







Mr. Rock, you have a net worth of 70 million dollars.

Shut the fuck up.

It’s funny (not!) how people like this never bother to mention that America was the first country in the history of EVER to ABOLISH slavery less than a century after we fought for our independence, while countries exist right now in 2015 who STILL have people enslaved!

I’m so sick of idiots like this. Chris Rock has made a shit-ton of money in America. He can carry his ungrateful ass somewhere else if he doesn’t love the nation that has made it possible for him to live a better life than 99.9% of the the rest of the world.


How the fuck are you going to tell a black man to shut up about slavery solely based on the fact the he makes movies? His income don’t have shit to do with the fact that as a black male he’s still suffering from white supremacy?

Better life than most? Yeah I’m sure he’s comfortable with that net worth but you’re still shutting down his voice as a black male in a country that guns down black people every 8 hours.


Um what?

(Ancient times)

3rd century BC: Ashoka abolishes slave trade and encourages
people to treat slaves well but does not abolish slavery itself in the Maurya
Empire, covering the majority of India, which was under his rule.

221-206 BC: The Qin Dynasty’s measures to eliminate the
landowning aristocracy include the abolition of slavery and the establishment
of a free peasantry who owed taxes and labor to the state. They also
discouraged serfdom. The dynasty was overthrown in 206 BC and many of its laws
were overturned.

17: Wang Mang, first and only emperor of the Xin Dynasty,
usurped the Chinese throne and instituted a series of sweeping reforms,
including the abolition of slavery and radical land reform. After his death in
23 C.E., slavery was reinstituted.

(Middle Ages)

Many of these changes were reversed in practice over the
succeeding centuries.

960: Doge of Venice Pietro IV Candiano reconvened the
popular assembly and had it approve of a law prohibiting the slave trade in the
Roman city-state the Republic of Venice.

1102: Trade in slaves and serfdom condemned by the church in
London: Council of London (1102).

1117: Slavery abolished in Iceland.

1200: Slavery virtually disappears in Japan; it was never
widespread and mostly involved captives taken in civil wars.

1214: The Statute of the Town of Korčula (today in Croatia)
abolishes slavery.

1215: Magna Carta signed. Clause 30, commonly known as
Habeas Corpus, would form the basis of a law against slavery in English common

1220: The Sachsenspiegel, the most influential German code
of law from the Middle Ages, condemns slavery as a violation of God’s likeness
to man.

1256: The Liber Paradisus is promulgated. The Comune di
Bologna abolishes slavery and serfdom and releases all the serfs in its

1274: Landslov (Land’s Law) in Norway mentions only former
slaves, which indicates that slavery was abolished in Norway

1315: Louis X, king of France, publishes a decree
proclaiming that “France signifies freedom” and that any slave
setting foot on the French ground should be freed. However slavery continued
till the 17th century along France’s Mediterranean coastline, the Provence.

1335: Sweden (including Finland at the time) makes slavery illegal.
An abolition of slaves setting foot on Swedish ground does not occur until
1813.(In the 18th and 19th Centuries, slavery would be practiced in the Swedish
ruled Caribbean island of Saint Barthélemy.)

1347: non-free people were emancipated in Poland under the
Statutes of Casimir the Great issued in Wiślica.

1368: China’s Hongwu Emperor establishes the Ming dynasty
and would abolish all forms of slavery. However, slavery continued in the Ming
dynasty. Later Ming rulers, as a way of limiting slavery in the absence of a
prohibition, passed a decree that limited the number of slaves that could be
held per household and extracted a severe tax from slave owners.

1416: Republic of Ragusa (modern day Dubrovnik, Croatia)
abolished slavery and slave trading

1435: In Sicut Dudum, Pope Eugene IV banned enslavement of
Christians in the Canary Islands on pain of excommunication. However the
non-Christian indigenous Guanches could be and were enslaved during the Spanish

Modern timeline


1537: Pope Paul III forbids slavery of the indigenous
peoples of the Americas as well as of any other new population that would be
discovered, indicating their right to freedom and property. However, only
Catholic countries apply it, and state that they cannot possibly enforce what
happens in the distant colonies (Sublimus Dei).

