
Part One: Questions about the Bible


Scripture: From God to Us

What does it mean to say that the Bible is “inspired”?

In what way did the biblical authors use their own writing styles?

To what extent were the biblical writers controlled by the Holy Spirit as they wrote?

Were the New Testament writers aware that their writings were inspired by God and therefore authoritative?

What are some of the incorrect views of the inspiration of Scripture?

Objections to Inspiration and Inerrancy

Some critics question the Bible’s reliability by arguing that the Gospel writers were biased. How can we respond to this?

Why did God allow four Gospels into the Bible that have apparent contradictions?

Is science the judge and jury of the miracles in the Bible?

Can we trust that the biblical miracles really occurred?

Are science and the Bible irreconcilable?

How can we respond to the claim that some language in the Bible is scientifically incorrect?

The Trustworthiness of the Bible

Scholars say there is strong archeological evidence for the Bible. What is archeology?

Is archeology a science?

Why is archeology relevant to the Bible’s reliability?

What have archeologist discovered about cities in the Bible times?

How do archeologists study such cities upon mounds?

Is it true that archeological evidence for the Bible is presently fragmentary?

What are some examples of archeological discoveries related to Old Testament cities and peoples?

What are some examples of Old Testament archeological discoveries related to false religions mentioned in the Old Testament?

What are some example of Old Testament archeological discoveries related to language and writing?

What are some examples of Old Testament archeological discoveries related to ancient culture?

What are some examples of New Testament archeological discoveries related to ancient cities?

What are some examples of New Testament archeological discoveries related to famous personalities?

What are some examples of New Testament archeological discoveries related to notable locations?

How many New Testament manuscripts have been discovered?

Do any early manuscripts contain significant portions of the New Testament?

Do any manuscripts contain all or most of the New Testament?

What about support for the New Testament in the writings of the church fathers?

How many “variants” are in the manuscript copies of the New Testament?

What is the real significance of the variants in New Testament manuscripts?

How does textual criticism help to assure us of the reliability of the New Testament manuscript copies?

Does good manuscript support exist for the Old Testament?

What is an example of a Bible book discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls?

Does any biblical basis exist for the idea that God preserves Scripture through the ages?

The Books That Belong in the Bible

What is the canon of Scripture?

Were any of the New Testament books recognized as belonging in the canon when they were written?

How did the early church know which books belonged in the Bible?

What other considerations guided the early church on the canon?

Why were certain New Testament books doubted as belonging in the canon?

What is the Apocrypha, and why do Roman Catholic Bibles have it?

Why do Protestants reject the Apocrypha?

Is it true that Mark 16:9-20 does not belong in the Bible?

All About Bible Translations

Can we trust English translations of the bible from the original languages of Hebrew and Greek?

Why do translations differ? Doesn’t each Hebrew and Greek word have one essential meaning with an English counterpart?

Is it better to trust a translation done by a single scholar or one done by a committee of scholars?

Because Bible translators are separated from biblical culture by thousands of years, does that make the translation process harder?

How are Jewish idioms or figures of speech translated?

Did the ancient Jews use euphemisms? How do Bible translators handle these?

What is an example of a way Bible translators handle poetic features in the biblical text?

Why do some translations seem to use more technical theological words, while others use easy language?

Why are Bible translations different in how they handle money, weights, and measures?

Do all Bible translations involve a certain amount of interpretation among the translators?

What is the formal equivalence philosophy of Bible translation?

Does the formal equivalence philosophy of the Bible translation have any problems?

What is the dynamic equivalence philosophy of the Bible translation?

How do dynamic equivalence translations make the Bible easier to read?

Is there any historical precedent in support of dynamic equivalence translations?

Are there problems with the dynamic equivalence philosophy of Bible translation?

Can you give an example of how a dynamic equivalence translation might subtly change the meaning of a text?

What is a paraphrase?

What is the case for utilizing gender inclusive language in the Bible?

Are there problems with gender inclusive language?

Do gender inclusive translations change the Word of God?

What is your best advice on Bible Translations?

What about the King James Version? How can we respond to those who say it’s the only legitimate Bible?

Interpretation of Scripture: Sense and Nonsense

Is dependence upon the Holy Spirit necessary in order to rightly interpret Scripture?

Why, then do Spirit-filled Christians have different interpretations regarding what specific Bible verses mean?

One caricature people often have of Christians is that we interpret the Bible with wooden literalism. How can we respond to this claim?

What is the difference between exegesis and eisegesis?

What do you mean when you say that “Scripture interprets Scripture”?

How important is biblical history and culture in rightly understanding the biblical text?

What is the distinction between “descriptive” and the “prescriptive” verses as we seek to rightly interpret Scripture?

Do you have any tips on how to interpret the Old Testament?

Can you give an example of how to interpret the Old Testament according to the greater light of the New Testament?

Are the sayings in the book of Proverbs to be taken as promises from God?

Was Jesus in Matthew 13 supporting the idea that we should seek a hidden, secondary meaning in Scripture passages?

