
By Amy Erbacher

At the start of each year, ‘detox’ is on the cards for most clients I know. There are a plethora of detox programs available where the focus is to eliminate toxins internally by following a healthy eating plan and supplements.

Our skin is the largest organ, and according to research absorbs up to 60% off what we apply to our skin. Wouldn’t it make sense to eliminate toxins we apply topically to our skin by being mindful about what personal care products and beauty tools we use and how they could potentially be ruining our skin?

From a beauty therapist perspective, I‘d like to share with you four simple tips I often share with my clients. Sometimes the most simple tweaks in your beauty regime can make a vast improvement to your skin health.

How To Detox Your Skin From The Outside in:

STEP 1: Beauty products, not longer serve you

It’s wonderful for some of us ‘product junkies’ to have a collection of fabulous beauty products at our fingertips.
In my profession I consult many dry and inflamed skin conditions due to clients who over cleanse their skin by applying a cocktail of exfoliation products containing chemical acids such as AHA’S and BHA’S.

When used incorrectly and applied to the skin daily, you are giving yourself a slight chemical peel, thus creating skin sensitivity and even worse an impaired barrier function.

STEP 2: bespoke facial & spa treatment

A personal trainer and nutritionist will provide expert advice in regards to what types of exercises and diet work best for you and your body during a detox.

The skin is our largest organ and it’s visible! Whilst on a detox you may notice these toxins appear on the surface of your skin.

The usual tell tale signs are pimples, pustules, congestion, lumps and bumps, skin sensitivity and inflammation.

I highly advise seeing a professional skin therapist to assess your current skin condition. They can prescribe the best treatments, and skincare products tailored just for you. Most often I prescribe a detoxifying deep cleanse facial treatment, along with extractions to purge toxins and hurry this process along.
A facial and body treatment is also a great way to unwind and let the stressors of the outside world float away.  Stress can also play a major role by creating havoc within the skin.

STEP 3: Check the use by date on cosmetics

The start of any disciplined detox usually starts off with a decluttering process; I believe the same principle applies to your beauty products.

All beauty products have a use by date once opened. Over time product ingredients including essential oils and anti-oxidants may oxidize, losing their potent and effective benefits.

Other environmental factors to consider are heat, sunlight and water. Dipping your very own fingers into products such as creams will also affect the shelf life of products.

STEP 4: Toxic beauty tools

How often do you clean your facial cleansing device, cloths and body mitts? Dead skin cells and debris accumulate in these tools and you need to clean them regularly.

Makeup Brushes:

Cosmetics are an important investment to one’s skin health. By not cleaning your make up brushes regularly, you maybe washing money down the drain.

Bacteria can be found lurking in your foundation, bronzer and blush brushes. Dirty tools in contact with your skin everyday may lead to skin breakouts, congestion and sensitivity.


Clean brushes and beauty tools with your own gentle shampoo (try fragrance free) and  add a few drops of your favourite essential oils that have antibacterial properties such as Tea Tree and Eucalyptus.

Additionally, opt for an antibacterial spray, once the cleaning has been achieved place outside to dry out in the sun.

Cosmetic Bags

I love mineral make-up, but on the odd occasion when I don’t place the lid on my bronzer correctly, I tend to find shimmery powder dust everywhere! It goes without saying, be sure to clean out every so often.


I’m a tactile person and in my profession, my hands are my tools of the trade. Each time I work with a new client, my hands have to be squeaky clean.

Your hands are a breading ground for bacteria and if you are constantly picking and squeezing your face, this may create future breakouts and more skin issues. Be sure to wash your hands before you touch your face.

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