1542: Spain enacted the New Laws, abolishing slavery of
native Americans in 1542. But replaced it with other systems of forced labor
such as repartimiento. Slavery of Black Africans was not abolished.

1569: An English court case involving Cartwright, who had
brought a slave from Russia, ruled that English law could not recognise

1588: The Third Statute of Lithuania abolishes slavery.

1595: A law is passed in Portugal banning the selling and
buying of Chinese slaves.

1590: Toyotomi Hideyoshi bans slavery in Japan. However, it
continued as a punishment for criminals.

19 February 1624: The King of Portugal forbids the
enslavement of Chinese of either sex.

1683: the Spanish Crown legally abolish the slavery of
indigenous Mapuche prisioners of war in Chile.


1706: In the case of Smith v. Browne & Cooper, Sir John
Holt, Lord Chief Justice of England, rules that “as soon as a Negro comes
into England, he becomes free. One may be a villein in England, but not a

1723: Russia abolishes outright slavery but retains serfdom.

1723–1730: China’s Yongzheng emancipation sought to free all
slaves to strengthen the autocratic ruler through a kind of social leveling
that created an undifferentiated class of free subjects under the throne.
Although these new regulations freed the vast majority of slaves, wealthy
families continued to use slave labor into the twentieth century.

1761, 12 February: Portugal abolishes slavery in mainland
Portugal and in Portuguese possessions in India through a decree by the Marquis
of Pombal.

1772: Somersett’s case held that no slave could be forcibly
removed from Britain. This case was generally taken at the time to have decided
that the condition of slavery did not exist under English law in England and
Wales, and emancipated the remaining ten to fourteen thousand slaves or
possible slaves in England and Wales, who were mostly domestic servants.

1774: Laws of the Marquis of Pombal, prime minister of King
José I, prohibiting the transport of black slaves to Portugal and the
liberation of the children of slaves born in Portugal.

1775–83: Britain’s rebellious North American Colonies ban or
suspend the Atlantic slave trade.

1775: Pennsylvania Abolition Society formed in Philadelphia,
the first abolition society within the territory that is now the United States
of America.

1777: Slavery abolished in Madeira, Portugal.

1777: Constitution of the Vermont Republic partially banned
slavery, freeing men over 21 and women older than 18 at the time of its
passage. The ban was not strongly enforced.

1778: Joseph Knight was successful in arguing that Scots law
could not support the status of slavery.

1780: Pennsylvania passes An Act for the Gradual Abolition
of Slavery, freeing future children of slaves. Those born prior to the Act
remain enslaved for life. The Act becomes a model for other Northern states.
Last slaves freed 1847.

1783: Russia abolishes slavery in Crimean Khanate.

1783: Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court rules slavery
unconstitutional, a decision based on the 1780 Massachusetts constitution. All
slaves are immediately freed.

1783: Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor issued an order
abolishing slavery in Bukovina on 19 June 1783 in Czernowitz.

1783: New Hampshire begins a gradual abolition of slavery.

1784: Connecticut begins a gradual aboliton of slavery,
freeing future children of slaves, and later all slaves.

1784: Rhode Island begins a gradual abolition of slavery.

1787: The United States in Congress Assembled passed the
Northwest Ordinance of 1787, outlawing any new slavery in the Northwest

1787: Sierra Leone founded by Britain as colony for
emancipated slaves.

1787: Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade founded
in Britain.

1788: Sir William Dolben’s Act regulating the conditions on
British slave ships enacted.

1792: Denmark–Norway declares transatlantic slave trade
illegal after 1803 (though slavery continues in Danish colonies to 1848).