Why did Jesus engineer His parabolic teaching so that believers could understand His teaching but unbelievers could not (Matthew 13)?

Does the Bible teach “sola scriptura”?

Part Two: Questions about the Old and New Testaments

Common Questions about the Old Testament

In there any merit to the so-called “gap theory” regarding God’s work of creation (Genesis 1:1-2)?

Were the days mentioned in the creation account literal 24-hour days (Genesis 1:3-2:3)?

Genesis 2:17 indicates that Adam and Eve would die the day they ate of the forbidden fruit. But they didn’t die, did they?

Why was Abel’s offering accepted by God when Cain’s was rejected (Genesis 4:3-5)?

Where did Cain get his wife (Genesis 4:17)?

Is it true that people in the early centuries following the creation lived incredibly long lives (Genesis 5)?

Are the “sons of God” mentioned in Genesis 6:2 evil angels?

If the “sons of God” in Genesis 6:2 were not evil angels, then who could they have been?

Was the flood of Genesis 6-8 a universal flood or a local flood?

Why did God command Abraham to sacrifice his son as a burnt offering (Genesis 22:2)?

Why was the punitive measure of an “eye for eye” required in biblical times (Exodus 21:23-25)?

Why did God order the extermination of whole peoples (Deuteronomy 20:16-18)?

What are we to make of Joshua 10:12-14, which speaks of Joshua bidding the sun to stand still?

Did Jephthah sacrifice his daughter to God (Judges 11:30-31)?

What actually happened at Endor? Was the prophet Samuel actually summoned from dead by a witch (1 Samuel 28:3-25)?

Why did Solomon have so many wives (1 Kings 11:1-3)?

In one verse we are told that Satan incited David to take a census of Israel (1 Chronicles 21:1). In another verse we are told that the Lord incited David to take this census (2 Samuel 24:1). Which account are we to believe?

Is it true that “where there is no vision [for the future], the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18 KJV)?

Does Isaiah 53 teach that physical healing is guaranteed in the atonement?

Common Questions About the New Testament

Why would God give special revelation concerning Christ’s birth to astrologers (Matthew 2:1-2)?

Matthew 20:29 says Jesus healed two blind men as He left Jericho. Mark 10:46-52 and Luke 18:35-43 say Jesus healed one man as He entered Jericho. How can we reconcile this apparent contradiction?

Did Judas die by hanging or by falling onto some rocks (Matthew 27:5; Acts 1:18)?

Does Jesus advocate hating one’s mother, father, spouse, and children for His sake (Luke 14:26)?

Who are the “other sheep” mentioned in John 10:16?

Did Jesus teach that human beings are actual gods in John 10:34?

What did Jesus mean when He said we would do greater miracles than He did (John 14:12)?

Did early Christians practice communism (Acts 2:44-45)?

In what way was Jesus “made…to be sin” (2 Corinthians 5:21)?

Does 2 Corinthians 8:9 teach that financial prosperity is guaranteed in the atonement?

What does Scripture mean when it says an elder of the church must be “the husband of one wife” (1 Timothy 3:12)?

Does Revelation 7:4 teach that there will be only 144,000 “anointed” believers who go to heaven, with all other believers being assigned to live forever on a paradise earth?

Part 3: Questions About God

The Trinity

Was God lonely before He created the universe and the world of humankind?

Does the fact that the word Trinity is not in the Bible mean the doctrine in unbiblical?

Does the fact that God is not a God of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33) prove that the doctrine of the Trinity cannot be true, since this doctrine is hard to understand?

How can we respond to those who claim that the doctrine of the Trinity is rooted in Babylonian and Assyrian paganism?

What are some false views of the Trinity?

What biblical evidence is there for one God?

What is the biblical evidence for three persons who are called God?

What is the biblical evidence for three-in-oneness in the Godhead?

How can three “persons” be in one God?

Do even theologians struggle to understanding the Trinity?

Some verses say God the Father is the Creator; some say the Son is the Creator; and some say the Holy Spirit is the Creator. How do we reconcile these?

Should we be cautious about making absolute distinctions between the creative roles of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?

The King James Version rendering of 1 John 5:7 provides clear proof for the Trinity. However, scholars now say the words in this verse are not in the earliest Greek manuscripts. Does this mean the doctrine of the Trinity is not true?

Common Errors About God

Is “Jehovah” God’s true name?

Does the fact that God had to rest after six days of creation mean He is not all-powerful (Genesis 2:2)?

Is it true that the God of the Old Testament is a God of judgment and wrath while the God of the New Testament is a God of love?

What is modalism?

What is pantheism?

How does pantheism deal with the reality of evil?

Some cultists teach that in the Old Testament Jesus is “Yahweh” and the Father is “Elohim”. How can we disprove this idea from the Bible?

Does Genesis 1:26-27 teach that there is more than one God?

What are we to make of the plural pronouns used of God in Genesis 1:26 and elsewhere?

