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IT: INAIL - Centro Protesi

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.inail.it

Web: www.inail-ricerca.it

IT: Casa di Cura Domus Salutis

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.domussalutis.it


Mob: +39.335.6283079

Mob: +39.329.6699498

Mail: ruggeroraccah@gmail.com

Web: www.atidtech.com

IT: Villa Melitta

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.villamelitta.it

IT: Villa Beretta Rehabilitation Center, Valduce Hospital

E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.rewalk.com

USA: University of Utah Healthcare

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.healthcare.utah.edu

IT: Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Pediatric Neuro-Rehabilitation Units

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.ospedalebambinogesu.it

UK: Cyclone Plus Trainig Center

Phone: +44 1964 623881

Mail: info@cyclonemobility.com

Web: cyclonemobility.com

UK: Cyclone Mobility & Fitness Ltd

Phone: +44 1964 623881

Mail: info@cyclonemobility.com

Web: cyclonemobility.com

DE: BDH-Klinik Greifswald

Phone: +49 (0) 3834 871 201

Fax: +49-3834-871-302

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.bdh-klinik-greifswald.de

USA: Miami Physical Therapy, Inc.

Mail: MAIL

Web: www.miamipta.com

ARGO Israel

Phone: +(972) 4 959 0123

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

TR: Inomedica

Phone: 0090 212 634 44 44

cell: 0090 533 214 87 87

Mail: mustafa.durna@inomedica.com.tr

Web: www.inomedica.com.tr

AT: Re-Mobility

Phone: +43 (0) 7212/20569

Fax: +43(0)7212/20569-12

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.re-mobility.at

DE: ASKLEPIOS Neurologische Klinik Falkenstein

Phone: +49 6174 906040

Fax: +49 6174 906014

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.asklepios.com


Phone: +1 (508) 251-1154

Mail: contact@rewalk.com


Phone: + 49 (0) 30 2589 5080

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

USA: St. David\'s Rehabilitation

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.stdavidsrehab.com

USA: NextSteps

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.nextstepschicago.org

USA: Bionics Research

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.bionicsresearch.com

USA: Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center

Phone: +1-562- 401-6847

Mail: eblydt-hansen@dhs.lacounty.gov

USA: Moss Rehab, Einstein Healthcare Network

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.mossrehab.com

USA: Helen Hayes Rehabilitation Hospital

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.helenhayeshospital.org

USA: United Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County (UCPN), Inc.

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.ucpn.org

USA: University of Michigan Health Center Outpatient Therapy Department

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.med.umich.edu

USA: Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.rewalk.com

USA: Oregon Health and Sciences University

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.ohsu.edu

USA: Precision Rehabilitation

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Website: www.precisionrehabilitation.com

USA: University of Maryland Rehabilitation and Orthopaedic Institute

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.med.umich.edu

IL: Tzadim Clinic, Sheba Medical Center

Phone: 03-5305366

Fax: 03-5305366

E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.rehabilitation.sheba.co.il

USA: CORE Center for Recovery and Exercise

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.coreflorida.com

USA: TIRR Memorial Hermann

E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.rewalk.com

USA: VA RR&D National Center of Excellence for the Medical Consequences of Spinal Cord Injury

E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: www.rewalk.com

USA: University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Outpatient Rehabilitation

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web: Web:www.oumedicine.com

USA: Carolinas Rehabilitation

Mail: contact@rewalk.com

JP: Yaskawa EC

Mail: rewalk@yaskawa.co.jp

Web: www.yaskawa.co.jp

FR: Runseat Rehab SAS

Phone: 02 41 36 36 00

Fax: 02 41 31 84 69

Mail: contact@runseat.fr

Web: www.runseat.fr

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Distribution Partners

JP: Yaskawa EC

AT: Re-Mobility

FR: Runseat Rehab SAS


TR: Inomedica

UK: Cyclone Mobility

List of All ReWalk Locations

Rehab Centers USA

Carolinas Rehabilitation

1100 Blythe Blvd.

Charlotte, NC 28201-5814


E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Website: www.carolinashealthcare.org/rehabilitation

CORE – Center for Recovery and Exercise

1905 W. State Road 434

Longwood, FL 32750


E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Website: www.coreflorida.com

Helen Hayes Rehabilitation Hospital

Route 9W North

West Haverstraw, NY 10993


E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web Site: http://www.helenhayeshospital.org

Miami Physical Therapy Associates, Inc.

