Typical moaners again... Oh no, a 10p rise... but freezes in plenty of other areas. And a £1.50 increase on my monthly pass is hardly astronomic! And I won't have to pay that until March because of being on direct debit. nBus monthly pass was frozen this year.
I (will) pay £49.50 (currently £48) for a whole month of bus use - From Wolverhampton to Coventry. All the main roads have around a 5 minute frequency, or better, from 4am-ish to gone midnight. Apart from having no night buses at weekends, I can't see anything wrong with the service! With my £7/8 taxi fare when I go into the city centre of a weekend once a month, it's still less than £60... How much is it per month in London? £75.30!!! And that's just buses! The Tube goes far into the hundreds.
And NXWM have made a lot of improvements - Inspectors everywhere in the city centre. Checking bus tickets (such as this morning on mine). Cleaner buses... I've barely seen a Metro newspaper or empty can on the floor for a long while! Safer buses - they've invested in the Safer Travel scheme and I've noticed! I used to report something every week and now it's about once a year. Network West Midlands are changing the real time information to a new system this month and when it's switched on every bus will have it and the city centre screens will be switched on.