Does Psalm 82:1,6 indicate that there are many gods in the universe?

Does 1 Corinthians 8:5 indicate that there are many gods in the universe?

How can we respond to the claim that Christianity sets forth a “Father” concept of God and is therefore sexist?

Does the fact that Moses spoke to God “face to face” mean that God has a physical body (Exodus 33:11)?

Does the fact that Moses saw God’s “back” mean God has a physical body (Exodus 33:21-23)?

Does the fact that human beings are created in the image of God mean that God has a physical body like we do (Genesis 1:26-27)?

Does the fact that Jesus said, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father,” mean the Father has a physical body like Jesus does (John 14:9)?

Understanding the Holy Spirit

Does the Holy Spirit’s lack of a name indicate that the Spirit is not a person?

Does the fact that the Holy Spirit fills many people at the same time indicate that the Holy Spirit is not a person but is rather a force (Acts 2:4)?

What is some biblical evidence that the Holy Spirit has a mind, and is therefore a person?

What biblical evidence is there that the Holy Spirit has emotions, and is therefore a person?

What biblical evidence is there that the Holy Spirit has a will, and is therefore a person?

Do the Holy Spirit’s works confirm His personality?

Did the disciples receive the Holy Spirit before the day of Pentecost (John 20:21-22)?

Was the prophecy of Joel 2:28-32 completely fulfilled on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:16)?

Is the baptism of the Holy Spirit the same thing as the filling of the Holy Spirit?

What does the Bible say about speaking in tongues? Is this a gift I should be seeking?

What is the difference between natural talents and spiritual gifts?

Is the practice of being “slain in the spirit” a biblical practice?

What is the sin against the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:31-32)?

Humanity of Jesus

What does the name “Jesus” mean?

What is the theological significance of Matthew’s genealogy of Christ (Matthew 1:1-16)?

What is the theological significance of the Luke’s genealogy of Christ (Luke 3:23-38)?

Did Jesus, who is eternal God, become fully man?

Was Christ in His human nature different in any respect from other humans?

How can we answer the claim of some critics that some events in the New Testament, such as the virgin birth, are rooted in pagan mythology?

Why was the virgin birth necessary?

What was the “star” the magi saw when Christ was born (Matthew 2:2,7,9)?

In what sense did Christ “make himself nothing” in the incarnation (Philippians 2:6-11)? Did He give up some or all of His divine attributes?

How can two natures—–a divine nature and a human nature—–be united in the one person of Jesus Christ?

Did Jesus in the incarnation have contradictory qualities?

Did Christ manifest both human and divine attributes during His three-year ministry?

Does Christ’s human-divine union last forever?

Could Christ have sinned as a human being?

Jesus and the Father: Equally Divine

Is Proverbs 8:22-23 referring to Jesus, and if so, does this mean Jesus is a created being?

Does the fact that Jesus is called a “Mighty God” in Isaiah 9:6 mean He is a lesser God than “God Almighty” (the Father)?

Isaiah wasn’t teaching that there are two mighty Gods in heaven, right?

Was Jesus implying that He was not good in Mark 10:17-18? Is this an argument against His deity?

Does the fact that Jesus said no one knows the day or hour of His return except the Father mean that He is less than God Almighty (Mark 13:32)?

How do we know Christ was omniscient?

Does John 1:1 in the Greek say Jesus is God, or does it say He is merely “a god”?

Does the fact that Jesus is called God’s “only begotten Son” prove that Jesus is not God (John 3:16 KJV)?

What did Jesus mean when He said the Father is “greater” than He (John 14:28)?

Does the fact that Jesus made reference to “my God” (John 20:17) prove that He Himself is not God?

In what sense is God the “head” of Christ (1 Corinthians 11:3)?

Does the fact that Jesus is called the “firstborn” mean He is a created being (Colossians 1:15)?

Some say Christ is a created being because He is called “the beginning of God’s creation” in Revelation 3:14. How can we respond to this idea?

Evidence for the Deity of Christ

Are the names of deity ascribed to Christ?

Is the divine name “I am” ascribed to Christ?

Does Christ’s role as Creator of the universe constitute a proof of His deity?

Does Christ’s role as Savior point to His deity?

Does Jesus have the glory of Yahweh?

Will we witness Jesus’ divine glory in the afterlife?

How can Christ as the “crucified One” be God?

Does the fact that Christ is the giver of life indicate His deity?

Does Jesus’ title as “Son of God” point to His deity?

Is Christ’s Sonship an eternal Sonship?

What is the significance of Jesus pronouncing people’s sins forgiven?

Why did Jesus always say “Truly, truly I say to you” (see John 1:51, for example) instead of “Thus says the Lord,” like the Old Testament prophets did (as in Isaiah 45:1)?

Was Jesus claiming deity when He said that He and the Father “are one” (John 10:30)?

Was Jesus worshipped as deity in the New Testament?

Did Jesus ever attempt to stop or correct people from worshipping Him?