1793 (August): French commissioner Leger-Felicite Sonthonax
abolishes slavery in northern Saint-Domingue (Haiti). His colleague Etienne
Polverel does the same in the rest of the colony in October.

1793: Upper Canada (Ontario) abolishes import of slaves by
Act Against Slavery.

1794: France abolishes slavery in all its possessions.
(However, slavery is restored by Napoleon in 1802.)

1794: The United States bans American ships from the trade
and prohibits export by foreign ships in the Slave Trade Act.

1798: Slavery is abolished in Malta, while the islands were
under French occupation.

1799: New York State passes gradual emancipation act freeing
future children of slaves, and all slaves in 1827.

1799: The Colliers (Scotland) Act 1799 ends the legal
slavery of Scottish coal miners that had been established in 1606.


1802: The First Consul Napoleon re-introduces slavery in
French colonies growing sugarcane.

1802: Ohio writes a state constitution that abolishes

1803: Denmark–Norway: abolition of transatlantic slave trade
takes effect 1 January 1803.

1804: New Jersey begins a gradual abolition of slavery,
freeing future children of slaves.Those born prior to the Act remain enslaved
for life. The process later becomes complete with the ratification of the 13th
Amendment in 1865.

1804: Haiti declares independence and abolishes slavery.

1805: Great Britain: A bill for abolition passes in House of
Commons but is rejected in the House of Lords.

1806: In a message to Congress, US President Thomas
Jefferson calls for criminalizing the international slave trade, asking
Congress to “withdraw the citizens of the United States from all further
participation in those violations of human rights … which the morality, the
reputation, and the best of our country have long been eager to

1807, 2 March: The US makes international slave trade a
felony in Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves; this act takes effect on 1
January 1808.

1807, 25 March: Abolition of the Slave Trade Act abolishes
slave trading in British Empire. Captains fined £120 per slave transported.

1807, 22 July: The constitution of the Duchy of Warsaw
abolishes serfdom.

1807: The British begin patrols of African coast to arrest
slaving vessels. The West Africa Squadron (Royal Navy) is established to
suppress slave trading; by 1865, nearly 150,000 people freed by anti-slavery

1807, November 11: Abolition of serfdom in Prussia through the
Stein-Hardenberg Reforms.

1807: In Michigan Territory, Judge Augustus Woodward denies
the return of two slaves owned by a man in Windsor, Upper Canada (present day
Ontario). Woodward declares that any man “coming into this Territory is by
law of the land a freeman.”

1808: The US bans the slave trade throughout the US.

1810: In Mexico, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla declares slavery
abolished. In the following years, during the Mexican War of Independence,
gradually comprehensive steps will end slavery in the new country.

1811: Slave trading made a felony in the British Empire,
punishable by transportation for British subjects and foreigners.

1811: Spain abolishes slavery at home and in all colonies
except Cuba,Puerto Rico, and Santo Domingo.

1811: The First National Congress of Chile approves a
proposal drafted by Manuel de Salas that declares the Freedom of wombs, which
sets free the sons of slaves born on Chilean territory, no matter the
conditions of the parents; it prohibited the slave trade and recognized as
freedmen those who, passing in transit through Chilean territory, stayed there
for six months.

1813: Mexico abolishes slavery in the documents Sentimientos
de la Nación, by insurgent leader José María Morelos y Pavón.

1813: In Argentina, the Law of Wombs was passed on 2
February, by the Assembly of Year XIII. The law stated that those born after 31
January 1813 would be granted freedom when contracting matrimony, or on their
16th birthday for women and 20th for men, and upon their manumission would be
given land and tools to work it.

1814: Uruguay, before its independence, declares all those
born of slaves in their territories are free from that day forward.

1814: The Netherlands outlaws slave trade.

1815: British pay Portugal £750,000 to cease their trade
north of the Equator.

1815: At the Congress of Vienna, eight victorious powers
declared their opposition to slavery.

