The scroll bear a symbol of Sigmar. You crack it and open the scroll to read what lies inside it.
Greetings comrade
By order of my Leader I am here to explain you the way of our order. No one shall withstand between us and our faith. Once you will finish reading this scroll you will be strong of thousand forbidden knowledges. Fear not, for I had prepared all as simple as I could, even the slimmest error is out of discussion here. there is too much to play with for risk it!
Read with humility and faith, remember the believer will be shown to the path of the greatness, while the impure will be cast down.
Many generations tried to solve the enigma lying beyond mere words, while many others offered themselves in sacrifice to pour the ink with whom uch scroll is filled. Every single word in this paper I sent ya bears the burden of guilt of thousand peoples. Be gratefull that you are introduced to it as a disciple and not as a mere pawn of fate. Doubt not to your sense being able to withstand such might. Every wword you will pronounce, even in low voice, will shock your body and lash your mind. Your training during all these years was made to adapt your soul to these horrible words. Remember me, as I am your Master, your lord and your guide. I will be the mark which will lead your way into the patch of knowledge and darkness. I will be your light, when any other lights is cast off. I am the ink of the last page you will read in your life. I will seal your steps in the road of doom. There is no mentor, mage or priest that can stop this sorcery. Only your mind will be the bulwark against the madness. Doubt of you for only one second and you will be my eternal tool of pain. Fear yourself, as you are not strong for me. Fear the unknown. Fear the abyss, as it watches you as you stare at it...
Fear me... for I am the end of days!
This guide is aimed to teach to all new people who wish to try some roleplay experience, what to do and what is not to be done during roleplay session. For the veteran of the argument, read this at least once! maybe you find some good new info that you were probably ignoring!!
1. Intro (What is roleplay?)
2. Basic RP Notions
3. How to roleplay a...
3.1 Dwarf
3.2 Human
3.3 high Elf
3.4 Chaos
3.5 Dark Elf
3.6 Greenskin
Hi there fellow Roleplayers!
With this topic I will illustrate THE BASIC rules that lies beneath the roleplay. let's get started, shall we?
1) What is roleplay?
Roleplay (abbreviated RP sometimes) is the act of imperson your character and makes it lives as if is in real life! Maybe you would be a fiere orc. A powerfull Chosen or a savage marauder? Or you wish to be a pure Sigmar Priest who cast aside darkness as his holy presence advance? You can impersonate whatever you want but you have to do in such manner that it will not look anomalous as if the game was some kind of real life!
Players may also participate in roleplay outside the game by posting on blogs, wikis, or forums (official or otherwise).
Roleplaying has similarities to improvisational theater, with the participants acting out characters in unscripted situations. The character's personality, goals, morals, and quirks may resemble that of the player or be completely different. Regardless, roleplayers recognize a boundary between what is in character and what is out of character.
2) Basic Rp Notions
RULE n1: Create a name that fits within the Warhammer Universe!
Hardly you will meet a person called "lolipwnyou" or "Roflgun" or "Legolazzxxx!". remember to name your char as if that name was given in reality! For example, an elvish name , INASTEAD of "Lolmage" could be "Anrath". Use your fantasy and inspire to poems like Lord of the rings and similar fantasy tales if you run out of names or ask to some roleplayer! We are happy to help people!!!
RULE n2: Stay in character in /say, /yell, in emotes, or any other channel used for roleplaying.
This means no discussion of real life events or people in these areas. Players should also take the time to spell out words and phrases. Refrain from using internet jargon and acronyms such as "lol" or "pwn"/"omg"/"wtf"/ etc.... Have you ever heard a orc talking about last night car racing? I guess not!
RULE n3: Maintain a positive atmosphere for roleplaying
Remember that the toon in front of you is another person. No one like to be offended for a game or being harrassed. If he mistakes, explain him in wisp chat what to do correctly. If he persist, simply hes a troll and so it must be ignored (mistake on purpouse is a form of trolling) and he gotta be isolated untill he made up is mind, or maybe is just a person that do not understand roleplay rules! Point him this thread or other in the internet from where he can get help in improve roleplay skill. No one born knowing everything!
While it is not mandatory, several players and even entire guilds in role playing servers enjoy the creation of a background for their in-game characters, if you ask around several players will tell you about how their parents were slain by a tribe of Orcs or when they applied for the Altdorf Royal Guard army but were rejected due to not belonging to a royal family, some guilds even join together under the same cause and recruit people with similar backgrounds to their own in an effort to keep the members feeling related to each other and to make it feel like they're fighting for the same reason.