What does Jesus’ acceptance of worship reveal about what He thought of Himself?

Christ in the Old Testament

Is there a reference to Jesus as the “Son of God” in the Old Testament?

What is the case for Melchizedek being a preincarnate appearance of Christ in the Old Testament?

What is a “theophany”?

Is the “Angel of the Lord” identified as being Yahweh, thus distinct from all other angels?

Did Yahweh send the Angel of Yahweh into the world?

Do the particular ministries of the Angel of Yahweh point to His identity as the preincarnate Christ?

Does the Angel of Yahweh appear in the New Testament?

In what sense can Christ be called “Angel” (“Angel of Yahweh”)?

The Resurrection of Christ

How important an issue is the resurrection?

How did Jesus initially reveal His resurrection to His followers?

How did Jesus continue to prove His resurrection to His followers?

What can we say to those who claim the disciples just made up Jesus’ resurrection?

Are there any early written records of Jesus’ resurrection?

Does 1 Corinthians 15:44-50 indicate that Jesus resurrected in a spiritual body?

Does 1 Peter 3:18 indicate that Jesus experienced a spiritual resurrection from the dead?

What scriptural considerations support the idea that Jesus resurrected physically?

If Jesus’ resurrection body was physical in nature, how could He get into closed rooms, apparently by materialization (John 20:19)?

Is there any legitimacy to Hugh Schonfield’s “Passover Plot” theory?

How can we respond to the so-called “swoon theory” of the resurrection?

How can we respond to those who try to explain away Christ’s resurrection by saying the women and the disciples went to the wrong tomb?

How could Jesus have remained in the tomb “three days and three nights” if He was crucified on Friday and rose on Sunday?

Error About Christ  

Some claim Jesus was Michael the archangel in the Old Testament, is this view correct?

Was Jesus the spirit-brother of Lucifer, as Mormons claim?

New Agers say that a human Jesus became the Christ as an adult. How can we respond to this?

Did Jesus go to India during His childhood years and study under Indian gurus, as New Agers claim?

Did Jesus ever get married?

How can we respond to those who say that Jesus was just a good moral teacher?

How can we respond to cults who teach that Jesus is the Father and the Holy Spirit?

Does the fact that Jesus is called “Everlasting Father” in Isaiah 9:6 mean that Jesus is the Father?

Does John 10:30 teach that Jesus and the Father are the same person?

Does John 14:7-11 prove that Jesus is God the Father, as some cultists claim?

Does 2 Corinthians 3:17 prove that Jesus is the Holy Spirit, as some cultists claim?

Part 5: Questions about Humanity

The Origins of Humankind

Do scientists believe our universe had a beginning?

Is there evidence that an Intelligent Designer was involved in the creation of the universe?

Does the fossil evidence support or contradict evolution?

Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible?

Is evolution’s dependence on ongoing positive mutations feasible?

How do positive mutations relate to the information in DNA?

Does the second law of thermodynamics contradict evolution?

Does the second law of thermodynamics indicate that the universe had a beginning?

Do evolutionists make false claims about having observed evolution in progress?

Is theistic evolution a biblical concept?

Is man composed of two aspects (body and soul/spirit) or three aspects (body, soul, and spirit)?

What does the Bible say about the equality of the races?

What does the Bible say about male-female equality?

Humans Related to God

How can man’s free will be reconciled with God’s sovereignty?

What is the distinction between God’s sovereignty and naturalistic determinism?

How do the major theological “camps” handle the issue of God’s “predeterminism” as related to the doctrines of salvation?

If it is true that God is sovereign in all things, then why should we pray?

What kinds of things ought to be included in our daily prayers?

How can prayer be beneficial to my life?

What guidance does Scripture provide regarding getting our prayers answered?

Does God hear the prayers of non-Christians?

How can God say He loves Jacob but hates Esau (Romans 9:13)?

It seems cruel that God hardened Pharaoh’s heart (Exodus 4:21). Is that fair?

Some Scriptures say that God does not change His mind (1 Samuel 15:29). Other Scriptures seem to portray God changing His mind (see verse 11). What are we to make of this?

Does God always heal when Christians ask for it?

Should Christians who are hurting in their relationship with God or struggling with a behavioral problem seek help from pastoral counseling, or is it better to join a recovery group?

The Human Fall into Sin

What is “original sin”?

Was death the result of sin?

Does the Bible make a distinction between mortal sins and venial sins?

Does God punish children for their parents’ sins (Numbers 14:18)?

Is it possible for the Christian to attain sinless perfection in this life?

How can we respond to New Agers who say that Jesus taught that man’s basic problem is ignorance of his divinity?

What is the “sin that leads to death” mentioned in 1 John 5:16-17?

Part 6: Questions About Salvation

The Gospel That Saves

Are the heathen really lost?

Is it possible that the heathen can become saved through other religions?

Has God given a witness to the heathen by putting His law in their hearts?

Has God given a witness to the heathen in the universe around us?

