

Vinyl outdoor storage sheds are one of the considerations if you want something tough, low maintenance and yet easy to build. Vinyl will keep your items protected for years … and they look pretty good in the back yard too. Here is a closer look at why vinyl makes a great choice, a few assembly tips, and even a bit of history about this very interesting material.

Why Choose Vinyl?

Vinyl outdoor storage sheds have a variety of advantages, including being very cost effective. There is no corrosion, mildew or rot to worry about, which makes maintenance a breeze. You’ll also love the fact that vinyl resists the weather beautifully. There is very little clatter from the rain and the sun won’t warp or crack outdoor vinyl sheds, either.

Some municipalities, however, consider the construction of outdoor vinyl sheds to beconstruction or building. Before you get started, it’s in your best interest to check into building codes and whether a building permit may be needed.

Building a vinyl shed is much like you build a metal or wood shed. A 2×4 frame and a foundation. The difference is the skin.

Sheets of vinyl are easier than other materials to work with, as you can cut vinyl with a utility knife. Simply score the vinyl and snap it for a clean cut! Be sure you drill holes for the screws to attach it to the frame, as the vinyl may crack if you try and screw into it without pre-drilled holes. Below, are tips to make a better shed even from a kit.

Tips for Kit Assembly:
Prepare the area before you start assembling the shed. The ground should be level and you may need a foundation. If its a large shed, it’s better to put in a floor. A simple foundation made from treated 2x6s or 2x8s (right) is a good idea, too. Do the assembly in the area you want the shed to be. Once assembled, the sheds become quite bulky and if you try to move it far, you could break or crack the vinyl.

Carefully follow the instructions when you are working with vinyl outdoor storage sheds in kit form. Use only the tools that are specified. Vinyl is not very forgiving. If it cracks, it’s cracked. No invisible patching. Also, you should never need to make a cut in the vinyl unless the kit instructionsspecifically say to. If you have a problem, or a panel is too wide or long, check the instructionsagain – you probably missed something.

Kits range from snap together small vertical sheds to large garage sized sheds with insulated windows, double doors and skylights. Many kits are indistinguishable in function and appearance from custom-built sheds! For more information on what’s available, what may be best for you and prices, search vinyl shed, vinyl outdoor storage sheds and vinyl shed kitsusing the Google Custom Search Box (upper right).

Vinyl actually began as gas around 1835, before the American Civil War. Two scientists accidentally discovered a new gas later called vinyl chloride. Nearly eight decades later, from this gas, a French scientist patented it! Later, in 1909, Gordo Prous, a chemist from Austria figured out how to make the actual material “vinyl.” But, as with many discoveries and inventions, the need remained in the future.

World War II, however, caused a shortage of rubber in the United States. Manufacturers began using this “new” invention to make many of the materials that had been made of rubber. Since it is lightweight and more durable, it has continued to be popular. Advances and experiments have created materials for vinyl outdoor storage sheds and even devices used in assisting astronauts land on the Moon! Gordo would be very proud.

Originally posted 2012-10-24 20:11:08. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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