
It's time to celebrate Notebook Sisters change to Paper Fury! Cait's now going solo, so that calls for a snazzy new site and a new name. Go check out the celebration here, there's a rather awesome tag and a giveaway too. Cait spoils us!

1. Why did you start blogging?

It was a very spur of the moment decision. I was at work one day and just suddenly decided I wanted to start a book review blog. Don't ask me why it suddenly occurred to me, I don't know. I didn't read any review blogs or blogs in general at the time, so I didn't really know what I was doing. But I was a little bit crazy back in August 2013, so I just went with the flow.

The most honest answer I could give you is that I was looking for a distraction. I started the blog six months after losing my aunt, she was only thirty-eight and it was a big shock for the whole family. I'd never had a death in the family, especially not of someone I loved so much and it was a shock to the system. I think I mainly started blogging because it was something I could pour all my energy into and continue to pretend like nothing was wrong. I am so glad I did start though because it's been so much fun and something I am very proud of.

2. What's the story behind your blog's name?

When I see an awesome blog name.

The story... I'm completely useless and that was the best I could come up with! When I started I actually had no idea what I was doing. I hadn't seen other blogs and all the cool, short and original names they came up with. I just went with something simple and that stated what the blog was. I was reviewing books, so Reviews from a Bookworm seemed the way to go. But it's long, not very cool and unoriginal. I'd thought about changing it so much in the beginning but now I'm attached to it. It's my blog name and I can't imagine being called anything else.

3. How many designs have you been through since you started blogging?

I think I have probably been through three or four designs since I started, but I'd never even thought of taking pictures. So I honestly don't think I have any pictures of my old and terrible designs. I keep saying I'll change mine again because I don't have the sleekest design, but I suck at it. I want to sort out my sidebars and get some more social icons, but it's all about finding the time to learn to do it.

4. Have you ever switched blog platforms? What made you move? If you haven't ever changed... why?

I haven't and that's because I wouldn't have a clue where to begin. I have thought about it, numerous times, but have never taken the plunge. Maybe one day, if I could pay someone to do, I might make the change.

5. How long does it take you to write a post? What's your postly process like?

It depends on the post and my energy level. Sometimes I can start a post, save it, go back to it, save it and start the process all over again. Other times I will very quickly write the post and get it posted the same day. I don't really have a process at the minute, I'm in a bit of a blog writing slump right now.

6. Have you ever been super nervous about a post? Why? What was it?

I usually get nervous when I post negative reviews. That's because I have a tendency to full on rant in my negative reviews. I mean, have you seen my The Maze Runner review? That shit ain't pretty! I just comfort myself with the knowledge that the authors will probably never see my review.

7. Do you have a blogging schedule?


When someone asks for my blog name.

8. Do you tell people In-Real-Life about your blog? Their reactions?

I do, and most don't really have a clue what I am on about. They usually just ask a lot of questions. I don't tell many people though because I don't want them trying to find it. Yes, I am weird, I don't like anyone I know IRL reading my blog!

9. Top ten blogs you read/comment on the most.

Just ten?!?!

1. Paper Fury || 2. Book Badger || 3. Little Birdie Books || 4. The Daily Prophecy ||
5. The Infinite To-Read Shelf || 6. Daring Damsels || 7. A Fantasy Writer's Blog ||
8. My Reading Dress || 9. Once Upon a Bookish Time || 10. The Loony Teen Writer

And so many more!

10. If you could change/improve things about your blog, what would they be?

I'd improve my design, my scheduling, my content. I'd basically love to be able to improve everything. What can I say, I'm a perfectionist.

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