What it the heathen respond positively to the “light” of their conscience or God’s witness of Himself in the creation?

What is universalism?

Do those who teach universalism appeal to Scripture?

How do we know some people will be unsaved in the end?

What is the gospel?

Do people have to plead for mercy in order to be saved?

Must we successfully follow Christ’s example in order to be saved?

Is prayer a requirement to be saved?

Does Psalm 19:1 tell us the gospel of Jesus Christ can be found in the stars (or the zodiac)?

What is the theological doctrine known as justification?

What is the difference between the Roman Catholic view of justification and the Protestant view?

Does redemption have an objective basis?

Where does the word Christian come from?

Why are Christians called “saints”?

Is it possible for a sinner to become saved following the moment of death?

What about 1 Peter 3:18-19? Does this verse indicate that the gospel can be preached to the dead, implying a second chance?

What about 1 Peter 4:6? Does this verse imply a second chance?

The Security of the Christian’s Salvation

Is it true that faith in Christ alone saves a person?

What does James 2:17,26 mean when it says that faith without works is dead?

What about James 2:21? Does this verse teach that Abraham was justified before God by works and not by faith?

What is the “Lordship salvation” issue all about?

What does the Bible say about our eternal security in salvation?

Does Hebrews 6:4-6 teach that Christians can lose their salvation?

Can a Christian have his or her name blotted out of the book of life (Revelation 3:5)?

God’s Part and Man’s Part

What is the case for election being based on God’s foreknowledge?

Are there theological problems with the view that election is based on God’s foreknowledge?

What is the case for election being based on God’s sovereignty?

Are there theological problems with the view that election is based on God’s sovereign choice?

What facts can we all agree on regarding the doctrine of election?

I’ve heard people describe Reformed theology with the acronym TULIP. What does this mean?

What do Arminians believe?

What is the doctrine known as “limited atonement”?

What verses are cited in support of the doctrine of limited atonement?

What are the primary arguments offered in support of limited atonement?

What are the scriptural arguments that prove the doctrine of unlimited atonement?

Does the doctrine on unlimited atonement fit well with the universal proclamation of the gospel?

How can we put the “limited” and “unlimited” verses together so that, taken as a whole, all the verses are interpreted in a harmonious way without contradicting each other?

The Role of Baptism

What is the case for baptism by sprinkling?

What is the biblical case for baptism by immersion?

Does Acts 2:38 teach that a person must be baptized in order to be saved?

Does Mark 16:16 teach that a person must be baptized in order to be saved?

Does John 3:1-5 teach that a person must be baptized in order to be saved?

Can we be sure that baptism in not necessary for salvation?

Are we to be baptized only “in the name of Jesus Christ” (Acts 2:38), and not in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?

Does the reference to “baptism for the dead” in 1 Corinthians 15:29 mean that we can be baptized on behalf of our dead loved ones?

What is the case for the baptism of infants?

What is the case against the baptism of infants?

Christians as Witnesses

Is there a sense in which all of us are missionaries?

Some people claim that Jesus is “one of many ways to God”. As witnesses of Christ, how can we respond to this idea?

How can we go about witnessing to Jews?

What broad and increasingly specific messianic prophecies would you suggest for my “circles of certainty” in witnessing to Jews?

How can we arouse the liberal Christian’s interest in true Christianity?

Witnessing to Muslims?

How can I take to a Muslim about Jesus?

Will Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross make sense to a Muslim?

How can I talk to a Muslim about the Islamic view that salvation hinges on good works?

Should I give the Muslim a Bible?

Is there any other advice you can give?

Witnessing to Children

Is there an “age of accountability” – that is, an age at which children become responsible before God?

Is it possible to evangelize little children, or should we wait until they are older?

How can gospel truths be shared with children?

How can we explain to children what Jesus did for us at the cross?

How can we explain to children that salvation is a free gift?

What if my child has questions?

If my child responds positively to the gospel, what next?

All About the Church

Does being “saved” make you a part of the universal church?

Is it okay for Christians not to attend a local church?

Was the church existent in Old Testament times?

Is Peter the “rock” upon which the church is built (Matthew 16:18)?

Does the Bible teach that the Christian church today can have fallible prophets?

How do we know the New Testament prophets were on the same level of infallibility as the Old Testament prophets?

Are there apostles today?

What is the case for the ordination of women in the church?

What is the case against the ordination of women in the church?

What is the case for worshipping on Saturday instead of Sunday?

When did Christians start worshipping on Sunday? And what was the main reason for the switch?

Do those who worship on Sunday believe they are fulfilling the spirit of the Sabbath by worshipping on the Lord’s Day?

What are some biblical and theological reasons for worshipping on Sunday instead of Saturday?

How do churches differ on the issue of what kind of music to include in worship services?

What is the case for using only traditional hymns in church services?

What is the case for using contemporary Christian music in worship service?

What can all churches agree on, regardless of the type of music they use in church services?

Why do some churches refuse to use musical instruments in worship services?