1816: Serfdom abolished in the Governorate of Estonia of the
Russian Empire.

1816, 16 July: Simon Bolivar declares the emancipation of
all the slaves in the Province of Venezuela.

1817: Serfdom abolished in the Governorate of Courland of
the Russian Empire.

1817: Spain paid £400,000 by British to cease trade to Cuba,
Puerto Rico, and Santo Domingo.

1817: New York State sets a date of 4 July 1827 to free all
its ex-slaves from indenture.

1818: Treaty between Britain and Spain to abolish slave

1818: Treaty between Britain and Portugal to abolish slave

1818: France abolishes slave trading.

1818: Treaty between Britain and the Netherlands taking
additional measures to enforce the 1814 ban on slave trading.

1819: Serfdom abolished in the Governorate of Livonia of the
Russian Empire.

1819: Upper Canada: Attorney-General John Robinson declares
all black residents of Canada free.

1820: Mexico formally abolishes slavery with the Plan of
Iguala, proposed by Agustín de Iturbide and ratified the following year by him
and the Viceroy, Juan O'Donojú.

1820: Compromise of 1820 in US prohibits slavery north of a
line (36°30′).

1820: In Polly v. Lasselle, Indiana supreme court orders
almost all slaves in the state to be freed.

1821: Gran Colombia (Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama)
declares free the sons and daughters born to slave mothers, sets up program for
compensated emancipation

1822: Liberia founded by American Colonization Society (USA)
as a colony for emancipated slaves.

1822: Greece abolishes slavery.

1823: Chile abolishes slavery.

1823: Anti-Slavery Society founded in Britain.

1824: Mexico’s new constitution (1824 Constitution of
Mexico) effectively frees existing slaves.

1824: The Federal Republic of Central America abolishes

1825: Uruguay declares independence from Brazil and
prohibits the traffic of slaves from foreign countries.

1827: Treaty between Britain and Sweden to abolish slave

1827: New York State abolishes slavery. Children born
between 1799 and 1827 are indentured until age 25 (females) or age 28 (males).

1829: Last slaves are freed in Mexico.

1830: Mexican president Anastasio Bustamante orders the
abolition of slavery to be implemented also in Mexican Texas. To circumvent the
law, Anglo colonists convert their slaves into “indentured servants for

1830: The first Constitution of Uruguay declares the
abolition of slavery.

1831: Bolivia abolishes slavery.

1831: Brazil adopts the Law of 7 November 1831, declaring
the maritime slave trade abolished, prohibiting any form of importation of
slaves, and granting freedom to slaves should they be illegally imported into
Brazil. In spite of its adoption, the law was seldom enforced prior to 1850,
when Brazil, under British pressure, adopted additional legislation to
criminalize the importation of slaves.

1834: The British Slavery Abolition Act comes into force,
abolishing slavery throughout most of the British Empire. Legally frees 700,000
in West Indies, 20,000 in Mauritius, and 40,000 in South Africa. The
exceptions, territories controlled by the East India Company and Ceylon, were
liberated in 1843 when they became part of the British Empire.

1835: Serbia abolishes slavery. Although formally outlawed
in 1835, slavery never existed in Serbia.

1835: Treaty between Britain and France to abolish slave

1835: Treaty between Britain and Denmark to abolish slave

1836: Portugal abolishes transatlantic slave trade.

1836: Republic of Texas is established. Slavery is made
legal again.

1836, December: Viscount Sá da Bandeira, prime minister,
prohibits the import and export of slaves from the Portuguese colonies south of
the Equator.

1838, 1 August: Enslaved men, women, and children in the
British Empire finally became fully free after a period of forced
apprenticeship following the passing of the Slavery Abolition Act in 1833.

1839: British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society founded as a
successor to the Anti-Slavery Society. (The British and Foreign Anti-Slavery
Society exists today as Anti-Slavery International.)

