For the last three or more years the farmers in Texas are suffering a lot due to water deficiency after the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) has announced the drought status in the recent years after receiving status from the the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).This will result into the decreased water flow to the rice fields keeping them dry, a bay system dangerously close to an environmental disaster.
In the recent few weeks the area has received good rainfall and hence the drought intensity has become week and therefore the LCRA is planning to bring updations or changes in its water management so as to increase the water flow to flows to Matagorda Bay and has reduced the impact of water on rice farmers if TCEQ approves it.
“It is a better plan than a month ago,” said Kirby Brown, co-chair of the Lower Colorado River Basin (LCRB) Coalition, which participated in the LCRA stakeholder process to help with revisions of the LCRA water plan over the past month. “The changes mean slightly fewer water cutoffs for rice farmers and a little more water for the environment. Work by staff through a robust stakeholder process assured the best product possible under the constraints of this historic drought.”
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