What is the case for using musical instruments in church services?

What does the New Testament teach on tithing?

Is the starting point for having a right attitude toward tithing a giving of ourselves to the Lord?

Is church discipline a biblical mandate?

What are the different views of the Lord’s Supper?

Should foot washing be practiced in churches today?

Part 7: Questions About Angels and Demons

Angels Among Us

Why are angels called “sons of God” in the Old Testament?

When were the angels created?

How many angels are there?

What are angels like?

Are angels personal beings?

In what ways are angels “ministering spirits” (Hebrews 1:14)?

Do all angels have wings?

Are there ranks among the angels?

Does God need angels in order to accomplish His work in the universe?

Does God always answer our prayers by Himself, or does He sometimes use angels?

Do Christians have a single guardian angel that stays with them throughout life?

How do we reconcile the doctrine of guardian angels with the fact that bad things sometimes happen to us?

Do humans become angels at the moment of death?

Can angels take on the appearance of human beings?

What is the distinction between evil and elect angels?

The Devil and His Fallen Angels

Is Ezekiel 28:11-17 a reference to the fall of Lucifer?

What descriptive characteristics in Ezekiel 28:11-17 lead Bible expositors to believe this may be a reference to Lucifer?

What does Ezekiel 28:11-17 reveal about Lucifer’s actual fall?

What does it mean that Lucifer was “cast” down to the ground (Ezekiel 28:17)?

Does Isaiah 14:12-17 refer to the fall of Lucifer?

Where did the demons come from?

What do we learn about Satan from the titles used of Him in the Bible?

Can Christians become demon-possessed?

What can Satan and demons do to Christians?

Are all sicknesses caused by demonic spirits?

Does Satan have the ability to read our thoughts?

In what way is Satan a counterfeiter?

What defenses does the Christian have against Satan and the powers of darkness?

Does the reference to “binding” and “loosing” in the New Testament indicate that we have authority over the powers of darkness (Matthew 18:18)?

Part 8: Questions About Prophecy and the Afterlife

The Prophetic Future

What is dispensationalism?

What are all the dispensations in Scripture?

What is the rapture?

What is the biblical case for the pretribulational view of the rapture?

Is it God’s typical pattern to deliver His people before judgment falls?

Does Christ’s second coming “with” His saints support the pretribulational rapture theory?

Do pretribulationists believe there will be believers during the tribulation period?

Does a pretribulational rapture relate to the apostasy that will come upon the earth in the end times?

What is the posttribulational view of the rapture?

How do posttribulationists and pretribulationists differ on some of the finer points of end-times prophecy?

Does church history support posttribulationism?   

If posttribulationism is correct, then who will populate the millennial kingdom in mortal bodies?

What is the biblical case for and against the midtribulational view of the rapture?

What is the biblical case for and against the pre-wrath view of the rapture?

What is the biblical case for the partial rapture theory?

What is the biblical case against the partial rapture theory?

How is the rapture to be distinguished from the second coming of Christ?

What are some key verses on the rapture and the second coming of Christ?

Is the rapture of the church an imminent event?

How does the imminence of the rapture relate to the pursuit of personal purity among Christians?

In what sense is the rapture a “mystery”?

What will the future tribulation period be like?

Can you explain the timing of Daniel’s 70 weeks (Daniel 9:25-27)?

What is “replacement theology”?

What does Joshua 21:43-45 have to do with replacement theology?

What is the problem with how replacement theologians interpret Joshua 21:43-45?

Are there other verses that argue against the replacement theology explanation of Joshua 21:43-45?

Contrary to the claims of replacement theology, aren’t the church and Israel still seen to be distinct in the New Testament?

Does replacement theology go against a literal interpretation of biblical prophecy?

What is the case for America being only indirectly mentioned in Bible prophecy?

If America is not mentioned in Bible prophecy at all, then why not?

What is the biblical case for premillennialism?

What is the biblical case for amillennialism?

What is the biblical case for postmillennialism?

What is preterism?

What are the two forms of preterism?

Does Matthew 24:34 support preterism?

Does Matthew 16:28 support preterism?

Do prophetic verses which say Jesus will come “quickly” support preterism?

What the book of Revelation written prior to AD 70, as preterists claim?

Will the second coming of Christ be a physical, visible event, or will it be a spiritual event, as some cultist argue?

Should Christians be involved in setting dates for the rapture or the second coming of Christ?

The Wonder of Heaven

What actually happens at the moment of death?

How long will people remain in a bodiless state?

The Bible speaks of three different heavens. What are we to make of this?

Will our present earth and universe be destroyed? If so, why?

What does the Bible say about the new heaven and new earth?

Will we live forever on this new earth?

Does the fact that “flesh and blood” cannot enter into God’s kingdom mean that our resurrection bodies will not be physical?

What will worship be like in the eternal state?

Will we serve God in the afterlife?

Will we be able to study God’s glorious nature throughout eternity?

Do babies and little children go to heaven at the moment of death?