3) How to roleplay a...
3.1) Dwarf
Dwarves love alcohol, dwarves in bars or taverns without a mug with their hand might raise some eyebrows. Due to their love for alcohol, they don't get drunk that easily, so don't just pass out there after one mug! Just don't exaggerate on this either. Alcohol still has the same effect on a dwarf as on any other race. It doesn't make them stronger or anything like that so bringing a big jug of ale with you in a battle is probably unwise.
Dwarfs are on average a good deal shorter than either Men or Elves of the Warhammer world, making them ideally suited to the tunnels in which they live and work (the average dwarf being estimated to be at approximately 4'5"-5'0"). They are immensely strong and resilient, with bodies seemingly purpose-built for manual labour, with solidly formed muscles, broad-shoulders and large thick fingered hands that are capable of considerable manual dexterity. This physical toughness allows them to carry heavy loads and endure many hardships and work for long lengths of time without tiring.
Dwarfs are a very long-lived race with life-spans that can run into centuries, or rare occasions even into a millennium. As a dwarf becomes older so his beard becomes longer and thicker. Since dwarves have a deep inbuilt respect for age it would be unthinkable for a dwarf to cut off or even trim their beards. Like the Orcs, dwarfs appear to become stronger the older they get, but unlike the Orcs, there appears to be a breaking point where their general health rapidly declines, always happening just a few years before the dwarf dies of old age.
Female dwarfs are very rarely seen outside dwarf realms which has led many people to believe that dwarf males can give birth or that dwarf women have beards. However they are fairly similar to their male counterparts in that they are broad shouldered and heavily built, but instead of long beards they have long hair wound into similar braids, worn beneath the helmet which they treasure as greatly as males do their beards.
In terms of mental ability, Dwarfs are incredibly determined. They are supremely confident in the values and virtues of their civilisation, and openly scorn the achievements of other races. Their mental strength, in combination with their physical abilities, makes them steadfast fighters who will often fight to the last rather than admit defeat or run away.
Roleplaying Hint: Dwarfs are serious down to earth characters who are oft seen as humourless. They admire strength and skills as well as the amassing of trophies or wealth (with gold being the stereotype) but to have achieved status through whatever mean is their collective goal. They have a hatred of all greenskins and a loathing of Elves, though this is mostly seen as petty spite by the other races.
Magic: Dwarfs have a natural reistance to magic and are suspicious of it. They are unable to cast spells or channel the divine to cast spontaneous spells, but as an exception to this their Runesmiths have ancient knowledge of how to empower weapons with powerful enchantments through runecraft.
Religion: Dwarfs woreship their ancestors before anyone else. A few of their ancient ancestors are praised by all the Dwarfs by these are woreshipped as a private matter between a Dwarf and their god.
3.2 Human
Though a relatively new race to the Old World, the humans are undoubtably the most numerous and "control" the greatest area. However, they are not a unified race with numerous regions controlled by different systems of government and populated by different ethnic groups The most powerful body of humans forms the Empire which itself comprises of 11 provinces.
The Empire
Political structure
The Empire is a confederation of ten large provinces: Averland, Hochland, Middenland, Nordland, Ostland, Ostermark, Reikland, Stirland, Talabecland, Wissenland, each of which is ruled by an Elector Count. There were originally two more provinces Drakwald (lands now under the jurisdiction of the Elector Counts of Middenland) and Solland (lands now under the Elector Counts of Wissenland). Another, Westerland, was originally the areas around Marienburg.
The provinces and their counts are derived from the twelve chieftains that followed the Sigmar who would become the first Emperor, and in time, worshiped as the patron deity of the Empire. The naming of some provinces of The Empire are also derived from the river that flows through them, like the river Reik flows through The Reikland, the Talabec through Talabecland and Talabheim and such. Also, some of the major cities of the Empire became more important and as such are classed as city-states; namely:
Altdorf, in Reikland.
Nuln, on the borders of Wissenland, Averland and Stirland.
Talabheim, in Talabecland.
Middenheim, in Middenland.
Sudenburg is an Imperial enclave in Araby
The Empire is nominally ruled by the Emperor, who is chosen by majority voting of the various electors. The electors are the ten Elector Counts, the Grand Theogonist of the Sigmarite Church, the two "Arch Lectors", who are also clerics of the Sigmar church, the High Priest of Ulric and the Elder of the Moot (representing the halflings). Karl Franz, of the Holswig-Schliestein family, is the current Emperor during the 1st edition and most of the written adventures. The Emperor is usually also one of the Elector Counts; Karl-Franz is the Elector Count of Reikland.
