
Hi, hopefully this will be a simple question to answer.

I have recently purchased ASGRD 2015 & wish to set-up a mutli user environment to use & administer connections with. We have never used, or installed any other version of ASGRD. This is the second time we have attempted to use the environment (with a clean attempt the second time).

The following has been completed as part of the installation/creation of the ‘environment’

• Software installed on multiple user desktops (licenced of course!)

• SQL database created through the environment wizard

• Activated the environmental permissions & ticked the following boxes … Activate User Permissions | Assign permissions to local account allowed | Show root items for all users

• Under tools & security groups added in an Active directory security group containing the members of the team who will be administering the product i.e. domain\security group. I am also listed as a user separately, though reluctant to take myself out, due to the problem’s I am having with the software.

When another team member attempt’s to connect to the database after setting up the environment onto their system, they get an error :

Connection could not be established – A connection to your current environment could not be established. Please select another one.

Any ideas?


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