Will we recognize our Christian loved ones in the afterlife?

Will our children still be our children in the afterlife?

Will husbands and wives still be married in the afterlife?

Is it possible that animals have an afterlife like humans do?

How can we be happy in heaven knowing that some people are suffering in hell?

The Judgment of Humankind

Is it true that Christians will stand before the judgment seat of Christ?

Will the Christian be judged on his or her actions while on the earth?

Will our thoughts come under scrutiny at the judgment seat of Christ?

Will the words we spoke on the earth be judged?

What kinds of rewards will believers receive at the judgment seat of Christ?

Are our “crowns” intended to glorify us or God?

How can we be happy throughout eternity if we don’t fare well at the judgment seat of Christ?

What is the great white throne judgment?

Is there really such a thing as hell?

Why is hell sometimes called Gehenna?

Does God really send anyone to hell?

Is the fire of hell literal, or is it a metaphorical way of describing punishment?

Are there degrees of punishment in hell?

Will the punishment of the wicked in hell be an eternal punishment, or is it just temporary?

What is the “intermediate state” like for the unsaved? If they’re not in hell yet, are they in a place of suffering?

Will unbelievers be resurrected as believers will be?

Erroneous Views of the Afterlife

What is annihilationism?

How do we know annihilationism is not correct?

Is it correct to say that annihilationism is ultimately unjust as a punishment?

Does annihilationism ultimately provide an escape from punishment?

Does consciousness vanish at the moment of death?

What is purgatory?

Is purgatory a biblical doctrine?

What is reincarnation?

What are some practical problems in believing in reincarnation?

What are some biblical problems with the doctrine of reincarnation?

Why do New Agers say that Matthew 11:14 proves that Jesus taught reincarnation?

Why do New Agers say that John 3:3 proves that Jesus taught reincarnation?

Near-Death Experiences

What kinds of things happen in a so-called near-death experience (NDE)?

Do all people who claim this experience have all these characteristics?

Can near-death experiences be explained as a result of a lack of oxygen to the brain?

Can near-death experiences be explained as a deeply embedded memory of the birth experience?

Can near-death experiences be explained in terms of trauma to the brain?

But how are resuscitation attempts to be explained?

Is satanic deception a possible explanation for near-death experiences?

What kinds of psychic powers might develop in a person who has undergone a near-death experience?

Who is the “being of light” often encountered in so-called near death experiences? Is it Jesus Christ?

What kinds of things does this “counterfeit Jesus” teach during near-death experiences?

Is it possible that the “Jesus” {being of light} of near-death experiences is actually a lying spirit?

Is there such a thing as a hellish near-death experience?

Can you give an example of a so-called near-death experience?

Do these near-death experiences involve actual deaths?

Are there any near-death experiences in the Bible?

Must all near-death experiences be rejected?

So, should we accept what best-selling Christians books say about visits to heaven following alleged near-death experiences?

Part 9: Questions About Apologetic Issues

Apologetics and the Christian

Should every Christian be involved in apologetics?

How do we know it is God’s will for all Christians to be involved in apologetics?

What are the benefits of apologetics?

Why is the relativistic view of truth wrong?

What are some examples of self-defeating arguments when it comes to the issue of truth?

What is agnosticism?

What’s the problem with agnosticism?

What is skepticism?

What’s the problem with skepticism?

How can we respond to critics who argue that the miracles recorded in the Bible are the fantasies of ignorant people in biblical times who did not understand the laws of nature?

What is the cosmological argument for God’s existence?

What is the teleological argument for God’s existence?

What is the ontological argument for God’s existence?

What is the moral argument for God’s existence?

What is the anthropological argument for God’s existence?

Are these kinds of logical arguments convincing to unbelievers?

What can we say to the atheist who flatly asserts that there is no God?

What can we say to the atheist who claims there can’t be a God because so much evil is in the world?

How does human free will –and the free choice to sin –explain evil in our world?

Couldn’t God have created human beings so that they never would have sinned?

Since God gave human beings free will, isn’t God then responsible for evil?

Wouldn’t a good God get rid of all evil right now?

When will God deal with evil definitively?

Is our discontent with the problem of evil partially rooted in our limited understanding?

Can God strengthen a Christian’s faith through evil and suffering?

Can God bring about saving faith in many people by allowing evil and suffering?

Does God sometimes allow evil and suffering as a means of engaging in character development in our lives?

Meanwhile, what is God doing to keep evil from mushrooming out of control?

Apologetics and Intelligent Design Theory

What is intelligent design theory?

Are there any verses in the Bible that support the idea of the universe being created by intelligent design?

Can we really recognize signs of intelligence in the universe?

What is “irreducible complexity,” and how does it help us recognize signs of intelligence in the universe?

What is an example of something in the world of nature that is “irreducibly complex,” thereby pointing to the existence of an intelligent designer?

Is there another good example from the world of nature that illustrates “irreducible complexity”?

What kind of irreducible complexity do we see at the molecular level?