1839: Indian indenture system made illegal (reversed in

1840: Treaty between Britain and Venezuela to abolish slave
trade; the first World Anti-Slavery Convention meets in London.

1841: Quintuple Treaty is signed; Britain, France, Russia,
Prussia, and Austria agree to suppress slave trade.

1842: Treaty between Britain and Portugal to extend the
enforcement of the ban on slave trade to Portuguese ships sailing south of the

1843: East India Company becomes increasingly controlled by
Britain and abolishes slavery in India by the Indian Slavery Act V. of 1843.

1843: Treaty between Britain and Uruguay to suppress slave

1843: Treaty between Britain and Mexico to suppress slave

1843: Treaty between Britain and Chile to suppress slave

1843: Treaty between Britain and Bolivia to abolish slave

1845: 36 British Royal Navy ships are assigned to the
Anti-Slavery Squadron, making it one of the largest fleets in the world.

1846: Persuaded by Britain, the Bey of Tunisia outlawed the
slave trade; the policy was reversed temporarily by his successor.

1847: Under British pressure, the Ottoman Empire abolishes
slave trade from Africa.

1847: The last slaves in the Swedish colony Saint Barthelemy
are freed.

1847: Slavery is abolished in Pennsylvania, thus freeing the
last remaining slaves, those born before 1780 (fewer than 100 in 1840 Census).

1848: In Austria, the reforms spurred by the Kraków Uprising
of 1846 and the Spring of Nations in 1848 resulted in the abolishment of
serfdom in 1848.

1848: Slavery abolished in all French and Danish colonies.

1848: France founds Gabon for settlement of emancipated

1848: Treaty between Britain and Muscat to suppress slave

1849: Treaty between Britain and Persian Gulf states to
suppress slave trade.

1849: Harriet Tubman escapes from Slavery in Dorchester
County, Maryland.


1850: In the United States, the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850
requires the return of escaped slaves to their owners.

1850: Brazil, under British pressure, adopts the Eusébio de
Queiróz Act (Law 581 of 4 September 1850), criminalizing the maritime slave
trade as piracy, and imposing other criminal sanctions on the importation of
slaves (already prohibited in law since 1831).

1851: New Granada (Colombia) abolishes slavery.

1852: The Hawaiian Kingdom abolishes kauwa system of

1853: Argentina abolishes slavery when promulgating the 1853

1854: Peru abolishes slavery.

1854: Venezuela abolishes slavery.

1855: Moldavia partially abolishes slavery.

1856: Wallachia partially abolishes slavery.

1859: Trans-Atlantic slave trade completely ends

1860: Indenture system abolished within British-occupied

1861: Russia frees its serfs in the Emancipation reform of

1861: Starting April 12, the American Civil War was fought
between the United States and a Confederacy of breakaway slave states.

1862: Treaty between United States and Britain for the
suppression of the slave trade (African Slave Trade Treaty Act).

1862: Cuba abolishes slave trade.

1863: Slavery abolished in Dutch colonies Surinam (33,000
freed) and the Antilles (12,000 freed).

1863: Slavery abolished in the Dutch colony of Indonesia.

1863: In the United States, Abraham Lincoln issues the
presidential order the Emancipation Proclamation declaring slaves in
Confederate-controlled areas to be freed. Most slaves in “border
states” are freed by state action; separate law freed the slaves in
Washington, D.C.

1865, December: US abolishes slavery with the Thirteenth
Amendment to the United States Constitution.

1866: Slavery abolished in Indian Territory (now Oklahoma).

Bitch say what?

Clearly other countries have abolished slavery before the United States.

Being a young country does not excuse poor choices.

Yes, other countries abolished slavery after The United States, and yes, some countries still practice slavery. That doesn’t make what The United States did any better.

Talk about being ignorant.


Abolishing the slave trade is not the same thing as abolishing slavery



It’s long but read it!


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