
What is Perfect Spawn Mod

A new mod that I want to introduce to you today is Perfect Spawn Mod. This mod is created by lumien231 that allows server owners/map makers to set the exact spawn point of a world. This mod Perfect Spawn Mod also can help you specify the start dimension in the game.

All you need to do in order to use this mod you place a file called PerfectSpawn.json (in a singleplayer environment) in the main directory of a save or in the main minecraft / server directory. The format of this file you can see it below:


“spawnDimension”: 1,

“spawnX”: 50,

“spawnY”: 70,

“spawnZ”: 60,

“exactSpawn”: true,

“forceBed”: true,

“spawnProtection”: true


This config file sets the spawn point to X:50,Y:70,Z:60 in the end, enables beds, spawn protection and forces an exact spawn.

If you create a file you always have to specify spawnX,spawnY,spawnZ and spawnDimension. exactSpawn, spawnProtection and forceBed are optional and default to true.

“spawnProtection” : Allows Spawn Protection in changed spawn dimensions.

“forceBed”: Specifys whether PerfectSpawn should force beds to be possible in the spawnDimension

“exactSpawn” : Specifys whether players will respawn exactly at the specified spawn point.

A PerfectSpawn.json in a world directory overrides the one in the main dictionary.

You can use the command “/ps reload” to reload all config files and apply them instantly.

This mod class transforms all WorldProviders it finds, if you get a crash that only happens while using PerfectSpawn come to me first!

Mod Review


How to download & install

Download and install Minecraft Forge

Download the mod.

Go to %appdata%.

Go to .minecraft/mods folder.

Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.

If one does not exist you can create one.

Enjoy the mod

Download links

Mods For minecraft 1.10.2


Mods For minecraft 1.10


For minecraft 1.9.4 (updating)

Mods for Minecraft 1.9 (updating)

Mods for Minecraft 1.8, 1.8.9


Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10


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