The religion of the Empire is polytheistic, with the god Sigmar being the most important. Sigmar was a mortal man, who was elevated to equal status with the other gods of the Old World Pantheon after his disappearance following the establishment of the Empire. The Grand Theogonist is the leader of the Church of Sigmar and is analogous to the Pope. Sigmar's worship is strongest in Altdorf, but runs throughout the Empire. Some regions, however, have a stronger link to other older gods now known as the Old Faith, such as the Middenheimers who revere Ulric before all others and Talabecland who revere the god Taal. Other gods commonly worshipped in the Empire are Manann along coastal regions and rivers, and Morr by the grieving or those facing death. These gods of the old faith are still worshipped throughout though Sigmar is considered the patron deity of the Empire only.
Roleplaying Hint: To quote the Warhammer Rule Book 'You should know how to play one of these.'
Magic: Humans trained in the mysterious arts may use magic. Human priests and other religious folk may call upon their gods for aid.
Religion: Humans are a superstious and godfearing race, with many deities openly worshipped in the Old World. The most popular region is the woreship of Sigmar who is the legendery figure who united the numerous clans of warriors and carved out a region for Human control.
3.3 high Elf
The oldest and most isolated of the Old World Races have withdrawn from their original settlements after their conflicts with the Dwarfs and now retain only a small presence deep in the forests. They do however live as a minor race among the Humans in major towns and cities.
The High Elves were once the greatest and most powerful race in the whole world and their actions shaped history. Now the High Elves are a race in its twilight; long and bitter wars have ravaged their once great empire and the High Elf race has begun to dwindle. The beautiful cities of Ulthuanbecome quieter each year, no longer bustling with vibrancy and life but shells of their former glory. Facing this swath decline, the High Elves remain resolute and unbowed.
Roleplaying Hint: Elves are lofty and arrogant seeing the younger races of the Old World as adolescent children.
Magic: Elves are in the main naturally adept at magic and make powerful magisters. It was they who originally instructed Humans in the arts of the Winds of Magic and they have kept the most powerful secrets for themselves.
Religion: The religion of Elves is a mystery to the other races. Owing to their long lived nature they are frequently able to communicate with many generations of their kin and thus puzzle at the Dwarfs woreship of their own ancestors. Elves are said to have been in touch with Old Ones who created the races of the Old World as well as possible creating the Old World itself, and some believe they woreship these beings as gods.
Whilst lesser races must study magic in its corrupted, broken form, High Elf Mages harness its power as pure, mystical energy. The minor spells of the Asur, those Lores of Magic taught to Men by the legendary High Elf Mage Teclis, are but a pale reflection of the power that can be wielded by an Asur fully trained in the magical arts at the White Tower.
The ebb and flow of the winds of magic are the Asur's to command, summoning great energy into themselves or denying it to the enemy. The tumultuous eddies of magic can be smoothed, and used to alter the High Elf's material realm, while the most accomplished Mages can enter the realm of magic and leave behind their physical shell.
Before a promising youngster is taught the dangerous path of a True Mage, he will be shown some simple prayers and enchantments to bring down the blessings of the divine Isha. These are far less dangerous for the caster and can be safely employed by even the most untutored talent.
These blessings are of no real use on the battlefield, intended as they are to help the apprentice in his daily tasks and to relieve the simple Elven folk of some of the drudgery of their daily chores. However, they allow the Mage tutors to easily assess the potential of their charges and show which of their number is favoured by the High Elven gods. So it is that Mages can perform all manner of tricks and illusions when in a lighter mood, and never need the help of mundane servants. It is even said that the Elven farmers and labourers who live near the majestic White Tower of Hoeth never plough their own fields as every year there is another crop of novices eager to test and demonstrate their skills.
Elves are long-lived, some say immortal, and less vulnerable to disease than humans. Every movement that an Elf makes is graceful and controlled, their minds are quick and clever with an intensity and depth of insight which makes them seem fey and estrange to other races. High Elves convey meaning into the slightest gesture, perceiving a wealth of information in the slightest nod of a head, or narrowing of eyes. More than once the Lords of Ulthuanhave made war amongst themselves or upon other races for some real or imagined slight, for though they are a noble people the High Elves can be cold and haughty, unreasoning in the view of other races.
