
Over the last few weeks we’ve been hard at work adding new question types and styles to our showcase survey; which highlights some of the best, most engaging question types at our disposal. Here we’ll look at two new types in greater depth; the media evaluator, webcam video capture whilst also taking the opportunity to remind you of a simple tool that is often overlooked. The media evaluator is often known by another name – the video dial test. Should a client provide us with a video clip, we can then upload it and include it in the survey before asking respondents to engage with the clip by moving a slider as it plays. In doing so, they are able to rate how engaging, or not, sections of the video are as it plays in real time; an alternative to the more traditional way of asking battery of questions after they’ve seen it. It doesn’t stop there either. Once the study has finished you can log in to the reporting console, play the video back and track the play against a line chart which displays the emotional response. The line chart can be cut by different questions too, so you can look at response by segments, such as ages or gender. Another new tool available to us is the ability to directly request a webcam from within the survey. Although currently only fully compatible with Flash enabled devices, we can ask the respondent if they would like to record a video from their webcam and upload it, all within the confines of the survey. They can re-record their video as many times as they like, then once they’ve recorded one they’re happy with and saved it we’re instantly notified. The video is stamped with a unique ID which is stored in one of our database and reconciled with their survey. Videos, up to five minutes in length can be recorded and further options are available, such as being able to publish videos to Facebook (consent withstanding) or the ability to brand the player to name just a couple. Finally, we want to cover off the embedded site. In many cases it’s quite simple to take the display off another website within a container so that the respondents can browse around and fully interact with the site, without ever being directed away for the survey. We’re as guilty as the next person (or agency) about overlooking this one, but more often than not when we demonstrate it we’re met with “oh, I didn’t know you could do that”. or the ability to brand the player to name just a couple. Here are a few examples of our new survey questions: Webcam Evaluator outputs Media evaluator If you’d like to see all our question types in more detail then please visit our showcase survey.        

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