Resort." A scenario of false flags, rogue military where killing one's own is a means to an end, nuclear war and of course...the good guys.

Are we being played for the future of a military coup with competing factions? Is the show similar to the 'Lone Gunman' 9/11 episode but with a new spin and having Pakistan as the fall guy instead of Iran? The message will never be dead on target, only close.

Perhaps it is as simple as catering to the ever increasing number of 'conspiracy theorists.' Perhaps as we sit on our couches and watch the TV version of beginnings of a real new war we'll be saying "But where are the good guys, that show said there are some." Yeah, where indeed are the 'good guys.'

There's probably no need in watching future episodes of "Last Resort." This one may be telling us all we will ever need to know...or what the powers that be through their programmers want us to know.

http://kennysideshow.blogspot.com/2012/ ... esort.html

8bitagent wrote:

Seventhsonjr wrote:This classic Rovian technique has been used (and especially was effective in the discrediting of ongoing CT's especially in The "X Files" with respect to the secret government of fascists manipualting things and is currrent today with "Heroes") repeatedly to discredit any idea that our government and the BFEE especially is tied into the Nazi/Fascist Fourth Reich/New World Order.

In the episode the Twin Towers are the target. The purpose is to enable the secret fascists in government/military/intel to blame the act on "terrorists" and bring about a suspension of liberties etc. in a scenario which completely ridicules the "Lone Gunmen" as credible. It appeals to folks like me who believe in conspiracies of the BFEE/Nazis but is in such a ridiculous scenario that the very idea discredits the idea for the masses (not that it worked, really, given folks' opinions of 9-1 today on the facts).

Rove's most famous effort in this regard prior to 9-11 was, not uncoincidentally, a plot to inoculate the public against the idea that Bush was a cokehead who had been busted in Texas and had to do community service. That story was fed to the late James Hatfield (but with false facts) who already had a shakey reputation as an excon convicted of, I believe, conspiracy to commit murder. The false fatc made the whole story and Hatgfield totally discreditted (even though it was true. Hatfield was brought to the boonies by Rove and two others in the Bush white house and fed the facts and then fed false facts about the judge involved in the sentencing . St. Martin Press cancelled the book and 60 minutes ran a hit piece on Hatfield when they had planned to blow thew whole story open prior to the 2000 election (which might have buried Bush).

Hatfield was almost destoryed by this. The story was discreditted because the messenger was unreliable (not because the actual core facts were untrue).

Like Rumsfeld pulling various "missile" references to the Pentagon and Shanksville, and the media hyping up the "4000 Jews stayed home" theories, then Bush saying "let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories"

By pushing absurd and anti semetic theories, the elite were able to make even the up and arms left activists in America be convinced 9/11 was just some angry Muslims.

So yeah, I totally understand what you're saying about preemptive gestures.

Statistics: Posted by MinM — Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:14 pm

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