3.4 Chaos
Chaos refers to the malevolent entities which live in a different timespace, known as the Realm of Chaos in Warhammer Fantasy. The term can refer to these warp entities and their influence, the servants and worshippers of these entities, or even the parallel universe in which these entities are supposed to reside. The most powerful of these warp entities are those known as the Chaos Gods, also sometimes referred to as the Dark Gods, Ruinous Powers, or the Powers of Chaos.
Khorne: God of bloodlust, war, death, blood, and skulls. Khorne favours close combat, abhorring wizards (in Warhammer Fantasy) or psykers (in Warhammer 40,000), considering them cowardly. In addition to blood and war, Khorne is also the god of courage and honor, but these trappings are always eventually discarded in favor of the primary goal of killing. While he blesses his followers by granting them strength and martial prowess, Khorne does not truly care who spills blood, so long as the blood continues to be spilled. Khorne is arguably the most powerful of the four Chaos Gods.
Tzeentch: God of change, fate, mutation, hope, and knowledge. Tzeentch's followers are powerful sorcerers who prefer to channel the energies of the Warp (Warhammer 40,000), or Winds of Magic (Warhammer Fantasy) at a distance rather than get close to enemies. Tzeentch is always scheming, his every action feeding into his great plots that only he can comprehend. Tzeentch controls and manipulates the fates of all and weaves them intricately into his devious web of manipulation and hunger for power.
Nurgle: God of plague, despair, disease and death. Represented by the color green and the symbol of three circles and arrows. He is the oldest of the Chaos Gods. Nurgle is a warm and welcoming god who gifts his followers with poxes and boils, rashes and sores. His power comes from the inevitability of death and decay, and Nurgle is often referred to as 'Grandfather Nurgle', as entropy is the most ancient of forces, and he is the only one who even pretends to care for his followers. Nurgle thrives in death and decay, growing more powerful as great plagues spread, and his servants seek only to spread disease. Nurgle prides himself on the achievements of his followers, "gifting" them with hideous diseases while sheltering them from pain, and his followers rejoice in their blessings, shrugging off lethality and disfigurement in a state of rapturous undeath. People in sickness might pray to Nurgle for relief, but rather than heal the sick, Nurgle helps them endure their illness by removing their pain and misery, all the while exacerbating their physical degeneration.
Slaanesh: God of lust, pleasure, desire, and excess. In both settings, he is the youngest of the four gods; he is typically considered androgynous, and while he is usually referred to as being male, in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, the Eldar races consider him to be female. His followers seek only to indulge in whatever fleeting whims and desires they feel, and they tend to become graceful, beautiful warriors who harbor selfish, cruel souls. In the Warhammer 40,000 background, he was birthed from the excesses and hedonism of the Eldar society. His birth created a psychic shockwave that spread across the galaxy, killing most of the Eldar population and their gods; the survivors split into the various Eldar factions. It also created the largest warp storm in the Milky Way, the Eye of Terror, which later became the main residence of the scattered Chaos Space Marines. The fall of the Eldar empire paved the way for the rise of the Imperium of Man. In Warhammer Fantasy, his followers are partly responsible for the corruption of an important Elven leader named Malekith, and the subsequent schism that led to the formation of the Dark and High Elf races.
Simply take a human base and remove every sentiment belongig to human life! Chaos chosen simply do the will of their god only (khorne ones only seek to kill everyone who is in their path, Nurgle ones spread the blessings of his god and enjopy to bring despair, Tzeentch chosen are sorcerors who trick the events in their favour until their master decide is thair time to exit from the scene, while slaaneshi warriors are edhonistic pervert s who enjoy every excess i their damned life, wether is painful or amazing)
The cultist and sorcerors retain part of their human thinking but ar still folowing the gods will. For they a bargain of power is in progress: they pray the gods and they grant em their favour!
Chaos is such diverse that someone can decide to vowe all gods instea dof one which is the case of UNDIVIDED CHAOS. They are pure opportunist , not swearing allegiance to any god, but pledging it in moment of favor and nothing more.
Rumors says about a renegade god... yet the black library o not resolve this mistery as it never have been found...
3.5 Dark Elf
Thanks to:
Blood Legion, for their moral support and willpower to create a good RP community
SARRIEN: GM of Blood Legion, founder of roleplay here.
All of you who will partecipate in warhammer lore and roleplay!
now.... To Battle!
3.6 Greenskin
Statistics: Posted by Asherdoom — Tue May 19, 2015 1:23 am