
One big reason that solar power for homes has become so popular is the versatility that it offers.

Home solar power systems can be used in a variety of different ways, making it an excellent choice.

Solar power works by taking the radiation from the sun and turning it into usable energy.

This energy has many different applications that can be used in homes today which are both cost effective and practical. What could you power with a solar system in your home? Here is a look at just a few of the uses of solar power for the homeowner.

Heating Your Pool

One of the fun ways solar power for homes can be used is to heat your swimming pool! Swimming pools provide a wonderful option for exercise and relaxation, but it can get pretty expensive to keep the water warm enough for a comfortable swim. Solar pool heating is not cheap initially to install, but the cost saving benefits work out really good in the long run!.

With a good system in place, you can keep your pool water heated, enjoy a longer swimming season, and you can do it without the costs.

Solar heating is a more reliable option than a conventional system in many parts of the country and it only takes a few years to completely pay for itself. After that, the warm water is FREE! Okay … everybody in the pool!

Water Heating

Another specific way that you can use home solar power systems is to heat your household water system. Billions of dollars are spent in America every year, simply to pay for the energy to run a water heaters! This represents a lot of oil, nuclear, coal, hydro and other power sources to produce that energy. The water heater in your home is the one appliance using the most energy.

So, installing a solar system designed for water heating only offers you huge savings on the cost of your overall consumption. There are systems that mount on the roof, sit on the ground and attach to the exterior wall. And, with DIY solar power kits available, its yet another reason solar power for homes is such a wise investment.


One of the main advantages of solar power, of course, is that solar power for homes can include a system that provides electricity to the entirehome as well. In fact, in the United States, there are over 10,000 homes right now using solar energy forall their power needs.

Integrating into your home a complete solar power system could cost around $15,000 or more, but the ability to actually stop paying for power someday is quite the incentive. In the long run, you’ll actually end up saving money—not to mention greatly enhancing the equity and appeal of your home—by using solar for your all or part of your power needs.

Active vs. Passive Solar Heating

Solar systems give the homeowner two options. Active and passive. As the names imply, one has functions and features which actively create power and one is more inert. Both systems can be used as solar power for homes—and in many combinations—depending on the requirement and location(s) of the particular need.

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Active solar heating is more involved than passive and also provides more electricity and heat. This type relies on a collector, a system for storage, and a system for heat transfer so the energy is distributed through the home. Both liquid active systems and air active systems are available. Liquid systems, which are more efficient, collect energy using a liquid—such as water, propylyene glycol, antifreeze or other liquids—while the energy is absorbed through the air with active air systems. Active systems can produce power and store it in a DC (direct current) method. With the use of a solar power inverter the power is converted to AC (alternating current) for use through your present electrical system.

Passive solar heating is a bit different. Passive solar power for homes can only produce heat. Building materials and features are incorporated, such as double walling, energy absorbing materials , air flow control, etc., to absorb and release heat, helping to keep the temperature maintained. Features in the building, known as thermal mass, include brick walls, stone floors, and big windows. The home must be designed to circulate the heated air, without the need for any type of mechanical device, through your interior space in order to be effective. Older homes can be retrofitted, but its a challenge.

A great website, full of free information on green concepts and eco-friendly living from people who actually “live it” is Simple-Green-Living.com! Lots of first hand knowledge they share just for the love of it!

And, to add other Earth-friendly elements to your remodel projects consider products and materials created with conservation and environmental impact in mind. Save Green. Live Green. Explore a variety of Eco Options only at homedepot.com. Free shipping on many things!

Solar Heating Today A buyers guide to solar heating can get your questions answered. If you are considering solar heating or you just want to learn more about capturing free solar energy for pool heating, domestic hot water or radiant floor heating for your home or business … start here!

Today its much more than just solar powered light. The various types ofsolar power for homes provides homeowners with the ability to reduce their carbon footprint and take a giant step toward going green. If you want to green up your home while saving money, a good solar system or two is a great investment.

For more ideas, click on the links above or search solar power, residential solar products or solar diy in the Bing Custom Search over on the right of this page.

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