Two staff members from Arma developer Bohemia Interactive have been arrested on charges of espionage by Greek authorities, the studio has confirmed. The two Czech developers, aged 28 and 33, were detained as they photographed a military installation on the island of Lemnos. A third installment of ArmA, the tactical military shooter series which spawned hit zombie spin-off DayZ, has already been confirmed as featuring the Greek island. The pair were found to have videotaped and photographed military camps, Greek newspaper News237 reported. Their explanation was that the material would be used to aid the development of Arma 3. Bohemia Interactive boss Marek Spanel confirmed the news on the company’s official forum. “This is true,” Spanel said. “We prefer this topic not to be discussed on our forums at the moment, at least until we know more specific details about the case.” Source: Read more