Is intelligent design evident in DNA?

What is the anthropic principle, and how does it relate to intelligent design?

What are some examples of how things are fine-tuned for life on the earth?

What can we conclude from such fine-tuning of our universe?

Have any scientists come to faith as a result of evidence for intelligent design?

Answering Objections

Does intelligent design theory stifle scientific inquiry by attributing what may not yet be understood to an unknowable cause (that is God)?

If intelligent design –which requires the miraculous –is true, does this dependence on the miraculous rob the universe of regularity and uniformity, thereby making true science impossible?

Do those who hold to intelligent design theory have a creationist bias in their examination of the data?

Does the reality that the universe has apparent design flaws prove that an Intelligent Designer does not exist?

Apologetics and Danger Zone Issues

Is it okay for Christians to get hypnotized?

What is “holistic” health care?

Is there a danger to “holistic” health care?

Is it okay for Christians to practice meditation?

Is it okay for Christians to read horoscopes?

What’s wrong with “positive thinking” or “possibility thinking”?

Is the phenomenon known as “holy laughter” biblical?

Is it okay for a Christian to become a Mason?

What do you think about the appearances of the Virgin Mary in such places as Fatima, Lourdes, Guadalupe, and Medjugorje?

Was Nostradamus a Christian prophet?

Understanding UFOs

Is it possible that there is life on other planets?

Why would God create such as vast universe if He didn’t intend to populate other planets?

How could unfallen aliens live in the same universe as fallen earthlings?

Does Ezekiel 1 make reference to a UFO landing?

What are some of the natural explanations of UFO sightings?

Do some people today claim to receive messages from “space brothers” aboard UFOs?

Is it true that many alleged UFO abductions have been or are presently involved in the occult?

Apologetics and the Cults

What is a cult?

What do cults teach about new revelations from God?

What are some examples of cults that deny the sole authority of the Bible?

What are some examples of cults that distort the doctrines of God and Jesus Christ?

What are some examples of cults that deny salvation by grace?

What are some examples of how cults can be authoritarian?

What are some examples of how cults can be exclusivist?

What are some examples of how cults engage in extreme dogmatism?

What are some examples of cults that are isolationists?

Do cults sometimes threaten satanic attack for offenders?

Are sincere cultists lost?

Does Scripture say we should never let cultists into our houses?

Do the Scriptures teach that human beings are (or can become) “little gods”?

Doesn’t human ignorance of alleged divinity prove that human beings are not God?

Controversial Issues Related to Cults

Is it wrong to wear a cross, as the Jehovah’s Witnesses claim?

Is it wrong to celebrate birthdays, as some cultists claim?

Against the cultic view, aren’t birthdays portrayed in a positive light in the book of Job?

Do the Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that it is wrong to receive a blood transfusion?

Why did God prohibit the eating or drinking of blood?

Is “eating” blood the same as a blood transfusion?

Is it against God’s will for Christians to celebrate Christmas?

Is Christmas based on the date of a pagan ritual?

Part 10: Questions About Ethics

Ethics and the Christian Life

What does the Bible say about charity?

Is it ever right for the Christian to lie?

What does Scripture teach about obedience to the government?

Is it ever right to disobey the government?

What does Scripture say about drinking?

What principles can guide us regarding whether or not we should drink wine?

Are there any commandments in the Bible against smoking cigarettes?

What does Scripture say about premarital sex?

Is homosexuality acceptable to God?

Is it permissible for the Christian to get divorced?

Does the Bible support slavery?

Ethical Issue Related to Death

What does the Bible say about suicide?

How does the sixth commandment (of the Ten Commandments) relate to the issue of suicide?

Did people in Bible times ever think about suicide?

Is suicide an unforgiveable sin?

Is capital punishment supported by the Bible?

Is cremation following death permissible for Christians?

Christian Views of War  

What is the case for the activist view of war?

What’s the problem with activism?

What is the case for the pacifist view of war?

What’s the problem with pacifism?

What is the case for the selectivist view of war?

Is there a case for self-defense in the Bible?

What are the principles of a “just war”?

Responding to the Arguments for Abortion

How can we respond to the claim of abortionists that the baby in the womb is not really human until it is born?

How can we respond to the claim of some abortionists that because the unborn baby is not conscious, abortion is acceptable?

How can we respond to the claim of some abortionists that because abortions are going to occur anyway, whether we like it or not, we might as well legalize them?

How can we respond to the claim that having an abortion is more merciful than giving birth to a child with birth defects?

How can we respond to the claim of abortionists that because women have the right to control their own bodies, they can therefore have an abortion if the baby is unwanted?

Is abortion okay in the case of rape?

Now, you know the questions asked and answered in Ron Rhodes book “The Big Book of Bible Answers: A Guide To Understanding The Most Challenging Questions”, so visit your favorite Christian book retailer and purchase a copy today to learn the answers to all of these challenging questions asked by both believers and unbelievers of The Holy Bible (THE WORD OF GOD).

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