2869 SW 27 Ave

Miami, FL 33133


E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Website: http://www.miamipta.com

MossRehab, Einstein Healthcare Network

Outpatient Services

60 Township Line Road

Elkins Park, PA 19027


E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Website: www.mossrehab.com


8434 South Corcoran Road

Willow Springs, IL 60480


E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Website: http://www.nextstepschicago.org/

Oregon Health and Sciences University

3303 SW Bond Ave.

Portland, OR 97239


E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Website: www.ohsu.edu/xd/health/services/ortho/getting-treatment/services/rehabilitation-services/index.cfm

Precision Rehabilitation

3294 E Spring St Long Beach

CA 90806


E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Website: http://www.precisionrehabilitation.com/

St. David’s Rehabilitation

919 E 32nd Street

Austin, TX 78705


E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web Site: www.stdavidsrehab.com/home.aspx

United Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County (UCPN), Inc.

380 Washington Avenue

Roosevelt, New York 11575-1899


Contact: Ellen Naidus

Tel: +1-516-378-2000 x285

E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Website: www.ucpn.org

Univ. of Maryland Rehabilitation and Orthopaedic Institute

2200 Kernan Drive

Baltimore, Md 21207


E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Web Site: http://www.kernan.org/

University of Michigan Health Center Outpatient Therapy Department

355 Briarwood Circle, Building 4

Ann Arbor, MI 48108


E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com
Website: http://www.med.umich.edu/pmr/divisions/pt/index.htm

University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Outpatient Rehabilitation

1200 N. Stonewall

Oklahoma City, OK 17117


E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Website: http://www.oumedicine.com/oumedicalcenter/medical-services-and-departments/rehabilitation-services

Univ. of Utah Healthcare

Sugar House Health Center

1138 E. Wilmington Ave.

Salt Lake City, UT 84106


E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Website: www.healthcare.utah.edu/rehab/specialty_programs/therapy_services.php

Bionics Research

Mount Laurel,

NJ 08054


E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Website: http://www.bionicsresearch.com/

Rehab Centers EU

Centre Mutualiste de Rééducation et de Réadaptation Fonctionnelle de Kerpape

BP 78 LORIENT, 56275 Ploemeur Cedex


Telefon: +33 2 97 82 60 60

Fax : +33 297 82 74 90

E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Website: http://www.kerpape.mutualite56.fr/page_uk/index_uk.htm

ASKLEPIOS Neurologische Klinik Falkenstein

Asklepiosweg 15, 61462 Falkenstein


Contact Person: PD Dr. med. Karsten Krakow

Telefon: +49 6174 906040

Fax: +49 6174 906014

E-Mail: v.schmidt@asklepios.com

Website: http://www.asklepios.com/klinik/default.aspx?name=Asklepios_Klinik_Falkenstein

BDH-Klinik Greifswald – Neurologisches Rehabilitationszentrum und Querschnittgelähmtenzentrum

An-Institut der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, Deutschland

Karl-Liebknecht-Ring 26a

17491 Greifswald


Contact Person: Prof. Dr.med. Thomas Platz, Chefarzt und Ärztlicher Direktor

Telefon: +49 (0) 3834 871 201

Fax: +49-3834-871-302

E-Mail: sekretariataed@bdh-klinik-greifswald.de

Website: http://bdh-klinik-greifswald.de

Tzadim Clinic, Sheba Medical Center

2 Sheba road

Ramat Gan


Contact Person: Boaz Shamir

Telefon/Fax: 03-5305366

E-Mail: boaz.shamir@sheba.health.gov.il
Website: http://rehabilitation.sheba.co.il/Rehabilitation_technology_center/Tzadim_Clinic/

Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Pediatric Neuro-Rehabilitation Units

Piazza S. Onofrio

4 – 00165 Rome


Contact: Enrico Castelli, MD

Tel/Fax: +39 06 68593377

E-Mail: progettorewalk@opbg.net

Website: www.ospedalebambinogesu.it

Casa di Cura Domus Salutis

Via Lazzaretto n°3

25123 Brescia


Contact: Dr Luciano Bissolotti

Tel: +39-030-3709837

E-Mail: luciano.bissolotti@ancelle.it

Website: www.domussalutis.it

INAIL – Centro Protesi

Via Rabuina 14

40054 Vigorso di Budrio (Bo)


Contact: Dr. Amedeo Amoresano

Tel: +39-051-6936375

E-Mail: a.amoresano@inail.it

Website: www.inail.it, www.inail-ricerca.it/

Villa Melitta

Via Col di Lana 6

I-39100 Bolzano


Contact: Andreas Waldner

Tel +39 (0)471 471471

Fax +39 (0)471 471400

E-Mail: contact@rewalk.com

Website : www.villamelitta.it

Cyclone Plus Training Center

Orchard House

Sunk Island Road

HU12 ODX Ottringham Hull

United Kingdom

Contact: Dave Hawkins

Tel: +44-01964-623-881

E-Mail: info@cyclonemobility.com

Website: www.cyclonemobility.com/cyclone-plus

Clinical Studies

Villa Beretta Rehabilitation Center, Valduce Hospital

Valduce Hospital

Via N. Sauro 17

23845 Costa Masnaga LC


Website: http://www.valduce.it/index.php/villa-beretta

Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center

7601 E. Imperial Highway

Downey, CA. 90242


Contact: Eirik Blydt-Hansen, PT

Tel: +1-562- 401-6847

E-Mail: eblydt-hansen@dhs.lacounty.gov

Website: http://www.Rancho.org

Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

345 E. Superior Street

Chicago, IL 60611


Website: http://www.ric.org

TIRR Memorial Hermann

1333 Moursund Street

Houston, TX 77030


Website: http://www.tirr.memorialhermann.org

VA RR&D National Center of Excellence for the Medical Consequences of Spinal Cord Injury

James J. Peters VA Medical Center

130 West Kingsbridge Road, 7A-13

Bronx, NY 10468


Trial Info: http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/


Yaskawa EC


105-6891 JAPAN

E-mail: rewalk@yaskawa.co.jp

Website: https://www.yaskawa.co.jp/en/index.html


Forststrasse 2

4181 Oberneukirchen


E-mail: info@re-mobility.at

Website: www.re-mobility.at


Via Dora 1

00198 Roma

Mobile: +39.335.6283079

Mobile: +39.329.6699498

E-mail: ruggeroraccah@gmail.com

Website: www.atidtech.com

Inomedica Sağlık Hiz. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Fetih Caddesi Göktaş Sok. No:14 Bahçelievler/İstanbul

Phone: 0090 212 634 44 44

Mobile: 0090 533 214 87 87

E-mail: mustafa.durna@inomedica.com.tr

Web: www.inomedica.com.tr

Cyclone Mobility & Fitness Ltd

Orchard House Sunk Island Road, Ottringham Hull

North Humberside HU12 0DX

United Kingdom

Phone: +44 1964 623881

Mail: info@cyclonemobility.com

E-mail: info@cyclonemobility.com

Website: www.cyclonemobility.com

Runseat Rehab SAS

1 rue Alexandre Fleming

49066 Cedex 01 Angers France

Phone: 02 41 36 36 00

Fax: 02 41 31 84 69

E-mail: contact@runseat.fr

Website: http://www.runseat.fr

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